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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine

”A date doesn’t have to be limited to a meal, heck, people back where I’m originally from, sometimes spend the whole day and make it their date.” Thundy said. “Yea, Thundy took me out on a date a little after we first met. It was the sweetest thing ever.” Chelsea said with a sniffle. Thundy meant the entire world to Chelsea, hence why she sniffled because he was so special to her. 

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@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash @Samurai Equine @PawelS @Ragland Tiger

If Pencil had enough energy and enthusiasm, she would’ve clapped at the presentation of her meal. Instead, she nodded quietly and began to nibble on everything. She heeded Samurai’s warning about the salty food and decide to eat that one sparingly. It tasted decent, but it wasn’t something she desired during breakfast time.

She glanced over at Dynamo who appeared worried about something. She gave him a concerned look back, wondering if there was a way to help him. Thankfully, whatever it was had appeared to be resolved once Bluebell came downstairs.

Ah, a romantic thing, Pencil thought, internally smirking.

Once breakfast was finished, she joined the others as Thundy began showing off the new set of cars he had been working on. Pencil grinned at Thundy’s car for how cute it was. It resembled one of the Pokémon characters him and Dynamo liked so much. Chelsea’s was pretty interesting as well, reflecting the aquatic lifestyle she previously lived. When the music began to stream from both vehicles, she bopped her head along to it. Unlike most everyone else, she actually appreciated how loud it was.

She then went over to Samurai who had asked what everyone should do for the day. Chelsea had suggested reopening the museum, which sounded like a good idea. Now that Pencil thought about it, she needed to go back to it soon to review new artwork. However, she still wanted to spend the day with everyone else as much as she could.

“I definitely want to head to the museum first since I have some work to do there. After that, we could all probably pick out a fun activity together,” she proposed to Samurai.

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@ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

"Say, you wanna hitch a ride with me Pencil? It would be best to go there early to make sure that everything is in place..." Chelsea stated. "I could follow you gus, but I have to head back to the car shop to do somethin, so I'll be there in due time." Thundy stated. 

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@Dynamo Pad, @PawelS, @ExplosionMare, @C. Thunder Dash, @Ragland Tiger

Samurai double takes at Dynamo's question. "You want to pour your cup of fruit juice into your Natto? Eww... Is that a western thing? Do ponies from your home town pour fruit juice on omelettes?" Samurai asks, really confused.

However, Thundy soon joins them, followed by Chelsea. "Welcome back, Thundy! Chelsea! Would you both like some breakfast? I can make anything you want, but everyone else was interested in my breakfast, so I made them the same thing. A bowl of steamed rice, a package of Natto, a bowl of miso soup, a plate of omelette with fresh veggies, and a cup of fruit juice. But like I told everyone else, I can make you something else if you don't want to eat an Asian breakfast. Cereal, fruit, breakfast muffins... Let me know what you want." Samurai explains.

He listens to Thundy and Chelsea's exploits about vehicles and such. "Ash... Oh, of course! That's the western name of Satoshi, right? The star of Pokemon?"
But hearing what Tree Song wants to do is the most interesting. "Well, if Dynamo is going on a date, then I might be able to show you around the town, Tree-chan. Granted, we might make a few stops along the way. I really want to survey the town, maybe help out with anypony who needs it. I am sure there are plenty of ponies still in the hospital, and I'm sure the last of the reconstruction effort will be wrapping up today. Is there any specific sights that you or Nopony want to see?"

@Kronos the Revenant, @GeneralDirection, @Windy Breeze

For anyone this is tuning into the news...
"This is Elusive Facts of Friendshire News, bringing you the latest in post-warfare news. Thanks to the concentrated efforts of our town's census workers, we now have a full account of all the citizens. We are glad to say that 78% of the citizens did not sustain any major injuries or traumas. As of right now, about 5% have been released from the hospitals with minor injuries fully treated and more are to released soon, and 14% are suffering from major injuries and complications that will keep them in the hospital for an extended amount of time. Furthermore, because some families were separated in the battle, we now have a full list of where every citizen has went for medical attention. Most citizens went to the Friendshire Central Hospital. Some have gone to the Southwest Hospital, and some have gone to the Everfree Care Center. But as you may know, there are other hospitals in Friendshire. If you are trying to find any friends or family, feel free to call the Friendshire News Network OR report to the information bureau that has been temporarily set up at the Town Square. We'll do our best to redirect you to the correct hospital."  

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@Samurai Equine'

"Hmmm, got any hashbrowns and biscuits?" Thundy asked. "And yes, Ash Ketchum is the western name for Satoshi." Thundy stated. "I like Dawn's Japanese name, Hikari, it's so beautiful." Chelsea added in. "And I'd like the same as Thundy." Chelsea added. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Pencil nodded at Chelsea’s offer for a car ride.

“I’d like that. Whenever you’re done with breakfast we can go for a quick ride,” she replied.

With her own plate already cleared off, she took a moment to stand up and stretch. She always got stiff easily when sitting down, despite how comfortable she usually was with sitting down. It was a bit annoying at times, she had to admit.

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@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

"O-Oh, okay. I-I'm sorry about that. To be honest, I haven't really gone on a date in quite a long time." Dynamo admitted, while rubbing the back of his neck with his front left hoof. He understood that there was nothing to be embarrassed about in admitting such a thing, but it still made him feel nervous. Turning towards Samurai, the gaming unicorn tilted his head in confusion as he heard his comment. "Oh, no. I didn't meant it like that, Sam." He chuckled as he shook his head. "I wasn't sure if you had meant for the cup of fruit juice to be added to the Natto, or if it was just a regular cup of fruit juice. I guess I got things mixed up, so I'm really sorry about that." He gave a sheepish smile, before nodding at the asian pony's question. "I usually stick to calling him Ash, but you're right that his Japonies name is Satoshi." He would say, before finishing up his breakfast.

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@C. Thunder Dash

“Great! I’m ready to go, too!” Pencil beamed as Chelsea stood up from the table.

She headed towards the door and held it open for the griffon. Although she had never ridden in a car before, she was pretty excited about it. If it was anything like a go kart, she was sure it would be a lot of fun.

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@ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine

"Alright then." Chelsea stated as she saw Samurai's assistants make her food quickly. She bowed to the assistants and Samurai. "Well, I will see you all later." She said as she smiled at Pencil as she headed out the door towards her 370z. She made sure Pencil was behind her. 

@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

Thundy had gathered some electricity and made his original nintendo ds appear. He was playing Pokemon Diamond looking through his PC box. His party consisted of his Giratina, Mewtwo, Infernape, Rhydon, Heatran and Floatzel.

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo glanced over to Thundy, who had used his electricity to make a handheld device appear. “What kind of device is that, Thundy?” From the looks of things, the device seemed to have been a video game console. He had seen some consoles before, but nothing like that. It sort of reminded Dynamo of the video game handheld that Samurai had gotten him. 

Upon further inspection, Dynamo smiled as the game looked familiar. “Oh, Pokémon!” He grinned, while noticing the Pokémon that the male griffon possessed. “Are those Pokémon the ones on your main team? Now that’s what I call a good collection of teammates.”

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"Yep, my party changed quite a bit. My Infernape has never went into the PC. This Mewtwo you see here, was one of the luckiest trades I ever had. I left my level 32 Ambipom up for trades at the global trading station. I wake up the next day to find this here Mewtwo. It was level 95. It knows some extremely powerful moves: Fire Blast, Blizzard, Solar Beam and Aura Sphere. It knew psychic but I replaced it with Aura Sphere." Thundy explained. "And this...is an original nintendo ds. As you can see, it's got two screens. There have been quite a few newer versions: The Lite, DSi, DSi XL, 3DS, 2DS, 3DS XL, New 3DS and New 3DS XL." Thundy explained. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

“I don’t blame you for not putting your Infernape in the PC box. That’s your starter, after all. The starter helps build that special connection between trainer and Pokémon.” He smiled, knowing full well whenever he played the series. “When you put it that way, then that’s definitely a good trade. Those are also some good moves. Psychic is still a good attack, but I guess it depends on personal preference.” He whistles as he was impressed. “I remember getting an Alolan Vulpix in a global trade, but only because I kept reading constantly. I learned a lesson on looking into which Pokémon are exclusive to certain games.” He chuckled, nodding as he listened to Thundy’s explanation on the handheld. “It’s interesting how there’s many different models of the DS. I’m guessing it must have been because of the screen of the handheld, or the data holding for the device?”

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@Dynamo Pad

"Both actually, as the technology back in world advanced, more features were added to the DS. Thundy gathered some electricity and all his handhelds appear: his DSi, 3DS, New 3DS XL and Gameboy Advance SP. "The Gameboy Advance SP was my first ever handheld." Thundy explained. 

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@Windy Breeze

Nopony ponders the meaning of the letter.

So somepony saw me when I was watching the house... that's bad, what does she think about me now? And what can I do? I can give her another note to explain it, but then she would know that I have seen this one. So it's better to do nothing for now, and explain it on another occasion. I just hope she keeps the bell, she can still be in danger... I should remember this name though, Windbag Chatter.

The druid leaves the hospital and goes towards Samurai's house, where he expects to find Tree Song.

@Samurai Equine

"Well, I mean something like tourist attractions, things that are worth seeing when visiting the town. Of course we can also help with the reconstruction effort. By the way, thanks for the delicious breakfast!" Tree Song heard others were using some words in a foreign language, probably from Samurai's homeland, but she knows nothing about it, so she doesn't risk repeating them, without knowing what they mean. Showing common kindness and courtesy should be enough.

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@PawelS, @ExplosionMare, @Dynamo Pad, @C. Thunder Dash

The conversation between Thundy and Dynamo is mostly going over his head. "Heh. Sorry you two. I stopped paying attention to major Pokemon titles after Ruby and Sapphire. Groudon was so cool."

Samurai smiles and nods at Tree's compliment. "You're welcome. If you're finished, would you like to head out? I can't wait to start the day." Samurai asks Tree Song as he gets ready to leave.

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@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @PawelS @C. Thunder Dash

"I'm glad to know that my guess wasn't too far off. It sounds like when you mention more features, then that must mean there be updates to the software. That, or maybe it was to make these handhelds hold more memory or data." Dynamo responded, watching as the male griffon had made some of his handhelds appear. Dynamo had noticed that some designs of the handheld looked bigger than other handhelds, while some seemed sleeker in design. "These look pretty interesting. I do like this Gameboy Advanced SP. It looks like a slimmed version of the DS, or what the DS would eventually turn into. Actually, I think we do have these kind of handhelds, but they go by a different title. Given by what Samurai had just said." Speaking of Samurai, Dynamo turned towards the asian pony, while giving him an understanding nod and smile. "There's no need to apologize, Sam. I have to admit that I almost stoped playing Pokemon for quite a while, but some of the newer games had brought me back. I've been learning and practicing to get into competitive battles for tournaments. Groudon is a pretty interesting Pokemon and pairs well with certain teammates like Venusaur." 

Upon hearing Samurai asking if Tree would like to head out. Dynamo looked to see that Pencil and Chelsea were already making their exit, as well. "If it's time to head out, then I guess we should be on our way. Oh, by the way, Sam? Do you want me to put these dishes and such in the sink?" He asks, not wanting to be a bad guest. He then turned his attention over towards Bluebell. "So, what do you say, Bluebell? Are you ready to go out and have our date together? I hope I"m not rushing you when it comes to breakfast, or in case you need to get ready for the day. If so, then did you want the both of us to take time and getting ready, before meeting up?" He asks, not wanting to make her rush, while also taking her feelings into account.

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@C. Thunder Dash

Pencil waited for Chelsea’s instructions. The car belonged to her, so she did not want to hop in until she was supposed to. However, she was a bit anxious, so it didn’t take her long before a question popped in her head.

“So, can this new car do anything in particular? By that I mean, does it have a powerup?” she asked.

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@Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine @PawelS @ExplosionMare

"Actually, the Gameboy Advance SP came before the Nintendo DS series. The Gameboy Advance SP was the last version of the gameboy ever produced before it stopped production." Thundy stated. 

"You'll see." Chelsea stated as she unlocked the doors with her key fob. Chelsea opened the driver door and nodded to Pencil signaling that it was okay to get in.  

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@Samurai Equine

"Wait just a moment" Tree Song says, and uses her pager and journal to ask her teacher where he is. It turns out he is on his way to Samurai's house, and not long after that, he arrives.

"Good morning, Samurai. Good morning, Tree. I got a message that you two are going to see the town together. Can I join?"

Edited by PawelS
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12 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Upon hearing Samurai asking if Tree would like to head out. Dynamo looked to see that Pencil and Chelsea were already making their exit, as well. "If it's time to head out, then I guess we should be on our way. Oh, by the way, Sam? Do you want me to put these dishes and such in the sink?" He asks, not wanting to be a bad guest. He then turned his attention over towards Bluebell. "So, what do you say, Bluebell? Are you ready to go out and have our date together? I hope I"m not rushing you when it comes to breakfast, or in case you need to get ready for the day. If so, then did you want the both of us to take time and getting ready, before meeting up?" He asks, not wanting to make her rush, while also taking her feelings into account

Bluebell walked over and gave Dynamo a cuddle. "Give me-me a ch-ch-chance to go-go and get cleaned up, and I'll meet-meet you in f-fr-front of the inn in abo-about an hour," she said.

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@Ragland Tiger

As he waited patiently for Bluebell, he watched as she walked over to him, before being enveloped into a hug. He smiled as he cuddled her back, while nuzzling the bespectacled mare gently. "Okay and that's no problem. I need to get back to my place and get ready, as well. Maybe we can use the journals that Pencil gave us to contact each other. That way, we'll know when it'll be time to meet up at the inn." He says, nodding as he was thankful for the directions that Nopony and Tree Song had given him the night before to find the inn.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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Samurai bows respectfully when Nopony arrives. "Good morning. You're more than welcome to welcome us, Namonai-san. But I must ask, have you had breakfast? I made some for Tree and all my friends earlier. If you want, I can make you something as well before we head out. Most of us had an asian breakfast this morning." Samurai explains.

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@Samurai Equine

"Thank you for the offer, but I already had breakfast at the inn. And I don't want to slow you down, so if you're ready to go now, then we should do it. I already walked a bit today, but this shouldn't be a problem, I'm in a pretty good shape for my age. Also I have some news from the hospital, but we can talk about it along the way."

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