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Personality Types

Mr. Shoe

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INFP. Moderate of everything... Oh well, at least it's Luna. I think that makes quite alot of sense, because Luna's got that personality.


Sharing the same personality type with Luna, you say? Very nice! So many interesting people, so little time! Thanks for both your response and your time..!


INTJ all the way, baby! I share this test on any forums I use, to get a feel for the different people on it! Who needs feelings when you have SCIENCE?


Another INTJ? Seems rather common! Science is great; however, it compels me to research just about everything.. That includes feelings. Since I can't understand my own, I try to comprehend other's feelings! Thanks for your post!


1. Which personality type you were given

ENFP, the test I took also gave me some other things. http://puu.sh/1ib35


2. If you agree with the type you were given

Yup! Seems to suit me. Some sites even have stuff on relationships and the like, and those were very head-on.


3. What kind of personality traits do you have (Bare in mind there are plenty of traits!)

I'm usually a very open person and I find it easy to connect to others, though I do need my alone time and some people I simply can't feel comfortable with. I'm generally positive and good with words and I prefer doing what I feel is best over overthinking things. For example: At tests I won't ponder endlessly about a question, I'll make a decision and not look back. Stuff like that.

Edit: Also, the chart has my favorite pony for my type! Woohoo!


Woah, I think I found my opposite.. and I like my opposite! Nice to meet you and thanks for your detailed response!


Sorry, I didn’t even read the rest of the topic, I’ll go ahead and answer those questions too :lol:


I do agree with the personality type given.


I’m usually kept to myself, I’m overall pretty optimistic, I care for my friends and family deeply, I can also be sort of scatterbrained. :P


It's perfectly fine! I'm sure most who see this topic automatically think to themselves long and dull and skip it altogether..! Thanks for explaining yourself further, it really helps me to get a better understanding of others! Oh, and don't worry (or do), I can be scatterbrained as well!

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Woah, I think I found my opposite.. and I like my opposite! Nice to meet you and thanks for your detailed response!



Haha, nice to meet you too! And no problem :) I recently did the test with a few friends, kinda analyzing it and stuff. I was surprised at how accurate it was.

  • Brohoof 1
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Haha, nice to meet you too! And no problem :) I recently did the test with a few friends, kinda analyzing it and stuff. I was surprised at how accurate it was.


I enjoyed the quiz and I really like comparing the results with others! I did come across another thing that makes us different.. You have friends! Wait, no, that wasn't what I meant.. I mean, you have friends who would take the quiz! The few that I sort of know would be more likely to respond "A quiz? You mean those things with questions? I think I'll pass."

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INTP. twice. i enjoyed taking these :3 i used to hang out on quizilla back in the day before it got overrun with stories and muddled garbage. :/


i agree with it for the most part, tho i do have a problem reconciling my artistic tendencies with the analytical ones. especially the twilight sparkle description in the chart above. i like the concept, im just not sure the characters fit quite right.


anyhoo, not to hijack your thread, but im curious to see how these personality types match up against one's zodiac signs, (chinese, the 12 sun signs, celtic tree... whatever.)




Introvert(67%) iNtuitive(25%) iNtuitive Thinking(1%) Perceiving(11)%

You have distinctive preference of Introversion over Extraversion (67%)

You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)

You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)

You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (11%)





Your first preference is toward introversion, which means that you get your energy from interacting with your rich inner world. You tend to be reflective and contemplative. You likely prefer to have a few close friends instead of many acquaintances.


Your second preference is for intuition. Intuitives are interested in the more abstract side of life, concentrating less on specific details and more about meaning and patterns. Intuitives are naturally oriented toward concepts and can often make connections between complex sets of facts.


Your third preference is for thinking. Thinkers prefer to remain objective, concentrating more on facts than subjective factors in a situation. Thinking types are usually very analytical and logical thinking comes easily for them.


Your fourth preference is for perceiving. Perceivers are flexible and spontaneous, working in spurts of energy instead of pursuing strict deadlines. You often wait to make decisions in order to take in new information.


pure gemini.


  • Brohoof 1




my art: here, and tumblr

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INTP. twice. i enjoyed taking these :3 i used to hang out on quizilla back in the day before it got overrun with stories and muddled garbage. :/


i agree with it for the most part, tho i do have a problem reconciling my artistic tendencies with the analytical ones. especially the twilight sparkle description in the chart above. i like the concept, im just not sure the characters fit quite right.


anyhoo, not to hijack your thread, but im curious to see how these personality types match up against one's zodiac signs, (chinese, the 12 sun signs, celtic tree... whatever.)

Nice, an INTP.. don't know if I have ever met someone with that personality type.. So nice to meet you! And I do believe my topic has somehow merged with the original, so I no longer ask the questions; however, I bet zodiac signs and whatnot would make a nice topic if you are ever interested! Oh.. and thank you mysterious merger!

  • Brohoof 1
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Hm... I got ISTP. I have no idea what that is, so here is Wikipedia:


According to Myers-Briggs, ISTPs excel at analyzing situations to reach the heart of a problem so that they can swiftly implement a functional repair, making them ideally suited to the field of engineering. Naturally quiet people, they are interested in understanding how systems operate, focusing on efficient operation and structure. But contrary to their seemingly detached nature, ISTPs are often capable of humorously insightful observations about the world around them. ISTPs abhor waste (be it in time, effort, or resources) but are highly adaptable, making them open to new information and approaches. They enjoy exploring new things, and can become bored with repetitiveness and routine. They can also be closet daredevils who gravitate toward fast-moving or risky hobbies (such as bungee jumping, hang gliding, racing, motorcycling, and skydiving), recreational sports (such as downhill skiing, paintball, ice hockey, and scuba diving), and careers (such as aviation and firefighting).

ISTPs may sometimes seem to act without regard for procedures, directions, protocol, or even their own safety. But while their approach may seem haphazard, it is in fact based on a broad store of knowledge developed over time through action and keen observation. ISTPs enjoy self-sufficiency and take pride in developing their own solutions to problems.

ISTPs are content to let others live according to their own rules and preferences, as long as the favor is reciprocated. ISTPs endure reasonable impositions without complaint — but if their "territory" is encroached upon, eroded, or violated, their quiet, easy-going nature is quickly abandoned in favor of stubborn and staunch defense of what they view as rightfully theirs. It has been observed that a slogan that best describes this ISTP attitude is "Don't Tread On Me."


Now excuse me while I go on and find the meaning of Introversion. I got a freaking 89% on that.

Edited by OlegEqualzName

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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Keep in mind that this test is very limited and a more extensive one could give you wildly different (and more accurate) results.



I took this same test 6 years ago and was an INFJ. The "I" was definitely 100%, and I remember the "J" being 25%, the "N" was sometwhere around 75%, and the "F" was around 50%.


Having retaken the test just now, I've changed in ways that I expected I would:

  • I - 11%
  • N - 50%
  • F - 38%
  • P - 11%
The score for Perceiving is pretty low, and I would still consider myself to be a Judge. The change in that area is probably related to my being far more extroverted than I used to be.


I got INFJ, a quite rare personality type (I'm the third person in this thread to get it).

Count me as the fourth. Despite getting "P" for the last one, I know myself to be a "J," both from the last time I took the test and that I haven't changed much in many of my views since then. I'm a "P" in the theoretical sense - I frequently think of alternate ways of doing things, "thinking outside of the box," etc. - but I usually end up going with the easiest or most famliar route.

Edited by Artemis


Kyoshi made this ^^



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GAH! Everytime I'v taken this somewhere, I get a different result. This time was ISTJ, but the time before that was ISFP. The time before that was ENTP. Tests, y u never same :P

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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Great... I'm Pinkie Pie... What could possibly go wrong with this situation? My results have changed since I last took the quiz around 3 years ago, I think I was INFP but now I'm ENFP

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Introvert:78% Intuitive: 62% Thinking: 50% Perceiving: 44%


I remember taking pony version of this test before, and like this time, I was INTP, and I was Twilight Sparkle :P

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I think it’s funny how many of us on this forum are introverted, myself included, it’s a large majority. If my memory serves me right only about 25% of the population is introverted. Kind of interesting if you ask me.


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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I find it so interesting how most people on here are either an INTJ or INFP, especially since INTJs are supposed to make up a very small portion of the population. I too am an INTJ. I have a slight preference of introversion over extroversion, a moderate preference of intuition over sensing, an extreme preference of thinking over feeling, and a slight preference of judging over perceiving.


I think it’s funny how many of us on this forum are introverted, myself included, it’s a large majority. If my memory serves me right only about 25% of the population is introverted. Kind of interesting if you ask me.

Actually, about 50% of the population is introverted and 50% is extroverted, if what I've read is true.

Edited by spaghettinoodles
  • Brohoof 1
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isfj sweetie belle master race reporting in


"ISFJs live in a world that is concrete and kind. They are truly warm and kind-hearted, and want to believe the best of people. They value harmony and cooperation, and are likely to be very sensitive to other people's feelings. People value the ISFJ for their consideration and awareness, and their ability to bring out the best in others by their firm desire to believe the best."


jesus christ i'm mlp incarnate

blood guts and chocolate cake


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I like the enneagram test better than this one; the questions are better and the categories are a bit more revealing. But according to this, I'm INTJ:

Introvert(78%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Thinking(38%) Judging(22%)


I'm like Celestia? O_o

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I find it so interesting how most people on here are either an INTJ or INFP, especially since INTJs are supposed to make up a very small portion of the population. I too am an INTJ. I have a slight preference of introversion over extroversion, a moderate preference of intuition over sensing, an extreme preference of thinking over feeling, and a slight preference of judging over perceiving.


Actually, about 50% of the population is introverted and 50% is extroverted, if what I've read is true.


The proportion of introverts and extroverts depends on what criteria and which "levels" of introversion/extroversion you take into account.

Last year in English class, I made a presentation of an article from Scientific American which featured the term "ambivert" and described that it was a CONTINUUM (and not a black-white dichotomy). So we're all extroverted and introverted to a certain degree; we just tend to see extrovertion more because... duh, it's more obvious to see.


That's why scientific studies of the human mind are so vague, so biased, so... false. We have sociology and psychology (even anthropology) to tell us how people think and why... but in the end, it's just a bunch of theories that superficially describe what the scientists think they understand.

When I told my psychotherapist about a recent dream, for example, I described the chill of excitement I felt at the thought of being chased. He reworded that excitement as "fear", when I clearly described something positive - the thrill of the challenge.


Just goes to say, these personality tests show more accurately who you are IN YOUR HEAD. That's the person you would've been if it weren't for peer pressure and competition.

  • Brohoof 2

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I made a presentation of an article from Scientific American which featured the term "ambivert" and described that it was a CONTINUUM (and not a black-white dichotomy). So we're all extroverted and introverted to a certain degree; we just tend to see extrovertion more because... duh, it's more obvious to see.

I've read about ambiversion before, and it does apply to me more than standard introversion, but I still call myself an introvert because by definition I am, considering I prefer solitude over social interaction. I do believe in spectrum theories pertaining to most things about people, including personality.

  • Brohoof 1
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I got this. Not sure how correct it is; I would put the 78% closer to 60% and the 1% closer to 10%. And I'd put the 25% closer to 40%.



Introvert(78%) Sensing(12%) Thinking(25%) Judging(1%)

  • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%)
  • You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

I like to do requests. Please, if there is something you want to see me, an amateur, draw for you, just send me a PM with the details and I'll say yay or nay. Most likely yay.

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Extravert(1%) iNtuitive(25%) Feeling(62%) Perceiving(44)%

  • You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)
  • You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (44%)
I'm an... IENFP? Works for me. That means I'm Pinkie Pie AND Princess Luna. Pop-n-Fresh!
Silly test. You can only describe me in 5 letters, not 4. Those 5 letters are: W-E-I-R-D, or I-E-N-F-P. Both work, I guess... Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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I hope to DWEIQ that all you people who got 100% introverted were exaggerating, so whenever you saw an intro/extrovert questions you said "HERP DERP MAXIMUM INTROVERSION." I mean, I'm not really one to talk (I had to put off a skype call for a few minutes because I was having a panic attack over talking to someone), but I only get 65-75% Introversion.

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You have distinctive preference of Introversion over Extraversion (67%)

You have strong preference of Intuition over Sensing (88%)

You have distinctive preference of Feeling over Thinking (62%)

You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (12%)


I've always been INFP..


and I got Luna...I guess that fits ♥ kind of weird though how we seem to be so similar..admittedly apart from the whole alicorn thing and the fact that she's an animated character. But personality wise, or at least the fandom interpretation of her seems eerily similar to me.




Check out my tumblr page for artings! 



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i got ISTP which means according to the chart, i am most like Spike. yay! i like spike!






Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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Extravert(56%) Sensing(62%) Feeling(50%) Perceiving(33)%

  • You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Sensing over Intuition (62%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
  • You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (33%)



I like dollies.

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