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Happy Hearts and Hooves day 2023 - Your Matches - The Gathering

Ice Princess Silky <3

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Uh. That was a lot to dump on the crowd; Magloria wasn't as put-together as she seemed. Frostbite was momentarily silenced by the unfolding drama, but once @Princess Silky turned away from @Props ValRoa Magloria, he pulled Silky aside again. "I don't care about you two's tragic backstory. You must've messed up the potion, because this -- fondness -- isn't normal! Tell me it'll wear off, at least!"

  • Brohoof 3

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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17 minutes ago, Frostbite said:

Uh. That was a lot to dump on the crowd; Magloria wasn't as put-together as she seemed. Frostbite was momentarily silenced by the unfolding drama, but once @Princess Silky turned away from @Props ValRoa Magloria, he pulled Silky aside again. "I don't care about you two's tragic backstory. You must've messed up the potion, because this -- fondness -- isn't normal! Tell me it'll wear off, at least!"

Silky was used to hostility, having received it most of her life, so her response was oddly to respond to it with a gentle smile and a moment of levity. Turning around to face Frostbite, "Tragic backstory?" She'd giggle, "But... you just made it into a magic story with the fondness that has now bloomed in your heart." She'd gently pat the stone of his color -- oddly matching to Magloria's own which was also alight with a glow.

"Welcome to friendship feelings!" She'd make sure to stay out of his way in flight as she'd then fly over to Ana @Stone Cold Steve Jobs ... "Hello there, beautiful mare..." she'd smile. "I apologize for how my gathering ended up... right now, I believe we've found an exit. Come.. come.." she'd beckon the beautiful unicorn over to the door to demonstrate what they had all found.

Should Ana follow, she would be guided to this wooden door with gems which glowed with their own soft light. There would be this peculiar white flower symbol. It resembled something of a lotus in vector form but the two lower petals were subtle sockets for two flat stones of their shape. Silky felt comfortable around Ana and Gust, they seemed very level headed with noble eyes.

@Cagey @Props ValRoa

  • Brohoof 4


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2 minutes ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky was used to hostility, having received it most of her life, so her response was oddly to respond to it with a gentle smile and a moment of levity. Turning around to face Frostbite, "Tragic backstory?" She'd giggle, "But... you just made it into a magic story with the fondness that has now bloomed in your heart." She'd gently pat the stone of his color -- oddly matching to Magloria's own which was also alight with a glow.

"Welcome to friendship feelings!" She'd make sure to stay out of his way in flight as she'd then fly over to Ana @Stone Cold Steve Jobs ... "Hello there, beautiful mare..." she'd smile. "I apologize for how my gathering ended up... right now, I believe we've found an exit. Come.. come.." she'd beckon the beautiful unicorn over to the door to demonstrate what they had all found.

Should Ana follow, she would be guided to this wooden door with gems which glowed with their own soft light. There would be this peculiar white flower symbol. It resembled something of a lotus in vector form but the two lower petals were subtle sockets for two flat stones of their shape. Silky felt comfortable around Ana and Gust, they seemed very level headed with noble eyes.

@Cagey @Props ValRoa

@Props ValRoa

And thus, Frostbite was left without an answer, embarrassed and frustrated by the emotions he'd worked so hard on never feeling, doomed to friendship for the foreseeable future. Friendship is magic, after all.

  • Brohoof 2

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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@Stone Cold Steve Jobs

Listening to the squabbling on either side of him, Gust didn't move from his spot, though his expression slowly changed from confusion to resigned annoyance. "Domestic troubles it would seem," he deadpanned in response to Ana's question. How did I end up here? he thought to himself.

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2 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

Silky was used to hostility, having received it most of her life, so her response was oddly to respond to it with a gentle smile and a moment of levity. Turning around to face Frostbite, "Tragic backstory?" She'd giggle, "But... you just made it into a magic story with the fondness that has now bloomed in your heart." She'd gently pat the stone of his color -- oddly matching to Magloria's own which was also alight with a glow.

"Welcome to friendship feelings!" She'd make sure to stay out of his way in flight as she'd then fly over to Ana @Stone Cold Steve Jobs ... "Hello there, beautiful mare..." she'd smile. "I apologize for how my gathering ended up... right now, I believe we've found an exit. Come.. come.." she'd beckon the beautiful unicorn over to the door to demonstrate what they had all found.

Should Ana follow, she would be guided to this wooden door with gems which glowed with their own soft light. There would be this peculiar white flower symbol. It resembled something of a lotus in vector form but the two lower petals were subtle sockets for two flat stones of their shape. Silky felt comfortable around Ana and Gust, they seemed very level headed with noble eyes.

@Cagey @Props ValRoa

Silverspark;still on Silky's  back wonder if she knew there was a passanger on her back that is holding on tight still seeing ponies  gathering and she  hears the confessions of a mother and daughter then she turned  her head to @Sycofear13Cali then to @Sophie H.then to Magloria  @Props ValRoathen to Frostbite @Cagey"was your mom really that strict "she asked Silky

Edited by Silverspark184
  • Brohoof 2

Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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@Princess Silky

2 hours ago, Astral Soul said:

@Silly Druid

Astral Soul brings Tree Song over the door and deposit the socket. He places all the candles on the ground. Then he turns to Tree Song and asks her politely to read what is written on the door. Thanks to his monocol he could see strange symbols on the door

Tree Song deposited her gem in its socket. She used @Astral Soul's monocle to read the message on the door, the part near her gem was about "deep mysteries".

Feeling all the emotions bursting around her, she instinctively started to sing her otherworldly song, this time not to communicate with plants, but to infuse calmness into the ponies. She hoped her magic and her soothing voice would work on them, as the message on the door clearly suggested they should work together in harmony.

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1 hour ago, Tree Song said:

@Princess Silky

Tree Song deposited her gem in its socket. She used @Astral Soul's monocle to read the message on the door, the part near her gem was about "deep mysteries".

Feeling all the emotions bursting around her, she instinctively started to sing her otherworldly song, this time not to communicate with plants, but to infuse calmness into the ponies. She hoped her magic and her soothing voice would work on them, as the message on the door clearly suggested they should work together in harmony.

There was certainly a lot of tension in the air, even the uncomfortable expression on Thunder Gust's face made Silky pin her ears down with embarrassment. But as soon as the graceful presence of Tree Song @Silly Druid arrived, it was as if the moment would suspend in time from her song... It was otherworldly and profound in the core of your being. Unfathomable for words and yet soothing... as if... disturbance and chaos was simply a lack of balance rather than a proper obstacle in and of itself. Silky's gem certainly may not have had a place on the door or even a single flicker of a glow.. but the fuzziness she felt in her heart and soul was enough to feel as if none of that even mattered. She'd offer a gentle smile to Tree Song in deep gratitude as she waited for @Reality Check in silence. 

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@Skylight Scintillate@Dynamo Pad@AuroraGlimmer@Sir Hugsalot@ChrysalisM

With all the changelings dealt with, it was time to move on from here and unite with the rest of the group. Nebel followed along quietly, taking the opportunity to analyze the recent events he had just witnessed. Skylight had proved herself to be a capable fighter, even if her methods were a tad unorthodox, she got the job done. More importantly, her, along with the others, all came to the aid of their friends when it was needed, and that was what mattered most to him. Dynamo had proven to be a valuable ally, showcasing his magical prowess in the fight. Caramel had shown them that she had some offensive spells in her repertoire, something that he hadn’t expected but he was glad to have learned. They also gained Ix, the newest member of the group. Only time would tell what other special things they were capable of. All these thoughts would permeate through his mind as he followed along to wherever they were headed next.

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7 hours ago, Star Silk said:

Silky was already standing there, defensively and ready to pounce, until Frostbite would lock gaze with hers due to the flashing green light around her neck. This allowed her some visibility to his face but she was unable to react on impulse due to the paralyzing terror that made her blood run white for a moment. @Totally LyraGust would arrive to inquire what exactly was happening but it seemed the answer was already given when Frostbite's reaction would focus on the target that caused all of this. This... target... would suddenly blink in a thoughtful manner before gently leaning in. "W-wait a second.... is that... bl-- Frostbite. Are you... blushing?!" The undignified sound of a suppressed laugh would entail that remark as she managed to realize the kirin pony was still a bit dazed from the altered state. Silky would then guffaw and giggle, it was probably the potion! And this potion truly tends to soothe ponies, so she was alright. Right? 

... Wrong. 

She remained slightly complacent for a few seconds until the false sense of security would shatter. Frostbite would suddenly charge forth with quite the spectacle of Magloria following behind uttering her suspicions and accusations of the team while an unassuming little filly @Sycofear13successfully does her job. Silky would break into a squeak and a sprint as she dashed to the wooden gateway as if that was suddenly the exit, gently pounding her hooves on it for a moment as she screamed "OPEN THE DOOR!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" But nothing would budge. Many sockets were missing their gems and so the little pegasus would panic and make the run the opposite direction. Running and running, until, suddenly, she'd skid to a halt upon seeing her mother and then hide behind her. Her hood down, her swirly purple hair streaked with golden accents flowing and whipping as she'd dash to hide behind Magloria. Like a child attempting to hide...... like a child hiding behind its mother? ....  Except she had a grin. A very mischievous grin as she'd wail out loud "MOM! Mom! Stop him!" And should Magloria try to grab Silky, she'd keep a safe distance to try to take flight, removing her cloak altogether just in case the situation should arise. She gave @Sophie H.a look as if hoping to guide the filly @Sycofear13to do their thing while she waited for @Astral Soul and Tree Song @Silly Druidto join. "Reality!" She'd call over to the young stallion @Reality Check... "DON'T FORGET TO PLACE THE GEM ON THE DOOR!" It was within earshot for @Totally LyraGust and @Stone Cold Steve Jobsto hear...

Seeing this majestic stallion try to stand between her and Frosbite, a wave of gratitude would wash over her and she'd try to make eye contact with him to nod a thanks... but she looked desperate as if the situation was escalating too quickly and they needed to focus on the task at hand. "Frostbite, calm down... these feelings," she say between huffs as if she were trying to catch her breath, "Are.. totally.. normal... " she couldn't help but giggle and then push the ground off beneath her to take flight for safety, her cloak a bundle of cloth behind her as the clanking of potions could be heard from the belt around her waist. "Perhaps you should learn more sensitive feelings that are not so aggressive..."

The pink pegasus seemed to be deliberately taunting him away from the door... and the little filly @Sycofear13who had taken their gems.


2 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

There was certainly a lot of tension in the air, even the uncomfortable expression on Thunder Gust's face made Silky pin her ears down with embarrassment. But as soon as the graceful presence of Tree Song @Silly Druid arrived, it was as if the moment would suspend in time from her song... It was otherworldly and profound in the core of your being. Unfathomable for words and yet soothing... as if... disturbance and chaos was simply a lack of balance rather than a proper obstacle in and of itself. Silky's gem certainly may not have had a place on the door or even a single flicker of a glow.. but the fuzziness she felt in her heart and soul was enough to feel as if none of that even mattered. She'd offer a gentle smile to Tree Song in deep gratitude as she waited for @Reality Check in silence. 

The commotion was getting worse as conflict is rising, enough to make RC want to cover his ears. Thankfully they were able to calm down before it could get any worse. Seeing that he's the only one with the last gem that's not placed in the door, RC decided to just place it. "Let's just get this over with," RC said feeling annoyed from what happened prior. "I don't wanna hear any pony squabbling again -_-"

Walking up to the door, he took out the teal gem in his hat and places it in the remaining socket on the door. Hoping it'd send them somewhere so they can move on.

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2 minutes ago, Magloria said:

@Silly Druid @Princess Silky @Cagey @Sophie H.

For now, Magloria appeared to calm down. She stayed silent as she felt the calming affects flow over her. Slightly, she tilted her head down and looked at the ground - not making eye contact with the other ponies around her other than Frostbite. Were these her daughter's friends...? 

Silverspark:just thinking about what happened she decided to fly down from @Princess Silky she is not sure why but she landed near Magloria @Props ValRoa levitated out some cookies chocolate chip too "I made these myself I was going to bring it out for the gathering but crazy stuff happened you could share these with your friend "she said 

  • Brohoof 3

Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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@Stone Cold Steve Jobs @Princess Silky

"Sure," Gust nodded in agreement. "Let's see what all this fuss is about a door." He walked over to join the others at the door and saw all the indentations filled with the various gems that everyone had been finding. Well, almost all the indentations. There were a couple still empty that he easily recognized the shape of the objects they required. He pulled out the two stones from Vibrant's broken lantern and inserted them into the two slots, where they fit perfectly.

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On 2023-02-27 at 2:53 AM, Moonlight Wane said:

"That's right, there are changelings among us. Go ahead, poke them too." Wane smiled and handed Roswell the stick.


21 hours ago, Moonlight Wane said:

@TheRockARooster @Brony Number 42 @Sparklefan1234 @Tao

Wane gently nudges Roswell forward.

"Lead the way, Pokey. Show those bugs no mercy. We'll be right behind you!" He then dives back into the bush, and a moment later the bush grows two pairs of blue legs.

My name is Roswell, Moonlight.

*gently pushes away*

21 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

@Moonlight Wane @TheRockARooster@Brony Number 42@Tao

*Noms on chips* Yeah *Gulp* you've totally got this, Roswell! ^_^

You think you’re gonna stay here, Wind?

18 hours ago, Brony Number 42 said:

@Moonlight Wane @TheRockARooster@Brony Number 42@Tao

Raven gets a little annoyed. "Come on, we're wasting time." She creates a light and starts walking deeper into the maze. "@Moonlight Wane let us know if we're close to something dangerous."

You’re right, Raven.

Let’s continue.

Everypony, stay close and don’t stray.

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16 hours ago, Magloria said:


Magloria would straighten up a bit, and look down at the filly's eyes. Her eyes remained cold - but she moved closer. "Hmm." she would take the cookies in her cold telekinetic aura, and then set them into her saddlebag. She would reach out a hoof, and form a snowflake in her hoof out of condensed water vapor in the air. Her horn pulsed blue - along with the snowflake, turning it into durable crystal before handing it to Silverspark.

"Keep it." Magloria simply stated, turning away.

Silverspark:was amazed at Magloria's ability to use her ice ability "I never seen ice magic like that you are also an artis I do a lot of paintings in  fact it was one of my paintings is how I met  your daughter along with another pony named @Skylight Scintillate that was with her I never been around too many ponies due the fact  the grown ups that I been around I when first woke in canterlot most grown ups and other kids were not very nice to me even though I am" she paused before remember Magloria's about not liking alicorns but it is best to show courage so "an alicorn they would think my wing or horn are fake they call me a princess wannabe when I am not I maybe an alicorn but I am not royalty I couldn't  help it if I am born the way I am just like you could not help  way you are born either" she looked at @Props ValRoa remembering seeing the stripes "Those stripes that appeared on your coat made you unique  and I bet with your ice powers you could freeze a whole lake for when wanna go ice skating"she showed a smile

Edited by Silverspark184
  • Brohoof 2

Mlp is awesome I don't  care if it's for little kids I am 34 and single but mlp help me through somethings and I thank them for that

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14 hours ago, Magloria said:

@Silly Druid @Princess Silky @Cagey @Sophie H.

For now, Magloria appeared to calm down. She stayed silent as she felt the calming affects flow over her. Slightly, she tilted her head down and looked at the ground - not making eye contact with the other ponies around her other than Frostbite. Were these her daughter's friends...? 

Sophie would stay silent for the most of the time as her mane color changed it's color once again back to blond, her eyes would be fixed at Magloria with a blank expression, a wiggle of her nose now and then gives the others a sign that sophie is still alive.

On the other hoof, Sophie was really happy that this stupid fight finally found a stop and peace seemed to return under the ponies, with a slow sway of her tail sophie finally says "Though there is gold up in the mountains, lovely pearls deep in the sea, those treasures do not mean as much as friendship means to me" Sophie says calmy with a warm smile.

  • Brohoof 2

Do I smell Cupcakes?

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23 hours ago, Vibrant Grove said:

@GeneralDirection @Skylight Scintillate @ChrysalisM @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer@Brony Number 42 @TheRockARooster @Sparklefan1234 @Tao @Moonlight Wane

Vibrant saw that ponies started gathering up. With changelings defeated there was no reason for them to stay. "Follow me!" said Vibrant as he started trotting down the same route that was previously taken by Raven, Roswell, Wind Walker and Blue. He hoped to catch up with them before any trouble would do so first. 

There was no time to look back, Vibrant was hoping that nopony decided to stay behind. Soon Vibrant felt like he saw silhouettes of ponies he was looking for in the distance. Curiously enough there seemed to be 5th pony. Who might that be? 

19 hours ago, Nebel said:

@Skylight Scintillate@Dynamo Pad@AuroraGlimmer@Sir Hugsalot@ChrysalisM

With all the changelings dealt with, it was time to move on from here and unite with the rest of the group. Nebel followed along quietly, taking the opportunity to analyze the recent events he had just witnessed. Skylight had proved herself to be a capable fighter, even if her methods were a tad unorthodox, she got the job done. More importantly, her, along with the others, all came to the aid of their friends when it was needed, and that was what mattered most to him. Dynamo had proven to be a valuable ally, showcasing his magical prowess in the fight. Caramel had shown them that she had some offensive spells in her repertoire, something that he hadn’t expected but he was glad to have learned. They also gained Ix, the newest member of the group. Only time would tell what other special things they were capable of. All these thoughts would permeate through his mind as he followed along to wherever they were headed next.


@AuroraGlimmer @GeneralDirection @Skylight Scintillate @Sir Hugsalot

Hearing Vibrant's call to follow, Dynamo nodded and followed alongside Caramel and the others. With everything that had happened, the gaming unicorn was glad that everyone was still together. Looking towards Caramel, he had realized that he had seen her in her true form as he defended her. He realized that in that moment, he wasn't as fearful as he was before. He wondered if it was due to him wanting to defend her, or if he was overcoming his fear. He wasn't sure, but he hoped that they could talk more about everything once they got through the maze. Smiling at her, he faced forward as he and the others raced through the maze. With the intention of catching up to Roswell and the others.

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6 hours ago, Ana Flare said:

@Totally Lyra @Princess Silky

Ana nudges Gust. “What do you think is behind Door #1?”

@Stone Cold Steve Jobs @Princess Silky

"Is it the prize money we were promised for completing the maze?" Gust looked to Star Silk jokingly, but also somewhat hopefully.

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@Astral Soul showing Tree Song the monocle, should she peer through it, it would suddenly read "By the power of aimless hatred melted into amicable union..." The stones belonging to Magloria and Frostbite @Props @Cagey stones would suddenly ignite. "By the presence of innocence of two magical fillies of opposite origins..." and then @Sycofear13 @Silverspark183 's stones would ignite. "With the musical notes of deep mysteries and tea along with creativity..." Sophie's gem would glow from the first sentence, Tree Song's @Silly Druid 's would glow after 'mysteries' and @Astral Soul's gem would glow with 'tea' being read out loud... 'and with Creativity' would have @Reality Check's stone glow. "The union of pure love shall get you through senseless division..."

Everyone would step back as the door would suddenly crack open, dust crumbling to the ground as a bright light would flash and consume them all.

As the immersion of this new realm consumed them, they'd find themselves completely pulled in through the door -- each and every one of them until they'd all find themselves on the other side of the wall. A wall of moss and some green resin underneath occasionally

It would be around the time that @Moonlight Wane and Raven @Brony Number 42 were being lead deeper into the forest wary of changlings before a small pile of ponies, Silky included, collapsing upon the poor Batpony as she'd gently rub her forehead in confusion.

It was both dramatic and anti-climactic. The "prize at the other end of the door" was not the meeting of the mane six or anything legendary in the least. If anything, the division between Mossy Wall and Tangled Roots would be no more as the teams would now merge.

Stage 3: Confused horse noises

(From here, everyone, regardless of division can now post and react) 


  • Brohoof 8

Totally unsuspecting, calm down. 

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Vibrant soon caught up with Raven, Blue, Roswell and Wind Walker. "There You are... is everypony okay?" He asked. Then he finally realized that there are many more ponies now. Some looked even familar... 

Then he noticed @Princess SilkyStar Silk being among them...

"Silky!!" He shouted and quickly tackle hugged her forgetting suddenly about everything else, feeling deep joy that she's okay. "You're here... I was so worried... Everypony! We've got a company! And this time it's a very friendly one for a change!" A lone tear ran down Vibrant's cheek as he gazed at Star Silk and their numbers went up. Suddenly this gloomy place seemed much less intimidating to Vibrant. 


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11 minutes ago, Vibrant Grove said:

Vibrant soon caught up with Raven, Blue, Roswell and Wind Walker

"It would appear so. I would like to know what's going on here."

  • Brohoof 3

Raven is basically a ponied Raven from Teen Titans (the good one).

She is a unicorn and specializes in interdimensional magic. She is quiet, but has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. She must control her emotions or they could overwhelm her.

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As they rejoined everyone, Caramel would perk up a little as she would see @Princess Silky and excitedly exclaim "Starry!" she then runs to her and hugs her "I missed you! A-and I was so scared, b-but I got over it t-to help the others" she'd say, before looking over to @Dynamo Pad "A-and you were right, he is afraid of spiders"

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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2 hours ago, Tangled Roots said:

Everyone would step back as the door would suddenly crack open, dust crumbling to the ground as a bright light would flash and consume them all.

As the immersion of this new realm consumed them, they'd find themselves completely pulled in through the door -- each and every one of them until they'd all find themselves on the other side of the wall. A wall of moss and some green resin underneath occasionally

It would be around the time that @Moonlight Wane and Raven @Brony Number 42 were being lead deeper into the forest wary of changlings before a small pile of ponies, Silky included, collapsing upon the poor Batpony as she'd gently rub her forehead in confusion.

It was both dramatic and anti-climactic. The "prize at the other end of the door" was not the meeting of the mane six or anything legendary in the least. If anything, the division between Mossy Wall and Tangled Roots would be no more as the teams would now merge.

Stage 3: Confused horse noises

(From here, everyone, regardless of division can now post and react) 

The group landed in a heap, some of them upside-down. @Props ValRoa Magloria's saddlebags spilled open enough for a cookie to fall out and smack into Frostbite's mane. An orange hoof was stepping on his tail and a gray wing was in his face, though, so he didn't notice it, too busy pushing away from the pile and reorienting himself.

They took a moment to adjust to the new location and the group of ponies standing in front of them.

  • Brohoof 3

Perfection in all forms -- that is true strength. If you aren't the best, you are nothing. 


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