Clarity 3,094 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 So, we're all fans of one pony, or sometimes two. What's the level, however, of you loving your favorite pony? Rate yourself on this scale: Fan: Your favorite pony relates/completely unrelates to you. She/he feels like a friend. However, it's not like ALL your attention is focused on him/her. The other ponies are interesting to you as well, and you may change favorites occasionally. Fangirl/fanboy: All your attention is constantly focused on that one pony, and him/her alone. Your favorite episodes include him/her most of the time. Very rarely do you ever change favorites. SHE'S MY WAIFU: You dream of marrying her/him. You're unusually attached to this cartoon character in a way you probably shouldn't be. You always say that you're a LOT like this character. Usually, you don't look much at the other characters. Come up with your own scale if you want. 20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Skywalker 642 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I would have to say Im a fanboy of RD. Only because I am conflicted between her and Fluttershy and I don't know which to choose! Signature by Azura みぞれ 恋人 (: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
akita-ken 581 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I"m a fan of Fluttershy. I like FS, I feel as though I can relate to her, and that if she were a friend, we'd get along very well together. But I definitely won't go to the point of being her stallion Signature to come soon. I think. Yeah. Once I think up a nice one. Or when someone makes one for me. Damn it. I need more time to draw and animate poni. >_< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Well Rainbow Dash is definitely my character and I haven't changed favorites since she became my favorite. I used to kind of have a massive crush on her, although I'm nothing like her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I'm a fan-boy of Scootaloo. I just don't know if I like her or Octavia more. It's quite hard to choose, since both are amazing, and both relate to me. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Fluttershy 1,844 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Okay I have two. Fluttershy and Spitfire. On a scale of one to one hundred Fluttershy is a one hundred and Spitfire is a ninety five. I am a fanboy of Fluttershy, Plain and simply. I have no intention to have any romantic relations with her. ... Now Spitfire... I would make her my waifu. I love her personality and general spirit and fire. Not to mention Spitfire is hottest pony. So don't get me wrong. Fluttershy is and always will be my favourite and I will support her above else until I die, I would not make her my Waifu. Spitfire I would. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Circuits 603 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Okay hold on, wait a minute. Your forgetting one. What about becoming a human representation of any pony that you want or even can think up on your own like your OC complete with magic ability. I'd totally go for that! Wings too! For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnonBrony 1,468 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 (edited) ... Hmmm...first i sould say my favs twilight and I love her THIS MUCH. ... ... Oh sorry i forgot you can't see me holding out my arms REAL wide. 'Bout more than a meter i think. But in all seriousness SHES MY WAIFU!! I would say i'm a Fanboy. Twilights always gonna my favorite... always. And my favorite episodes are her episodes. i don't think i'm actually... like... attracted to her... (though if she were human and real...) but i am alot like her and shes always gonna be my favorite. But i'm not obessesed. So yeah i think i would fall in the fanboy range of that scale. And without further ado *ahem* TWILIGHT IS ZE BEST PONY!!!!! That is all. Edited November 3, 2012 by AnonBrony 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N8C8 56 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I guess I'm a fanboy of Applejack. That is, if we're talking about the mane six. If not, I'd be a fanboy towards Archer. Don't know who that is? Let's keep it that way. 1 A strange boy and his dog came walking through here earlier today... My OC: Swish "I did not tell half of what I saw... for I knew I would not be believed..." -Marco Polo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Take the She's my Waifu, take it up to eleven, double it, cube it and then multiply it by how much Clarity likes Applejack and you could maybe begin to understand how much I like Dash, however trying to express it numerically is impossible. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Clarity I really hate your threads haha! well to aport to the thread, I'm a fanboy of Rarity in a waifu level. why? well, I'm obssesed with her, but I don't want to marry her nor to be her, I'm just obssesed. I don't have any pony merc yet, but I will have tons of Rarity shit, that's for sure. heck, I'm against tattoos, but I really would like to have her cutie mark in one of my ass cheeks haha c: 5 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EpicMuffinTime 216 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 (edited) Guys, apparently you are all having mental issues. We all know that Fluttershy is best pony. So, yes, I am a fanboy of Fluttershy. She is so friggin adorable and I just want to give her a big squeeze. So, to sum it all up, I LOVE HER THIS MUCH!!!!! Edited November 3, 2012 by EpicMuffinTime Epic sig and avatar by: Chaotic Discord Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Circuits 603 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 ... Hmmm...first i sould say my favs twilight and I love her THIS MUCH. ... ... Oh sorry i forgot you can't see me holding out my arms REAL wide. 'Bout more than a meter i think. But in all seriousness SHES MY WAIFU!! I would say i'm a Fanboy. Twilights always gonna my favorite... always. And my favorite episodes are her episodes. i don't think i'm actually... like... attracted to her... (though if she were human and real...) but i am alot like her and shes always gonna be my favorite. But i'm not obessesed. So yeah i think i would fall in the fanboy range of that scale. And without further ado *ahem* TWILIGHT IS ZE BEST PONY!!!!! That is all. I seriously don't know why I could not stop reading that like I was hypnotized or something and thinking aw, that's so cute and sweet. Then I snapped out of it thankfully... For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I'm a fanboy of Luna, I guess. If she ever somehow materialized herself in this planet, I would love to give my life out for her, but I won't go as far to claim that she's mine alone. 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zDashiez 496 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I feel a bit odd saying this. While I do not want to marry Dashie (yet), I would be lying if i didn't say, my attachment to her has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past fanboy and more into the obsessed territory. Seeing clop, shipping or gore of her really pisses me off, to the point were I've broken fingers out of rage. And even slight emotional things of her can have a devastating effect on me See even this made me sadder then it should have. And too top it all off I am making a tulpa of her. So I think its safe to say I am.....Attached. On a side note, it appears you were right Clarity, there are alot more Rainbow dash fans then I thought 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dice The Titanic Brony 68 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Fluttershy will ALWAYS be my the reciever of my fanboydom....ya i just made that word up. oh well. But princess luna is my waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiwwwwould love to be her friend......just friend....... Its not like ive dreamed about her before ......... ......... ......... Okay i lied...... THERE'S STILL NO SNOW IN EASTERN CANADA.........GLOBAL WARMING ANYPONY? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinx 2,292 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I'm at fanboy level of Lyra when it comes to ponies. She has the best color scheme, design, and cutie mark in the entire series. I'm also at a fanboy level when it comes to Rainbow Dash as well, but to a lesser extent. Now I know what you're thinking, fanboy of a background pony? Yes. I can't explain it, all I can do is state the fact that I am. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dtox 128 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I am STILL unable to pick a favorite pony, I just love them all too much. So I guess I would fall under "fan," though I'm still pretty crazy for each of them XD. I do, however, relate the most with twilight, and the episodes involving her are some of my more favorite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind 983 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I've already had to defend my love for Octavia on more than one of these threads! On a scale from Kilplop to Neefu I'm at Neefu. Put that in your juice box and suck it. 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art 000Signature Requests000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I'm in-between fan and fanboy, but closer to the fanboy. I love Dash, she's my favorite character out of the ponies, and it's usually art and fanfics of her I look for; but it's not like I don't enjoy the other ponies a lot, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 (edited) This is my Pony. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I would say I'm a pretty devout Pinkie Pie fanboy. I like everypony (Except for Diamond Tiara and Gilda). However Pinkie Pie has a special place in my heart. We're so similar, and she's just... So adorable, I must reach for the insulin whenever I see her. She is indeed my pony.I don't care if other people like her too, I mean, she IS pretty awesome. I've never really liked a character enough to call them my "Waifu." I do like her a lot though, maybe one day I'll call her my "Waifu," maybe I won't. Only time can tell us whether or not that happens... Edited November 3, 2012 by Urdnot Shepard 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 (edited) So, we're all fans of one pony, or sometimes two. What's the level, however, of you loving your favorite pony? Rate yourself on this scale: Fan: Your favorite pony relates/completely unrelates to you. She/he feels like a friend. However, it's not like ALL your attention is focused on him/her. The other ponies are interesting to you as well, and you may change favorites occasionally. Fangirl/fanboy: All your attention is constantly focused on that one pony, and him/her alone. Your favorite episodes include him/her most of the time. Very rarely do you ever change favorites. SHE'S MY WAIFU: You dream of marrying her/him. You're unusually attached to this cartoon character in a way you probably shouldn't be. You always say that you're a LOT like this character. Usually, you don't look much at the other characters. Come up with your own scale if you want. I'd say I'm about at this level. I mean, I wouldn't exactly marry the pony version of Applejack (Although I would hug her a lot and try to be with her, and if I were a pony, hell, I'd go for it), but if I were to meet her human version, I would fall so desperately in love with her. I just want to marry human AJ soooooo bad ! Edited November 3, 2012 by spas-ticShotty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devious Detonation 442 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 Octavia: SHE'S MY WAIFU Why? Because she has a good taste for music, plays a cello and... I can explain my feelings... Although... I find myself fitting with her. Weird, isn't it? Support Apocalyptica!!! Visit the official Apocalyptica website: Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 I am somewhere between fan and fanboy with Luna and Applejack, yes they are not by a longshot the only characters I like but they seem to be the ponies I identify with the most. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 November 3, 2012 Share November 3, 2012 (edited) I am a fanboy of Rainbow Dash. ^^ I like her more than just as a casual favorite, because she has a deep personal significance for me. I've heard it said that she's only a temporary favorite and it wears off as you get further into the show. Wrong! At least for me. Still love her. And honest, when I saw her do the Sonic Rainboom I cried a little. However, I am not obsessed with Dash, nor do I fantasize that she lives with me or other...stuff. Sure she's the Mane 6 pony I said I'd be most likely to marry. And I won't deny I've had some unponylike thoughts of her, but mainly in the context of NSFW pics and fics. (I'm very picky; they have to be well done. xD) But mostly, I love her for her character and design. I look at the other ponies a lot too. That brings me to the other pony I'm a fanboy of, Rarity. She doesn't touch me as deeply as RD, but take the thoughts I've had of Dash and multiply them. Rarity is sexiest pony. There, I said it. EDIT: Oh, and I am also a fan of Apple Bloom now. If you couldn't tell. ^^ She won me over with the Granny Smith and cider episodes. Edited November 3, 2012 by TailsAlone 2 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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