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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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I don't like TF2

I think Adventure time and Regular show are garbage

Adam Sandler is one of the most un-funny human beings on this planet

I don't like DBZ

I enjoyed G-Gundam

Pokemon is overrated

Anything done by Sqaure Enix is garbage for the most part

Queen is overrated

Dire straits are underrated

We human beings get offended to easily only leading to more conflict

We are Pain , We are God - Nagato


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I think homosexuality is stupid.

Other than iPods, Apple products suck.

Big K Cola is better than Coca Cola.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Mmm, I have a lot of unpopular opinions.


Dubs > Subs


Sonic > Mario


Gamecube Controller is the best for fighting games


Season 2 of MLP > Season 1 (including the songs)


Final Fantasy VI is the worst Final Fantasy (note that I don't hate it, I just find it to be the weakest in the series)




To name but a few.

Edited by Resulli
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Grape juice is the worst thing ever.


dude, grape juice IS the worst thing ever. grape juice + goldfish crackers + recess = guaranteed puking child.

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


Say hi to me on Gaia, username: SkrinkleAndSkrod

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I've always hated anything grape flavored except for actual grapes. Artificial grape flavor is the worst taste in the entire world (outside of lemon seeds, not lemons, the seeds) and it's only been recently that I could enjoy grape soda, mildly.


Oh and grape flavored medicine is the bane of all existence.

Edited by Resulli
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I've always hated anything grape flavored except for actual grapes. Artificial grape flavor is the worst taste in the entire world (outside of lemon seeds, not lemons, the seeds) and it's only been recently that I could enjoy grape soda, mildly.


Oh and grape flavored medicine is the bane of all existence.


This brings back TERRIBLE memories, memories that existed before I started to take pills.


Actually, any liquid medicine tastes like batshit, but I'm sure that's not an unpopular opinion (At least I hope so)



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I've always hated anything grape flavored except for actual grapes. Artificial grape flavor is the worst taste in the entire world (outside of lemon seeds, not lemons, the seeds) and it's only been recently that I could enjoy grape soda, mildly.


Oh and grape flavored medicine is the bane of all existence.


Thissss. I would rather suffer from my illness than taste liquid medicine. Artificial grape flavoring makes me gag, even just the smell of it.



Apparently liking mint is unpopular because no one will buy the mint brownies at work. >:I

Lean Pockets/Lean Cuisine/Smart Ones are good.

People that don't swear make me uncomfortable.

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I hate PVP in almost any video game.

I think the word "faggot" is funny. Not in the sense of being a slur against anyone but just as a word, I find it very humorous.

I have a transgender friend and while I'm cool with him being transgender, I hate that he had to get drunk to tell me about it. In fact, the whole thing has left me not liking him more and more lately. I feel like people will judge me if I'm not friends with him now, but the truth is, I've wanted to burn that bridge for a long time.


People that don't swear make me uncomfortable.

OMG yes! Or people that use fake swear words instead of the actual word. Irks me to no end! I don't feel like any word is inherently a bad word. But people use them wrong to hurt others and that's how they become bad.


i am dreading the day when gaming goes all digital

You mean like, no more table tops? Cuz that would definitely suck.

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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You mean like, no more table tops? Cuz that would definitely suck.


erm not rely no


you see publisher and the rest of the big corparite douchbag want gaming to go all digital like steam and other stuff so that they dont have to pay to package there games and pay the stores to sell said games and once its all digital and they fell safe the price of digitle game will increase because they would be able to get away with it.


also and interesting fact if you look at the proof of ownership thing that all digital game have if you look at it in detail it will basically tell you that you do not rely own this game also there is the fact you will need to be online to play them so you can log in to your account which if that account ever gets banned you lose all you game no money back. which isn't the case with a hardware copy which you can play and return if you're not satisfied to get some money back

  • Brohoof 1

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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Well here goes nothin'


I got no reason to turn on my TV

I have a short temper with little kids

I don't like Derpy anymore, it was a pretty cool background pony, but I hate how many bronies are more focused on her than on the Mane 6

I can name plenty of more people that are more annoying than Pinkie, and one of them is me

I hate Adventure Time and Regular Show.... Not dislike them, Hate THEM

Futurama and the Simpsons are way better than Family Guy

I only liked the first 2 seasons of Family Guy, any other episode seems pointless to me

I think using the word gay as an insult just shows people's maturity

I like invader Zim, but I find it kinda stupid my friends just watched it because of me, and they think they're the biggest invader zim fans just because they draw tons of pictures of GIR xP

I think Fluttershy is overrated

Edited by Pinkazoid
  • Brohoof 1




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I think using the word gay as an insult just shows people's maturity


That's such a gay thing to say, Pinkeeeeeerz. This is an unpopular opinion thread, not a gay opinion thread.


Gay is such a gay insult anyway. Only gay people use it.


By the way, I think gay people are very gay.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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That's such a gay thing to say, Pinkeeeeeerz. This is an unpopular opinion thread, not a gay opinion thread.


Gay is such a gay insult anyway. Only gay people use it.


By the way, I think gay people are very gay.


Damn, that post made me want to start rolling on the ground, maybe foam coming out of my mouth too...
  • Brohoof 1




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lets see


Twilight is worst pony

every legend of zelda game sucks

I like skrillex

every youtube vblogger is dumb



and that's about it


Come on everypony Smile Smile Smile

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well, Ive just about had enough of this post, as Im beginning to realize, I dont care what you think of my opinions, as I dont really care about yours. Wonderful thing about people, we can all think differently and still get along (give or take what happens on 4chan... but then again WE happened on 4chan :huh: ) Well, unfollowing, enjoy the rest of the morning

Riley was here

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1. Fluttershy is the BEST pony ever!

2. I love Sailor Moon.

3. Obama is the WORST president ever!

4. It's embarrassing buying MLP stuff from Walmart at my age!

5. Life after college is a big let down since there are no jobs.


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Pokemon is overrated

Queen is overrated


My Jimmies, they have been destroyed.


While I'm here I should post some more opinions.


I love Magikarp but don't like Gyarados.

I'm looking forward to the Wii U

Rarity is my least favorite pony

I'm starting to get tired of all the Mario games Nintendo is releasing. Show your other franchises some love like Metroid and F-Zero.

I hate almost every non-villain song from Disney. Like in Loin King I hate "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" but love "Be Prepared"

I wish Sega would use their old IPs like NIGHTs and Bily Hatcher or just make a new one so they can give Sonic a break. I don't want more crappy gimmicks like the Sword.

Also I want to play as Sonic's friends again. The Werehog could have easily been Knuckles.

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but here goes. I honestly dislike all of the attention Derpy gets. I mean, if Hasbro didn't overlook one animation mistake, I gurantee you no one would have cared about her. And what's with the attention DJ PON3 gets? I just don't get it, sometimes.

  • Brohoof 3

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Bronies are much too self indulgent with their identity as such and are a source of vicarious embarrassment. It's a fandom. Come on. Nothing revolutionary about post-modern / remix / cult classical pop culture items such as this.


Fandoms in general tend to invoke the "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS" caveat.


Homestuck is enjoyable when you rid yourself of all the unnecessary hype, shipping wars and fanfiction that its fans feel shove down the throats of, well, everyone. I've been reading of my own accord for years. That's why it doesn't suck for me.


The Internet is the worst thing to have happened to children in general. I swear, it gets to the point where you all sound the same. Spouting memetic nonsense is not funny nor is it suggestive of any sort of life. Any meme is an old meme.


Gays only have as much of an issue being accepted by secularists as they do because there's this certain "all enveloping" characteristic that they seem to adopt in regard to their homosexuality, as if their being gay is something to take pride in and flaunt.


No one cares, truthfully. All for gay rights here, don't get me wrong.


People can't take a hint and learn to shut up and go most times.

keep it real .

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Israel is a thorn in the side of the world.

There are too many people for this planet.

The US needs to cut all foreign aid ASAP.

I hate it when people say America is the only nation that has natural born rights.

I hate stupid and ignorant people.

I hate the word queer and actually take no offense to f*g (and I'm Bi)

I hate children.

I like stereotypes.

Christian Values are a myth.

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Those two statements contradict each other no matter which way I look at it.


You don't think there is a higher power, therefore you are an atheist. Pure agnosticism says "I don't know either way, therefore I don't believe either way".


Just saw this


I'm an agnostic atheist

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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That isn't such an unpopular opinion, I mean the haters far surpass the fan girls so, I don't know about that, while if we are in the subject of fangirl I could say that my other opinion, which I forgot about "Justin Bieber sucks" is unpopular



Also, another one I actually like rebecca black' Friday, it's so cheesy


I used to think Justin Bieber sucked untill I herd 'Boyfriend'. I don't nesesaritly like him, but I like the song. He's probably a cool guy in real life. Maybe.


I really hate gay/lesbian shippings. I hate it when people think its hot, makes "sense", or should happen.


P.S. Great thread BTW!


I could not agree more. Nothing about them is nesesarry or natural. The whole idea of gay/lesbian isn't natural. Only thing remotly okay about it is by brother can derp and I can teasingly say "Dude... That looked, SO gay." LOL


I hate the LGBT, the military, and nihilism.


Come at me, internet (Considering I basically summed up the internet there).


If I ever join a/the military I will be sure to not inform you on fear of violent death. Or worse.... O_o





And finally, MY oppinions that mean absolutly nothing.

I believe Akon is a romantic at heart.

The population of earth should be bronie, Christian, and use the oh-so-uncommon common sense.

Hasbro should introduce more exotic races into FIM.

Both 'Where the red fern grows', and 'Ender's Game' left me with an empty, simi-happy/melancolly feeling inside.

We should go back to the 'One nation, under God, indivisible.' thing. It worked.

Texas iz best state. =3

The US govornment should use our tax dolors to creat nation wide air conditioning during the summer.

I often have the urge to take pictures of the sky, and it makes me sad that no one, including myself, is ever going to see the beauty that is the piece of sky I just viewed, because the sky is never going to be exactly the same as it was right then...

People should paint there rooms and houses in amasingly crazy clashing colors. ^^


I could say more, but I doubt anyone would want to hear any more of my ranting. XD I might make a blog though...

Edited by TrueBolt
  • Brohoof 1

I like green.

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- I hate both the Huffington Post and Fox News for their political bias.

- I hate the word faggot because I'm gay and I find it unpleasant every time I hear it.

- I don't like Notre Dame, USC and Ohio State football because they are so overrated.

- I don't like babysitters, fathers and mothers who abuse children. It sickens me to the core.




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Why am I even posting here. Oh gosh, well here goes nothing, just some of my beliefs and opinions.


I support gay rights, even though most of my family does not. (I doubt they know I do however.)

I strongly dislike humanized ponies. Yep that is right.

I think that Generation 5 of pokemon was by far the best. Best map, best pokemon, and defiantly the best villain.

I hate it when someone talks about clopfiction like it is the horrible side of the fanfiction.

I care nothing for sports. Yep nothing.

I strongly dislike drinkers, and alcohol for that mater. And by drinkers, I mean the people who drink all the time.

I dislike the drugies and other things of that nature.


I think that is all for now.

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