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movies/tv Anime: Which show should I start off with?


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Cowboy Bebop is one of the best ones. It is short enough where you won't get bored, but long enough where you fall in love with the characters. I highly recommend that above all others.

My personal list of anime to watch:


  • Blue Seed - silly humor that gets serious halfway through
  • Cowboy Bebop - best anime ever concieved
  • Cat Planet Cuties (if you don't mind nudity) = fan service but kawaii everywhere. and boobs
  • Lupin the 3rd - AWESOME
  • Hellsing - serious gore though
  • Ruin Explores - Great fantasy. 4 episodes long though (more like 2 one hour movies)
  • Battle Angel Alita - sci-fi movie only an hour long.

Seriously, see paranoia agent if you like psychological thrillers. Not gory but a huge mind-f*ck!

  • Brohoof 3


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You absolutely have to watch Cowboy Bebop, like now, do it. It's very accessible to western viewers, there's not a lot of the 'Japanese wierdness' that puts a lot of people off of anime. It is one of the best animes ever, new to anime or not.


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I don't think you are asking the right forum. I participate in an anime forum and everything that was just mentioned would be considered tripe with the exception of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and One Piece. (but to be fair most of those people are kind of strange people)

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is considered the gateway anime. It was introduce you to anime slice of life along with some super natural stuff.

I personally am not too attracted to action anime, especially if its a running series. There are exceptions.

My personal favorites listed in a good watch watch order:

1. Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (slice of life/sci-fi) [watch first season]

2. Ouran High School Host club (reverse Harem/comedy) [watch all]

3. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Mecha/Action) [watch all]

4. Nichijou (slice of Life/comedy) [first season, or all]

5. The World God Only Knows (harem/drama/comdy/supernatural) [first season, or all]

6. Puella Magi Madoka Magica (deconstruction/magical girl) [all]

7. Serial Experiments Lain (cyberpunk) [all]

Edited by akalink


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Before I go crazy and tell you the anime I like, I want to know what YOU are looking for specifically.


I'm more into anything that takes place in highschool and is usually drama or comedy, then I like to occasionally go for anything that involves combat.


Some things I would suggest for you to give a shot are (in no particular order)...


Sword Art Online 



Mirai Nikki (Horror) 



Baka and Test 



Lucky Star 



Puella Magi Madoka Magica 



Angel Beats 



Attack on Titan 



I like watching my stuff on Anime Exceed and Crunchyroll


Anything that I bolded are MUST watches or are good to watch because a lot more people have watched it, so you will get a few references.

I enjoyed all of these.


I italisized anything that I personally enjoyed the most.

I don't really like watching anime like Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece, but a LOT of people like it. 


I LOVED Angel Beats, Baka and Test, and Sword Art Online.

Edited by Suskel
  • Brohoof 3

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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Angel Beats would be good for beginners. It's not too long, and it's very good. It has humorous moments, emotional moments, and action. It's not too violent, but there is quite a bit of language and it has a few disturbing scenes. It could also be religiously offensive to those who are sensitive about subjects such as "does god really exist."


But it's very good, and I highly recommend it.

Edited by Blue Moon
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How could I forget the perfection that is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Ever frame is as manly and emotional as the muscles and color pallet they are drawn with. 



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Any idea of what kind of genres you'd be interested in seeing. There's a lot of anime out there...


Here's a small list of some I would recommend:


Nichijou (slice of life, comedy)

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (vulgar humor)

Mirai Nikki (Psychological thriller)

Kokoro Connect (romance, drama)

Puella Magi Madoka Magica (magical girl deconstruction)

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai (RomCom with some drama)

Minami-ke (slice of life, comedy)

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I don't think you are asking the right forum. I participate in an anime forum and everything that was just mentioned would be considered tripe with the exception of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and One Piece.


Seriously? Cowboy Bebop is considered tripe? Don't take offense to this but the people on that forum sound like dicks, which super harcore anime fans can be sometimes. It's all subjective, with the exception of Cowboy Bebop which is undeniably amazing.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't exactly know what genres you're interested in, but here's what I'd recommend:


Angel Beats (Action, Drama, Fantasy)


Baccano (Action, Comedy-Drama, Adventure, Gore)


FLCL (Sci-Fi, Comedy)

  • Brohoof 1

"I know you got problems... Hell, we all do. But you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on, till we get to the end of the line."

-Barret Wallace

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As I'm sure someone already said, start with more popular anime to get into it, and then jump into more "obscure/alternative" anime that you think you'd like. There's a lot out there to choose from as well as genres. I don't watch much anime, but I've seen a few series. 



Your breath stinks.

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Detetive Conan, it's the longest still running anime out there, with 17 movies of which the last one isn't out on dvd yet, three extra live action movies as well as a 13 episode live action series.


Like some others mentioned before angel beats.


Steins;gate is awesome. It has time travel and stuff.


Serial experiments Lain. complete mindbuck.


Ao no exorcist was pretty awesome to watch too.


Little busters was nice. From the creators of angel beats I think.


Highschool of the dead. Finally the second season will come.


The world god only knows, even though I think it skipped a part of the manga between season 2 and 3 which is currently ending.


Silver spoon. Currently airing, it's nice.


Sakurasou no pet na kanojo. It has a lot of funny moments.


Kuroko no basuke is a must watch.


FMA brotherhood. way better than the original.


Magi, pretty awesome even though I liked the first couple of episodes more than the rest of the season.


Dansai bunri no crime edge. It was pretty awesome and there's a possibility for a next season.


Needless was one badass anime.


Ghost hunt was one of the first I ever watched.


Buso renkin was one of the earlier ones I watched as well.


Danganronpa the animation, it's currently airing but up to now I love it. (I want to discuss the last aired apisode so much   >.<. I already have a theory about what happened.)


If I remember any more I'll put it here.


Black Lagoon. It has some of the most badass characters in anime. Ever.


Accel world. By the same writer from sword art online.


OreImo. Secret otaku little sister.


BTOOOM. It has explosionsand one of the best openings I've ever heard.

Edited by Midnight Blade


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A lot of people mentioning Cowboy Bebop but missing Samurai Champloo (made by the same guy) :P


Anyway, lots of people have already said FMA Brotherhood, which is a great series (I'm watching it again right now, actually). Probably one of the best "entry-level" animes, if there is such a thing.



Anyway, some of my personal favorites are:


Black Lagoon - "realistic" fiction about a team of mercenary smugglers in the south pacific, crime-action, adult, lots of violence, dark stories)


FMA Brotherhood - alchemy is used to turn stuff into other stuff, although restricted by Equivalent Exchange (to create something, something of equal value must be lost). The story centers around the Philosophers stone, which is said to provide infinite power so you can just create without needing to use something. Great characters, fights, and stories, and very creative powers despite all coming from a very simple source.


Death Note - genius student gains the power to kill anybody anywhere, so he starts killing criminals to make the world better, though the power eventually goes to his head and he starts to go mad. An equally genius detective hunts him. Great suspense and mind games, long, drawn out plots. I prefer the manga.


Darker than Black - great and very complex story and characters, about a fiction world where people called Contractors have supernatural powers at the cost of having little to no emotion and having to perform weird rituals to keep the powers (ranging from eating a ton to chewing on cigarettes to singing a certain song). Animators apparently love Pizza Hut because Pizza Hut signs show up in the background of almost every city scene :P


Ben-to - a hilarious action/comedy/slice of life in which high school students have hardcore brawls in super markets over who gets to buy dinner at half price. Like, there are serious honor codes to the battles, legends of past fighters, gangs, it's awesome.

  • Brohoof 2

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Bobobo bo bobo.


Aside from Cowboy Bebop, Bobobo bo bobo is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Your mind cannot even fathom how crazy and funny this one is. It takes a poke at a lot of common anime cliches, and has left me intrigued, inspired, scared, confused and mindblown at the same time so many times.

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Welcome to the NHK



Probably my all time favorite anime. Satou is a NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), spends his days sleeping, drinking and watching porn. He only leaves the house at night and only to go to the convenience store or have a smoke at the nearby park. One day a strange girl shows up, claiming she can "cure" him and make him into a functioning member of society. He wants none of it, so he pretends to already have a job as an erotic game designer. To back up this lie, he teams up with his neighbour (and former school mate) to create their own eroge. 


Funny, dark, realistic and often depressing. One of three animes that I'd say actually deserves a 10/10 rating.

This trailer probably explains it better.

  • Brohoof 1

Eh? Nandatte?

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*ahem* Now that that's out of the way, here's a list of what I could recommend. 


-If you're looking for something romantic, I'd recommend Tenchi Muyo!. Watch any series really, but I would highly recommend you start with Tenchi Universe. 


-If you're looking for something comedic or just plain stupid, check out BoBoBo-Bo Bo-Bobo. Just...watch and you'll know what I mean. 


-If you want something action packed, try Fist of the North Star. It might be a bit old, and the animation might be a bit outdated, but it's the ultimate classic. 


-Persona 4 The Animation is also a good one if you've played the game. If you haven't, don't worry. It pretty much covers the whole thing, so you're not really missing out.


-And, if you're feeling really balls-y, try Neon Genesis Evangelion. Warning: It gets hella confusing near the end. You're also welcome to try the Rebuild films instead if you'd like.


-And finally, I HAVE to recommend this. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's a great anime/manga, with great action, awesome characters, it's just plain awesome. Check out the manga too if you'd like. I guarantee that you won't be disappointed.


"Sending some assholes your way to the death dimension!" -Lelouch (Code MENT)


"Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?" "Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to go and become a sailor scout. RONIN WARRIORS!" -Matt and Pat (Two Best Friends Play)

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Fullmetal Alchemist:  Brotherhood.  My favorite series of all time, and I've been an anime fan for nearly 20 years.  I've never seen such a tightly written story over the course of 64 episodes.  Here, everything matters- there is no fat to cut whatsoever.  Hell, even seemingly unimportant details could come back later to mean something very significant.  Stuff that's foreshadowed in one episode may be paid off 30 some episodes later.  And everything contributes to either character development, or the overall storyline.  Great show. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I personally enjoy :

One Piece (really good, really long)

Hetalia: Axis Powers (Adorable, yaoi in a innocent way, has the personifications of countries, many fangirls. So many)

Fullmetal Alchemist(no explanation needed)

Death Note ( Again, no explanation)

Black Butler (Want sexy demons and evil angels? Creepy Undertakers? Flamboyant Shinagami with chainsaws?Try this. Try it now)

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Seriously? Cowboy Bebop is considered tripe? Don't take offense to this but the people on that forum sound like dicks, which super harcore anime fans can be sometimes. It's all subjective, with the exception of Cowboy Bebop which is undeniably amazing.

Actually they like Cowboy Bebop, it was mentioned after I started typing my post. It should be considered many of the more vocal users like the loli anime. I don't understand it, I guess they really like cute.


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My first anime(s)


Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood both great


Soul Eater- a must watch


Death Note- Insanely awesome


Elfen Lied- Sad and very gorey but a great anime with a wonderful storyline


FLCL- the best freaking anime of all time and its only like 6 episodes... THIS is a must watch anime


Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) 




High School of the Dead


Love Hina 


Rosario Vampire


Those are just some I have seen... Man I need to get back into anime again...



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I can't believe nobody's mentioned Tenchi Muyo yet.  It's not only one of the first Animes I ever saw, it is a great series to get any upcoming fan of Japanese animation started.  Plus, the animation was done by the same people that did the animation for the PSX and Saturn ports of Lunar.  If you like Anime where you don't have to take things too seriously, check this one out.


And one more thing...



Someone make a PMV with this song.  It's long overdue.

Edited by SBaby
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