derpy_muffins14 29 October 9, 2012 Share October 9, 2012 I'm actually really loud and outgoing in person, but then over the internet for some reason, I'm all shy and wondering if people find me annoying or just want me to go away and stuff. but when I'm around my friends, all hell breaks lose. I'm the giggliest person you will probably ever meet and I'm really friendly and nice to everyone, but a lot of people at my school don't like me because I'm not preppy or play sports. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castoro Chiaro 181 October 9, 2012 Share October 9, 2012 It depends on the class for me, really. During certain classes I just sit and absorb information, and in other, like Creative Writing, I speak up a lot and try to contribute. I'm usually pretty quiet around people I don't know as I worry about saying the wrong thing or just plain don't know WHAT to say. I like other people, I just don't know how to approach them sometimes. I pretty much act online like I do normally, when I'm in situations I'm comfortable with. I don't talk fandom much IRL, though, as I don't know many people who are into the things I am. -- I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SweetJeans88 408 October 9, 2012 Share October 9, 2012 i was always the quiet girl back in school. i got picked on and made fun of. i have a birthmark on the left side of my face--it pretty much covers that side. so i wore my hair parted on the right to hide it, but if im sick, embarrassed, upset or angry, it glows bright red. my friends were usually younger than me; i hung out with the pagans and car thieves and anime nerds but i was a straight a honour student. they were nice and threatened the preppy kids on my behalf. anyhoo. i dont have many friends. im a nice person--i just have horrible social anxieties. to point of phobias almost. ive finally grown out of fearing cashiers haha. i used to hand my money to my best friend and make her pay for my things, while i stood next to her, a nervous wreck and avoiding eye contact. im crazy goofy around the few friends i do have tho, and most of them are the bold brash types and the social bubbly butterflies. So, in essence i guess i follow their lead. my beau, Zak, was the class clown at another school in the area. He was quite popular, but not one of the preppy kids. life is funny. i generally dont like people. i wanna believe in the goodness of humankind, but they keep screwing it up haha. we wreck the planet and terrorize each other, then act like its normal and the way things are supposed to be. sorry my two cents turned into twenty. GO CONTRIBUTE! my art: here, and tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AegisReflector 886 October 10, 2012 Share October 10, 2012 I was all over the place in high school. I was a jock, a nerd, a smartass, a bookworm, an otaku, a punker, etc. Proud to say that I never once was a bully though. ELE - Everybody Love Everybody! Whoo! I did sports in school, and I did fairly well in them. Not enough for me to be a "star athlete", but I am okay with my accomplishments. In Fall, I would do Cross Country. Winter would be Basketball (one year I did Nordic Skiing just out of curiosity). Spring would be Track. Most of my friends wouldn't be possible without those extracurricular activities. Proud to be with them since middle school! :3 As an overall student, I was terrible in middle school. I used to be like a C+ student until high school where I discovered that you can get PRAISED and get SCHOLARSHIPS if you actually do your work haha. Starting with my freshman year, I quickly became an Honors Student, took some advanced courses, and usually would end up with a final average of like a 96.3 or something around there. I'm starting to miss high school even more now that I'm reminiscing. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crutch 898 October 10, 2012 Share October 10, 2012 Okay, I'm kind of an oddball when it comes to school. When I'm with my friends, I'm usually the one who is pretty loud and talks the most, hell, I've gotten in trouble many times for talking. But when I'm not with my friends, it's quite the opposite. I'll usually act like the shy one that doesn't want to talk to anybody. I've gone whole classes without uttering a single word before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugarcube 213 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 I am in college so I guess that may make my answer different from a majority of these since the enviroment is different. I am really interactive in class discussions depending on the day, I have made a handful of friends in college and I usually eat with them on days I have lunch at campus. I have found when you get to college people are more loose about having conversations with anyone and the focus is completely geared towards school as you near the end of your degree. I am mostly quiet though because I am just sort of burnt out on school I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gamzee Master of the Faygo 20 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 Well im at my school right now on my laptop slacking basically ignoring teacher typing 100 letter posts right now lol and im basically being me a technofreak im also making dubstep on the side so. my school computers have audacity Anon -buckets buckets buckets buckets buckets Gamzee- SuRe BrO lEtS gO fIlL sOmE bUcKeTs! Anon - GAMZEEEEEEEEE Gamzee - KaRkAt Is ThAt YoU? KARKAT - YES ITS ME WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs? WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs? WhAt WoUlD yOu Do WiTh A dRuNkEn TaVrOs? EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG? TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS TiE hIm Up AnD fIll SoMe BuCkEtS EaRlY iN tHe MoRnInG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 I'm Unschooled so I dont go to school, But if I did I would probably just keep really quiet and not socialize with anypony, I probably just wouldn't fit in... at all. Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
catfusious 33 October 12, 2012 Share October 12, 2012 I'm a pretty good student. I mean I'm not a straight A student, but more of a straight B. It really depends on the teacher and how he/she lectures us... Some teachers make lectures interesting to me and some don't and with my short attention span, it doesn't help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlight Arrow 3 October 12, 2012 Share October 12, 2012 I'm homeschooled, but I take some extra-curricular classes. I'm usually the one who doodles on their homework the whole time. I don't really hate anyone there, but some kids I know annoy me a lot. -_- I'm not the most popular kid, but I'm pretty well-known. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indiana_Dash 81 October 12, 2012 Share October 12, 2012 Actually, I can honestly say, that I am the same in the school. I do not any pretending. When I am with my classmates - I can be friendly and talkative, but I am shy with new people. I don`t like all lectures, but I think it`s really useful to improve your knowledges. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anonymous~ 591 October 12, 2012 Share October 12, 2012 Heh. I'm twice the everything in real life than in the internet. In other words, I'm a teen who has an above average intellect, who is quiet and socially anxious as hell, doesn't not have a lot of freinds (if not none), has few yet quite rare/obscure hobbies and likes, who never goes to any parties and that has never fitted in ANYTHING. Ain't it cool, ya? shiet got srs guise Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Sparkle 344 October 12, 2012 Share October 12, 2012 I'm pretty much quiet expect when people talk to me, and we can have some fun, but I usually just stay on the computer and just hang on the internet. (I'm in college.) ~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~ Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky<>Sphere 9 October 12, 2012 Share October 12, 2012 I try to be as quiet as possible so I can pay attention to the class and get good grades, becase it's actually pretty hard for me to do so herp derp. In fact, I'm also pretty quiet when not in class. I don't have many friends that share the same likes as me anyway (I'm a pretty unusual teenager compared to what's considered "normal") so I rarely get involved in a conversation for too long. :< But when I do get excited in a conversation with someone, I get a lot goofy - smiling, laughing and making (unfunny) jokes uncontrollably~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winged Squiger 11 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 I'm usually the quiet, yet somewhat smart kid in the class. But once I get to open up, I become a bit more outgoing. Nothing that should be terribly annoying but it's enough for some people to like me a little bit. Though I do sleep quite a lot in class too... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3005 332 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 I'm entirely different. I'm at the top of the social pyramid, and I'm a little obsessive with staying there. I come online as an outlet, because everything that occurs isn't always what I necessarily agree with morally. If anyone ever found out that I was a part of a My Little Pony forum, no doubt I would be eaten alive just because that's how it is. I cannot express how many times I've lied to people just to get out of doing something or going out just because I honestly would rather be at home, online. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broccoli 127 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 I'm generally a nice guy, but not popular, but not despised as well. I'm kind of the 'just there' kind of person. I don't attract a lot of attention (like Fluttershy I don't like too much attention anyways), and I have a few very close friends, but I'm friends with a lot of people as well. I also try to participate in class, answering questions and such. I don't hate or dislike anyone, except for 2-3 guys which I think are asses. So generally I'm more on the quite side at school. That doesn't always apply though, since I could be loud with friends, but never very loud or hyper. Somehow, most of my teachers have really liked having me as a students. Teachers tell my mom that during parent/teacher conferences, and it says so on my report cards Doesn't mean I have very outstanding grades though... -"My little pony, not yours!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicalStarRain 599 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 I have like, 5 friends, one of which is at another school. And I give some of my food away to others when they ask. And I draw them pictures. I try to get along with ppl, but sometimes,according to my father, I can sometimes try too hard to make friends. Click this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Standard User 2,127 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 I'm exactly where I want to be: the not needlessly popular guy that most everyone respects. I'm not going to see most of these people again throughout my life; chances are low I'll even remember their names. Why should I care if they like me, or I like them? It's much more important to me that they respect me, my decisions, and my interests because then I can respect theirs. And stay the heck away from them. School-school wise, I'm a 4.0 student in AP classes. Which sucks to maintain. oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morethanicecream 116 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 I am pretty quiet at times. But, I can talk. Oh yes, have a debate, you better cover your ears cause about 1000 different things will be said. I was loud in middle school, but now I am more or so quiet. There was one class I was pretty talkative in, and that was in Science. I was friends with the entire group, well, we became friends. So, that probably is the class where I am the loudest, or more talkative Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dsanders 5,748 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 At school... I'm pretty much exactly like Fluttershy. I'm a little shy, people hardly take recognition of me(which doesn't really bother me), I can be very independent. Around my few good friends, I can be almost like Pinkie Pie. Hyper, random, crazy, and always willing to cheer up those who need it. My favorite class is Show Choir...I just love singing and dancing. I'm like the only highschool brony there too....only others I know are my two younger middleschooler friends who are pegasisters. I don't even think they know....and I feel like they would laugh if I told them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Why-Gnome-Ear-Fifty 400 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 I'm the guy everyone knows and can't hate. I come off as really arrogant sometimes, but certainly not up to jock standards. I'm also the guy who takes every joke and takes everything as a joke. I also tend to hit on all the people I know decently well, regardless of gender, because the only thing better than having fun at people's expense is having fun while teasing them! (In a good way of course.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charming Knight 56 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 I'm the quiet kid, I do all my work, I only talk to my friends, I always did really well, I was a puppet master if you could say the least i pulled the strings on people to get them to do things in my favor, I'm the fluttershy/twilight/applejack i just have always preferred my solitude and such i guess it was my own curse? Amelia Monicle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
My little pwny 1,392 October 16, 2012 Share October 16, 2012 At school I try to be funny and outgoing in class. Sometimes my humor is... awkward. But sometimes, my humor is hilarious! People recognize that and when I'm not funny, people say, "Uh yeah... that one wasn't funny." When I am funny though, I can make the entire class crack up, even the teacher if s/he's down to earth! However, outside the classroom I'm kinda shy. I'm terrified of rejection and bullying from my public school days to talk to people I'm not comfortable with. With my friends I try to be pleasant and funny... of course, I have to have friends first in order to be like that though See you November 8th, 2014! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retro*Derpy 3,197 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 I'm just seen as "that guy" that a lot of people know, but don't talk to much. I have friends of course, but due to my city's status I try to just avoid people for sake of survival. I would also say I'm pretty much the guy that will do something random and no one was to expect it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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