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Trainloads of Moderators Episode I: A New Hope


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You know, Raccoon… I haven't actually seen you around much recently either… :D


You should join me in the General Chat Thread for some late-night nuttiness every once in a while. Most of my posting on the forum is there these days. (Well, there and in the RP section.)


Having mixed signals of whether this it you making a comeback at me or recommending something to me.


I'll check it out sometime then. :)

Edited by Autumn RaccoonBL
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Good group of dudes who will help the forums a lot when it becomes crunch time. Nice selections and congrats to everyone involved.


Zomg my train reference was used. I said no one would expect a train.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 5

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Anyway, I seem to remember remarking in a status conversation that the day I was asked to be a mod would be the day when we would need to seriously question the sanity of the staff. That day seems to have come. I mean, we know Zoop is insane, but the rest? I'm not sure, perhaps they're just good at deception. Perhaps they just need some extra hands to help us through the mod-loss crisis, and my lack of morals and thirst for power aren't as important factors as my incredible intellect, sharp wit, and complete lack of modesty. Perhaps preventing RPW from collapsing is worth the risk of handing me the tools of Feld0's downfall. Perhaps it's worth the risk of letting me spread my tendrils of corruption across an entire section. I don't see how I'm moderator material, but I guess it doesn't matter right now.



I'm not the moderator MPL Forums deserves, but apparently I'm the one it needs right now.



Also, now that LRP brings it up, I haven't RP'd here in months. In fact, I've hardly posted outside of Everfree :)


EDIT: Oh hey, I get huge levels of brohoofery now :D

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 11

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Having mixed signals of whether this it you making a comeback at me or recommending something to me.

Oh goodness, that was not a comeback! I never do anything like that. I'm too silly/friendly. :D


I just miss shooting the breeze with you, that's all. Though, now that I think of it… Most of our previous interaction consists of me stalking you the both of us yammering about the character limit and participating in drawnout status update conversations.


Either way, sorry for the ambiguity. :unsure: Text can be so lacking as a conversational medium sometimes. ^_^


I'll check it out sometime then. :)


  • Brohoof 2
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Remember long ago when I said people needed to show you more love because you're a cool member?

I am so right, you are cool and now you are a mod too :P


I'm sure you will do well even without being in the RP section for a long time :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Remember long ago when I said people needed to show you more love because you're a cool member?

I am so right, you are cool and now you are a mod too :P


I'm sure you will do well even without being in the RP section for a long time :)


I do remember that, actually :)



And I still lurked RP World a bit, I just never found many RP's that were interesting enough, really :/

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Well, I guess it's time to get guessing who the next ones are. :)



To be honest, the only ones who strike me as the most possible mod material are RKA and Xfizzle. I'll tell more at they come to mind.


I agree, those two would make great moderators way better fit than little old me anyway. Anyways, I would like to congratulate all the other new moderators, I think they will all benefit the site greatly. ;)
  • Brohoof 3


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To be honest, the only ones who strike me as the most possible mod material are RKA and Xfizzle. I'll tell more at they come to mind.


I'm flattered but I'm just in it for the fun. I've seen great friends of mine *coughTOMomgImissyou;_;cough* have their posting activity severely decreased after taking on duties and I would not want to suffer the same fate. Besides I'm The Doctor. I'm destined to work alone and help the common folk :P

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 5

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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I mean, we know Zoop is insane, but the rest? I'm not sure, perhaps they're just good at deception.


I'm not the moderator MPL Forums deserves, but apparently I'm the one it needs right now.


Theatricality and deception: powerful agents against the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren't we, Evilshy? Members of the MLP Forums Staff.


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  • Brohoof 5


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Theatricality and deception: powerful agents against the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren't we, Evilshy? Members of the MLP Forums Staff.


Posted Image


Come with me, Spoon. Save yourself. You don't owe these administrators/moderators anything anymore. You've given them everything.


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  • Brohoof 6
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And then...bets.

(Ten on RKA and Jokuc, guys.)


Congrats to all you new moderators! I think you guys are going to do an AWESOME job :D

I actually welcome dem boatloads. The Forums are getting bigger all the time and we need people here to help keep 'em clean.WE HONOUR YOUR SACRIFICE! *salute*

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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I'm flattered but I'm just in it for the fun. I've seen great friends of mine *coughTOMomgImissyou;_;cough* have their posting activity severely decreased after taking on duties and I would not want to suffer the same fate. Besides I'm The Doctor. I'm destined to work alone and help the common folk :P


True, but what happens if the Doctor comes in? Maybe you could be a Doctor assisting a Doctor, allowing you to carry on the subject of being the Doctor WHILE being a mod WHILE being a cool guy AND not breaking the rules or your character as a Doctor. I'm pretty sure we can blackmail the reapers so they let go of this one time paradox for you :) .
  • Brohoof 2
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True, but what happens if the Doctor comes in? Maybe you could be a Doctor assisting a Doctor, allowing you to carry on the subject of being the Doctor WHILE being a mod WHILE being a cool guy AND not breaking the rules or your character as a Doctor. I'm pretty sure we can blackmail the reapers so they let go of this one time paradox for you :) .


He cannot lead these men, unless he is prepared to do what is necessary to defeat bad posts. As MLP Forums' favored son, he would be ideally placed to strike directly at the heart of site drama.


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  • Brohoof 2
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He cannot lead these men, unless he is prepared to do what is necessary to defeat bad posts. As MLP Forums' favored son, he would be ideally placed to strike directly at the heart of site drama.


Posted Image


Our undisputable leader, is Feld0. After that, we are all the minions that assist him in running this great world that is MLPForums. I can see Doctor Fizzle as being part of he minions that can assist him more directly, as I trust the others so far chosen. You were chosen for a reason...were you not, young Devin? If you were able to make the necessary to take the bad posts away, who are we, to say he cannot as well? With his responsabilty, the power shall come...and I trust he shall use it more wisely than others (because referencing in the same phrase Harry Potter and Spiderman in a not so direct way is something awesome :P ).
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Good. I like these guys all of them SEVEN new mods will help us out alot (Yes I am counting Kaynah as a seperate mod) Anywho I know these guys will do great and maybe even fill the hole Arlyett left (Too soon?)

  • Brohoof 1

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Chaotic Discord and Evilshy are mods now? I am not sure if i should be soiling my pants in fear or excitement... probably both actually...

Edited by Page Turner
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Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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So, is there going to be a Trainloads of Moderators : Members Strike Back episode too ? :D


Always glad to see good people being promoted. I hope you guys won't get your souls sucked away by moderating

all this enjoy moderation and improve the staff overally :)


Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!
Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !
Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.
-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<--

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I think you made a great choice in members! :) I sorta knew those guys would be up for the job! :D


Anyways, I know that these members can be great mods, and with a few days of learning (possibly more) they can become good mods. Good to see we're trying to recruit more staff members; MLP forums needs it!


Anyways, congrats to 'The Chosen Ones'! I'm sure you guys will do great! You guys are destined to lead us into a bright new future....the future of ALL bronies!!!



But all in seriousness, congrats! ;) And again, you guys made good choices for mods.

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@@~Chaotic Discord~

It does not surprise me at all that you became a moderator. After all the lurking I've done and how well thought out (yet stunningly simple) the posts you have made are, you deserve the position and will no doubt be an amazing long lasting moderator. You have a great sense of humor, and write meaningful and very logical posts. (Also, that post count!)



Also not surprised you were invited to become a moderator. You are very good at voicing your opinion and I admire your ability to say things out loud without being too afraid of the reaction. That's generally a very good moderator trait. :) You know how to point out almost all important factors in conversations.



I personally haven't seen you around too much, but that may just be because I'm in the wrong places. However when i have seen you, your attitude was fairly unbiased and well spoken.


@@Chigens and Kay

A fairly active member of MLP:FiM discussions, as well as many of the cloudsdale Colosseum games. The MLP Forums needs a fun moderator like you! (unlike boring old Zoop and humorless Feld0!)



Dat avatar. All I need to say.

Okay seriously though, you are a very positive person on these forums. I have seen you use the :) emote very frequently. Reminds me of Klopp to be honest! ^_^ Yet still you know when to be serious.



There I think I shared my positive opinion on all the new staffers. I look forward to seeing who else shows up on the next train to join in the battle for MLP Forums justice help protect our cherished community. :)

Edited by Silver Arrow
  • Brohoof 6

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Congratulations to all of the new moderators! ;)I hope that all your work behind a computer, desktop, and/or electric device connected to the Internet isn't very tense or stressful at all!


I am still wondering why there was a sudden drop in the # of moderators.

Edited by Octavinyl

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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I am still wondering why there was a sudden drop in the # of moderators.


The drop was mostly attributed to the changes in the forums, and/or the Real-Life-Bus. From what I have heard there was also some serious negativity going around with some of the moderators that may have triggered some exits, but this is just from what I've seen and heard.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Well this is a surprise. Bravo to Chaotic, Evilshy, Kay, etc. Good luck.



Well this aspires me to do well on these here forums. I wanna become what these members have become...


Honestly i'm surprised Crona hasn't become a mod. Or Pinkazoid in RPs


Anyway...Good luck to y'all !

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lemme just say that I found that "fake Raz al Ghul" post very hilarious lol.


Anyways, congrats to all of the new recruits of the Royal Guard! May your hooves stamp down with vigor and your wings fly as high as your bravery!

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