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Spoilers and us


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I know that there is a lot of buzz about season 3 and that we are all excited about it. But I want to discuss something that could ruin the experience. I'm talking about spoilers.


I think spoilers can be interesting but they can mess with things. Some spoilers may not even be true. But if we have waited all this time for season 3, then why would we spoil an entire new episode by reading a leaked summary of it, when we can just witness the magic ourselves when it comes out?


Some say that looking at a spoiler doesn't ruin ALL of it, and your right, it doesn't.


We are bronies. we are special and awesome. We watch a show that is special and awesome. So maybe we should resist spoilers to feel the magic.


Ok here we go


1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?


I resist all spoilers so I wanna know your side :)

IrusBlaze, Pegasus of Wisdom and Protection


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Spoilers make a difference when playing games and watching shows, i read the plot of amnesia, and when i got the game, i knew what was going to happen, and the ending didn't feel like an ending, i didn't feel triumphant.

  • Brohoof 2

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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

I saw Smile Smile Smile early. Total. Regret.

2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

Been avoiding S3 ones like the plague but...

Hoping the Trixie one is real.

3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

Yeah. I hate knowing what's gonna happen.

  • Brohoof 1


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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

erm no i hear speculation but i dont care much for it i just patiantly wait

2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

not unless there is proof

3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?


  • Brohoof 1

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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

The two songs that was revealed at Comic con.

2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

Only if it comes from the staff of the show.

3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

It's nice to see what they're doing and giving us a sign that there will be another season, but not really.


But when it comes to super smash bros 4, GIVE ME AS MUCH INFO AS I CAN HANDLE.

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  • Brohoof 2

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Pfft yeah I watch spoilers~


We'll get spoiled anyway, so why waste your time waiting all of those days just to see something already opened?


Yeahhh. This is typical season 2 waiting, already got that down pat. I don't think we had much spoilers last off season...so i'll feed myself up now.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?


2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

Well, only if there are certain proof of.. such as a official Announcement(Trailer or something)

3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

Sort of, cause i like to find out things the way that they should come out.


But if season 3 does come out ill be so happy! :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

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Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

Yes, the season 3 leaked songs and the pictures


Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

The songs,yes. The pictures, I am not so sure.


Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

Nope unless it's a major spoiler. The pictures and the songs don't count as major spoilers for me.

  • Brohoof 2


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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

Yeah a I watch every spoiler I can find.


2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

Well I am pretty sure the one about Trixie coming back is true. And I actually heard somewhere that Faust's OC will be in season three. It doesn't sound possible but I actually think it's true.


3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

Yeah I won't go all crazy when awesome suff like when Derpy talked happens. still I can't just ignore the information

  • Brohoof 1


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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

Yes and I must say I found it very interesting

2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

Trixie is definitely true... Discords return probably isn't though...

3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

No not really, I don't read that many spoilers...

  • Brohoof 1


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No, I didn't really watch a spolier for MLP on purpose (unless you count hearing the synopsis of the next episode). However, I saw a spoiler accidentally on a season 3 song. That didn't ruin it, I just the title of the song.


I believe some of it might be true, but you never know with all those fakers nowadays.


Of course! Watching spoliers always ruins the episode. I could watch the episode, and instead of being excited with what happens next, I would be like 'Oh yeah. I know that part already. ):'.



Also, I don't know what this whole 'Trixie' rumor thing is about. Don't tell me though. I'm just so curious about it. Wish I could ask. :P


Edited by Pixiesong
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Spoilers aren't that bad, as long as it's not life-changing one, such as "FLUTTERSHY GOT MARRIED TO TIME TURNER" kind


If there's a rumor about Season 3 spoiler, I always try to take a look at it. So far I've seen lots of spoilers about many things, but none of them ever managed to change my view to the franchise.

Then again, I got lucky I finished that book before anyone got a chance to scream DUMBLEDORE DIES to my face.

  • Brohoof 1


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There are different levels of things being spoiled. There's

A) Vague summaries (e.g. "After trying to warn Princess Celestia about the return of the wicked Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle and Spike travel to Ponyville.") Usually don't spoil much that you don't learn in the first 25% of the show/movie/book.



B) The Ending (e.g. "Twilight and her new friends learn about the magic of friendship and use the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon and return her to the peaceful Princess Luna.") This is pretty bad, but you can at least argue that the journey is more important than the destination.



C) The entire plot (e.g. "After trying to warn Princess Celestia about the return of the wicked Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle and Spike travel to Ponyville where they meet Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. Nightmare Moon returns to Ponyville to bring darkness over Equestria. Twilight and her new friends learn about the magic of friendship by traveling through the Everfree Forest and use the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon and change her back to the peaceful Princess Luna."). Why would you even watch it after reading this?


A is usually okay. If I saw a episode summary about the length of A (which is about what is on the program guide I have for my T.V) I wouldn't feel spoiled at all after watching the full episode.

B can be bad, but there's still much to be seen

C is just like, is there a reason to watch it anymore?


The worst I have ever been spoiled of something was B, before I went back to finish reading the Harry Potter series. The books were still enjoyable, but I kept feeling impatient to reach the end because I already knew what it was. Since then I've been trying to avoid that sort of thing for everything else I plan to watch or read.

Edited by shotoku
  • Brohoof 1
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Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

Yeah I looked at the season 3 songs and I've seen some pictures


Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

I think the songs are true. The pictures could be fake though.


Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

For a show like MLP not at all, in fact spoiilers as long as they're not huge ones just make more excited espesially if they're vague. If it was a video game or even a movie I wouldn't want spoilers.

  • Brohoof 1


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As far as spoilers go, I did see the season 3 songs but I don't really consider that a huge spoiler. I'm of the thought that a spoiler can only be considered a spoiler if it completely unravels the mystery of what will happen in whatever the spoiler is from. The songs from Season 3 provided us information but they also provided questions as well, so they aren't the kind of spoiler that i try to avoid.


Obviously the songs are real, they wouldn't have showed them at comic con if they weren't. As for those images... which I kind of regret seeing... I'm on the fence. They look real but there is the chance that they might be fake.


Not really, as any of the sneak peek stuff they've shown of upcoming episodes (IE those clips from Season 2 and then the songs from Season 3) only makes me want to see the new stuff even more.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

Yes. The images and the 2 songs that were used at comic-con. Also I did here the smile, smile, smile song early. But I had no idea that was a leaked song. Someone else was singing it, so I thought they made it up.


2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

I think the one about Trixie looks true.


3. Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

I don't think so. If you know when they are going to happen then it maybe ruined, but as long as it's a small spoiler then I don't think the episode would be ruined.

  • Brohoof 1


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I try not getting spoiled, but when it comes directly from the staff, in a teaser way more than spoiler, then I do watch it.


I watched the entire Naruto knowing what would happen next. I wish I haven't.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. I do believe that I have watched a few.

2. Don't exactly remember many, but I usually only believe them with lots of proof or lots of other sources saying the same thing.

3. It would not ruin an episode for me. I usually like spoilers about most things.

  • Brohoof 1


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We are bronies. we are special and awesome. We watch a show that is special and awesome. So maybe we should resist spoilers to feel the magic.


I may be the only one here who does, but I find that statement to be more than a little embarrassing. We bronies are just people who like a well made, yes, I'll say it, cartoon. Being that said 22 minute per episode cartoon is aimed at little children, spoilers have little or no meaning.

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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1. Have you ever watched a spoiler for MLP?

Yes the season 3 songs and anouncements such as

Trixie reapearing


2. Do you believe any might be true, if so which ones?

The songs are the only sing I can trust fully

3.Do spoilers make a difference when watching the show to you?

Yes when I expect something it ruins the entire moment and the feeling.

  • Brohoof 1
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