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Friendship Day Trivia - 2020 Edition.


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Friendship Day Trivia - 2020 Edition.

Welcome to the... You already know what this is so let's cut to the chase, yes?

Anyway, this trivia is special in that it's the first one since Princess Twilight was crowned as 'Ruler of Equestria' as of the end of Friendship is Magic. If you were expecting something glamourous then you're mistaken as we don't have the budget for that. Since you all know how I work with these trivia events, it's not just Princess Twilight who is the focus. Twilight Sparkle, or known as 'Sci-Twi' to Equestria Girls fans, also gets to shine here because she is just as important as her pony counterpart.

In other words... There are questions here dedicated to both of them.

Now... I am aware of the upcoming 'Season 10' in the comics, but you don't have to worry as no questions will be based on that. In fact, no comic related questions are going to be featured otherwise it would involve having to comb through some really old issues, and also the potential controversies that could come up. So instead, it will be strictly FiM and EQG this time. No questions related to Pony Life either as that's its own series which is currently ongoing.

How many questions dedicated to each Twilight? Normally, I'd have gone with an equal balance, but because Sci-Twi doesn't have as much exposure as Princess Twilight, the odds are going to be stacked against the former. So... It will be seven for pony and three for human. I could ask more than ten questions total yet that would be too long for a small event like this. Besides, I doubt anyone would want to answer several dozen questions or more.

As before, please submit all answers to @Twilight Sparkle.

Also as before, you will have the standard four days plus one extra day should you have need of it. You'll need to send me a PM if you want that extension otherwise you won't get it.

Ready? Whether you are or not, here we go.

Note: If you see any problems with this post, please let me know so that I can fix them.

1. Twilight was originally sent to Ponyville for a real reason and her own reason. What were they?

2. What problem did Twilight cause in 'Lesson Zero'?

3. How did Twilight become an alicorn?

4. What is special about the 'chandelier' above the Cutie Map in Twilight's castle?

5. Dragon Lord Ember confuses Twilight and Starlight in what way?

6. To escape from Tartarus, what plan did Twilight come up with?

7. During Twilight's coronation, name the disasters that ended up occurring.

8. Sci-Twi was afraid of what during the events of 'Legend of Everfree'?

9. What did Sci-Twi struggle with when she was a pony in Princess Twilight's castle?

10. In the final short of 'Holidays Unwrapped', what was Sci-Twi dressed up as?

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I'm still waiting on a response of the last trivia:

The Festival of the Two Sisters. I sent my answers to Princess Celestia on June 23rd as instructed but they were never read.

shouldn't we at least get a response on the previous trivia before you start doing a new one?

Twilight technically had two coronations: at the end of season 3 when she became an alicorn. And at the end of season 9, when she was to take the Royal Sister's position as they retire.

Question 7 must be about the latter, right?

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41 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

Question 10 is tricky. But I can't tell what Twilight is dressed up as and I don't think it's mentioned in dialog

You can always rely on the use of a screenshot.

As for your concerns regarding the previous trivia, I'm not the one to ask about that since I had nothing to do with that event. You'll have to ask either Jedi, Lord Valtasar, or Jeric as to the results and trivia badge.

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13 minutes ago, You said:

#4 sound pretty vague? :confused:Any hint?

4. What is special about the 'chandelier' above the Cutie Map in Twilight's castle?

Watch S5's Castle Sweet Castle

30 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

You can always rely on the use of a screenshot.

You accept screenshots in the Answer Letter? Or whoever's in charge of the answer

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7 minutes ago, You said:

I think S3 coronation is more fitting given how clear it would be then.

But there were no disasters at the coronation there in S3. And considering the question comes after a question from Season 8, it would make more sense to come later

1 hour ago, Ganondorf8 said:

You can always rely on the use of a screenshot.

As for your concerns regarding the previous trivia, I'm not the one to ask about that since I had nothing to do with that event. You'll have to ask either Jedi, Lord Valtasar, or Jeric as to the results and trivia badge.

Even with a picture I still have no idea what it supposed to be called.

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44 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

Even with a picture I still have no idea what it supposed to be called.

You can provide a best guess. We're pretty flexible like that.



Oh, and question seven has to do with her coronation as ruler.


Also, please use spoiler tags when it comes to answers being posted in this thread.

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I finally have enough badges, I don't have to do these school work trivias. However I am waiting for the previous trivia, and if I succeeded, I might do this one :Thorax:

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We are aware that badge distribution is behind schedule. As such, we're working on getting that sorted out as soon as possible. This doesn't apply to the badge that will be given out for this trivia since it does exist and will receive a quick distribution... Or whatever constitutes as quick these days.

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5 hours ago, RDDash said:

I've answered the questions, but my answers are a bit on a funny side.

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In question 10 do we describe what clothes she wears in winter?



Actually it's the last Holidays Unwrapped short, where all except Applejack dressed up to be in a photo shoot for their holiday card. They're not in winter clothing


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13 minutes ago, You said:

I did skip over the specific episodes for #7, but go no idea what kind of disasters it would be about, except

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that specific enemy returning?




Ever watched the finale episode? I think thats what there about for this question(And if not, then i got that wrong)


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16 minutes ago, You said:

I did skip over the specific episodes for #7, but go no idea what kind of disasters it would be about, except

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that specific enemy returning?


I wouldn't say they were disasters, just plans messing up during the event.

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1 hour ago, You said:

I did skip over the specific episodes for #7, but go no idea what kind of disasters it would be about, except

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that specific enemy returning?




It's in the final episode. There are no enemies involved


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And with that, this trivia has come to an end. Thank you to those who took part in this little event. See you all in the next one.

One more thing. Badges will likely be given out as early as Thursday.

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