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Samurai Equine

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5 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@Windy Breeze, @ExplosionMare, @Dynamo Pad, @Pastel Heart, @Kronos the Revenant, @Astral Vision

Well, I put all the events through a randomizer, and kart race came out on top! Hope that'll excite ya'll. :yay:

But if not, don't worry, I can work out some details for those who don't want to take part in the race. In fact, I've all ready got some specific things planned out, so everyone will have something to do. :fluttershy:

I'm actually psyched that the kart race is up next. I actually have an idea on how Dynamo could compete in the kart race. At the same time, he could learn more about his magic abilities. :D 

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

I'm actually psyched that the kart race is up next. I actually have an idea on how Dynamo could compete in the kart race. At the same time, he could learn more about his magic abilities. :D 

@Dynamo Pad

I imagine Dynamo will be making many Mario Kart references, but it could be funny to see actual power-ups in the race.

I'm also kind of hoping for a villain to show on the scene; Nightmare Moon's ghost already appeared and the Mayor Kronos is working for doesn't seem too friendly either. All in all, I'm looking forward to the next event as well. ^_^

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Just now, Astral Vision said:

@Dynamo Pad

I imagine Dynamo will be making many Mario Kart references, but it could be funny to see actual power-ups in the race.

I'm also kind of hoping for a villain to show on the scene; Nightmare Moon's ghost already appeared and the Mayor Kronos is working for doesn't seem too friendly either. All in all, I'm looking forward to the next event as well. ^_^

You're not wrong as I was actually thinking that. :ButtercupLaugh:

I was thinking if I gave out the power ups and see which ones could work, then I could use that as a gimmick for my racing. Since we know he has gaming magic, then he could launch fire balls and other element spells/abilities from the game through the track.

I do also like the idea of getting other tourists involved as maybe we'd be able to have cameo's. A villain would be cool, but I guess it depends on who would want to interfere. I'm with you there as I'm really excited for the next event.

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1 minute ago, ExplosionMare said:

@Samurai Equine

The kart race sounds fun, actually!

Is Pencil aloud to steer with her magic on occasion when her hooves get tired or is that considered cheating?

I don't think steering with magic would account for cheating. I think driving with hooves would be difficult. Especially when having to do drifting and/or making sharp turns. I guess it would depend on the rules for racing.

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33 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

I don't think steering with magic would account for cheating. I think driving with hooves would be difficult. Especially when having to do drifting and/or making sharp turns. I guess it would depend on the rules for racing.

Ok, thanks! Maybe you could have one of your NPCs go over the rules once day 3/4(?) I forgot the day  starts

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20 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

Ok, thanks! Maybe you could have one of your NPCs go over the rules once day 3/4(?) I forgot the day  starts


If I know anything about races, the rules should be pretty simple.

3 laps around the town, through the streets and on the outskirts. The winner will be the racer who completes 3 laps first. Certain types of magic may not be allowed, and any evidence of sabotage will lead to disqualification.

Plus, if there are any age limits to the race, Pastel may have to cartpool with Dynamo, which would be pretty funny to see. :adorkable:

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1 hour ago, Astral Vision said:


If I know anything about races, the rules should be pretty simple.

3 laps around the town, through the streets and on the outskirts. The winner will be the racer who completes 3 laps first. Certain types of magic may not be allowed, and any evidence of sabotage will lead to disqualification.

Plus, if there are any age limits to the race, Pastel may have to cartpool with Dynamo, which would be pretty funny to see. :adorkable:

I guess I'd have to ask Samurai on the idea of magic being used. Since I was thinking of Dynamo using his magic to throw fireballs down the track. Sort of like the fireballs and other items in Mario Kart. :ButtercupLaugh:

The funny thing was that I was thinking of having Pastel participate in the race with Dynamo. Sort of like how they would in Double Dash with two drivers switching and throwing items. I guess the rules will have to be discussed. :D 

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

I guess I'd have to ask Samurai on the idea of magic being used. Since I was thinking of Dynamo using his magic to throw fireballs down the track. Sort of like the fireballs and other items in Mario Kart. :ButtercupLaugh:

The funny thing was that I was thinking of having Pastel participate in the race with Dynamo. Sort of like how they would in Double Dash with two drivers switching and throwing items. I guess the rules will have to be discussed. :D 

Aww, a double dash between them would be so cute!

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1 minute ago, ExplosionMare said:

Aww, a double dash between them would be so cute!

Now I can imagine one taking the wheel and then they swap with one driving and the other throwing magic fireballs. A team to be possibly underestimated. :laugh:

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2 hours ago, Astral Vision said:


If I know anything about races, the rules should be pretty simple.

3 laps around the town, through the streets and on the outskirts. The winner will be the racer who completes 3 laps first. Certain types of magic may not be allowed, and any evidence of sabotage will lead to disqualification.

Plus, if there are any age limits to the race, Pastel may have to cartpool with Dynamo, which would be pretty funny to see. :adorkable:

Unless there’s power ups in this race I doubt Pencil will use any advanced spells. Her magic for the most part is pretty basic.

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On 5/1/2020 at 9:07 AM, Astral Vision said:

@Dynamo Pad

I'm also kind of hoping for a villain to show on the scene; Nightmare Moon's ghost already appeared and the Mayor Kronos is working for doesn't seem too friendly either.

...Spoilers. :orly:

On 5/1/2020 at 11:38 AM, ExplosionMare said:

@Samurai Equine

The kart race sounds fun, actually!

Is Pencil aloud to steer with her magic on occasion when her hooves get tired or is that considered cheating?

As long as the magic is being used on your own kart and not someone else's, I thin that should be allowed. I honestly don't see why not.

On 5/1/2020 at 12:14 PM, ExplosionMare said:

Ok, thanks! Maybe you could have one of your NPCs go over the rules once day 3/4(?) I forgot the day  starts

I'll have it covered. :)

8 hours ago, Astral Vision said:


If I know anything about races, the rules should be pretty simple.

3 laps around the town, through the streets and on the outskirts. The winner will be the racer who completes 3 laps first. Certain types of magic may not be allowed, and any evidence of sabotage will lead to disqualification.

Plus, if there are any age limits to the race, Pastel may have to cartpool with Dynamo, which would be pretty funny to see. :adorkable:

Dude, stop reading my mi--Err, I mean, SPOILERS! :glimmer:

Heh. Honestly, I was floating between 3 and 5 laps to make it interesting, but 3 laps might be enough.

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@Samurai Equine

Is it a normal race, or will there be things added to the race? Not so much as obstacles, but something like how there are power ups like in Mario Kart. 

I was just wondering because would that mean Dynamo could use his magic? Sort of like discovering he could use magic like in games and use that power in the race? Such as fireballs or certain weapons like the power ups in Mario Kart. 

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Just now, Dynamo Pad said:

@Samurai Equine

Is it a normal race, or will there be things added to the race? Not so much as obstacles, but something like how there are power ups like in Mario Kart. 

I was just wondering because would that mean Dynamo could use his magic? Sort of like discovering he could use magic like in games and use that power in the race? Such as fireballs or certain weapons like the power ups in Mario Kart. 

All of these questions will be answered on the day of the race. I'll have an NPC explain the rules. :)

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NAME: Boulder Dash 

AGE: early/mid teens 


SPECIES: Earth Pony*

OCCUPATION OR DESIRED JOB: Trying to figure out what's going on 

ABILITIES/TALENTS: Advanced tunneling techniques and superior strength

PERSONALITY/BACKSTORY: Boulder is not a native to Equestria. In fact he's not from that reality to begin with. He hails from the EQG dimension. During one of the many instances where rifts between their world and Equestria opened up, he ended up stumbling through and finding himself transformed into an Earth Pony. With no knowledge of how such a thing could have happened, he has been rather disoriented, trying to find a place in this new world. It hasn't been all bad for him however. He's found that he can dig through the ground faster than he can run, and he seems to be capable of lifting a lot more weight than he could back when he was a human. He ended up in Friendshire because of how lost and confused he felt. Boulder also has not been forthcoming about his origins to other ponies. He has a fear that they might turn on him or use him for experiments. Instead he uses the catchall "I have amnesia" excuse to explain how he doesn't know something that is common in Equestria. 

DESCRIPTION AND/OR REF IMAGE: While this picture is not him it is close enough to what I am going for. I repeat, the picture is not exactly him, only the closest thing I could find.


Boulder Dash has pure white fur and a brown curly mane and tail. Unlike the Picture he has a deep interest in mining, spelunking, and anything involving going under ground. He's also still a Colt in Equestrian standards. This helps in his deceptions, cause when a lost colt says they have amnesia, most ponies move towards sympathy rather than suspicion. 


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12 hours ago, Buck Testa said:

NAME: Boulder Dash 

AGE: early/mid teens 


SPECIES: Earth Pony*

OCCUPATION OR DESIRED JOB: Trying to figure out what's going on 

ABILITIES/TALENTS: Advanced tunneling techniques and superior strength

PERSONALITY/BACKSTORY: Boulder is not a native to Equestria. In fact he's not from that reality to begin with. He hails from the EQG dimension. During one of the many instances where rifts between their world and Equestria opened up, he ended up stumbling through and finding himself transformed into an Earth Pony. With no knowledge of how such a thing could have happened, he has been rather disoriented, trying to find a place in this new world. It hasn't been all bad for him however. He's found that he can dig through the ground faster than he can run, and he seems to be capable of lifting a lot more weight than he could back when he was a human. He ended up in Friendshire because of how lost and confused he felt. Boulder also has not been forthcoming about his origins to other ponies. He has a fear that they might turn on him or use him for experiments. Instead he uses the catchall "I have amnesia" excuse to explain how he doesn't know something that is common in Equestria. 

DESCRIPTION AND/OR REF IMAGE: While this picture is not him it is close enough to what I am going for. I repeat, the picture is not exactly him, only the closest thing I could find.


Boulder Dash has pure white fur and a brown curly mane and tail. Unlike the Picture he has a deep interest in mining, spelunking, and anything involving going under ground. He's also still a Colt in Equestrian standards. This helps in his deceptions, cause when a lost colt says they have amnesia, most ponies move towards sympathy rather than suspicion. 



(BTW let me know if you want me to draw what he actually looks like for you because I can)

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3 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:


(BTW let me know if you want me to draw what he actually looks like for you because I can)

I'd love to see that! 

Also does my OC need explicit approval before I post or am I free to go?

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22 hours ago, Buck Testa said:

NAME: Boulder Dash 

Hey! Welcome to my RP. Thanks for showing interest. :)

We are currently wrapping up the 3rd day of events in the RP, so I'd hate for your character to come in just as all the characters are going to bed for the night. Would you be willing to hold off until the next wave of events? I'll be sure to tag you in the RP as soon as we're ready for you.

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9 hours ago, Buck Testa said:

I'd love to see that! 

Also does my OC need explicit approval before I post or am I free to go?

Do you have any specific requirements for the pony besides what you listed in the character profile?

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3 hours ago, ExplosionMare said:

Do you have any specific requirements for the pony besides what you listed in the character profile?

Well I'd say having him look nervous and confused would help express his character a bit. He's in an entirely unfamiliar world, in an entirely unfamiliar body, and as my opening post shows, he's gone through a rough time the second he dropped into Equestria. He's not SHY per say, more not sure who he can trust just yet. If that makes sense. 

Other than that His color scheme is pretty simple. White coat, brown curly mane and tail, and he's a colt not a full grown stallion. As for a cutie mark, I'll leave that up to ya. 

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Alright, I'm not exactly sure what y'all are doing with my character right now. I'd have thought this would have been pretty obvious, but the colt clearly needs medical attention. He's covered in dirt and mud, he hasn't eaten in weeks, he's dehydrated, and quite literally just passed out. 

I'm sure Friendshire has some kind of hospital yes? If we could move him there I'd greatly appreciate it. 

My out of character goal was to have him wake up in the hospital after this race thing or whatever is going on so he could be properly introduced to the town when there isn't an event happening. 

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33 minutes ago, Buck Testa said:

Alright, I'm not exactly sure what y'all are doing with my character right now. I'd have thought this would have been pretty obvious, but the colt clearly needs medical attention. He's covered in dirt and mud, he hasn't eaten in weeks, he's dehydrated, and quite literally just passed out. 

I'm sure Friendshire has some kind of hospital yes? If we could move him there I'd greatly appreciate it. 

My out of character goal was to have him wake up in the hospital after this race thing or whatever is going on so he could be properly introduced to the town when there isn't an event happening. 

@Emerald Heart

You heard what he said? We are taking his character to the hospital. (Dang, I made my OCs do the dumbest decision) 

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