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Pet Project and Subs Rock shorts


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The next two shorts for August:

Pet Project-"May the Best Pet Win": Sunset Edition. Cute although kind of hard to see how this new pet fits her with not much personality we've been given. But hey glad she takes interest to be part of the group.

Subs Rock-And the Principal gets a solo appearance before the Princess. Still Nicole definitely played the part well. I especially loved that line about "having Vice Principal Luna handle it" Glad to see she trust her sister enough.

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I thought that Pet Project was cute, but Subs Rock was my favorite out of the two.

So far this year has been pretty good for Celestia given how she has had two major episodes giving her some much needed character development as well as getting her own EQG short.

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So the Celestia short pretty much confirmed my thoughts I've had on her for a while now. Celestia, despite having stepped up to fill the role required of her, Princess/Principal, just wants to teach. I know a lot of fans saw her as some super powered god-like character when the show first started, and were disappointed when she didn't turn out that way, but I like this better. I like the idea that, despite her great power and authority as a alicorn princess, she really only desires to teach young minds.

Also, Sunny and Ray are adorable together.

Edited by ShootingStar159
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These shorts never fail to make me smile.

Pet Project is very cute with all those lovely animals. I also like Spike being all smug like he was saying, "Deal with it."

I do understand how hard teaching can be for Principal Celestia with all those interruptions. It reminded me of my Life Skills sessions back at college as it had all the unexpected turns of events.

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These are my favourites so far. First narrative shorts to not look like they were made by aliens with no sense of natural movement, but also adorable in their own right. "Pet Project" is just very sweet, although the animation is still oddly simple for this series, and that heart thing when Sunset sees Ray is awful. 

"Subs Rock" is my favourite Equestria Girls thing since "Friendship Games," and while the facial animation is still a little off IMO, that development for Principal Celestia is pretty fantastic. Learning that, in reality, she just wants to teach is wonderful. It's also the funniest of these so far. Glad these shorts have improved since those cheap early ones. 

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Both shorts are nice and funny, but they made me like EQG versions of Twilight, Spike and Celestia a lot less.

I didn't like from the beginning that Spike was turned into a dog when going through the portal, but this short just put him at non-sapient creatures level. For me, his role in EQG universe doesn't give him tools to grow and that's the best feature I like from dragon Spike, so dog Spike has pretty much just fallen from my grace.

With Scitwi I just remembered someone from when I attended middle school bragging about knowing it all... Girl, if you were ready for an individual research program, why are you bragging in a "lower prestigious" classroom? I know this is just my bias, but I didn't like that attitude at all.

Principal Celestia was ok at first, but after the second interruption it just went dumb. Why would she go to fill out a teacher's class if she wasn't even done with her responsibilities as principal? At the very least I would expect her to delegate everything she hadn't done to Luna.

I am overthinking about it too much, but it's just the first things that jumped into my head while seeing the shorts.

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Better than the previous Summertime shorts: That's not much of an accomplishment, but it still needs to be said.

Pet project was basically "May the best pet win: sunset edition", and was cute, but was also kind of banal. Not much to it. Just an average 5/10 episode. But, Like I said, LOADS better than the previous crap we got so far from the shorts.

Heh, I will admit, I did actually chuckle and enjoy the celestia one though. Her eye twitch near the end was pretty good, and I did enjoy celestia's beleaguered personality in it. Also kind of had to ask "What the heck is Dash doing outside the school during class hours with that ball?" :P

Principal celestia is WAY different than normal celestia though, Princess celestia comes off as WAY more composed than this.




Kind of wish Sunset had adopted that cat from the previous music video instead, but I guess Rarity already has a cat and they don't do repeats. Kind of find it funny how gummy is a stuffed animal in this world though. Its not like pet gators don't exist in real life :P

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1 hour ago, DonMaguz said:

I didn't like from the beginning that Spike was turned into a dog when going through the portal, but this short just put him at non-sapient creatures level. For me, his role in EQG universe doesn't give him tools to grow and that's the best feature I like from dragon Spike, so dog Spike has pretty much just fallen from my grace.

Honestly, of all the things in EqG that have managed to win my interest over time, puppy!Spike is one of few things that I actually become less interested in. His position just kind of prevents him from filling the "supporter" role his Equestrian counterpart does, and apart from the climax of "Friendship Games" I can't even see much they could do with him. His part seems to have been increasingly downplayed, and it's just as well really; every time he appeared in the specials, my reaction was little more than "Oh yeah, he's a thing". He doesn't even have the intrigue that I get out of watching the ponies' personalities play out as modern-day humans.

Edited by Toon4Thought
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Yeah Pet Project was basically just Sunset edtion of May The Best Pet Win. And to be honest it was okay. And Sub Rocks was okay for me. I mean it really highlights the difference between the normal show and eqg. Mlp Celestia is the ruler of Equstria, while eqg Celestia is just a principal. I don't know, but Principal Celestia just isn't as interesting or as important as normal Celestia.

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So far, all summertime shorts are just 'OK', nothing spectacular. It bad for me to keep saying this to any recent EQG stuffs... oh well...

*back to rewatch all Rainbow Rocks shorts to remind myself how glorious EQG franchise WAS*

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2 hours ago, Toon4Thought said:

He doesn't even have the intrigue that I get out of watching the ponies' personalities play out as modern-day humans.

This, and it is personally the most attractive feat why I watch the EQG franchise. At least for the humane 6 we still have that.

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Why was Sunset wearing her old outfit and had her old hair colour in the first short? I actually thought it took place sometime before Rainbow Rocks but when I noticed Spike, it quickly became clear to me that Boulder Media may have fudged it up pretty badly. I mean, the short was great and it gave Sunset someone else in her life, but the inconsistency is hard to ignore.


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59 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

Why was Sunset wearing her old outfit and had her old hair colour in the first short? I actually thought it took place sometime before Rainbow Rocks but when I noticed Spike, it quickly became clear to me that Boulder Media may have fudged it up pretty badly. I mean, the short was great and it gave Sunset someone else in her life, but the inconsistency is hard to ignore.

I guess Boulder Media didn't get the memo or something? There's at least one more short from them that also has her in her old outfit.

It's also worth noting, for a brief moment in the other short, you can see the full statue despite Sci-Twi's presence.

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6 hours ago, Unlikeable Pony said:

Principal celestia is WAY different than normal celestia though, Princess celestia comes off as WAY more composed than this.

To me, she feels a lot like what Celestia might have been like were she not thousands of years old and a princess. I at least found her more like her counterpart than Sci-Twi is sometimes. 

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13 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

To me, she feels a lot like what Celestia might have been like were she not thousands of years old and a princess. I at least found her more like her counterpart than Sci-Twi is sometimes. 

I actually like the little differences between Princess Twilight and SciTwi. I assume there are several reasons for those differences but no magic has got to be a big one. It makes me wonder what human Sunset or Starlight who also had a talent for magic are like. Especially Starlight, her magic is such a big part of who she is, I wonder how she is without it.

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4 hours ago, DonMaguz said:

This, and it is personally the most attractive feat why I watch the EQG franchise. At least for the humane 6 we still have that.

That and Sunset Shimmer are the two things I always look forward to in every EqG installment. I don't know, there's something I find really intriguing about seeing how they would function in human bodies and in a society that more resembles our own, especially when they perform activities you wouldn't be able to see them do as ponies (such as whenever they use modern technology or even small touches involving their human limbs like nail-painting). It's even better whenever they actively explore what separates the two versions apart, something that I really hope we get more of in the series.

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Pet Project rehashes May the Best Pet Win, but actually manages to do a little better than that episode (Sunset with her pet is way too adorable :pinkie:)

Sub Rocks I really didn't like. All the gags are so predictable you can find it on page 1 of a book of cartoon cliches and it the humor is so repetitive. Celestia tries to teach, interruption happens. Rinse and repeat till the end of class. It also raises too many questions. Why would they hire the principal to be a sub? Principals typically do get that busy on a normal school day, and the short pretty much shows why it wouldn't work. 



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Pet Project was cute, but also kinda dull. I mean Ray was cute, and Sunny being with him was cute, but that's really all I can say...and not much else. It's a cute short but not one I see myself going back to any time soon(willingly at least)

Also RD and Tank are still best duo

Sub Rocks was great though....and kinda depressing. Celestia finally gets her own spotlight without having to share it with anyone, and it happens in EQG first :P . Seriously though salty feelings on that aside, it did give us a lot to know about Celestia, and does make her feel like what she'd be in the show if she wasn't tied to her princessly duties 

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3 hours ago, ShootingStar159 said:

I actually like the little differences between Princess Twilight and SciTwi. I assume there are several reasons for those differences but no magic has got to be a big one. It makes me wonder what human Sunset or Starlight who also had a talent for magic are like. Especially Starlight, her magic is such a big part of who she is, I wonder how she is without it.

Usually it's fine, but it feels wrong in cases like "Dance Magic" where she's a bit of a doormat. 


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6 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

Usually it's fine, but it feels wrong in cases like "Dance Magic" where she's a bit of a doormat. 


Wait, who was a doormat, SciTwi? I don't think she even had a big enough role in MM to be called that. 

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Just now, ShootingStar159 said:

Wait, who was a doormat, SciTwi? I don't think she even had a big enough role in MM to be called that. 

No, I suppose not, but I found the way she acted in "Legend of Everfree" to be sorta un-Twilight as well, even considering the situation she was in. In both that and her brief appearance in "Dance Magic," I found her to seem timid in a way which just didn't feel like the Twilight I'm familiar with. 

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19 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

No, I suppose not, but I found the way she acted in "Legend of Everfree" to be sorta un-Twilight as well, even considering the situation she was in. In both that and her brief appearance in "Dance Magic," I found her to seem timid in a way which just didn't feel like the Twilight I'm familiar with. 

Yeah, but that was my point. Princess Twilight had a different childhood as the personal student of Celestia, it makes sense that even after making friends she would still be timid in comparison. I even feel like her freak out over Midnight Sparkle is the most real freak out either Twilight has had... well except maybe the yaks. 

All of that does make SciTwi feel different from the Princess we know and love, but I feel like that was the point, And it makes me wonder how those differences effect other characters.

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6 hours ago, Toon4Thought said:

I guess Boulder Media didn't get the memo or something? There's at least one more short from them that also has her in her old outfit.

It's also worth noting, for a brief moment in the other short, you can see the full statue despite Sci-Twi's presence.

Considering they are owned by Hasbro, you would think they wouldn't make such inconsistences as this. 


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