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What would be your reaction if you met another brony in real life?


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Pretty sure I would feel a little awkward. It's difficult enough already for me to talk about the community, the show especially, to those close enough to me to know about this hobby of mine.

Still, I'm optimistic that it would be an intriguing experience. I just don't want to have to explain to my parents that our common interest is a show called My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Dad got annoying enough with me and my younger brother when we watched South Park together. Yeah, you read that right. South Park. Not sure if he'd be too ashamed to tell anyone else or talk about it to others so that he would constantly remind me of that mistake. I have very little patience for these things.

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I think on the inside I would totally freak out. (I say I THINK because I have never actually met another brony face to face, dont seem to be many round my part) while one the outside I would just be like - Oh hey! Have you heard the latest bla bla and then probably just make conversation about MLP. Milking it for everything I could, of course :D


All while on the inside just literally wanting to explode.

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Actually, it happened to me a few weeks ago. I was wearing my brony t-shirt when suddenly I heard " Cool T-shirt, you're a brony?".

We brohoofed and talked about the show for a few minutes. Nothing special, really.

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Although I've never actually met another brony, I did have someone comment on my rainbow dash t-shirt. She wasn't a brony, but it was exciting talking to someone about ponies.

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I've actually ran into 2 random bronies in my area! 1 in Wal-mart and another at Dollar General. It was pretty awesome, we talked a bit and brohoofed. Both noticed my Pony shirt I was wearing.

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I've met one. Let me put it this way... Remember those Pizza Hut bronies? Multiply their annoying nature by a hundred, and you have the guy I met. Loud, boisterous, annoying, and he sang like a jackal giving birth to quadruplets.

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I saw someone wearing a Derpy shirt when I was out shopping. I didn't really say anything to him, but he just acted like a normal person. Nothing unusual, and no pony slang. I imagine most bronies are like that.

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i know 2, i knew them way before mlp fim

when they told me it was like they got out of the closet, people think its ho so bad to watch it >.>

personaly, i find it as another topic, and a good way to choose birthday pressents :3

but i dont like, getting crazy about it

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I met so many bronies at Sac Anime it wansn't even funny. I actually met a middle school brony a few weeks ago when I was wearing my pony shirt.
  • Brohoof 1
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I would probably do my best to act casual and try not to be too excited or over enthusiastic about starting a conversation. I've only got one brony friend in real life and would be pumped to find another.

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I actually saw another one today at a game store wearing a Wonderbolts hoodie which ctually prompted me to make the first comment which is extremely rare for me. That hoodie was awesome and not immediately noticeable as MLP related to anyone that's not a fan, now I want one. But yeah chat didn't last long.

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It actually happened to me the other day.


I was at the Verizon store with my dad when I saw a dad and his daughter walking in. Her dad was talking to a sales person while his daughter was wondering around looking at phones. I noticed that she was wearing a DJ-P0n3 scarf. While my phone was transferring pictures, my dad decided to go get gas, so this gave me the opportunity to talk to the girl and complement her on her scarf.


I went up to her and told her that I really liked her scarf. She said thank you, and then I realized that she figured that I didn't actually know what the scarf was. Then I told her that I love DJ P0n 3. She squealed and gave me a hug. We talked about her experience at Canterlot Gardens, my experience at Bronycon, and how we were both going to Youmacon in November. Then she gave me her phone number so that we could meet up at Youmacon. It was awesome.

  • Brohoof 1
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Actually, I met a brony today while shopping at Target. :D


I had bought a Rarity (Royal Wedding series) toy, and I was paying for it at the register. The guy looked at it and then said 'Rarity and Fluttershy are best pony'. I was super seriously excited at that remark, and then said 'Brony on!'. Not sure if the guy heard me or not, but I'm pretty sure he was a brony.


I also realized that another time a went to Target, I saw a Pinkie Pe keychain hanging on the frontiew mirror of the car. Not sure if it was the same guy or not, but if it's another brony that'll be so cool! :D

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