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S01:E06 - Boast Busters



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Why is it that Twilight has to argue about using her magic when their lives are literally in danger from a giant monster?


And how is it those two retards get a pass yet Derpy gets censored?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oooh, Trixie made me so mad!!!!! I wanted to go up and... well, I'm not really good with threats. I might bite her or something... my teeth can be painful (for myself AND others) when I'm mad.


Overall, it was an awesome episode!

Sure. she's an egomanic, but she's the innocent one in this episode. Imagine you're putting on a show, you know, for money so you can eat, hyping it up by claiming yourself "Great and Powerful", when all of a sudden these douchenozzles interrupt your show and smack talk you. And then you get your carriage crushed to bits. you lose everything she had. And then your career as a magician is abruptly ended when everyone starts making fun of you. Your special talent, putting on magic shows, becomes completely meaningless.


And in the meantime, the jerks who ruined your life are all "Maybe one day she'll learn her lesson."

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Sure. she's an egomanic, but she's the innocent one in this episode. Imagine you're putting on a show, you know, for money so you can eat, hyping it up by claiming yourself "Great and Powerful", when all of a sudden these douchenozzles interrupt your show and smack talk you. And then you get your carriage crushed to bits. you lose everything she had. And then your career as a magician is abruptly ended when everyone starts making fun of you. Your special talent, putting on magic shows, becomes completely meaningless.


And in the meantime, the jerks who ruined your life are all "Maybe one day she'll learn her lesson."

Oh... well, when you put it that way...

I guess I should have put myself into her horseshoes. Maybe I should actually THINK before I speak...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I really hate Snips and Snails characters - they looks ugly and act stupidly - like borrowed from other dumb cartoon. I'm okay with these kind of characters, but their behavior and design were really too much exaggerated for my taste.


Why you all call Trixie an antagonist? - she was rather weak as antagonist because her position in this role was mainly maintained by goofy adoration by Snips and Snails. I can go even further, stating that not Trixie but they were true antagonists in this episode. Trixie was just an ordinary magician/entertainer, her attitude was not commendable but it was useful to get the audience. Her boasting was part of the artistic creation - it's what she had to do to earn money for herself - maybe she was doing it wrong, but I'm still able to understand her. Sooner or later, she would left Ponyville to continue her trip and residents over time would forget about her. But as a result of Snips and Snails actions she was humiliated at the end.


And sooner or later Twilight would show ponies how strong is her magic anyway.


I'm not saying I hate Trixie, she was ok but I just don't like these character types. However, in my opinion she was more likeable in this episode than in her second one - when I really started to strongly dislike her.


Strong points - of course Twilight and Spike duo, and I liked how Twilight peacefully solved the problem with Ursa.

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  • 1 month later...

Quite possibly my least favorite season 1 episode, though not the worst episode.


I will never understand this fandoms rampant love for Trixie, to me she's just a shallow showmare that likes to belittle her audience. And I don't like how Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack are portrayed in this episode, especially since Rarity and Rainbow Dash aren't any better when it comes to attention(though to RD's credit, at least she admitted it). Also when Trixie was challenged, she never accomplished the challenges, just humiliated the other 3. Twilight wasn't much better as she comes off as wussy(Oh no! I have super awesome magic, that I could use to put Trixie in her place but I don't want to use because my friends will hate for somehow showing off me despite the fact that they are begging me to use it!) I also don't like how the fandom victimizes Trixie despite the fact that everything that happened was her own damn fault, she lied about her talents to make herself look amazing and then the situation actually came and Trixie was like "fuck"


Also the episode introduced Snips and Snails, that alone is enough of a reason to dislike the episode

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like Trixie herself Is very interesting. She seems to have deep seeded problems and only acts boastfully not because the truly is just boastful but because there is  some meaning behind the facade. Over all i like Trixie. But the episode known as Boast Busters leaves a lot to be desired. where as The A majority of Ponyville attend Trixies Show and heckle her. (where as if they didn't like the show the could have just left) and just bash on her for Boasting even though as a performer that's

Her job... Not to mention Nopony would go to a magic show Were Her stage name just Trixie. I mean look at every magician worth their salt, Their not known for being mediocre or just ok. The Great and Powerful Thing is just a title for her act. although she does have trouble using it outside the act but like i said there seems to be some deep seeded meaning behind her whole "I'm the best"  attitude.

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This is probably one of my least favorite episodes to rewatch, there just isn't a whole lot to like about it for me. While Trixie does indeed get a great episode further down the line, her first appearance here just did not leave a good impression on me. And this episode also introduced the infamous Snips and Snails, who would also turn out to not be so bad later but this episode doesn't give you much hope for them. Sure, there are some good moments in this episode for sure, but overall it's definitely my least favorite Season 1 episode by far.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Why do you all hates the Poor and Misjudged Trixie so much?




Whatever you said, it was Snip and Snails' crime to lure the Ursa minor, Trixie's words were harmless.

I agree with you, She is the BEST pony.  Take  Snip and Snails to the caverens or something? Maybe  the great Queen Chrystals will deal with them...

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  • 4 weeks later...

This episode here made me hate Trixie at first. How she was showing off her magical skills... then again isn't that what she suppose to do since she's a magician. It was when we see her again when I started to like her.  



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  • 2 weeks later...

The ponies Heckling Trixie I think were in the wrong! Trixie should not have boasted about abilities she didn't have. I am positive that her Boasting is part of her act/covering for something deeper. but a good magician would not claim to be able to do something thy cant do precicely because of what happened. Sooner or latter somepony is going to call you on this amazing trick!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst I found Boast Busters to be better than Griffon the Brush-Off, I didn't think it was that good of an episode. I like Trixie but I think that the scene where she is showing off her magic went on for a bit longer than necessary and I found her actions to a be a little bit on the jerk side. I didn't really become that interested until the Ursa Minor attack which I found to be too brief.


I was confused as to why the townspeople were mad at Trixie when all she did was claim she had defeated an Ursa Major. I also think that Snips and Snails should have actually received a punishment for bringing the Ursa Minor to Ponyville instead of Twilight giving them moustaches.

Edited by shocker1991
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This is quite possibly the worst episode in the series. It does everything wrong.


Lesson? Good moral that wasn't displayed in the episode itself. What I don't even...

Characters? Out-of-character Jerkasses.

Villain? Almost completely innocent.

Villain's Karmic Backlash? Insanely over the top- rendered homeless and incapable of performing.

Side Characters? Very responsible for what happened.

Side Characters Karmic backlash? Rewarded for bad behaviour.


The only good thing about this episode is Trixie- and that was clearly against Savino's ideas for the episode, since he thought we would hate her enough that her getting to be homeless would be funny and well-deserved.


Check out my W.I.T.C.H. and MLP Review and Comparison blog! Now up and running! Link in picture!

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  • 5 months later...

Ugh, my least favorite episode. Where to begin. 

Trixie's bland

The remane 5 are annoying and OOC imo.

Spike was persistently annoying "Twilight, you gotta show up Trixie!"

Snips and Snails

I understand the fanbase Trixie has gotten, but I don't care for her.


Edited by DiamondRumpPony
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  • 1 month later...

Since my review thread on the main show discussion is apparently going nowhere, I guess I'll just post my review here. 


Boast Busters - I really wasn't looking forward to this. First of all, the entire idea behind this episode is just infuriating to me. Trixie is a goddamned stage magician, she's supposed to be boastful! It's like complaining about a fire performer or a circus acrobat for being a show off. Not only that, but the mane six were heckling her. When you're on stage and someone is heckling you, you're supposed to deal with them harshly and put them in their place. Not only that, but the mane six were just beyond unlikable in this one and that includes Rainbow Dash's hypocrisy. It becomes even more infuriating when the writers make Trixie's stage personality her actual personality and it's just all so stupid. Also, this episode introduced Snips and Snails and that is just unforgivable. Unlike the last two episodes that were forgettable but not bad, this one just screams "This is awful!". The only redeeming quality I can think of is one kinda funny joke in the beginning

Grade: D-

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  • 2 weeks later...

My least favorite episode of the entire series. This is to the point where I REFUSE to watch it. If I want to watch the entire series, I'll skip this one.


First of all, I don't like Trixie. Oh no, I'm not just saying "I don't like her", it's gotten to the point where she's my third least favorite pony in the show, only being beaten by Blueblood and Diamond Tiara and to the point where I wrote a blog post explaining why I don't like her.

Not to mention, half of the Mane 6's personalities in this episode were terrible. This is to the point where I felt bad about myself watching it, since all the Mane 6 characters are some of my favorites.


Yeah, I don't like this one.



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Just re-watched this episode, and I might as well drop my thoughts on it :D

Personally, I really enjoyed this episode :D Whilst I find Magic Duel to be the better of the two Trixie episodes, I personally found a lot of enjoyment in this one as well, despite what the neighsayers say about it.


The Great and Powerful Trixie is a lot of things - arrogant, boastful, narcissistic...but one thing you cannot deny her is charisma - she has a surplus of it, and that's why I find her character to be so intriguing.


If she didn't have charisma, she wouldn't have a noteworthy fanbase in the fandom, nor we she be able to elicit reactions of "love or hate" at the caliber she does from the audience. If she didn't have charisma, she wouldn't be the great and powerful Trixie :D

It's on full display here, and she's definitely a highlight of one of my favorite S1 episodes :D


While I wasn't drooling over Rarity while she was on-screen, which, is generally what I do under those circumstances, another shining character for this episode was Spike :D He seemed so real, and had some of his best and most original lines as well as providing good humor.


I also found Snails to be humorous, as goofy as he was :D I couldn't help but grin when he said his flea line or what not, as well as how his speech patterns were those of a Canadian :D


I found it to be a thoroughly enjoyable episode :D Plus, when Rarity did her thing with the curtains, I melted into a puddle :wub:

Overall: 9/10 :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Her words are you know what every proper magician should say to impress the crowd. Sure her Ego is of the charts but as I have said many times would you go watch a magician show hosted by the mediocre and not so powerful Trixie ? Magicians say they cut people in half and then re attach them but we know it a trick. if someone was stupid(snips and snails) enough to go there with a hacksaw in a real box and said to cut them thye woulnt be able to.


Now on to the episode itself. Trixie was doing what she was supposed to as a magician and the mane 6 tried to outstage her in her own show. What did you expect her to do ? Just sit by and say oh yea you outdone me ? of course not that would be unproffesional so she did what she did.


As I said I am not saying she is isn't egoistical and all that stuff but that what makes her a fun and good character to begin with but putting the blame for the event to her is unreasonable bot for being rude to the mane 6 and the ursa event



I've been thinking the same. At least have folks hatin' on her only after she turns out to be a jerk outside the show. That said, the Ursa Minor rampage, Snips & Snail's silliness & Spike's mustache redeem it. I love at the very end, Twilight gives Spike, Snips & Snails super-staches, then Spike's like "Hey, how about a beard next time...." and rattles off stuff about Fu Manchu.


It's a fun episode, it's just the weird rushed nature of everybody getting mad at Tixie in the begining that's the problem. Not perfect but decent as episodes go.

Edited by Pinkiesister75
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This episode was, bad. It's a good thing they got this kind of episode out of the way early on. Trixie is a magician and is supposed to be showing off. If you don't like it, they could have left, but they ended up being bigger show-offs. It also managed to introduce two of the worst characters I know of (Snips and Snails). Currently, until I see later episodes (including "Putting Your Hoof Down", which I noticed gets a lot of hate), this is my least favorite episode of the show. Of course it's nothing compared to A Pal for Gary. 

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  • 2 months later...

This was a decent episode. It involves a unicorn Trixie claiming she is the most powerful pony and lure a bear. Twilight had to stop the bear using her own magic. My highlight of the episode was the part where Twilight defeats the Ursa.

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  • 1 month later...

I have voted, the episode was okay.

I have watched Toast Busters a YTP before and was very excited to watch the real episode since i liked the YTP so much.

But the episode was a disappointment to me.

Beside that one good quote that trixie said against Rarity, almost everything what she said wasnt that good afterall.Then there was Twilight who somehow had the feeling like defending her friends would hurt them for some reason, which i really dont understand.

And then snip and snails, two characters that i personally find unnecessary, because its a episode about Trixie and not about 2 stupid fanboys, that are supposed to be funny because in the episode their seems to be not that smart.

Still the episode was funny and the fight with the giant bear interesting ( altough i found the mother bear at the end scary :wacko:  )


Well i still like the ytp much more, and i really hope the second episode with trixie will be better than this.


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Hated it. Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack are all a-holes in this episode. Trixie wansn't the antagonist here either, they were.


So what happens when Rainbow Dash goes to far with her boasting? She gets kicked off her high horse. When Trixie does it she looses freaking everything, and the characters are still jerks to her. 



Yeah, I agree, I don't understand the fascination with Trixie. She's loud, obnoxious, rude, and quite the boaster


You're describing Rainbow Dash.

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