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Inconsistencies Discussion

Clover Heart

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Oh I would agree that it is largely subjective, and at times the line between out of character moments and character development is minimal to nonexistent. I don't necessarily agree with you about them all being entirely in character, but that's largely due to my nitpicking and overthinking the episode. No big deal.


Well, this thread was MADE for nitpicking and overthinking, otherwise, the Show Discussion part wouldn't even exist for the most part. :lol: Anyway, I agree. I could actually explain and defend myself if somebody asked me WHY do I think they weren't out of character, but eh, I'll leave that for when someone makes the theory here, if someone does. no big deal over here either. :)
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I thought we could bring up and discuss any inconsistencies we find in the show. I don't mean this in a way that's knocking the show, and pointing out flaws, but rather, I'm interested in these kinds of things. Secrets, goofs, glitches, all that stuff. And I thought other ponies might be, too. If you find talk like this too picky, though, you're under no obligation to reply. I look forward to things you all have noticed :)


A few that I noticed recently:


Scootaloo can't fly yet, and yet, Pound Cake (Mr. and Mrs. Cake's son) can. I realize that two foals may be developmentally different, as children are. However, this seemed like a huge age gap. We don't know Scootaloo's age, but I think it's safe to presume that compared to humans, she's elementary-school-aged, putting her at 7-12 years old. Pound Cake, on the other hand, we first see flying all over the place as young as a month old. That means that their age difference is new born to, at least, 7 years old, which are leaps and bounds away from each other, developmentally speaking. We might not know how pegasi grow, but it would seem logical, for any species, that the older ones have more ability than the younger one




In the episode "Call of the Cutie" (S01E12,) Apple Bloom is one of the only foals in her class not to have a cutie mark. Toward the end of the episode, she meets Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for the first time. However, we see in later episodes (such as Hearts and Hooves Day (S02E17) and Ponyville Confidential (S02E23)) that all three go to the same school. I suppose it could be argued that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went to different schools before then, but all three seem to live in Ponyville and knew Diamond Tiara before her party. Ponyville is kind of a small town, and doesn't seem to have more than one school, and as a native Ponyvillian, it would seem unlikely that they didn't live in Ponyville before meeting Apple Bloom.


Also, it seems very unclear where Sweetie Belle lives. The only time it seems explicitly implied is in the episode "Sisterhooves Social" (S02E05,) where Rarity is made to take care of Sweetie Belle by her parents, implying that she isn't Sweetie Belle's primary guardian/care-taker. However, we see implications that she may live with Rarity, as seen in "Ponyville Confidential" (S02E23) where Sweetie Belle leaves her saddlebag on the floor at Rarity's boutique, and also is seen spending time in a room that seems to be hers, or at least, designated for her use.


They cover in the show that young ponies have sudden bursts of magic, it's heavily implied the same goes for pegasus.


I'm sure they have more then one classroom


It's more then possible Sweetie stays they on more then one occasion

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I don't know whether these two questions I have count as proper inconsistencies, but I do wonder about them.

With the knowledge that the Flim Flam brothers required the Apple family's apples to produce cider with their machine, why didn't they simply refuse to supply them with apples instead of letting themselves be run out of Ponyville?



And also, if Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts, then why do their flight costumes display Soarin's cutie mark rather than hers?

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With the knowledge that the Flim Flam brothers required the Apple family's apples to produce cider with their machine, why didn't they simply refuse to supply them with apples instead of letting themselves be run out of Ponyville?

It's more like a plothole to me :o


The best explanation I can get without implying anything bad about AJ's family is that the writers couldn't include any explanation about that without hindering the plot. The episode spent too much time on Flim&Flam's singing :c

And also, if Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts, then why do their flight costumes display Soarin's cutie mark rather than hers?

Really? :wacko:



Spitfire's uniform have a different mark than Soarin's. Maybe it's unique for each flyer?

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I thought we could bring up and discuss any inconsistencies we find in the show. I don't mean this in a way that's knocking the show, and pointing out flaws, but rather, I'm interested in these kinds of things. Secrets, goofs, glitches, all that stuff. And I thought other ponies might be, too. If you find talk like this too picky, though, you're under no obligation to reply. I look forward to things you all have noticed smile.png


A few that I noticed recently:


Scootaloo can't fly yet, and yet, Pound Cake (Mr. and Mrs. Cake's son) can. I realize that two foals may be developmentally different, as children are. However, this seemed like a huge age gap. We don't know Scootaloo's age, but I think it's safe to presume that compared to humans, she's elementary-school-aged, putting her at 7-12 years old. Pound Cake, on the other hand, we first see flying all over the place as young as a month old. That means that their age difference is new born to, at least, 7 years old, which are leaps and bounds away from each other, developmentally speaking. We might not know how pegasi grow, but it would seem logical, for any species, that the older ones have more ability than the younger ones.


In the episode "Call of the Cutie" (S01E12,) Apple Bloom is one of the only foals in her class not to have a cutie mark. Toward the end of the episode, she meets Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for the first time. However, we see in later episodes (such as Hearts and Hooves Day (S02E17) and Ponyville Confidential (S02E23)) that all three go to the same school. I suppose it could be argued that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went to different schools before then, but all three seem to live in Ponyville and knew Diamond Tiara before her party. Ponyville is kind of a small town, and doesn't seem to have more than one school, and as a native Ponyvillian, it would seem unlikely that they didn't live in Ponyville before meeting Apple Bloom.


Also, it seems very unclear where Sweetie Belle lives. The only time it seems explicitly implied is in the episode "Sisterhooves Social" (S02E05,) where Rarity is made to take care of Sweetie Belle by her parents, implying that she isn't Sweetie Belle's primary guardian/care-taker. However, we see implications that she may live with Rarity, as seen in "Ponyville Confidential" (S02E23) where Sweetie Belle leaves her saddlebag on the floor at Rarity's boutique, and also is seen spending time in a room that seems to be hers, or at least, designated for her use.


Scootaloo has a wing deformity which makes her unable to fly.


Sweetie Belle lives with her parents. We see her house in One Bad Apple, which her dad fishing outside of it.

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