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surprisingly enough i rather enjoyed this catchy tune.




Heres another soft song i like:


forget about it being in twilight and just enjoy it

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9/10 I rather enjoyed that. Of course, that is also my type of music. Never heard of them though.


My favorite band. Angels and Airwaves. This is probably their most popular song.


Edited by Mr. Dash
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7.5/10 Decent. It just didn't catch my ear.


Moving on to something a little harder. Skillet.


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**Ignore** messed up, give me a moment. **Ignore**

Edited by Mr. Dash
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Mr. Dash, on 13 Jan 2013 - 23:01, said: Yar beat me. Arg!!! Give me minute. 10/10.That is the most beautiful song I have ever listened to.You,sir,have exquisite taste when it comes to music.


You quoted me before I edited it again. Lol. Let's try this again. 8.5/10 This was surprisingly good. I liked the beat boxing mixed in there. Catchy.


Ok, lets take the music somewhere else.


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