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What will you be for Halloween?


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So guys, I am interested.

What are you guys going to be for halloween or are you going to be something at all?


I'm being deadmau5 for halloween like i did last year. I built my very own mau5head that took a week to do.. but it ended up to be really good.


Tell me what you will be.. or i'll kill you

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I'm going to dress up as a normal human and spend the night playing games! :D


Halloween aint that big in the UK, i know its a much bigger event in the states (well, Florida at least, i was there during Halloween one year)

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I got invited to a heroes-and-villains themed party. I'm going as Ra's al Ghul from Batman, and my girlfriend is going as Katniss from Hunger Games. (Still need to find a vest...)

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I haven't dressed up in several years. Halloween just isn't that big of a deal to me. It'll be after a long school day, so all I'll want to do is come home and relax.

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I'm gonna get a white Morphsuit and become..



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Yeah that's right, Slenderman!


Actually, I'm having some friends coming here to Halloween :)



Edited by Jokuc
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The sad dude who's sitting at home passing out candy while his siblings get to go out and get candy, and his friends go out pranking.


We're not even decorating for Halloween this year. I wanted to turn my shed into Fluttershy's shed, and get some friends to dress up like Spike and Pinkie Pie. But looks like that won't happen. :(

Edited by Urdnot Shepard
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I never dressed up for Halloween not even once all my "friends" are dressing up like slenderman and rainbow dash yeah i said it rainbow dash, i don't no i find it weird but i do scare people one time i blasted dubstep tough my speakers at my front door and everyone just fell down i laughed so hard but they didn't think it was funny so i gave them extra candy

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I don't normally celebrate Halloween, but I'm actually right in the process of making my Daring-Do cosplay for Equestria LA (all I need left now is boots and pegasus wings), and the next brony meetup that I'm attending is taking place on Halloween night. So yeah, I'm definitely going as Daring-Do this year.

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I haven't dressed up legit for Halloween in years. I do plan on altering my account considerably for a few days once Halloween hits though, as a virtual persona/costume, one might say. Have to wait and see what it is.

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I'm being a Hitman. I'll keep my beard and shaved head, but I'll wear aviators and a classy suit. Without a tie of course. Just think of Agent 47 without a tie, with a big beard, a face scar and aviators.

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Probably something lame, like the past five years. I'll just where my Megadeth shirt, and bring a Megadeth album around with me, and call myself Dave Mustaine.


Lamest costume ever award, here I come.

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I'm either dressing up as quote from cave story of Neku from The World Ends With You. I'm most likely not going out for Halloween because my friend may be having a Halloween party where we all dress up as video game characters (or ponies) and have a video game/pony marathon! It's gonna be awesome.

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