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Season three theorycrafting!

Solar Wind

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Okay lets begin shall we? Recently equestria daily released these pictures.









Each of them are supposedly from season three. I have quite a few theories so bear with me on this...


So if you saw these pictures



You know what I mean. Carousel bouique has been run out of buisness and for good reason.

I have a problem with this myself in one picture you see inside and the dresses are TERRIBLE!

One of them is from a potato sack the other one is patched up and they all around look like they should be worn by a bum. Rarity prides herself on fashion and beauty witch are NOT being met by those dresses. I found a conclusion to this and it includes this douche.


Im not sure if he is a confirmed villain or not but thats not important. I have a theory that he showed the mane6 a fake vision of their future. This cant be the real future because Rarity wouldnt make such ugly things. This douche (Yes I am permanaently reffereing to him as douche.) Most likely tricked the mane 6 kind of like Discord did. He used his douche powers to make a fake future to scare ponies.

Another theory is that this douche is actually a tyrant of (guess who?) The crystal kingdom.

Perhaps douche tricked the ponies into helping the crystal kingdom. While the element bearers prepared a huge fair for the crystal ponies DOUCHE snuck off and tryed to take over Equestria.

In additon to this douche may be in some ways related to Cadence. If he is a crystal pony and princess Cadence is too maybe the two know eacother. Maybe douche kidnapped Cadence and used her to lure in the mane 6. However I am sticking close to my theory of it is just a fake vision of the future.


Yes Trixie is returning and sporting a new necklace. post-5326-0-90665900-1344768651_thumb.jpg

Doesnt that necklaces face look somewhat familiar.

Oh wait! post-5326-0-61836800-1344768665.jpg

A theory I have is that necklace is an element of disharmony or chaos or douchebaggery whatever.

If you look closely douche is also wearing a necklace that is glowing purple. Trixie may not be the only element of disharmony I have a feeling there may be a few including gilda. (Okay so maybe I couldnt think of anyone other than Gilda!) Anyway if these three are the elements of douchebaggery then there has to be a way for these elements to come about? Oh I know! Perhaps while captain douche was distracting the mane 6 with his fair he snuck off and stole the elements of harmony. Using his douche magic he turned them evil and is going to plan to use them to ruin equestria... Kind of like this post-5326-0-99689300-1344768641_thumb.jpg

Maybe the crystal kingdom is JEALOUS of equestria and wants to take over. I have a theory on this too. Maybe Equestria and the crystal kingdom go to war and the war is cutting between Shining armor and Cadence kinda like a cross between disney and romeo and juliette??

Speaking of disney check this out!!

Does this look familiar to you? post-5326-0-48784000-1344768633_thumb.jpg

It sure as hell should!! post-5326-0-83410200-1344770141.jpg

It has already been established that Chrysalis is like a classic disney character... You know shapeshifting stealing a man oh I remember!! post-5326-0-99493600-1344770431.jpg

This thread is about wrapped up its 7:00 am and I am tired. So yeah a few serous theories and some general silliness I hope you enjoyed leave me a brohoof below!!

Oh and before I leave have another picture!! post-5326-0-77938700-1344770775.jpg

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Been waiting for a lovely megathread like this. Sure to explode once season 3 starts.

Where to begin:


First things first. Hey Trixie fans, HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND. TRIXIE IS BACK :D


As for the boutique-

Lord, the hell happened there? Well, one thought comes to mind that Rarity went out of business, or ran out of town.


New villain. It looks like Scar from the Lion King ;-;

  • Brohoof 2
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I think, that necklaces are elements of disharmony too. Trixie´s could be Dishonesty as she has been lying about her powers or "Un-Magic" although she should have a "big crown-thingie" then. The douche looks kinda brutish, so he could have the element of cruelty. As for the boutique I´m gonna go with the "bad future vision" theory...

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Well Trixie is wearing something that kinda looks evil. So can't wait to see what they do with her.


As for Rarity shop now it could be some kind of future thing the bad use's to make the 6 weak or it could be something for a Rarity episode.


As for the crystal kingdom, I like the way it looks. Cant wait to see it in the episode.


Found another one. This is depressing.

Posted Image



Makes you wonder if the show would be like this with out us?

Edited by pinkiefan1287
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Trixie has gotten a bit more powerful than when we last saw her, and has come back to demonstrate to Twilight that she is better than her after all. On her way, she sneaks her way up into the Canterlot Gardens, and, using her improved magic and perhaps an ancient magic from her necklace, releases Discord from his imprisonment. The spirit looks at Trixie and is reminded of Twilight's fury and anger, when she was confronting him with her discorded pony friends, and decides to 'team up' with her. He does what he does best and whispers sweet nothings into her ear about how she can rule as 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' over all of Equestria, and that all she has to do is work with him. He creates five separate Discorded ponies, physical manifestations of Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, with Trixie leading them as 'The NEW Elements of Disharmony'. As separate entities now, Discord pours his magic into all six of them, making them exponentially more powerful. The new team runs amock through Ponyville and the alike region, backed up by Discord and his limitless magic as the ultimate defense against any attempts to harm them Ergo, all the devastation pictures we see.


I could totally see the dynamic of goofy Discord and arrogant Trixie being a funny teamwork pattern to watch.


Interpret the Crystal Kingdom into this how you will, but that's certainly something I'd like to see.

Third time I believe I've posted these thoughts of mine; no one's kidding when they say the season 3 speculation talk pops up everywhere.

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Third time I believe I've posted these thoughts of mine; no one's kidding when they say the season 3 speculation talk pops up everywhere.


That is so power rangers... I love it!!! But where does douche fit into this scenarion?
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i was reminded of shattrath city from world of warcraft when i saw that image... but anyway, the 2 elements of disharmony i think i can figure out is discords (chaos, obviously) and trixie (dishonesty, from the posts above.)

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If you ask me, the big crystal building is not evil, but good. I say this because one of the sneak peek songs that they show is "The Ballad of the Crystal Ponies, though I haven't got any proof this is good because even though I see the Mane 6 inside the building, seemingly happen, I can't be absolutely sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well one thing about the crystal ponies -- they cant be that ALL POWERFUL if they can be kept out of hostilities simply by one Alicorn's Spell... They are doing this because Cadence's Spell cant hold forever. Um if it works at all that kind of diminishes the threat level at least in my eyes.

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