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Wherein Sapphire Star posts the obligatory introduction...


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony

How did you find MLP Forums?

I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning, so...

How you became a fan of My Little Pony

The series had me at magical multicolored ponies!

Mostly I'm just here to lurk around and post art, and perhaps indulge in a little roleplaying. I tend to prefer watching from the sidelines rather than engage much in the social scene. (Plus, my hooves are usually too busy drawing to do much typing.)

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Welcome aboard, sister; it's great to have you here. :grin: No need to feel nervous around here; we're not a very judgy group!

I've already seen what you can do with those Alicorn pictures, so I'm very mcuh looking forward to what you have to offer int the future! :ooh:

Regardless, have a great stay here, Sapphire! 

Edited by Recherche
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Hi SapphireStar and welcome to the forum! For art and roleplaying, as well as a great community to wander through and lurk upon, I think you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy your time here and maybe make some friends. If you have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to message me anytime. :)

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Welcome to the forums luv, can't wait to see what you can draw. It's always great to have new artists on here, especially when you're as bad at it as i am. Anyway, this is your friendly neighborhood bird hoovy and feel free to message me if you need anything at all or just wanna chat.

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12 hours ago, brutwilight sharple said:

Why hello welcome to mlp fourms

Thank you!

12 hours ago, Recherche said:

Welcome aboard, sister; it's great to have you here. :grin: No need to feel nervous around here; we're not a very judgy group!

I've already seen what you can do with those Alicorn pictures, so I'm very mcuh looking forward to what you have to offer int the future! :ooh:

Regardless, have a great stay here, Sapphire! 

Thank you very much! I'll definitely be drawing more MLP-related things in future!

12 hours ago, Totally Lyra said:

Hi SapphireStar and welcome to the forum! For art and roleplaying, as well as a great community to wander through and lurk upon, I think you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy your time here and maybe make some friends. If you have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to message me anytime. :)

Thank you very much! Friends are always wonderful to have, and this looks like a good place to find them ^_^

12 hours ago, Mirage said:

@SapphireStar Welcome! I'm excited to see more of your work! And please hang out with us, we're nice ponies!

Thank you! And you all do seem very nice :D

12 hours ago, Wannabrony said:

He'll and welcome! ^_^ I hope you enjoy your time here posting art and role-playing, and maybe make some friends along the way. :fluttershy: I hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun! :lol:

I believe I shall. Thank you!

12 hours ago, Rhythm Red said:

Welcome to the forums! :) I’d love to see more of your art, those alicorn pictures looked great! :D 

Have fun making new friends! :squee: 

I'm so glad you liked them. They were fun to draw!

11 hours ago, A.V. said:

Any relation to the Star Sapphires from the DC Universe?

Not that I know of XD I just liked the name!

10 hours ago, Divine plywood said:

Hi Sapphire and welcome to the MLP forums!

Hopefully you enjoy your time here, have fun roleplaying and making new friends. Looking forward to see more of your art!




Thank you very much!

8 hours ago, Denim&Venom said:

Welcome to the club, wanderer. 

I Hope you find what you seek. 


I think I shall :D

8 hours ago, kaiser5578 said:

Welcome to the forums luv, can't wait to see what you can draw. It's always great to have new artists on here, especially when you're as bad at it as i am. Anyway, this is your friendly neighborhood bird hoovy and feel free to message me if you need anything at all or just wanna chat.

Thank you very much! I look forward to drawing more MLP art and talking to everypony on here :D

8 hours ago, Shabb3r said:

Welcome aboard! I love your name btw, it sounds so sweet :fluttershy:

Awww, thank you! I rather like it myself :D 

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24 minutes ago, That Guy with the Fries said:

Welcome, Sapphire Star horsey! Hope to see you around more, even if you're not much into the social aspect. :D Have fun!

Thank you very much!

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