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Guilty Pleasures (music)


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I really enjoy listening to OF, even though their lyrics are..... umm..... yea. But they're funny to some extent and they don't care what other people think of them.


Just another background cat. Move along.

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love it :s


Hahaha that is so catchy! (However, that's the type of music I always listen to..)



My guilty guilty guilty pleasure.....is some metal music now. Dx I'm known as like, the girl who loves pop, 80's pop,techno, dubstep, (any electronica really) indie rock, hip hop, RAP even. But my friend kinda got me into metal. Before that, I would have never liked it. >3>


I like dollies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a hidden passion for J-pop, but if my friends found out, i would be embarrassed as all hell. Mine is J-pop, specifically the song "Oishii Two-han Seikatsu".

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Edited out some original postyness since the thread merge.
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I'm pretty open about my musical tastes. Everyone knows (IRL and on the forums) that I am a big metal head.

But I don't like to tell people how much... wait, why would I say it in this thread? :huh:


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Essentially, this song. I think it's super catchy but I'm sure most people would tend to disagree.


As for why my posts keep disappearing, I have no idea what's happening.

Edited by Ashbad



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I don't get embarrassed like...ever. I am not ashamed of the stuff I do or like so I wouldn't hide it (neither do I flaunt it, mind you) and I'd never be embarrassed or ashamed of people knowing. And I do some pretty weird things that people say I should be ashamed of doing. :lol:


I should mention that being ashamed of what you like is almost like admitting you know it's wrong to do what it is you are doing but won't admit it to yourself. Never be ashamed of what you do or like, it's like admitting the enemy wins!

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Come on though, just because you like something doesn't mean you need to be un-ashamed. I'm not asked of my love for J-pop, but honestly, i would rather my real life friends not know. Not because of shame, but just because....well i don't know specifically why but my logic has been defeated. I shall retreat.

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Come on though, just because you like something doesn't mean you need to be un-ashamed. I'm not asked of my love for J-pop, but honestly, i would rather my real life friends not know. Not because of shame, but just because....well i don't know specifically why but my logic has been defeated. I shall retreat.


What's the worst they can do? Make fun of you for having different musical taste than them? Not that bad of a consequence. Wouldn't you rather your friends know you through and through rather than having to hide stuff from them?


My best friends know my sexual preferences, fetishes, games I play, music I listen to, my likes and dislikes of every aspect of a genre in a video game, etc.


True friends may joke at you about the stuff you like but it ultimately won't matter if you tell them the stuff and you should never be ashamed or embarrassed to tell friends what you like. Like I said: It's almost like admitting you SHOULD be embarrassed about it when there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

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Not all friends can be considered true...some are acquaintances of mine. ...nevermind i forgot most people here have no shame in what they like. Guess i'm the odd one out on that . How do i close this blasted thread?

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I'd say even then it's not even worth worrying about. Worst case scenario they don't like what you like and possibly make fun of you for it.


As for closing, ask a mod to do it or just leave it alone and it'll fall into obscurity eventually.

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My best friends know my sexual preferences, fetishes, games I play, music I listen to, my likes and dislikes of every aspect of a genre in a video game, etc.


When my friends try to tell me their fetishes I really don't want to know that. That's the kind of stuff you keep in private.


As for the OP, uh, I'd have to go with half my music library. I just listen to weird, random stuff.


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I know here won't anybody blame me for loving this song, but I know that a lot of my friends would not understand that:


But it's like the Disney songs, I love every single one of them, but I guess around my friends I'm the only one..

"No matter what. We have to live our lives with no regrets."

- Portgas D. Ace

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I made a similar thread a while ago. It's called "Guilty Pleasures"


Caramelldansen. nuff said.


I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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Not all friends can be considered true...some are acquaintances of mine. ...nevermind i forgot most people here have no shame in what they like. Guess i'm the odd one out on that . How do i close this blasted thread?


The thread has been merged with the other thread!


Anyways, on topic. My guilty pleasure in music is boy bands from the 90's. God, I can't get enough of them. Also, the Spice Girls. I think I just really have a liking for cheesy pop music. (Backstreet Boys, whoo!) And I suppose some Disney songs count, because I'm never been a great liker of animated musicals. Yes, that includes MLP songs. I consider them to be part of my guilty pleasure too.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I don't tend to enjoy those overly flamboyant songs from the 90's and there was just a lot of that in that decade mind you. Being bombarded with those songs day-in and day-out, you learn to live with the fact that they grew on ya'.


"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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