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Opinions you changed your mind about in regards to G4 & G5


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Tell me your My Little Pony opinions that changed throughout your time of being a fan! Here are mine:

  • Pinkie Pie used to be my least favorite Mane 6 but now she ranks as my 4th favorite.
  • I used to like the Young Six, then I didn't care for them, and now I like them again.
  • I used to like Equestria Girls a lot, but I kinda lost interest. I still think it's nice but I prefer not to rewatch it anymore.
  • Sunny Starscout used to be my favorite Mane 5 pony, but it quickly became Hitch Trailblazer. Sunny is still my 2nd favorite.
  • Before I watched A New Generation, I didn't like Sprout because I thought his design was ugly in the promotional art lol. But I gradually took more interest in him up to the release of the movie, and after watching it a few times, I became obsessed with Sprout and now he is my favorite character in all of MLP.
  • Brohoof 4

Looking forward to many years of fun and friendship with our new ponies.
We'll do our part, hoof to heart.

Sprout is best pony!

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FiM probably has more rewatch value than Equestria Girls for me--so that makes sense to me if you watched it a lot (and I got that sense a bit when rewatching The Legend of Everfree for the third time or so; I think the first movie has more rewatch value than that one, though; not sure about the others, as I've seen them less). There's a lot of mystery/anticipation with EG that isn't quite there when you rewatch it. FiM has so many episodes that it's easier to forget stuff, and the mysterious stuff isn't quite as crucial (since they do a lot of stuff in-between).

Apple Jack grew on me a lot more, too.

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I don't know really. Just little things that you can change your mind on when you rewatch an episode. I went from hating the Student Six to despising the Student Six, for example. My love for the Mane Six has only gotten stronger. :wub:

I like Trixie a lot more than I used to, Starlight grew on me, I love the CMC more than ever. :catface: There was never really anything I disliked in the first place to change my opinion on, aside from the Students. Also, I've never liked EqG's premise and overall design so I've vowed to never watch it. I'm sure it isn't canon anyway. 

Edited by TomDaBombMLP
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A lot of the things I say aren't necessarily what I'd say tomorrow. I mean, about the EQ Twilight vs FiM Twilight. Now that I've thought about it a lot more and remembered some stuff, I might change my mind. They're both great; I don't really like making comparisons, because I usually regret it!

Just being on this forum seems to get me to re-evaluate stuff.

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Season 3 used to be one of my least favourites, but after watching it more, honestly, I think it's a lot better than most people give it credit for. Trixie has also grown on me recently, but other than that, not many of my opinions have changed throughout the last four years.

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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10 hours ago, Malarkey said:

I used to like the Young Six, then I didn't care for them, and now I like them again.

But why? Why????


See, I didn't like Equestria Girls or Twilight Sparkle's wings, or the School of Friendship. But all of those added to the flavor such as added new character development, emotions that made me cry or get engaged with the show (Sunset meeting Princess Celestia again, and :oh_golly:Cozy Glow)

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These are the things I changed my mind about with Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls as time went on:


1. Fluttershy became my least favorite member of the Mane 6 after "Putting Your Hoof Down".

2. I stopped liking Discord after he was reformed in "Keep Calm and Flutter On".

3. I stopped finding pony Pinkie Pie funny after I watched "Too Many Pinkie Pie's".

4. I started to get more excited for new Equestria Girls episodes than I did for new episodes of Friendship is Magic the longer FiM went on.

5. Trixie became one of my favorites after "No Second Prances". 

6. Rarity became my second favorite pony after I rewatched her episodes once I'd caught up to season 3 with everyone else. 

7. Twilight Sparkle became my favorite member of the Mane 6 after "Lesson Zero".

8. While I think Sunset Shimmer was more interesting as a villain, I've grown to like her good side the more I rewatch post-"Equestria Girls 1" things. 

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I despised Rainbow Dash in the beginning, but I started liking her after “Sleepless in Ponyville” and now she’s my favorite along  with Applejack. 

I liked Discord until he was reformed.  

I didn’t like the theme song to FIM, but now it’s growing on me.  Maybe cause of nostalgic value though. 

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oh my gosh :mlp_pinkie: the OP is pretty much exactly my opinions about MLP

one MLP opinion I was hard checked for, was that I thought Discord would never be a return villain and that it would be terrible if he was. Now the OG Discord in s2 was definitely my fave Discord, but actually I think he made a great support character.

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I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I used to *really* dislike Trixie (and the fact that she was so popular kind of made me dislike her more) but I eventually started warming up to her so much so that she's now one of my favorite characters lol

In addition to that though, I remember being really critical towards Sleepless in Ponyville and Sonic Rainboom when I was reviewing the show (for honestly pretty nitpicky reasons in retrospect), and now the former is one of my favorite episodes (at least in my top 10) and the latter I actually like well enough. Granted, both episodes I did initially like and tbh I was kind of just sucking up to someone (plus a lot of my older reviews don't really hold up), but... yeah.

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  • The title was changed to Opinions you changed your mind about in regards to G4 & G5

My opinions hadn't really changed all that much overtime. overall it's been a great show with a lots of ups and downs and I just went along for the ride

  • Brohoof 2


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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1. I used to be iffy about the Student Six, but now I love them, and they're my fav 6 characters.

2. I disliked Discord until he was reformed.

3. I used to not like Starlight, but now she's my fav PONY.

4. I much prefer alicorn twilight more than unicorn twilight


I'm just an entirely different breed. :p 


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36 minutes ago, Ocean Breeze said:

. . .

3. I used to not like Starlight, but now she's my fav PONY.

. . .

I watched many of the episodes where she was reformed first, and her villain episodes afterward (which I kind of liked, since her past seemed more mysterious that way). She's probably my favorite pony, too, though. Not sure what I would have thought had I done it the other way around.

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Gen 4:

  • Fluttershy started out as my fav but in the end it became Rarity with her drive and drama filled moments
  • I don't mind them making Twilight a alicorn, and I loved the friendship school, but I hated they made her like the Ruler of everything.
  • I would have loved some more history and more eps of Luna and Cel.
  • I felt they could have done more with the cutie map.
  • I really grew to love Starlight Glimmer as she went from evil to reformed given she still made honest mistakes. 
  • Twilight as the show went on kinda become to mary-sue to the end of the show.
  • We never get to see what happened with the Student Six after the school.
  • What happened with Flurry Heart and the Crystal Empire? 

Gen 5

  • I felt the show was rushed in some parts a bit too much.
  • Zip is my fav of the top,  she has a jock vibe,  but she is also a complex character.
  • I wish we a bit more history of the why and hows of how things came to be.
  • Sunny is a 2ed fav,  but her going alicorn left me a bit offish....
  • Music was good, I felt they could have done a lot more with Pep on her song a bit.
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1 hour ago, Tao said:
  • felt the show was rushed in some parts a bit too much.
  • Zip is my fav of the top,  she has a jock vibe,  but she is also a complex character.
  • I wish we a bit more history of the why and hows of how things came to be.
  • Sunny is a 2ed fav,  but her going alicorn left me a bit offish....
  • Music was good, I felt they could have done a lot more with Pep on her song a bit.

The show hasn't even been out yet. what we got was a Pilot-like movie. I'm pretty sure we'll learn more about the wide and how things came to be in the show itself when it comes out next year

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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On 2021-11-13 at 2:19 AM, Splashee said:

But why? Why????


See, I didn't like Equestria Girls or Twilight Sparkle's wings, or the School of Friendship. But all of those added to the flavor such as added new character development, emotions that made me cry or get engaged with the show (Sunset meeting Princess Celestia again, and :oh_golly:Cozy Glow)

The reason I used to like the Young Six was because I thought it was fun to have new characters of all different species and was excited to learn more about them.

Then by the end of the show, I decided that the Young Six had been unnecessary because there were already plenty of other characters the show could have developed more instead, and I preferred My Little PONY to focus on PONIES.

I'm currently rewatching FiM in order and I'm on season 8, and I'm liking the Young Six this time around... I don't think they hog too much screen time, and they're cute and their role in the series works out. I really like Sandbar the most! But who knows, maybe I'll lose interest in them again by the time I finish rewatching Season 9 haha.



The other reason I wanted to add a reply to my thread is because there's something I forgot to include in my original post.

That is, I used to really love Episode 100 and it was one of my favorite episodes of the show and I had a blast watching it. Nowadays, the thrill is gone and I find the episode kind of awkward for wanting to pander to the adult fans. I think the target demographic would be confused by the episode. But I still think it's amusing the episode exists at all and I have fond memories of the first time I watched it haha.

Looking forward to many years of fun and friendship with our new ponies.
We'll do our part, hoof to heart.

Sprout is best pony!

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It's safe to say that my opinions have changed a lot over the past 3 years, but I'll just mention the big stuff

1. I used to love Starlight. Now I hate her

2. Pinkie used to be my least favorite of the mane six. Now she's one of my favorites

3. I used to love The Mysterious Mare Do Well. Now I think it's just meh

4. I used to have an extreme hatred of The Mane Attraction. I still don't like it, but I don't hate it

5. I used to dislike season 6. Now I like it

6. TwiPie is  now my favorite ship instead of RariJack. Hell, I might actually prefer Twixie to RariJack

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For G4, SO MANY!!

I wish I can go on about this, but I don't think I want to since I'm not intreated in watching the show anymore. So I'll just move on.

My opinion hasn't changed for G5 except for Izzy. I didn't really care for when she first introduced, but now she ended up my favorite character in G5.

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