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You can go to equestria but there is a price attached


As the basic pony type of your choice BUT  

468 users have voted

  1. 1. You must do the following upon arrival -- which ones are acceptable?

    • You would have to serve 2 years as a guard pony
    • You would have to serve 5 years as a guard pony
    • You would have to marry twilight sparkle
    • You would have to marry rainbow dash
    • You would have to marry the great and powerful trixie
    • You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Celestia asked of you
    • You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Luna asked of you
    • You would have to swear an oath to protect Equestria
    • You would have to live in los pegasus and never go to ponyville or canterlot
    • You would have to agree to not bother the mane 6 or the princesses
    • You would have to spend 5 years helping fluttershy with her animals
    • You would have to spend 2 years with equestria's historians answering any questions asked about earth
    • You would have to spend 5 years serving ponyville in your best capacity
    • You would have to spend 5 years as Pinkie Pie's assistant
    • You would have to spend 5 years as Prince Blueblood's assistant
    • You would have to do a very dangerous task in the Everfree Forest
    • You would have to be purified by the elements of harmony first

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There isn't any racism and I do not recall and discrimination.


Of course there is.  Just ask a sheep, that "monster" Iron Will, or, well, anybody who doesn't fall under the category of "anypony."  The Apple family owns sheep and cows, who are both portrayed as thinking, talking people.  They keep them in pens and exploit them economically (wool from the sheep, milk from the cows).  In a word, slavery.


The ponies seem to have a greater degree of eusociality among their own kind, but this is probably because equines are herbivorous herd animals.  They do not have hunting in their genetic inheritance.  However, once a human mind is ported into a pony body, they would also have a pony brain and nervous system, including a non-predatory nature with increased talent for social behavior.  So, I don't think that a human who got to live in Equestria as a pony would "corrupt" the place.  We would get their advantages instead.


Despite having to live in a world with a significantly higher "difficulty setting" (not only things like the predation in our genetic inheritance, but a much less congenial physics), we humans have created civilizations that at least try to be inclusive of different cultures, and to some extent, even animals (PETA, the animal rights movement, laws against cruelty to animals).  In Equestria, even Fluttershy doesn't try to advocate for equality for non-pony sapients.  We don't have non-human sapients on Earth, but there are people who argue in favor of respecting the rights of artificial intelligences, "uplifted" dolphins, and the like, should we ever make those things happen on Earth.  So, while we humans could certainly learn some things from the ponies, they could learn a thing or two from us, too.

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Honestly,I'd probably would go though all of this:

  • Get purified by the Elements of Harmony
  • Do a dangerous task in the Everfree to prove my worth
  • Serve 5 years as a guardspony
  • Serve 5 years serving Ponyville to the best of my capacity
  • Do ANYTHING both Luna and Celestia say
  • Swear to protect Equestria to the best of my ability

Basically,I'd just have to prove my worth to be in Equestria.Though if I can't go to Ponyville or even talk to the Mane 6 nor the princesses,then I might as well just not even go to Equestria in the first place.

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I don't think any of these terms would be unacceptable. Even if you ended up serving Blueblood of all the jerks in Equestria, I'm pretty sure you'd be allowed to meet other ponies. Besides, if Discord was reformable, I don't think Blueblood would be too much of a problem to befriend. you could help him change his attitude, who knows how cool he really is under all that posh? And why exactly would living without meeting the mane 6 be unacceptable? They're not the only ponies in Equestria. I'm sure I could make just as good friends in Las Pegasus (or Los, whatevs) As for any of the options that included serving Equestria or the ponies who live there, why not? I'd love to work with Fluttershy or even Pinkie :D

The only thing that always rubs me the wrong way about going to Equestria is the question "Wll I be able to come back to Earth or at least visit?" I don't think I could leave my friends and family behind, even if it was to live in a place like Equestria.

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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what do you mean exactly by being purified by the elements it doesn't seem very clear as to what that means are you just exposed to them or do they do that rainbow beam

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I swore to do anything Luna asked

Swore to protect Equestria

Spending five years helping Ponyville to my best capacity

Spending five years helping Fluttershy with her animals

And do a very dangerous task in the Everfree Forest


As great as marrying Twilight or Dash sounds, my heart belongs to Fluttershy.

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You would have to serve 2 years as a guard pony


You would have to serve 5 years as a guard pony


I voted yes to the first, no to the second, but I might actually reconsider the latter depending on the details.  What are a guard pony's working hours?  Do they get paid vacations, etc.?  What do they actually do, aside from the ceremonial roles we see in the show?




This assumes that the ponies in question would want to marry me.  If she is not given a choice in the matter, then no.  I am also assuming that, once transformed into a pony, I'll have pony "sexual attraction buttons" so that my physiological triggers will activate for "pony shape" rather than "human shape."


Twilight Sparkle: Yes.  She and I have lots in common in terms of interests and outlook.  Rainbow Dash: No.  She's not my type and I'm 99.9999% sure I wouldn't be hers.  G&P Trixie: I voted yes, but I'd really rather agree to something like betrothal at most, or "I'll date her and do my best to make the relationship work."  We haven't yet seen how she changes after her redemption in Magic Duel, so there'd be much more of a "getting to know you" factor.  But, it could be said that most of Trixie's issues in life spring from a need for love that she isn't receiving.  She has her flaws, but so do I; maybe we could make it work.  As for the "ERMAGHERD, marriage to a stranger?!" issue, plenty of cultures in human history have employed the custom of arranged marriages, and they seem to make it work at least as well or better than our system.  So, for a chance at a better and more meaningful life, I'd give it a shot.  If it doesn't work, I guess I'd get booted back to Earth.


You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Celestia asked of you


You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Luna asked of you




No to both.  First of all, they're classic Genie's Traps.  "Yes, I will do ANYTHING you ask of me."  "Excellent.  Go back to Earth.  HA-HA!"  Or worse, "Go to Hell."  The very fact that I'm being asked to do "ANYTHING," without qualification implies a fairly high probability that whatever they're planning to ask for is something really, really bad.  Or, they're just demanding absolute, unquestioning trust--which, if they were worthy of such, they would earn instead of setting as a precondition.  Details could make me reconsider: is this a one time thing, or would it be "Jump!" "How high?" for the rest of my life?


You would have to swear an oath to protect Equestria



Sure.  If Equestria is worth living in, it's worth protecting.


You would have to live in los pegasus and never go to ponyville or canterlot



No.  One, I don't like the movement restrictions.  That implies monitoring.  Two, AFAIK we haven't seen LP in the show, so it's a pig in a poke.  It could be Fallout: New Vegas with ponies, for all I know.  Even if it's not, it's probably modeled on Los Angeles, which is not a place I'd want to live, much less be trapped in.  Doubly so if it's modeled on Las Vegas.  Can I live in Mainhattan instead?


You would have to agree to not bother the mane 6 or the princesses


I could agree to that.  Realistically, they'd be Equestria-famous heroes and celebrities, so I can understand them not wanting to be bothered, even though it would be disappointing not to be able to meet them.  OTOH, I could always visit Ponyville and wander around until Pinkie Pie sees me.  If she decides to throw me a surprise party or bring her bandwagon out and sing me the Welcome, Welcome, Welcome song, then she's "bothering" me...


You would have to spend 5 years helping fluttershy with her animals


Sure.  I like animals, and I like Fluttershy.  Better jobs, or supervisors would be really hard to find here on Earth.


You would have to spend 2 years with equestria's historians answering any questions asked about earth


@@Xidphel made a good argument against this, and that Discord "NO" face is pants-shittingly awesome, but I think I would do it as long as I only had to answer historical questions, and not technical ones.  IOW, I could mention that "President Harry Truman used a weapon capable of destroying whole cities, twice" but that doesn't mean I'd have to tell them what I know about how to build fission bombs.  I would enjoy a couple years' worth of academic dialogue, and I'd get chances to ask them about Equestrian history as well.  Again, details matter: am I affixed with some kind of Truth-Telling Amulet that would keep me from fudging certain details about things like gunpowder and firearms, etc. to prevent such things from being re-invented in Equestria?


You would have to spend 5 years serving ponyville in your best capacity


Sure.  Doesn't everypony there do that anyway?  That seems to be pretty implicit in getting a cutie mark and being able to work at what you're most ideally suited to do.  Feature, not a bug.


You would have to spend 5 years as Pinkie Pie's assistant


Oh, haaayellll yeah!  Work = play, 5 years spent making ponies happy and having fun?  Bonus feature: "Oh wise and brightly-colored Sensei, teach me the path of Breaking Physics!"  I wouldn't have to worry about suffering from insanity, because I'd be enjoying every minute of it.


You would have to spend 5 years as Prince Blueblood's assistant


Discord Says: NO.  Unleeeeeessss....he's stuck with me too, and can't boot me back to Earth on a whim.  Then I wouldn't be completely under his hoof, and I could prank the crap out of him whenever he got too annoying.  "Kumquat!  That's my favorite word!  Kumquat!  Oh, and pickle barrel!  Pickle barrel, pickle barrel!  Say, Princie, which do you think sounds better: Cherrychanga, or Chimicherry?  Cherrychanga?  Chimicherry?  Cherrychanga?  Chimicherry?...."  And like Jamza says, chances are Blueblood could be reformed--again, as long as I'm not completely at his mercy.  That situation would likely turn him from merely snobby and selfish to true evil (power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely).


You would have to do a very dangerous task in the Everfree Forest


No.  Kinda defeats the purpose of trying to emigrate to Equestria if I get eaten by a Grue before I get a chance to move in.  Or lose limbs, etc..


You would have to be purified by the elements of harmony first


Details matter here.  Like, exactly what would the EoH "purify" me of?  Most likely, yes.  Given what the Elements represent, I wouldn't really expect to change all that much, except perhaps to gain improvements in the areas they govern.  I think I'm already pretty "pony-like" psychologically.  I don't have much in the way of the kinds of things the Elements would probably expunge (aggression, greed, status-seeking, competitiveness in the dog-eat-dog sense, etc.), which is why I'm posting on a MLP forum instead of flying around in a Gulfstream V planning on how to raid pension funds for another billion dollars or two.

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I would be willing to do anything to get in equestria 

this line is just to fill up the 100 character thing that is really anoying yay 


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- You would have to serve 2 years as a guard pony.

I don't think I would mind this a great deal despite me not finding military service to be any more glorious than any other career path I were to choose, not to mention Equestria doesn't appear to be at war with any other hypothetical nation out there from external appearances. However, as others mentioned, it's not guaranteed, especially since Caterlot has been attacked. What I mean is that it doesn't look like any region engages in wars the way militaries do irl and focus much more on the defense of Equestria. I could be wrong, but it's a chance to learn as well.

- You would have to marry twilight sparkle or rainbow dash.

This is more of an incentive to me since they're my two faves :P

- You would have to spend 5 years helping fluttershy with her animals

Just because not every condition has to be something I like is the reason I chose this one actually. I figure this would also help me figure out exactly how animals behave and interact with the world around them compared to the world I come from.

- You would have to spend 5 years serving ponyville in your best capacity.

Pretty much the same as for helping Fluttershy helping animals, except this time to learn how pony societies work and figure out what I can do in this new world on a more personal level.

- You would have to do a very dangerous task in the Everfree Forest.

Again, this is because not every condition has to be something I like, not to mention this would be a bit of an adventure on top of everything, which I can appreciate ;)

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5 Years as Prince Bluebloods servant wouldn't be worth two lifetimes in Equestria haha. Doing something dangerous in the Everfree forest sounds fun though.

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I guess the "something very dangerous in Everfree Forest" depends on whether they mean "very dangerous" by Equestrian standards, or "very dangerous" by Earth standards.  "Very dangerous" by Earth standards would be something like "storm the beaches of Normandy under machine gun and artillery fire."  Equestrian standards (as seen in the show) would be more like "Meet a spooky creature that doesn't actually want to kill you, and figure out how to befriend it."  If it's the latter, I'd change my vote.

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  • 2-5 years as a guard pony. Seems simple enough.

Become Pinkie Pie's Assistant. She's 2nd best pony, and we're a lot, A LOT alike.

Get purified by the Elements. Sure.

Spend 5 years helping Fluttershy with her animals. I like animals and Fluttershy :3

Answering Q's. I'm good at sarcasm.

I would also do anything Luna asked of me :D

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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First i would get purified, then i would serve as a guard pony for two years and THEN i would answer any questions anyone had about earth to the best of my ability.  any possibility i may be able to see the mane 6?

Edited by EnderDave


I think that pony is onto me /)(>3<)(\~~

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I would do everything on that list. Going to Equestria is worth everything I can do because ponies are my life. Yay :3 Anythingg.


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I would swear an oath to protect equestria. Although, with the mane 6, there shouldn't be much of a problem. Should an event arise that the mane 6 need my assistance i'll be there

Edited by DR Leper Lupinstein

hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc






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Odd... I don't see any of these as a particularly bad. Mostly because I don't see the Princesses asking me to do something outrageously bad without a good reason, and without the resources to do so.

Specially keeping in mind the actual benefits I see from living in Equestria.

But I think that being purified by the Elements of Harmony should be mandatory. happy.png

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Helping fluttershy with her animals is a condition? Sounds like what I do at home already with all my pets... I mean *ahem* I guess I could do that burdensome task if I must. Just as long as I wouldn't have to be Pinkie Pie's assistant, I don't know how long I could keep my sanity doing that.

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I am in owe at the fact you all think that they would ever stoop to our level we are a barbaric race and they are very peaceful race and are more to jump to peaceful solutions rather than attack anyone because they just happen to be there altho they have picket up a spier to defend them selves they have never waged war as far as we know well most of you have dismayed that idea but thats what ponies are all about pice and not mindless conflict and I am proud to call my self brony if you don't thick they would rather make pice than war

Edited by Orion
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I am in owe at the fact you all think that they would ever stoop to our level we are a barbaric race and they are very peaceful race and are more to jump to peaceful solutions rather than attack anyone because they just happen to be there altho they have picket up a spier to defend them selves they have never waged war as far as we know well most of you have dismayed that idea but thats what ponies are all about pice and not mindless conflict and I am proud to call my self brony if you don't thick they would rather make pice than war

Sorry but i do not get what you are saying in this paragraph.  all i got was we are barbaric and they are peaceful.  not all of us are barbaric.


I think that pony is onto me /)(>3<)(\~~

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I read the title of this thread and thought, "Wait a sec - is someone doing market research for a My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic theme park?" ;)

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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"You would have to swear an oath to do ANYTHING Celestia asked of you"




Anyways, I cast my vote for marrying Dashie. I mean, how is that a price to pay? Honestly... That's more like a reward. mlp-tblush.png


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I voted for all the "marry" options, the guard options, not bothering mane 6 and princesses, spending the years for research, helping ponyville, and dangerous task in everfree forest.

I would not swear an oath to anyone simply because that lasts forever (or at least as long as my mortal life).  And I wouldn't mind not bothering the mane 6 and whatnot cause that would get me a chance to check everything and everypony else out.  Wouldn't mind at all with the marrying trixie thing, I have an analysis that most of her ego is just an act and her real self is hidden so it would be fun (and frustrating at times) to try to get past the barriers and get to know Trixie, not her stage persona.

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I wouldn't agree to not go near Ponyville or Canterlot. I wouldn't be Blueblood's assistant, I wouldn't marry Trixie and I would have to go near the Mane 6. Other than that I would be game for whatever. But especially working with Fluttershy with her animals. That would be my favorite :D

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Not too down with marrying Trixie, not going near the mane 6 and not visiting ponyville or Equestria. Any of the rest I'm down.


Especially the guard stuff-it's kind of in my wheelhouse anyway-and it would be cool to serve in that capacity.


So-when do we leave?

Edited by Thunderchild


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I'd be okay with staying in Los Pegasus, not bothering the mane 6, or answering any questions about earth. Other than that, I wouldn't do anything else. Going to Equestria isn't worth putting myself in danger over or doing something that essentially wastes some portion of my life. Then again, I don't think I'd want to spend an extended period of time in Equestria anyway. =P


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