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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Well, my current name here is Yulaiyre, which is pronounced (Yool-ey-re)


It's an old character I made in a story with a friend, i can't really remember the story, but the name always stuck in the back of my head. I've usually been pretty good at coming up with unusual fantasy names. 


I was getting bored of having Celestia as a username, so I chose this instead 

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My name comes from the usual name that I keep in there, Moog (Moog comes from synthesizers), and I mixed it with one of my all time favorite albums, Blackwater Park by Opeth.

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Batman is and always has been my favorite superhero.  I watched Batman: The Animated Series as well as Justice League as a child, fell in love with the Nolan movies, and before joining MLP Forums the only forum I'd ever been on was the Batman: Arkham City forum, where I made quite an impact as batcatforever (it was seriously awesome, great community and Rocksteady actually chose one of my suggested achievement names/descriptions in an official suggestion thread as one of the achievements in the final game), so when I came here, I figured that I wanted my username to reflect my love of Batman and MLP.  After a few minutes of thought, I finally settled on Batbrony; reflected exactly what I wanted, has a nice ring to it, and I've stuck with it ever since.

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I chose Vinyl Rave because Vinyl Scratch was my favorite character, besides rainbow, dash at the time. I got the rave part because I used to go to a ton of rave parties. I decided to stop because my parents were tired of taking me all the way to L.A. To go to raves. Plus I was going to bed at 4 in the mourning and my grades were failing. 1 year later I found MLP and saw the character Vinyl Scratch. I instantly loved this show and the community. I decided to make my profile Vinyl Rave after how much fun I had at raves.

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You're failing your grades and it makes you mourning? I am sorry to hear that, Vinyl Rave. :C


Anyway that name sounds great! Inspires me for another username but not sure if I should yet.

I chose Vinyl Rave because Vinyl Scratch was my favorite character, besides rainbow, dash at the time. I got the rave part because I used to go to a ton of rave parties. I decided to stop because my parents were tired of taking me all the way to L.A. To go to raves. Plus I was going to bed at 4 in the mourning and my grades were failing. 1 year later I found MLP and saw the character Vinyl Scratch. I instantly loved this show and the community. I decided to make my profile Vinyl Rave after how much fun I had at raves.

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The reason why I chose this name is because it felt a bit more original than past names while retaining a part of my original online title.  Besides, I wanted to keep my original handle separate so as to prevent long time friends from finding out my secret passion. Thus, Accellerant was born, a side which only pertains to ponies and arts while my original handle is used for everything else (primarily gaming and relations.)

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Was desperate searching for cool, unused usernames all through the internet, and in the end, I founf Proton, its cool, uncommon and very unique :3

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Um, I decided to go with this name because since high school, Regent is used in a lot of my usernames including as part of my PSN.  I then added Shy to the end of it because well, you know.  I think it works, right?

Edited by RegentShy
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Well! If I remember correctly, the original username I wanted was Apple Bloom. However, since that was already taken... I went with Appl3 Bl00m. Then the user Apple Bloom said something about the similarities of our names and I thought he implied "You better change yours right now because Apple Bloom is MY THING!" (he's a sweetheart of course, but being a noob, I thought I was already at risk of being unwelcome). So I changed it to d1sc0rd and then someone else said "It'd look better if it were in all caps". And thus, we get D1SC0RD.


I've been thinking about changing it though... we'll see.

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I really don't know. probably has something to do with my love of music (I could have made it music rapture) and also my love for the city of Rapture. kudos to those who get it. Also you could always say that sound is used as an adjective like "that's a sound idea" and say that this rapture is sound. or that the music is raptured. you could have a philosophical debate on my name XD

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i would like to say that it is because "fly" can be used as a noun, a verb, and an adjective. but i didn't think of that until after i chose it. this website is the first one i've used this username on before. i originally chose it because i'd never seen a website that let you have a name as short as three characters, so i thought fly would make a cool name. then i realized how the word can be used in different ways, which made me like it even more.

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I called myself shadow-girl because I always sneak up and scare people without them notice me. I'm always quiet and I don't make much noise(sheesh! for fat girl, I never make much noise).


So I'm like a shadow and I admit I like sneaking up on people. And like I said before, "without them notice me...," I guess I'm invisible to people even my family.


Oh yea, 87 is my birth year. XD

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I came up with this name because I wanted something original and unique. Get my name out there, you know. And it's also a typo it was meant to be Squiggly now Swiggly but still... I liked the way it turned out. :D

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I just became a Brony and I don't mean to brag, but I'm rather Brainy! Plus, it rhymes and I like rhymes. Also, it was the only thing I could think of without having to think too much. happy.png

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Hey, I got some advice for you little buddy, before you point your finger you should know that I'm the man.

I'm the man and you're the man and he's the man as well, so you can point that finger up your ass.

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repsol because my honda rs 50's bodywork is in the original repsol racing colours


and rave because i love going to big hardstyle/hardcore festivals and rave my bucking ass off! :)

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Because I love Luna soo much, so I wanted to have Luna in my name, but also, if Fluttershy's Squee is cute, then Princess Luna's squee would be awesome.

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I picked Toastie because it's the internet nickname that I've been carrying around with me for about 4 years.


As for how I got the name I got WoW and couldn't decide what to pick my 1st character would be called, however at the time I was eating a cheese and ham toastie so I just named it after that due to lack of ideas, would not change it now though happy.png

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Theres only one certainly in life and thats death. I embrace it and dont fear it and the grim reaper just looks awesome now come on

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