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gaming Favorite N64 game(s)?


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My favourite when Nintendo decided to get VIOLENT!


I never got to play any N64 Legend of Zelda games, so I'm only going to say my favourite games I only got to play. I loved Super Mario 64, it had so much gameplay and adventure! Mario Kart was also a great game for it's multiplayer. That was the first racing game I had ever played, and enjoyed so much as a youth.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh... this topic...


I'm one of THOSE kids who never owned a Nintendo 64, and with all that people talk about it I feel I missed out on a huge section of my would be childhood.

Nah instead I lived on a few SNES games until the PS2 and GameCube came out, so while you were playing Ocarina of Time I was still on Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Donkey Kong Country 1-3, and Zombies Ate My Neighbors... for YEARS!


So my Nintendo 64 experiences were always whenever I visited a friend's house. I could probably name all of the N64 titles I played on my hands.


Super Mario 64

Super Smash Bros.

Mario Party 1-3

Kirby 64... thingy (I forget the name, Crystal something?)

Star Fox 64

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Goldeneye 007

Perfect Dark

Pokemon Stadium 1-2


...And that's it really. I feel a bit sad because I missed out on what might be the best games ever.

Banjo and Kazooie is a complete miss on my part and it makes me a bit sad since most people hail it as the best 3D platformer ever (and then Microsoft ruined everything) and Konker's Bad Fur Day gets hailed in similar fashion, but mostly for being funny.

I missed out on singing poop for a boss... my childhood would've LOVED that shit!

I never played Majora's Mask... which is sad because it sounds like an ideal game for me.

And I feel especially weird because many hail Ocarina of Time as BEST GAME IN THE UNIVERSE, and I didn't like it. As a kid a beat it and actually kinda hated it. I played it again when I got older so I don't hate it now... but still. It feels weird.




Short Answer:


My favorite N64 titles are the ones I actually played!

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Blast Corps

Jet Force Gemini

Super Mario 64

Paper Mario


Perfect Dark

Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie

F-Zero X

Wave Race 64

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Yoshi's Story

Star Wars Rogue Squadron

Mario kart 64

Mario Party 1 and 2

Dr Mario 64

Diddy Kong Racing

Quake 64 (Yes, I prefer the atmosphere over the PC version.)

Doom 64

Chopper Attack (Great child-like destruction a la Lego)

Duke Nukem 64

Excitebike 64

Pokemon Stadium

Starfox 64

Star Wars Episode I Racer

Super Smash Bros

Turok Rage Wars

WWF Wrestlemania 2000

Wipeout 64

Zelda Majora's Mask

Zelda Ocarina Of Time



That's pretty much at least 90% of all good to great N64 games in that list.

  • Brohoof 1
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Super Mario 64

Super Smash Bros.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Paper Mario

Mario Party 2

Star Fox 64

Mario Kart 64


There is probably a couple more i am not thinking about.

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Blast Corps

Jet Force Gemini

Super Mario 64

Paper Mario


Perfect Dark

Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie

F-Zero X

Wave Race 64

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Yoshi's Story

Star Wars Rogue Squadron

Mario kart 64

Mario Party 1 and 2

Dr Mario 64

Diddy Kong Racing

Quake 64 (Yes, I prefer the atmosphere over the PC version.)

Doom 64

Chopper Attack (Great child-like destruction a la Lego)

Duke Nukem 64

Excitebike 64

Pokemon Stadium

Starfox 64

Star Wars Episode I Racer

Super Smash Bros

Turok Rage Wars

WWF Wrestlemania 2000

Wipeout 64

Zelda Majora's Mask

Zelda Ocarina Of Time



That's pretty much at least 90% of all good to great N64 games in that list.


All the games I was going to put down are in your lists lol,


Best 2 is defiantly starfox 64 and goldeneye for me, I loved those games so much :)

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Star Fox 64

Super Smash Bros.

Diddy Kong Racing

Buck Bumble


Not many have played buck bumble, that I know of, at least. You're this bumble bee that uses tons of heavy weapons to kill other insects and... Save the yard or something.

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  • 2 years later...

Hmmmmm, this takes me back to 8thgrade/ freshman year.......OoT, Majora's Mask, Goldeneye, SSB, Mario Kart, RE 2.



Dude, I couldn't believe you had to toss in a whopping 4 MB of RAM, just to play Majora's Mask. That's, like, a ridiculous amount of RAM!

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Hmm, my list may seem super small compared to some of the ones others have posted, but I did love the N64 overall, make no mistake.


Super Smash Bros.

Bomberman 64

Pokemon Stadium

Mario Party 2 ( That I never returned to Blockbuster... oops)


But yeah, that pretty much does it. The thing is, these were the games I'd play together with my friends and family. There's no doubt in my mind that's the reason they stick out in my memory.

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Oh man, there's a lot, so bear with me.........*takes deep breath*


Donkey Kong 64, Star Fox 64, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Pokemon Snap, Super Smash Bros., Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Paper Mario, Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Super Mario 64, and of course Legend of Zelda!

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