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How was your 2011?

Arylett Charnoa

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I saw the New Year's Resolutions thread, so I was just wondering how everyone's year went.


Mine was a lot better than previous years, let me tell you. It surpassed 2009 definitely (worst year of my life) and 2010 which was moderately awesome. 2011 has managed to be the definitely best year of my entire life because it had the virtue of having the best day of my entire life. I got a boyfriend for the second time ever, and he has just made me so so happy. A lot happier than my last boyfriend, who... made my 2009 the worst year ever. My therapy has been going extremely well and I've made a lot of improvements, particular in these last few weeks. It's been a little tough, but I feel a lot better now from my psychological issues. And I look forward to 2012 also being as awesome.


What about you guys?

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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The start of my year was horrendous, I was trapped in a relationship with a evil crazy man and caused numerous problems in my life until I couldn't happily function in a day to day manner.

After I got away (not without scars)

I met the sweetest person, who loved me and helped me blossom into the flower I am today :) I am forever grateful and love them so much :) now we live together and I'm studying what I love to do in school.


*the power of love can move mountains* ~

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Well this October I discovered the wonders of Friendship is Magic! That was the highlight of my year. Other than that there was nothing special and I don't remember most of this year to be honest :L



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Hey, if 'boring' describes your worst year yet, you have a lot to be happy for.


As for me, it was a strange year. It's hard to describe that aspect of it without going into my life story, though. =/ It's been kind of a wake up call, but not really...


In May I graduated from community college. Which was nice. But it might as well have not happened. All because I can not have my parents/family/anybody paying for me to go further in college.


The last couple of weeks have been nice, though. I've kind of regained a social life, in a way I never thought I would get to experience ever again.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Wonderful year for me and my whole family, feel really blessed to be with them. Besides converting to a Brony, my dad got a new job, we got a new car, new TV, I got braces, I drove for the first time, but the best part, Jimmie Johnson didn't win a sixth championship! :D (YES! I AM A NASCAR FAN!) oh and the CARDINALS WON THE WORLD SERIES! (Also a baseball fan) the low downs of 2011, too long to list! XD
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the most... well, eventful, i guess would be the right word.

because SO MUCH happened in my life this year.


at the very beginning of this year, i was destroyed. i was a complete and total emotional wreck. i had no idea what i was doing and i couldn't see anything on the bright side. i was partly suicidal, and even partly homicidal at points. i wanted to inflict harm against me and others, just because i wanted to feel something, to get a reaction, to get SOMEONE to NOTICE just how absolutely HORRIFYING i felt. i felt this the whole fall of 2010, and it held its way the whole Winter, as well.


i had hit absolute rock-bottom.


however, thanks to someone one a forum, i was saved.


i regularly vented on said forum about how i felt the fall. most of it was dark and depressing. everyone there just shrugged it off at there, not really giving a damn (one of the major issues of the forum which made it the hellhole it is today, but i'll come to that). however, there was one user, who, like a shining ray of light admidst the forum's dark theme and members, actually decided to PM me. he told me that i was free to tell him anything about how i felt, anytime.


this was the absolute FIRST time in my ENTIRE life that someone openly showed this kind of compassion towards me.


i thanked him for the offer, but said i would be alright. and thus, my darkest time of my life still went on...


it wasn't until sometime in February that i had enough. it was time to do something against all that had bothered me.

so i finally decided to PM him. and then i told him absolutely EVERYTHING that was bothering me.


most of the issues was actually rather minor and null i had then, but due to me being stuck at absolute bottom, they felt so significant still. however, there was 1 prime cause that brought me back to life.




problem was, my anxiety kicked in.


and that's were his PM comes in. had he not pursued me to tell my father i wanted to buy the album in the first place, i would of never discovered my passion of music, and i most certainly would not be the guy i am today.


i liked him. i felt that, for the first time in my life, i found someone who i trusted and could share every secret i had with.

worth noting, i had talked with him a lot on the forums before i PM'd him. he seemed like a trustable and likable guy, and is what convinced me to finally PM him when i just couldn't take it anymore.

in hindsight, this was my first ever, in my entire life, that i had made... a close friend.


so, with the help of going through quite a fucking extensive load of music, and my newly made internet friend, i, slowly but surely, rose from the ashes, like a Phoenix.


i was SAVED. i was ALIVE again! i enjoyed living my life, and i loved everything!


in the cause of all that, i was slowly transforming into a better person: i got more aware on getting outside the house, i found it to be really enjoyable to go out with my parents to the mall and the like, i noticed small things in life that makes it worth living that i had never thought of before...


i was growing as a person.


also, after a joke convo we had in a thread on that forum, filled with sexual innuendos all the way to the sky, we started having those there just for fun. it was hilarious as all hell, but it did something more.

i realized... that i kinda liked the guy. i mean, like like the guy. i was falling in LOVE with him.


early onwards, i started wondering if this was just passing passion, and that i had never been gay in my whole life, so i couldn't POSSIBLY be doing it now.


...but i did.

after i confessed my feelings to him, i got at first a rather surprised reaction, seeing as he knew i was straight, but, soon enough, after various chats, PM's, and written works dedicated to each other being sent back and forth, we knew for sure that this was for real.


btw, this happened in early Mars at some point, so that means we've been in a long-distance relationship for almost the whole year. and every day, i'm thinking of him, and he tells me he does the same. i never thought i'd find true love at only the age of 16, at ALL.


but anyways, i'm rambling here.


there was a lot of things going on this summer and spring, too. discovering MLP was one thing, and becoming more artistic was another. finding a show intended for little girls to be so super-awesome was fucking confusing, but mesmerizing afterwards, and i wrote a LOT of poems during the spring and summer. well, not really that much, but at least ir made my writing skills better, and such.


another thing about becoming more artistic, was music. i wanted to produce it so badly, but never went anywhere with it. not being able to accurately comprehend how to use a DAW was killing me inside for the whole summer. now, however, i've been doing a bit of mixing and such, and i might be able to pick it up next year, but back then, it was slowly killing me not being able to do it. and it was just one of the things that was to drag me down this fall again...


sometime in September, it happened. my grandma died.


it didn't have a direct impact on me, but the events that were occurring afterwards left some SERIOUS effects on me.


i was being much more stressed up than usual. to the point that i wasn't able to think rationally, or act, in school and home at times. i felt horrible, piss horrible at times. feelings such as those i felt last year started welling up again. i felt lonely, abandoned, useless, and under so much stress. only once did i cry as a result... for 45 minutes. even then, i still could go to bed feeling like the worst thing ever.


and that's when the forum i mentioned earlier started to go bad. REAL bad.


members found it funny to be superior and mess around with newbies minds. they acted like 1st grade assholes, and were never, ever stopped, because no one there gave a damn about it. and when you tried to reason with them, they'd make stubborn arguments with you. some member even said that IMAGE, of all things, was IMPORTANT:


it had been a bit apparent before, but only now did i begin to SEE it.


so when i e-mailed the guy that i love, since he had left the forum a bit before i decided to, stating that i missed being able to talk with him actively, he sent me a link to a forum he frequented.


THIS one.

oh, did i ever mention his name was Feather Spiral?


so anyways, i signed up here soonish, and left the other hellhole of a forum soonish enough.

and i was AMAZED at this community.


it was so friendly. i couldn't believe my eyes at how many people was willing and able to help you when you felt like crap, which i've made apparent before at times. i just realized how much i actually cared about them after some time spent here, and how fun it was to interact with them here.


this community was the first thing that i could ever call as... my FRIENDS.


through all the stress i put through with my grandma's death, you were always here to help me when i was down. always.

i can't begin to say how grateful i am for ever being part of this community.


and, well...

that's it.


that's my life 2011.

i've grown so much as a person this year, and i've learned, and experienced so much. not to mention with all you here!


i love you all. don't ever change, and continue spreading love and tolerance throughout all the world!


HERE'S TO 2012!

Edited by Viscra Maelstrom
  • Brohoof 1




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Whereas 2010 was a year of death (family, pet, etc) and stagnation, 2011 was a year of slow - but certain - progress.


I advanced in my place of employment, traveled across the country, gained an appreciation for offensively expensive food, gained an appreciation for offensively inexpensive street food, went to a gaming convention (PAX Prime), threw a toilet down a ten foot drop onto a concrete floor, destroyed a number of things by way of RAMMING SPEED with a forklift, nearly broke my leg skateboarding (at work, while on the clock, no less), and found a rock in a burrito I bought at a cheap Mexican place.


More importantly however... ;)


I stumbled upon and became strangely obsessed with a silly girl's show about magical ponies, and from there fell face-first into an excellent community absolutely filled with people that share my affliction.


2011 was good to me. Here's hoping that 2012 will be even better!

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No worse than any other year since 2008 really, made slightly better by the fact that somewhere between this time last year and now, the maturity stick seems to have smacked me over the head.


This time last year I was whining about not getting what I wanted for Christmas, or not being able to hang out with my friends or some other equally as immature BS that I don't care to remember. I finally got my lunatic of an ex out of my life for good. I did more writing, more drawing, more actually helping people and less sitting around complaining about how no one gave a damn about me. Met my best friend, who introduced me to the show that got me back into writing and helped me meet a lot of new people. And the biggest one for me is I've stopped being so afraid of meeting new people, both online and offline.

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2011 started off very fast paced. Mostly due to the fast pace of my current job. During January I started hanging out with a few of my Co-Workers, not very often, but each time was very enjoyable. I got my Tax refund early february, and then gave it to my dad because we needed to get the cars transmission fixed. Not much else happened in February, but in March I was talking to my friends about moving out on my own. They mentioned that they were planning on getting their own place and moving in together, and invited me to join them. Unfortunately I could not, because my family would not have been able to afford living if I had.


The next month I decided that I needed to start going to college, because I had clearly wasted too much time when I should have been getting an education. I applied for FAFSA, and got approved for the Pell grant of $5550 throughout the next school semester. I signed up for 13 credit hours at Yavapai College, and then waited till august to start. Next, I went to a "House Warming" part with my friends, cause 3 of them had gotten together and rented themselves a house. We had a marvelous time, and often got together at their house to play some games and had an overall good time.


Then came along August, and it was time for me to start actually going to classes for college. The total money that I used from the grant was around $1400, so I got the remainder in a check shortly after school began. I had also been sticking $100 into my savings account every month, with the hopes of eventually buying myself a car. With all the money I had saved up, plus the refund from the Pell Grant, I had $2400 saved up in my savings account. I was constantly looking throughout the internet, on craigslist, at dealers in the area, waiting for a car to show up that was well kept and I could afford. On September 17, My dad woke me up at about 10am (Very early for me, as I work til 1am) and shoved this Craigslist add in my face. A 1997 Ford Escort was for sale at $1400, by an old lady who was selling the car for her son, cause he was a lazy boob. We called her up, drove over there, took a test drive, and the car was perfect. It was as if the car was destined for me to be it's owner. I gave the owner the $1400 in cash, then drove home with the largest smile I had ever had on my face. 2 days later, I took the car over to the Department of Motor Vehicles, and had it registered in my name with some shiny new plates. And while I went to work my dad had my car put on our current insurance plan. For that week I had the largest smile on my face.


Also some time in September, I was wandering around the strange world of youtube, when I stumbled upon the Yogscast. I enjoyed their videos, and decided to join there forums in October. I just happened to be their when the sub-forums for My little pony were created. I had seen these ponies around the internet before, and thought it was just a large internet joke, much like many other Memes. But when I discovered these forums, people were genuinely interested in the show. My curiosity got the best of me, and the night before "Luna Eclipsed" aired, I watched the first Episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


I was quite surprised, this show was well animated, quite funny, full of characters that actually HAD character and most importantly, it made me smile. After the first episode was over, I ceertainly couldn't help but watch the second, to see where things were going. It was fantastic, and I was completely mesmerized by these six little ponies. During the next 3 days I watched the entire series, and hung around on the Pony forums of the Yogscast. Then one fateful day,November 1st, 2011, the MLP Sub-Forum just dissapeared... Gone of the face of the internet. I was lost, I didn't know what to do! How could I survive without these bronies I just met? Well there was only one course of action to take, Find another Forum dedicated to My Little Pony! So I Raced my curser up to the google search bar, clicked without any hisitation and quickly and fiercly typed in those wonderful words that would soon be the most important words I had ever entered into the google search bar: MLP Forums.


I saw the first link, MLPForums.com. This is exactly what I was hoping for, I clicked the link, and arrived here at the most wonderful place on the internet. Since then My smiles have been tripled throughout my days at work, stress has not been quite as effective on me. Nothing can make me frown. Not until December 25th, Christmas day at 5:28pm. Ranger, our Golden retriever, faithful friend and loyal companion, died in a matter of seconds. It hasn't even been 12 hours since he passed away, and I find it hard to believe. But I saw him for myself, he was not breathing, his heart had stopped. And now I am still shedding a few tears for him. I certainly hope I am wrong, and there there is some form of life after death. Because Ranger more than deserves eternal happiness.


This year has had quite an impact on my life, and it will always be remembered as the happiest year so far, being the year I discovered ponies, the year I bought my very first car, and the year I made some very good friends. But also, it is the saddest of my life, as the year that Ranger, one of my very best friends, died.



TL;DR: There is none, you should read the whole damn thing, it's very interesting to say the least.

Edited by Klopp
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  • 6 years later...

I don't remember much from 2011 :lol: Although, I do remember that was the year my cousin got married and she invited me and my family to her wedding, and it was aweome. That was the first wedding I've ever been to. I also remember my 10th birthday really well, which was in February of 2011. Come to think of it, I have so many good memories of being 9 and 10 years old, those were probably the best days of my life. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm, well I mostly liked the second half since it was my senior year and all those fun festitivies, also marching band is fun :wacko: . First half was ok. I started learning to drive then :P . I was way overdue.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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2011 was the year i first watched MLP and that i was quitting my first job, after working there for 3 years. Oh and that's also the year skyrim came out, so besides the job quitting thing, it was a nice year. :P

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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I'm a little surprised I never posted in this thread but I suppose I didn't notice it at the time, but it was pretty interesting with the forum chat room while it was still around then and I believe the forum tabs looked like wood signs and the banner wasn't made by users, ah yes the good old days.  The forums had less than 1000 users though and I joined in the middle of q4 2011 so wasn't entirely apart of 2011 for the forums but did get to experience the end of 2011 with it.


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Yeah, that year was a really great one. I met the people whom I'm certain I'll be lifelong friends with, I joined the fandom middle of season two, I was well known at school and had a positive reputation. It was the beginning of a very nice period in my life.

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Good lord, this topic is sooo old. I was still a Christian when this topic was made! Lol. Wow.

Funny how I now remember 2011 entirely different than when I posted in this topic. The social life I mentioned fizzled out so quickly, and I don't even remember why. Also, it's weird that I mentioned that I had no thought of going on to university, because I did just that within a year. I had to have applied within just a couple of months of making that post. o.o Of course, I understand why I felt that way (a feeling that has lingered with me for a long time), I just don't remember what changed my mind so quickly.

Nowadays, I remember 2011 as being a 'fun' year. I got to go see my first and only two concerts - Streetlight Manifesto and Chicago. Strange I didn't mention that in my original post.

Hard to believe that was all 7 years ago now...

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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