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gaming Smash Bros. mains?


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i like playing as palutena, cloud strife, joker, corrin, and both pit and dark pit; basically whoever im in the mood for, dont really have a main main tbh...

need to pick up byleth too, they look fun and i like the designs

  • Brohoof 1
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I actually have quite a few I like to use regularly: Link, Captain Falcon, Marth/Lucinda, Snake, Ryu/Ken, Cloud and Terry. Right now, my top guy is looking like Terry

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I generally main Captain Falcon and Young Link, but I also like using Lucas, Sonic, Mario and King K. Rool.

Edited by Cash In
  • Brohoof 1
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16 hours ago, Zero said:

i like playing as palutena, cloud strife, joker, corrin, and both pit and dark pit; basically whoever im in the mood for, dont really have a main main tbh...

need to pick up byleth too, they look fun and i like the designs

Byleth looks absolutely amazing!! I can't wait to pick her up:squee:

  • Brohoof 1
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My main and favorite Nintendo character is Inkling. Splatoon 2 is one of the best games I play so I chose the character to implement my love to the series.

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Back in the days Brawl my mains were Wolf, Zelda, Lucario, and Ike. I have yet to get all of these in Ultimate, but I'm working at it! For now, Byleth has proven to be the most fun to me, but I still have others to try!

  • Brohoof 1
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I main Lucina but I've played Byleth a lot lately and they're my second favorite now. The Smash models look super pretty indeed!

  • Brohoof 1
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