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If you could change your name to a NATURE name....

Bit Boss

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I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure there was a WWII operation called "Desert Eagle". 


(Plus all the soldiers in the game Metal Gear Solid V have adjective+animal names like that e.g. Pouncing Harrier)


Desert Eagle does sound familiar to me as though it did exist during WWII or the Persian Gulf War.

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That would be a prophetic name on a par with the ponies in the show! i'm sure having such a meaningful name will become a self-fulfilling prophesy 


I only want to help people, it might be something small but that would be all I needed and besides, the name has stuck with me.  People say that Cedar is a better name than my old name and I rather like it.

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Zephyr Breeze

Jk. :P

I guess I could always just take my OC's name with Meadow Leaf, if I were to have some kind of nature name.

Cool, Jaoquin Phoenix wanted a nature-related name like his siblings (River and Rain) so he changed his to Leaf. One of his first films ("Parenthood" 1989) credits him as "Leaf Phoenix". And obviously Meadow was the daughter in the Sopranos. So great choice of names bud :D

Probably Stormy Skies, or Winter Snow. 

Stormy Skies sounds kinda familiar! Is that a character in a show or anything like that?

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Cool, Jaoquin Phoenix wanted a nature-related name like his siblings (River and Rain) so he changed his to Leaf. One of his first films ("Parenthood" 1989) credits him as "Leaf Phoenix". And obviously Meadow was the daughter in the Sopranos. So great choice of names bud :D

Stormy Skies sounds kinda familiar! Is that a character in a show or anything like that?

I don't think so. Your probably thinking of a character with a similar name.

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I wouldn't ever change my name to this, but I have to go with 'Winter'. Of course. There's really no other choice for me.

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Aspen. Why not just pick some normal sounding name? Not to rain on anybody's parade, but why all the ridiculous OC names? Couldn't you just be a normal person? This would probably be another topic for discussion, but it bothers me when you can tell someone renamed themself by their name choice. Like those people who pick the name "Jazzmyne." Why can't it just be "Jasmine?" Or the people who pick names that they obviously think are cool but really aren't, and they won't stop finding ways to work their obnoxious sounding name into conversation.

I already have a nature based name, it's Cedar.  :please:  I'm working on legally changing it to that though...

I think Cedar is a good name. I think you should keep it, but I guess you're entitled to your personal preference.

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I think Cedar is a good name. I think you should keep it, but I guess you're entitled to your personal preference.


Cedar is the name I'm changing it to.  The name has grown on me a whole lot since I started using it, I wouldn't change it to anything else  :love:. 

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Cedar is the name I'm changing it to.  The name has grown on me a whole lot since I started using it, I wouldn't change it to anything else  :love:. 

I see. I was thinking you were changing it from Cedar to something else. My mistake. It really is a nice name. I think we could all learn a thing or two from the Pokemon games and use tree species for names more.

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Aspen. Why not just pick some normal sounding name? Not to rain on anybody's parade, but why all the ridiculous OC names? Couldn't you just be a normal person? This would probably be another topic for discussion, but it bothers me when you can tell someone renamed themself by their name choice. Like those people who pick the name "Jazzmyne." Why can't it just be "Jasmine?" Or the people who pick names that they obviously think are cool but really aren't, and they won't stop finding ways to work their obnoxious sounding name into conversation.

I think Cedar is a good name. I think you should keep it, but I guess you're entitled to your personal preference.

That just makes me think that the fact that we go through our whole lives referring to ourselves exclusively by a term that someone else has designated us is absurd. Not that I would change my own name (but that's only because I have a normal enough name that doesn't cause any problems, and I can't be bothered changing it). We are all just referring to ourselves with random noises and letters in the grand scheme of things, so theoretically speaking, there is no difference between "Jazmeen" and Jasmine apart from the meaning that the chooser attached to it. 

No, because water damages things and that's a major thing in nature.


Winter Blaze? Kinda pony-sounding and a nature name, kinda.

I think Winter might be winning here!

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That just makes me think that the fact that we go through our whole lives referring to ourselves exclusively by a term that someone else has designated us is absurd. Not that I would change my own name (but that's only because I have a normal enough name that doesn't cause any problems, and I can't be bothered changing it). We are all just referring to ourselves with random noises and letters in the grand scheme of things, so theoretically speaking, there is no difference between "Jazmeen" and Jasmine apart from the meaning that the chooser attached to it.

It's when someone makes their name something they can go ahead and brag about, such as "look at me, my name isn't normal and defies conventional norms. I'm a progressive and individual person that knows how to make their own identity. Look at all of you with your boring normal names. Why can't you be like me?" That's what bothers me. You don't need to make your name all about the fact that you made it yourself. It shouldn't be a "yep, they named themself" kind of situation. It should just be a name. 

Also, I might point out that basically everything is named by something else. Nobody calls something what that something wants to be called. We call animals names we have created, use names for Native American tribes that we made, rather than the ones they use for themselves, we call countries by names that they don't refer to themselves as. The world we live in is one in which nothing names itself. And that's not really a problem unless it makes it hard to understand what you're referring to, which it usually doesn't. If you're willing to argue about how you should be able to make your own name and be called by that, then you could also argue that you should be able to make your own language, and not speak the one that other people created and taught you. It just doesn't make much sense to consider it a problem.

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It's when someone makes their name something they can go ahead and brag about, such as "look at me, my name isn't normal and defies conventional norms. I'm a progressive and individual person that knows how to make their own identity. Look at all of you with your boring normal names. Why can't you be like me?" That's what bothers me. You don't need to make your name all about the fact that you made it yourself. It shouldn't be a "yep, they named themself" kind of situation. It should just be a name. 

Also, I might point out that basically everything is named by something else. Nobody calls something what that something wants to be called. We call animals names we have created, use names for Native American tribes that we made, rather than the ones they use for themselves, we call countries by names that they don't refer to themselves as. The world we live in is one in which nothing names itself. And that's not really a problem unless it makes it hard to understand what you're referring to, which it usually doesn't. If you're willing to argue about how you should be able to make your own name and be called by that, then you could also argue that you should be able to make your own language, and not speak the one that other people created and taught you. It just doesn't make much sense to consider it a problem.

Ah yeah well I agree with you there, a good mindset to have is that you can be as weird as you want just don't be an @sshat too. I guess what I mean is the part that you said about  being "a progressive and individual person that knows how to make their own identity" sounds like a very good thing to me, and it's the "Why can't you be like me" part that's pretentious. 

I won't touch on what you said about animal names, but your point about nothing in the world naming itself doesn't really make sense, as you've said that tribes and countries Do name themselves?

Are you saying that you agree you should be able to make your own language, or not?

I think Autumn Leaf would describe me perfectly.


Always letting go.

that's very succinct and well thought-out!

no need for a change since my name mean defender. 

Does Satrox mean defender?

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I won't touch on what you said about animal names, but your point about nothing in the world naming itself doesn't really make sense, as you've said that tribes and countries Do name themselves? Are you saying that you agree you should be able to make your own language, or not?

Basically what I'm saying is that rarely does something have its own name, and that name gets acknowledged. It often gets pushed aside in favor of a name created by something else. The whole language thing was hyperbole, though I don't think it got my point across. 

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My first name to August. It was the month I was born in.

Ah yes there are other female month-names too like April, May, June and my favorite, January (like January Jones). Are these names related to nature though?

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Does Satrox mean defender?

Nah, "Satrox" is just a rock band name. I meant my real name.

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Basically what I'm saying is that rarely does something have its own name, and that name gets acknowledged. It often gets pushed aside in favor of a name created by something else. The whole language thing was hyperbole, though I don't think it got my point across. 

Yeah I was thinking, countries DO to a degree create their own language when they are trying to gain independence from another ruling country e.g. Ireland in the early 20th century and the Congo in the 1960s. Having your own language solidifies your identity. The same occurs even with small groups of people who use slang to differentiate themselves from others. I know you're saying that if I myself invented my own language it would be useless as no-one else would speak it. But I could assert my identity by choosing my own name!  

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Ah yes there are other female month-names too like April, May, June and my favorite, January (like January Jones). Are these names related to nature though?


Well August can also be a dude's name. (Which I am.) But I think they are, I mean August makes me think of the summer, heat, long days. Aspects in nature I like.

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