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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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When I become self conscious of the fact that my right bicep is larger than my left one and of the fact that I have double vision.


Also when pebbles get into my shoe.

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When you forget whether you've done something or not and you have to go check.


Also, Sore losers.

Edited by The Snapp

Number 1 proprietor of Fishy Sticks since February 17th 2014

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If I am doing something simple to a car/truck, take out a bolt, then the bolt falls in a very hard to reach place, I lost it over the once, threw my ratchet against the shed and said "the hell with it" and started working on it the next day, I know pretty sad, but whatever. :blush:


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I hate a lot of things to tell you the truth, I get annoyed very easily...

But one thing that makes me SOOOOO MAAAD!!

Is complainers!

(Yea, I'm complaining about complainers)

Mostly the ones who complain for sympathy (you know what I'm talking about *ahem* Facebook statuses)

Because they complain about something and won't do crap about it, but sit there and tell me their problems like I'm going to do something about it for them like people who complain that they're "overweight" or they think they're "weak"

Then DO SOMETHING!!!! Stop telling me the problem, tell me you're doing something about it or that you're going to.

I like to be informed about my friends problems that they want to be fixed, but if they're not doing anything about it, and it's a completely solvable problem, they don't have my sympathy, it only annoys me. It may sound mean but that's just me.

When I become self conscious of the fact that my right bicep is larger than my left one and of the fact that I have double vision.


Also when pebbles get into my shoe.

I felt the same way today ^_^ Edited by Pelate
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Oh, people that don't put soda back in the fridge after they take a can out. I'm the ONLY one that puts soda in the fridge but everyone drinks it. And when I actually go to have one, there's none in there......like wtf.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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  • 4 weeks later...

Lets face it, we all experence little things in every day life drive us crazy :angry:  :angry:  :angry: . So what are your pet peeves?

Here are some of mine..


1. Tangled up earbuds/headphones


2.People who use words out of context (Ex. Saying "gay" as opposed to stupid or unpleasurable)


3.Parents who sit by while their child is screaming their head off at resturants, movies, etc.


4.People who overexaggerate to the point of borderline lying




  • Brohoof 3
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Things that annoy me you ask? lets list a few shall we.


1: when pony's expect the complete attention from me when i am playing a game.


2: when a pony is in denial and they will not accept the truth and say "your wrong" over and over.


3: when somepony uses a word such as "gay" or "homo" as a insult.


Sorry for the use of "pony" if that annoys you, i have "burnt" it into my memory.

  • Brohoof 3
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When people see or experience something and say "That's what I'm talkin' about!" I've actually brought conversations to a screeching halt by saying "You weren't talking about that. Why did you say you were?" It ranks up there with people doing something wrong and then saying "My bad." I HATE that!


What I really hate is when people miss use the word "Literally".


"He was so angry he was literally climbing the walls!"


"No he wasn't! Who do you think he is, Spiderman?"



Oh, I came back on an edit with one more. What really gets me riled up is all the "What if.." pony threads. Here are two examples I made up off the top of my head.


"What if Rainbow Dash was playing checkers, and suddenly sneezed on the board? Discuss!"


"What if your favorite pony suddenly turned into a space ship. What would be her fuel source? Discuss!"


Mine aren't nearly as goofy as some of the real ones! Good Gravy, they're getting so ridiculous!

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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When someone eats the last snack in the box and doesn't throw the box away. 


I'm always like: "Oh I would like a Honey Bun" there's nothing in the box "Son of a-!"

  • Brohoof 1

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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When pedestrians just step off the curb, not even at a light or crosswalk, right in front of cars in the middle of a busy, multi-lane street and just expect the cars to see them and stop for them.  Sometimes they do this at night wearing all dark colors.  Do you want to die?  Is that it?


When I'm stopped at an intersection, and the light turns green, but just then and emergecy vehicle approaches the interesection with its siren on, so I wait, and the dude behind me honks at me because I'm not starting up yet.  F*ck you.  Just f*ck you, dude.


When I'm crossing the street at a light, and it's my turn, and the right turners look right at me and then just peel out and practically try to run me over because they think they have the right of way, or just plain don't give a sh*t.


Yeah, car stuff and road rage and impatient drivers is kinda the thing that gets to me.



Oh, I came back on an edit with one more. What really gets me riled up is all the "What if.." pony threads. Here are two examples I made up off the top of my head.


"What if Rainbow Dash was playing checkers, and suddenly sneezed on the board? Discuss!"


"What if your favorite pony suddenly turned into a space ship. What would be her fuel source? Discuss!"

Omg, I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard!  It's so true!  I didn't read the blue text carefully and I actually thought these examples were real as well.  They certainly could be!  I don't really care, honestly.  I mean, the "what if" threads don't bother me.  But, oh man, this is freaking hilarious!!

  • Brohoof 1


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I have a lot, but I'll just name a few.  :blush:

  • People not capitalizing or punctuating.
  • Things that bother me but I can't fix them. (OCD)
  • A slow PC.
  • People being rude for no reason.
  • My iPad having to constantly be charged.
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When people see or experience something and say "That's what I'm talkin' about!" I've actually brought conversations to a screeching halt by saying "You weren't talking about that. Why did you say you were?" It ranks up there with people doing something wrong and then saying "My bad." I HATE that!


What I really hate is when people miss use the word "Literally".


"He was so angry he was literally climbing the walls!"


"No he wasn't! Who do you think he is, Spiderman?"



Oh, I came back on an edit with one more. What really gets me riled up is all the "What if.." pony threads. Here are two examples I made up off the top of my head.


"What if Rainbow Dash was playing checkers, and suddenly sneezed on the board? Discuss!"


"What if your favorite pony suddenly turned into a space ship. What would be her fuel source? Discuss!"


Mine aren't nearly as goofy as some of the real ones! Good Gravy, they're getting so ridiculous!

Actually the term "literally" can be used both ways. It can mean "exact, true to reality" as well as the metaphorical way which is the exaggeration you often hear it as.


Though I'm unsure of whether that's part of the original definition or simply an evolution of the term thanks to popular use. It's not unusual for a term to gain a secondary definition purely through common usage.


As an English teacher friend of mine once said: The words or how they are used are less important than whether you got your point across"

Edited by Discordian
  • Brohoof 2
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1. The Stereotypical "Bros" group of people. Drives me insane hearing them constantly talking about how much swag they have or who is gay or girls. They speak of girls in a way where it makes them seem like pets. (Now I understand what they mean by Bitch)

2. People who hurt others for entertainment. Doesn't need to be explained.

3. Abuse. Physical or Mental. (LOOKING AT YOU STEPDAD)

4. Phone Dying.

5. Arrogance in people.

This list can go on for a while lol

  • Brohoof 1


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OCs: Faron Trail Burning Ash Wendy Skies

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1. People who don't have manners. (They cost nothing.)


2. People who spit...


3. When people just throw mindless insults at a show/game/character you like instead of giving actual constructive criticism.


4. The volume on the TV being an odd number.


5. People playing music out load on the bus. 


6. Kid's screaming or crying on the bus or in the cinema.


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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What I really hate is when people miss use the word "Literally".


"He was so angry he was literally climbing the walls!"


"No he wasn't! Who do you think he is, Spiderman?"

You''l probably like this comic then.



On topic:


1. When people stand on escalators and give you no room to go past them. It's fine if you stand on them, but jeez, give me some room so that I can walk up. I prefer to get to my destination as fast as possible, thank you very much.


2. When people unnecessarily use words that are already in the acronym/initialism that they're using. To clarify, I find it really annoying when people say things like "PIN number" or "ATM machine."

  • Brohoof 1
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When people see or experience something and say "That's what I'm talkin' about!" I've actually brought conversations to a screeching halt by saying "You weren't talking about that. Why did you say you were?


In contrast, one of my pet peeves is the commonly called "Dad Joke". You know...


I'm hungry.

Hi hungry, I'm Dad.


And anything similar:


What's up?

The sky.




Can I go to the bathroom?

Yes, you can, but may you? 




You know full well what I'm trying to say, People Who Do This. It's not witty. It's just being contrary. 

  • Brohoof 4

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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I'm only going to put my top ones here.


1. being put on hold for so long that your phone goes flat, and then you have to redial.

2. The on hold process starts again....

3. After removing the enormous amount of cat fur off of my clothing, it comes back as soon as I get in the car.

4. Having to repeat my name close to 5 times because people mishear me (It's not even that hard to mix up)

5. Having to repeat my name close to 5 times to people more than 5 times in the span of 15 minutes.


In all honesty, in regards to repeating myself, I can articulate myself far better than most of the people I'm talking to at the time.

They even get my name wrong later on in the conversation...


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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