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S09:E06 - Common Ground

Message added by Jeric

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Common Ground  

93 users have voted

  1. 1. Did you like it?

    • I feel like Wind Sprint like how she felt about Quibble (Bleh)
    • It tried too hard (Bad)
    • I miss angry Quibble (Meh)
    • May the buckball be with you (Good)
    • D'awwww happy family! (Great)

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I just finished the episode and I found said episode to be really good. I like how we get to see Buckball being brought back. It's even cool how it's turned into a popular sport in Equestria. I also like the world building they did for Appleloosa. It's pretty cool to see Appleloosa having a buckball stadium for competitions. It was pretty cool to see Quibble Pants making a return. It was interesting that he had met someone that became his special somepony. I don't think it was mentioned, but I think it would have been cool if they mentioned how Quibble and Clear Sky has met. I also kept thinking of the name Clear Skies when they brought up Clear Sky's name. I wonder if both ponies are related in one way or another. While Quibble tried many different ideas to show he was something he wasn't, I still thought it was nice that he tried. It showed that he wanted to bond with Wind Sprint and show that he wanted to be a part of that family.

I was glad that he decided to be himself instead of trying to be a sports pony. I could relate to Quibble in that I'm not that much of a sports fan. I'm glad it didn't stop Quibble from trying to learn and enjoy the sport. I really did like the lesson being presented in the episode. It felt like such a serious kind of topic, but it was nice to see the show still bringing up these kinds of things. I could understand how Wind Sprint felt and I'm glad Clear Sky had helped her understand, while giving Quibble a chance. All in all, I really enjoyed this episode and I look forward to the future episodes of the season. :) 

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I find this episode most confusing, as it seems very American centered, as the show is typically but especially this episode to bigger extent; divorced parents or a family member not living, new person trying to replace them, trying to impress the kid with sports, failing miserably and even the solution feels weird. I don't want to pardon how strange this episode felt to me just because it is representing someone's life. Sorry for Oswald's real story but with not knowing who he is.... I feel ... neutral.. ? And if the episode is made just for someone's story and is like episode 200, no wonder it feels like that.

What I did not like further:

Snails and Snips, Snips mostly. Was it because there was no AJ they had to charge fans for autographs? Isn't this kind of disgraceful? And the Mane 6 did not care about it, Snails and Snips are the best candidates for new flim-flam?

Could Quibble Pants be any more dis-interesting and boring type of character since Stranger than Fiction? I couldn't care less about episodes around him (I had to see who he was though the grey mane, I suspected it was him). He reminds me of some members here with the constant nitpicking :yay: But STF at least felt more entertaining with how he thought Dr. Caballeron, here no such thing, just nothing to care about his problem.

The only association I could make is with communities online in general (for sports, games or anything that has to do with personal experience and deniers of that) when someone tries to argue how things are on theory versus someone who does that in practice, never admitting that practice speaks better than what;s on paper. Seems he liked what is by the book too much to say in the end 'Oh hey btw book can be useful for something too as Wind Sprint admitted'.

Like for example you can be a sports player or playing a game competitively and someone who barely touches it will argue with you because he 'reads about it in a book or watches it' but how it happens in practice? Nah just argue, that's what this Quibble Pants felt here, even less reason to like him yet fill an episode of the Season with him... He admitted he didn't know anything in the end but during the episode was acting like a smart ass pretending to know because 'books'.



Now the Mane 6 (well some of them) in addition to soon-to-be throne successors, School professors, heroes are also Ponyville Team in sports?

Neither there was anything interesting in the episode itself, the failing of Quibble Pants, his character or the things they did to help him bond with her.

There is zero reason to care whether he would bond with Clear Sky, I only liked Clear Sky and Wind Sprint, these two were great and could have been used for much much better plots.

Less filler/writers/fans devoted episodes pls, OK one was needed, fine, one. 

And I don't know the actor so blame me.


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I didn’t think very much of this episode at first but then I watched again and learned that Patton Oswalt’s new wife and daughter did the voices for Quibble’s new family. When you look at if from the perspective that the episode draws a parallel to Oswalt’s current life, it adds another layer to this episode especially with Clear Skies learning that she doesn’t have to forget about her father.

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Last episode was a worthy tribute to G.M. Berrow, and this was a worthy tribute to Patton Oswalt and his character. With the only flaws being an odd Z-story with Snips that doesn’t contribute anything to the plot and us never learning about the fate of Wind Sprint’s father, I like how the implication still lingers that he’s either divorced or dead, the latter being much more likely considering the implication having already been done with Applejack’s parents and Wind’s attitude. The underlying grit is essential to hit the message home how you can’t create a bond or any lasting relationship by trying to be something you’re not. It was also great how they could even joke about it at the end, how he did have to buy the book. Still love how this show never takes itself too seriously.


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EQD linked Big Jim's Twitter thread explaining the episode's origins. It's really insightful and gives you appreciation of the work behind the scenes.


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5 minutes ago, Dark Qiviut said:

Big Jim


:P Couldn't resist.

In all seriousness, though, this episode's backstory is really, really interesting, and it's surprisingly mature for a show of this ilk (then again, we live in an age of Steven Universes and Adventure Times that can and have done serious material very well).

  • Brohoof 1


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For anyone who wants to watch it (again), Spazz uploaded the episode on DailyMotion earlier.

Have fun! :D

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5 hours ago, RulesofRarity said:

I'm still on the fence about even bothering with this episode. I can't stand Quibble Pants as a character. Is it worth it?

I Agree.

They should have focused more on Scootaloo back story instead. Hers seriously needs closure

24 minutes ago, Dark Qiviut said:

For anyone who wants to watch it (again), Spazz uploaded the episode on DailyMotion earlier.

Have fun! :D


  • Brohoof 2


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Hmmm...last week I really liked that the show provided a good moral and tied it in really well with the rest of the episode.  After the dumpster fire that is mid-season 8's harmful morals that was a breath of fresh air.  This week's episode has a good moral too, but the way it's presented is kind of cringe.  I mean, it was obvious all along what the moral would be, and this has to be the millionth time that Rainbow has had to learn that not all ponies are like her.  I'm glad Quibble returned for his episode, and was that his daughter doing the voice for Wind Sprint?  That's adorable.  I just wish the plot wasn't so contrived though.  Oh well, at least this episode doesn't teach us something harmful like if your friend is literally putting the lives of others in danger it's probably your fault if you didn't make them feel included.  

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The episode plays better the second time around. :)

I think this is the first time we've seen Rainbow Dash ribbing someone over having a special somepony with her line, "Soooo, you and Clear Sky, huh?" I found that very amusing. XD

Also interesting is Rainbow Dash spilling the beans to Clear Sky and Wind Sprint that Daring Do is real. Or does everyone already know she's real and alive?

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Gotta admire Quibble throughout the episode. Despite knowing absolutely nothing of buckball or any other sport, he still tries to fill in the gap. One crucial detail is he booked the trip to the museum so they can visit and have quality time together.

  • Brohoof 4

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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I think they were GOING to do something with the Snips and Snails subplot, but then the Crew remembered they liked charging money for autographs (and honestly I don't have much of a problem with it either. Labor is labor) and they kinda just let it happen without a normal moralistic ending. 

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For the most part this reminded me of some of my favourite season 5 episodes, where one of the mane six had to teach someone else a lesson, only with the added sophistication that the show picked up in season 8. Rainbow is fun here, and this is probably her best focus episode in a while. I particularly like how, while Quibble is the one who obviously needs to learn the lesson, she also learns from this experience. She gets to be helpful and friendly while also being in the wrong, which is a true rarity for that character. And I just really like Quibble Pants. I love his general nerdiness, I found his total ignorance of sports very relatable, and I loved how earnest he was about trying to get Wind Sprint's favour. And then they dropped the bombshell about what the latter's real issue is, which is apparently inspired by Patton Oswalt's actual experiences, and what was already an episode I enjoyed suddenly became a new favourite - a similar experience to 'The Hearth's Warming Club' last season. It still follows one of my least favourite formulas in the show, where the main characters take an obviously incorrect approach to the problem and that serves as their nadir, but it didn't draw that out, and at least Quibble acknowledged it was a bad idea. Otherwise, I just wished we learned a little more about Wind Sprint's family situation, but telling it from Quibble's perspective keeps this from feeling too simplistic. Aside from that? Delightful. 

My Little Pony is on fire right now. 

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Additional thoughts:

  • I like pointing out quotes that seem to epitomize certain characters, but Dash speaking out in defense of books is even better because it speaks to what a nuanced character she is. The only reason she's not my favourite character by a landslide is because I find her characterization inconsistent. 
  • What else is Josh Haber up to? He might just be my favourite writer the show has ever had. 
  • I've spent a lot of time thinking about how My Little Pony is a children's show about adults, and this is perhaps one of the episodes that is most explicitly told from an adult's perspective. Making that contradiction work has been one of the show's biggest problems lately, and this whole season is maybe the most successful answer the show has ever had. 
  • Quibble Pants and Clear Sky are very cute together. 
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Also, guys, I had totally forgotten that ponies have film projectors. I have so many questions about pony cinema. How far advanced is it? It apparently has both colour and sound, and yet their movie theatres don't seem especially large. Are there bigger movie theatres? Do commercial motion pictures exist, or is it entirely instructional and promotional videos? Has a fiction movie ever been filmed? I HAVE TO KNOW. 

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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57 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

Also, guys, I had totally forgotten that ponies have film projectors. I have so many questions about pony cinema. How far advanced is it? It apparently has both colour and sound, and yet their movie theatres don't seem especially large. Are there bigger movie theatres? Do commercial motion pictures exist, or is it entirely instructional and promotional videos? Has a fiction movie ever been filmed? I HAVE TO KNOW. 

I had the impression that the theater we see at the beginning of this episode may be small because it's part of the Hall of Fame, and may only show documentaries or things associated with that (comparable to, say, a mini-theater inside a museum), rather than being a full-fledged commercial movie theater. I do remember a significantly larger theater being depicted during the song back in "One Bad Apple". There was what appeared to be a cartoon movie being shown before Babs Seed interrupted it. However, there did also appear to be a stage, so that may not have been a dedicated movie theater.

I don't remember any other movie theaters being depicted in the show off the top of my head. Of course, there was the PSA-style black-and-white film at the beginning of "Hurricane Fluttershy" that was shown in the Golden Oak Library. Rainbow also asks to just watch the history of the Wonderbolts movie instead of studying in "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3". And Starlight refers to her and Trixie as being "like a buddy movie where the two protagonists can't get away from each other because they're wearing hoof-cuffs" in the song in "Road To Friendship". If that last line is taken seriously in-universe, it may suggest the existence of commercial fiction movies, such that buddy movies like that would be common enough to make a reference to.

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It's a good thing I watched it before going to Free Comic Book Day. Too bad I missed the bus to the store proper. As for the episode, it seemed to be good to see Snips back in the show. Might give us hope for Diamond Tiara yet.

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Strangely I'm not a fan of this episode. There were moments that made me smile like Pinkie's sheepish face when she uses Quibble to score a goal or the fact fans were paying obviously different amounts of bits for the autographs (get an autograph for what you think its worth). A nice moral about being yourself. Hints about the difficulties and concerns both step-parents and step-kids can have about the relationship. Yet when it all gets put together it just feels very . . . lacklusture I guess. Maybe because its so sports focused and I'm not a fan, maybe its because its such low energy compared to the previous episodes this season? Not sure. Of course its not helped by the fact its a callback to previous guest stars rather than addressing all the lingering plot hooks and ideas available when we're in the last season. I'd have far preferred a better glimpse at Scootaloo's homelife over Quibbles myself.

4 hours ago, Music Chart Fan said:

I had the impression that the theater we see at the beginning of this episode may be small because it's part of the Hall of Fame, and may only show documentaries or things associated with that (comparable to, say, a mini-theater inside a museum), rather than being a full-fledged commercial movie theater. I do remember a significantly larger theater being depicted during the song back in "One Bad Apple". There was what appeared to be a cartoon movie being shown before Babs Seed interrupted it. However, there did also appear to be a stage, so that may not have been a dedicated movie theater.

I don't remember any other movie theaters being depicted in the show off the top of my head. Of course, there was the PSA-style black-and-white film at the beginning of "Hurricane Fluttershy" that was shown in the Golden Oak Library. Rainbow also asks to just watch the history of the Wonderbolts movie instead of studying in "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3". And Starlight refers to her and Trixie as being "like a buddy movie where the two protagonists can't get away from each other because they're wearing hoof-cuffs" in the song in "Road To Friendship". If that last line is taken seriously in-universe, it may suggest the existence of commercial fiction movies, such that buddy movies like that would be common enough to make a reference to.

I got the feeling it was a mix of small documentary cinema (I've seen them at other places) and Appleloosa not having a lot of bits or expected tourism to justify a bigger one. Like you said there's a lot of other references to cinemas and movie related topics. Personally I think its sort of early cinema so there are cinema's around but its a special little treat rather than our worlds several in every major city. Even the newscaster voice over at the begining sounds like the old "news of the world" you used to get before it shifted to previews.

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3 hours ago, Senko said:

maybe its because its such low energy compared to the previous episodes this season? Not sure.

That is one of the things I noticed after initially seeing it. Both the 200th and 201st episodes were wall-to-wall with visual gags and snappy comebacks; this episode had to be more sincere in its storytelling so the change of tone is all the more apparent. Especially when Discovery Family airs the previous week's episode right before the new one and I happened to tune in to see it again.

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I wish that the writers weren't obligated to shove the Mane 6 into every episode. This would've worked so much better if it had been Quibble figuring things out and coming to the conclusion himself without being dragged down by Rainbow.

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Good episode overall.  Clear Sky and Wind Sprint both had great designs, and both did well in the voice acting role.  I'll give them points for getting across the message of "Don't be what other ponies want you to be, just be you" and the trails that come with dating a widow that has a child.  I'm glad it put the twist in the message though of that the interests of two different ponies can meet half way.  One doesn't have to enjoy the whole subject to have interest in parts of it.  The latter message I felt was a wee watered down, but the attempt was there.  I'm also glad they didn't pick the stepparent formula of the child trying to break them up.

I will say, I wish they would have focused more on the couple and less on getting Quibble all sportsed up.  They could have completely cut out Snip's little autograph scheme and put in a 20 to 30 second flashback of how Quibble and Clear Sky met.  Speaking of Snips, probably my one big negative of the episode, was when he played the unicorn position in the fan game against Ponyville.  Clear Sky is a unicorn!  It would have been a great bonding moment.  

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After watching it a couple of times, I think the episode was cute, it had a lot of heart, was filled with nice nods to past seasons and showed a very mature conflict from an unusual perspective. It also had amazing performances of Quibble Pants and the new Wind Sprint character, alongside a great supporting role for Rainbow Dash.

Having said that, it didn't grab my full interest. I don't know what was it, it felt like they wanted an episode about the complex topic of a blended family and used that base to make a Frankenstein monster using callbacks (Snips/Snails antics, Buckball, Quibble Pants, Appaloosa) and a couple of fresh faces (Clear Sky and Wind Sprint).

By the way, what the animation and voice acting teams have been doing with the character expressions this season is absolutely great. It may become the best one quality-wise.

Edited by DonMaguz
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