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Characters that grew on you (or did the opposite)

Silly Lily

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> Increased


Rainbow Dash - She went past the "I"M AWESOME" phase into a character that really started to show real character. Some times she could be a bit of a douche but ultimately she learned from it, and improved.


Pinkie Pie - Her role became a lot more solid that random comic relief. She also became one of the most important aspects of the show to keep it from becoming too serious. The content got a little more dark and mature as season 2 went along but pinkie kept it from getting too brooding.


Mic the Microphone - Once he started to produce some of his music with Twentyten, as well as a bunch of his charity work I started to enjoy listening to his music and dramatic readings.


> Decreased


Fluttershy - She had a couple episodes based on her but besides that she doesn't do much anymore...


Celestia - She has gotten dumber or she is trying to troll too hard now. She knew both Cadence and Shining armour or at least SHOULD have considering she was hosting a wedding for a Princess of Canterlot an the HEAD OF HER ROYAL GUARD! I mean she should have known Cadence wasn't herself and has probably been around more than Twilight. And the phoenix? Yah... Lets bring an old Phoenix to Ponyville, and keep it indoors, around a vet/animal shelter owner. What could POSSIBLY happen?

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What can I say? I can never love her enough, I used to consider her the annoying character of the show, that was childish, immature, however after watching "Cutie Mark Chronicles" I started gaining a love for her personality, I found out it matched mine a lot, and after watching "Party of One" I already loved Pinkie, she's the part of the show that always brightens up my day xD





She used to be my favorite, and somehow she found herself at the bottom of my favorite list

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Increase- Rarity. I wish I could properly explain this one but something about her character began to grow on me and she bumped from my least favorite to 3rd or 4th favorite of the Mane 6 :)


Decrease-Fluttershy.Don't get me wrong I find Fluttershy as adorable as the next guy but they REALLY need to do more with her character than make her the shy girl with a partially Psychotic side

  • Brohoof 1



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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Pinkie Pie- I just adore Pinkie, she is so funny and cute, I never really thought of her too much until the end.


DJ-Pon3- I don't know why, I've always been fascinated by her, I really got into her.




Fluttershy- I never really liked her too much, or found her cute, and she just wasn't a favorite of mine. (go ahead, hate me :P)



Princess Celestia- Think too much of Trollestia or Molestia. :blink:

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Luna- Luna Eclipsed is my favorite episode, just because of how epic Luna's entrance is. I liked her before, but now, she's on the verge of becoming my favorite pony.

Cheerilee- After Hearts and "Hooves day" she became my favorite.

Rarity- I thought she was just going to be an annoying snob at first. Boy was I wrong! Her singing voice is among my favorite. She is definitely in my top 5 ponies.

CMC- Again after "Hearts and Hooves day" My opinion on them changed. Scootaloo had always been a favorite of mine, but then as I saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom in more episodes my opinion of them changed drastically.

Octavia and Vinyl- I didn't know they had names, but I knew they were going to be favorites of mine. Music + Pony = Awesome

Lyra- Awesome, just awesome.


Pinkie Pie- She's just annoying, I still like her, but she's definitely not up there in my list.

Yes I think that's all that decreased.

Edited by dusty soul
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The Characters that grew on me the most were Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. At the beginning, I didn't really like either of them. Pinkie Pie seemed way too obnoxious and annoying, and RD was just a flat out jerk.


Now though, 2 seasons later, I've really come to appreciate both of their Characters. In fact, Pinkie Pie became my favorite of the mane 6, and 2nd favorite overall, right behind Trixie.


"My granny shoots better than you!"

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Pinkie Pie- When I first started watching the show I honestly found her a little annoying. I think I gained more respect for her after the Swarm of the Century episode and then her antics started to amuse me more and suddenly she's one of my favorite characters.


Spike- I didn't think much of him at first I but as I got to see more of him I guess he became more interesting to me. I'm not quite sure exactly how it happened but now he's also one of my favorite characters.



None. So far.

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Increased: Rarity, She just seems to be like a southern Belle to me now, especially with the GWTW Reference and she generally cares about her friends.

Luna: I kinda liked her in the First Episodes but When I saw Luna Eclipsed I fell in love with her character cause I could relate to her. Plus she's awesome.


Decreased: Rainbow Dash, She seems to be way too much of a braggart to me.

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Rarity - I didn't really like her as much as the others at first. As her character developed, she started to rise up the ranks of the mane 6. She still isn't in the top 4, but just because she isn't in the top 4 doesn't mean I dislike her character much less than the others.


Rainbow Dash - I don't know, i'm not much of a fan for the super competitive types of characters. She kind of started off on the wrong hoof. Eventually after watching a few episodes, she started to grow on me a bit. Of course there are those episodes where she is downright annoying (mare do well episode, anypony?), but she usually learns from her mistakes.


Luna: At first glance, a character who only had one line in season 1 if you don't count her lines as nightmare moon (which I dont.) In season 2, she quickly became one of my favourites in Luna Eclipsed. Her whole character design was likable and she had many unique traits, such as the Royal Canterlot Voice and how she referred to herself as "we". Her character has also come a long way since being nightmare moon.




None, really. Truth be told, I really kind of like all the characters in their own different way. Except for diamond tiara, she's just a bully. Oh, and Gilda for making Fluttershy cry!

Edited by Celtore
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Rarity- I started liking Rarity recently. I kinda started liking her character more and more every day.

Trixie- Ever since Ponyville Confidential when they mentioned Trixie I just got exited for some reason. And now Boast Busters is my most watched episode.

Pinkie Pie -When i first saw pinkie pie i found her to be really annoying character. But that all changed when season two came. I found her to be a more enjoyable, funny, and more well written character. And Smile smile smile did help a lot.


Decreased OK this might sound weird but for me it has to be the elements of harmony. I know they are not a pony, but i really don't care for them anymore. Back in season 1 they looked cool with the rainbow laser beam and the glowing eyes, but know it just looks like that's all the writers have to defeat the big bad guy. I know they can think of other things but they kinda got lazy. I bet in season 3 they are gonna do it again. They even tried using it in the season 2 finally. In my opinion it makes the characters look weak and that they need them. Season 3 is probably gonna have some sort of twist or something with the elements. Maybe one is broken or maybe some of the ponies are missing or out of town. But in the end they are gonna find a way to use the elements and beat the bad guy. I just want something different.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rainbow Dash definitely grew on me. At first I thought she was just a snotty little show off that like nothing but competition and winning. Fortunately, the genius writers of the show made RD more than that and showed her grow to be a more likeable pony :D This inspired me to believe people can really change and to give others a second chance!


As for decreasing, I can't think of anypony that I once liked, then disliked.

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Rarity: I kinda liked her from the start but not that drastically. Only as the series progressed did she grow on me and eventually become my favorite character. I guess I can really appreciate the fact that she seems to have the most flaws yet is still able to overcome them.


Spike: I didn't find him appealing from the start because I viewed him as the bad comic relief. However, during season two, when he began to question himself and his true origin, that hit me hard and made him seem more mature than at first glance. However, no amount of respect I have for him would make me wanna see spikexrarity. For those who don't realize, its almost like promoting child pornography.



Applejack: Everybody liked Applejack in the begining but her character became dull halfway through season one. I feel as if there just isn't enough story and flaws behind her to make her a realistic character.


Fluttershy: She seems to break out of character too often in the show. She is supposed to be the shy one of he group, yet in many episodes (Forgive me for not knowing the names) she shows a darker and more outspoken side.

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Rarity - Always been my favourite pony but with her new song and stronger personality, I love even more.

Twilight - didn't like her at first as the normal snobby egg-head type. But after how nice she was in Sweet and Elite, she's gone up a little.

Applejack - Became a lot funnier in season two.

Applebloom and Sweetiebelle - blame sisterhooves social for this one (they are too cute!)




Luna - the luna is luna eclipse was not likeable at all in my opinion.

Rainbow Dash - became more mouthy and arrogant.

Derpy - was neutral, but all the brony hype made me dislike her (she's just a recoloured rainbowdash that glitched a bit. Big whoop)

Scootaloo - too much of a flavour of the week pony (Mare-do-well)~

Edited by Shankveld

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Rarity. At first I really didn't like her, she seemed to whiny, needy and arrogant. But as the show went on, she grew on me. She's actually very cute and sweet.

Applejack. I always liked her, but as the show went on she just became more adorablee<3

Fluttershy. She's my favorite, and I just can't get enough of her. Her love always increases.

Big Mac. Oh my gosh. I thought he was just a simple almost background pony, but as he came into the show more, I freaken love him~




Rainbow Dash. I never liked her, but as the show goes on, she keeps getting more and more annoying and douchebaggy.

Pinke Pie. I thought I liked her, but she's just so damned annoying, I cannot even begin to like her.

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-Rarity: When I first started watching the show, she was my least favorite pony of the mane six (yes yes). But, as you might have noticed, she's now my favorite pony. It was probably around the Diamond Dogs episode that I started to like her.


-Pinkie Pie: I didn't care much for her until the A Party of One episode. She then progressively started to grow on me. I loved her by A Friend in Deed. Now I love her at least as much as I love Rarity.



Fluttershy: She was my second favorite pony for the whole first season. But then with season 2, she become to have less personality. And her character flaw were exaggerated, to the point it became not believable and more difficult to relate to. In Putting your Hooves Down, we learned that she doesn't even need to be discorded to be a bitch. That annoyed me.


Rainbow Dash: I liked her quite a lot in the first season. But now with season 2, she seemed to be more arrogant and even more full of herself.


Luna: I had a pretty big headcanon for her personality and how she was like and all. And in the Luna Eclipsed episode she was really different than I had imagined. I still liked what they did for her personality though (I disliked the drastic changes in her appearance from season 1 to season 2 however. She looks cool in both, but you can't just change a pony's appearance like that. She doesn't feel like she is the same pony than in Season 1.

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- Rarity: I used to put her low on mah list because she kind of annoying when whiny at first, plus, she looked like the biggest brat of the group, but after a while, I started to appreciate her voice and beauty more and more and eventually she became mah 3rd favorite pony.


-Twilight Sparkle: Used to be ranked really lowly because I thought she was a bland and boring character (Mostly because she reads and studies, and I HATE reading). I started to like her voice and appearance a lot though, and her personality, being a geek but a cute and quirky one at that (AKA, adorkable :P), made her a lot more appealing to me, so now she is in 2nd place in mah ranks



-Pinkie Pie: I used to like this character a lot, almost as much as Applejack, but this was back when I was pretty immature and silly myself, so being that we were similiar to each other then, I liked her a ton. Unfortunately, the more time went by, the more mature I became, and I started to find her personality and voice a little bit annoying at times. I like her quite some still, mostly due to her voice when she's not running her mouth constantly, and her innocent appearance, but just not as much as before


-Rainbow Dash: I used to also put her really high up there, mainly because of her competitive nature and having that fangirl (Not annoying ones) attitude when talking about the Wonderbolts. Her voice is kinda not-so appealing as I used to think of it, and her attitude sometimes annoys me, so now she's 5th place in mah ranks, although that's still technically good.

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Well my interest in Applejack and Rarity have grown much more than the other mane 6. Applejack's southern accent finally got to me, besides Applejack needs more wub. And as for Rarity, she's been growing more on me because of her behavior in being a lot more sophisticated than the others.


Rainbow Dash is well I guess too awesome for short and Fluttershy is too much *squee* so they kinda lost me. I never really did like Twilight Sparkle though, I never know why.

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My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At first I thought Rarity was really annoying but, eventually she ended up being my second favorite of the mane six. :wub: Just behind Rainbow Dash. So share your experiences with everypony :D.

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I don't know about "hate", but I used to dislike Rarity. She ended up being an awesome character eventually, though, and she's now best pone.

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I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


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Rarity was my second least favourite before Fluttershy. In fact, my order was:


1. Rainbow Dash

2. Pinkie Pie

3. Applejack

4. Twilight Sparkle

5. Rarity

-infinity: Fluttershy


Now it's:


1. Rarity

2. AJ/Twi

3. Pinkie Pie

4. Rainbow Dash

-infinity: Fluttershy


It pretty much reversed itself save Fluttershy :P

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I personally didn't care much for Rarity at first glance.Now approaching S3 she's my second favorite pony :).Her fanbase is small though :/

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"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I never hated any of them, but I will say that Pinkie Pie has climbed the ratings over time. If anything it has really flattened out -- I mean I like Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie very close to equally while it was much more stepped at the beginning.

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Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I really hated Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle at first. Pinkie Pie just annoyed me so much, but then when I found out there was method behind her madness, I realised how funny she was. She's now my favourite. Twilight just seemed like the normal main character sort of pony, you know "Oh I'm the main character, everybody who watches this show is supposed to like me because I'm the best out of them all". Kinda like the Red Ranger, always getting the attention. Until she became crazy :D Omg I laughed so much. Making her my avatar (whenever I can) Posted Image

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It is partially because of my fanfic and running through how life would be in Equestria as in actually running through scenarios and days and weeks etc. I thought pinkie pie would be a constant annoyance, but she turns out to be a good friend to everypony instead. IE her presence would be a significant positive not a negative to living in ponyville.

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Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Well, it seems to be the case with a lot of bronies here, but... Rarity. She was a defined character, yes, but she didn't capture my interest until I re-watched a bunch of episodes. And as soon as I re-watched "A Dog and Pony Show" I was like "OMG I freakin' LOVE you Rarity!" XD


Now I kind of see her as the most relatable-to-adults character on the show. Preoccupied with friends and life, running a business, and definitely one of the more mature ponies.

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