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Focus on the series limits options and discussion


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it's sad that the majority of g4 fans are focused on the series,because so many forget that it's about the toyline, first. The toys always came first because Hasbro is a toy company first. Even in gen 1, the toys preceded the tv series. What's more, I feel like due to the nature of the g4 fandom, who are so heavily invested in the tv series and discredit other forms of media, such as comics, "not canon", there's so much that these kinds of fans are missing out on. And also, by not being as invested in the comics or toyline, which are just as much a part of the enjoyment that lends itself to the series and canon as a whole, I feel like there's far less opportunity to discuss other aspects of pony outside the tv show, which isn't nor should it be the 'be all, end all'. Especially when these sort of fans limit themselves to one primary generation, rather than enjoying the franchise and its legacy as a whole.

How many g4 fans are aware that generation 1 had a Japanese made set of anthro ponies through collaboration of Hasbro and Takara, to produce "My Little Pony- Stylish Pony", which were all really insanely adorable?

And because a lot of g4 fans stick primarily to the tv show, their views on past gens are incorrect- which is why many tend to think that "My Little Pony Tales" is "g2", when in fact, g2 never had its own show, but had its run through the toyline (and a computer game). Truth be told, Pony Tales is a spin-off of g1 and is classified as g1 because the toys remained in the same molds.


does anyone else feel like when g4 fans limit themselves to one form of media (the cartoon show), they're missing out on other topics to be talked about; thus also making it more difficult for the fans that do want to discuss these things with the current fans of this generation?

Edited by Nightmare Muffin
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I mean, of course they care about the series first that's where most of the enjoyment comes from. They like the characters. You can argue "TOYS COME FIRST" all you want, but I doubt people would buy the toys if they didn't care about the characters

  • Brohoof 1
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Just now, This Whomps said:

I mean, of course they care about the series first that's where most of the enjoyment comes from. They like the characters. You can argue "TOYS COME FIRST" all you want, but I doubt people would buy the toys if they didn't care about the characters

people bought the toys for 2 years in g1, since they didn't have a show to rely on, FYI. Same as g2 and g3. -shrugs-

all I'm saying is that for g4 fans who want to discuss things outside of the tv series, it's really difficult to find others willing to, since the majority 1: don't go into other gens 2: find that other g4 fans limit themselves to the tv series, thus limiting their options of discussion, and 3: a lot of older gen fans don't much care for "Bronies" in their sandbox.

kind of a no win situation.

  • Brohoof 1
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Let's be honest. G1 might have some appeal because they weren't afraid to throw some action into the mix. G4 has only gotten as popular as it has because it's something special. The content is good and the fans are interacted with and heard. G5 will probably be as good or better because the creators have learned from the mistake sof the past. It's more than jsut selling toys now. It's telling a story with effort, and it's something they should take absolute pride in. Could it be better? Absolutely! But it's gone above and beyond our expectations which were next to nothing thanks to the previous generations.

There just isn't much to go off of from toy lines and the older generations aren't a part of the current one. They provide inspiration and nothing more. The comics are similar in that they are exploring ideas that aren't true to the show but understandably could be, thanks to a little intuition. They're just an entertainment to the idea of "What If?"

Edited by SharpWit
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Nothing limits discussion. Because you are a fan of something doesn't mean you should be a fan or everything based around it. Take Star Wars for instance, I like many aspects of the IP in various forms, but various media types I am not a fan of. At the same time, just because you enjoy something others don't doesn't mean your preference is flawed, or that their preference is either. I don't have much to say about the toys because they rarely excite or interest me. Any discussion surrounded them would he hollow and forced, and not particularly for me, so I generally pass on these discussion. The good thing is that that lack of interest frees me up to focus on things that I do like which is exactly what you do Muffins. You focus on making three types of topics -- prior gen-centric topics, things from prior gens you want to see in current gens, and reasons you dislike elements of FiM. When was the last time you made a topic regarding things you enjoyed about the show or even neutral opinion on FiM? It is rare. And you know what? That is fine I suppose, but one could easily say that it is equally limiting for you since it limits the positive engagement you generate, which is exactly what would happen if some of us made G1 topics. The sheer amount of me pointing out what I don't like about G1 and G2 models, and the original shows isn't exactly the conversation and engagement I think you have in mind.  

Different strokes .... 

  • Brohoof 3
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Everyone has their preferences when it comes to being a part of a fandom. As Jeric pointed out, some people might like everything about a fandom while others will only like some things because it appeals to them in a certain way. It's what makes our fandom in particular so diverse. Everyone gets to enjoy it in their own way without having to feel pressured into liking something they may not be comfortable with.

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11 minutes ago, Jeric said:

Nothing limits discussion. Because you are a fan of something doesn't mean you should be a fan or everything based around it. Take Star Wars for instance, I like many aspects of the IP in various forms, but various media types I am not a fan of. At the same time, just because you enjoy something others don't doesn't mean your preference is flawed, or that their preference is either. I don't have much to say about the toys because they rarely excite or interest me. Any discussion surrounded them would he hollow and forced, and not particularly for me, so I generally pass on these discussion. The good thing is that that lack of interest frees me up to focus on things that I do like which is exactly what you do Muffins. You focus on making three types of topics -- prior gen-centric topics, things from prior gens you want to see in current gens, and reasons you dislike elements of FiM. When was the last time you made a topic regarding things you enjoyed about the show or even neutral opinion on FiM? It is rare. And you know what? That is fine I suppose, but one could easily say that it is equally limiting for you since it limits the positive engagement you generate, which is exactly what would happen if some of us made G1 topics. The sheer amount of me pointing out what I don't like about G1 and G2 models, and the original shows isn't exactly the conversation and engagement I think you have in mind.  

Different strokes .... 

That's not true, though. I may post a little bit more frequently on things I dislike in FiM, but that doesn't mean that I don't provide and engage in positive things about it. While I may not be quite as vocal on praise around g4, I DO make up for it by providing theories around g4, and I have a LOT of theories that I post rather frequently and in various boards other than here. I enjoy talking about FiM and its characters, and not just pointing out flaws. Just as much as I enjoy talking about prior gens. I'm not saying that everyone has to take an interest in past gens or material outside of the tv show of g4. Would it be nice? Yes, of course. Could there be less hate and more open-mindedness from g4 fans regarding past gens? Absolutely. Could the past gens forum and Comics & Books forum here be more active, if more people took an interest in things other than the tv show of g4; thus allowing people like me to communicate with others on different subjects of the franchise easier? Perhaps. Could the mods host prompts to get the community more interested? Sure.

Again, I'm stressing- it's not going to be for everyone, nor do I intend for it to be. Just that too much of one thing is not so much of a good thing. It's good to branch out.


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Nothing much outside generation 4 has picked my attention. Besides, I like having an empty background when it comes to knowledge of things, it's like seeing a richer depiction of reality where imagination fills the canvas.

It doesn't matter whether I'm wrong or right. All paths lead to the same destination after all.

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