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The Great Pony-Off 2012-2013: Global Apocalypse Edition

Tom The Diamond

Round 4: Who lives and who dies?  

  1. 1. Who do you wanna win?

    • Fluttershy
    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Princess Luna
  2. 2. Who do you wanna lose?

    • Fluttershy
    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Princess Luna

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OK, my apologies for the late update, I had to finish college exams which just destroyed me, but hey, it's finally done now! Yay, onwards to our final results! Remember, the totals are rounded to the nearest decimal, so if some of the scores seem off, that's why.


Daring Doo earned a personality rating of 3.4 and a design rating of 3.2, resulting in a final score of 3.3! Fluttershy earned a personality of 3.9, and a design rating of 4.4, totaling to 4.2! Granny Smith earned a personality rating of 3.4, and design of 2.6, earning a solid 3! Princess Luna's personality is rated 3.8, and her design is 4.4, resulting in a total of 4.1! Octavia made a 2.3 in personality, and a 3.8 rating in design, giving her a total of a solid 3!


Her are the current standings! Remember, only the top five ponies will make it to the next round!



1. Fluttershy: 4.2

2. Applejack: 4.1

2. Princess Luna: 4.1

3. Princess Celestia: 4.0
4. Applebloom: 3.4
5. Daring Doo: 3.3
6. Princess Cadance: 3.2
7. Granny Smith: 3
7. Octavia: 3
8. Cheerilee: 2.9

And already a few ponies out of the competition! Who shall fall next, and who continue on to greatness? We'll see in this next round with our latest contestants; Queen Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Rarity's Sofa, and Scootaloo! An all star cast up here, who shall win?
Edited by Tom The Diamond
  • Brohoof 1


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Chrysalis: 4-3: I actually think that Chrysalis is a very interesting villain because her goals aren't selfish.  She's only doing what's best for her subjects, she's just doing it in the worst possible way.  I'm not a huge fan of her design though, but I do find it very creative.


Rainbow Dash: 3-5: I've never really been a fan of Dash's overconfidence.  That's a personality trait that I find really irritating in general.  I've always absolutely loved her design though.


Rarity: 4-4: As much as some people seem to dislike her, I don't find her to be all that bad.  Sure, she has her faults, but I feel like she knows them and typically works to correct them.  No real comment on her design.  It's nice and works for her character.


Rarity's Sofa: 2-3: You have no idea how badly I wanted to give a 5-5 rating.  In the end though, I couldn't.  It's a wonder that I even gave it a 2 on personality.


Scootaloo: 4-4: She's probably my favorite CMC both personality and design-wise.  However, I'm not a huge fan of the CMC either.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Chrysalis- P3/D4. The second best villain personality wise, maniacal and manipulative, not exactly the most original personality though. Design is pretty brilliant though, basically an ugly witch-like insectoid pony, incredible.

Rainbow Dash- P4/D4. Brash and competitive but she knows when to hold herself back, plus she really cares about her friends and as many mistakes as she makes, she always seems to learn from them. Great design as well, very sleek.

Rarity- P5/D5! She may seem like a shallow drama queen on the surface, but the depth of Rarity's character has been shown multiple times to know no bounds- nopony else is quite like her. I can think of only one word to describe her design with though- beautiful. It was the first thing ever said about her after all!

Rarity's Sofa- P2/D5. I dunno, not much to say about it, it's a sofa.

Scootaloo- P4/D3. Seems I voted in reverse there by accident, sorry. Anyway, she's a spunky little filly and I like her. Not really the best color scheme tbh though.


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I love Rainbow Dash, I really didn't much care for Chrysalis (or however you spell it) as a villian, I liked Discord a lot better and was quite surprised that he didn't make the nomination, he's one of the funniest characters in the series.

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Chrysalis: 3-4: While Chrysalis has a great voice and a classic villain personality, that's just it; it's nothing outstanding to me. She's an arrogant bitch who wants to take over at the end of the day xP Three is the most she can get for me on personality. Meanwhile, I really love her design, very unique. Four :3


Rainbow Dash: 4-5: I've always loved tomboys. While Dash has her arrogance and short tempered issues, I find those just as important to her as anything else. Makes her very believable and relatable ^^ Characters need solid flaws that they work on. I then put a five on her design. it's sleek, attractive, vibrant and very awesome biggrin.png


Rarity: 3-4: She evolved from my least favorite Mane Six to my second least favorite tongue.png Her personality can be a bit entertaining, and she has her moments. Also, pretty nice design biggrin.png


Rarity's Sofa: 1-1: Let's be serious, here </3


Scootaloo: 5-3: Scoot's personality is adorable, tomboyish but still young and fragile at the same time. She's best CMC <3 As for her design, it's a bit simplistic, so I give it a three.


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Rarity's Sofa: 1-1: Let's be serious, here </3


That is most unfortunately true. Hopefully though, we'll get a Rarity's Sofa-centric episode in Season 4? That is a character that deserves to have their personality fleshed out!



Alright, my apologies for the late update, recent family issues sprang up. On the good news, here's the score tally! As before, these are rounded.



Queen Chrysalis Personality Rating


Queen Chrysalis Design Rating


Queen Chrysalis Overall Rating



Rainbow Dash Personality Rating


Rainbow Dash Design Rating


Rainbow Dash Overall Rating



Rarity Personality Rating


Rarity Design Rating


Rarity Overall Rating



Rarity's Sofa Personality Rating


Rarity's Sofa Design Rating


Rarity's Sofa Overall Rating



Scootaloo Personality Rating


Scootaloo Design Rating


Scootaloo Overall Rating




And our current standings have changed quite a bit! They are...



1. Rainbow Dash: 4.6

2. Rarity: 4.3

3. Fluttershy: 4.2

4. Scootaloo: 4.1

4. Applejack: 4.1

4. Princess Luna: 4.1
5. Princess Celestia: 4.0
6. Queen Chrysalis: 3.5
7. Applebloom: 3.4
8. Daring Doo: 3.3
9. Princess Cadance: 3.2
10. Granny Smith: 3
11. Octavia: 3
12. Cheerilee: 2.9
13. Rarity's Sofa

Fluttershy is knocked from her throne at the top by Rainbow Dash, with Rarity following shortly behind! Quite a few ponies tie for 4th place, but will another pony knock all of them out of the game? We'll find out! Since only 6 ponies are left, and the poll can only do 5 at a time, we'll split these two over the next two weeks. First up is three Ss! Ladies and Gentleponies, time to rate Shining Armor, Soarin', and Spike! Who shall win, and who shall fall?
  • Brohoof 1


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Fluttershy is knocked from her throne at the top by Rainbow Dash


As it was meant to be :)


Thanks for the update Tom. And what's this? A ROUND WITH ONLY MALE CHARACTERS? I didn't realize that was even possible.


Shining: 3 and 3


Soarin': 2 and 3


Spike: 4 and 3 

  • Brohoof 2
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Shining Armor: 3-3: I've never thought of him as anything special, so I gave him average ratings for everything.


Soarin' : 3-3: Basically the same reason as Shining Armor, though we know even less about his personality.


Spike: 3-2: For personality, there are time when I really like his personality (Secret of My Excess, where we learn that he constantly fights an instinctual urge to be greedy), and then there are time when I don't (Spike At Your Service, where we learn that he can spontaneously become a bumbling idiot that can't do anything (except wash pigs...) correctly).  I'm not a huge fan of his design either.  I guess it's good for a baby dragon, but I still can't really say that I like it.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Shining Armor: 2-4 For personality it's nothing special. I wish they'd touch up on him and Twilight a bit more. Design wise he's awesome because stallions are a rare sight. in MLP.


Soarin: 2-4: Same as Shining Armor minus Twilight. Needs more screen time and development with Spitfire or Rainbow Dash.(Or Applejack)


Spike: 5-3: I give Spike a 5 and only because he's basically a innocent kid ( like the CMC) with occasional hints of maturity that I love about him. Also something weird about him popped about him in Spike at your Service.....Without Twilight or anyone telling him what to do he doesn't know what to do for himself. (Which is 100% me...Im a follower and not a leader) His design is pretty decent and better than his previous incarnations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Tom The Diamond, Hey Tom :3 I know myself and all the other participants of this thing would love to see it continued. I know you're probably busy with life, but just wondering what's up and poking out your attention to this thing whenever you do find yourself free :3


It is halfway into the year 2013.
The topic says 2012.
OCD requires that the title be changed in some way, so the title is correct.

2012-2013 should work fine.


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@@Tom The Diamond, Hey Tom :3 I know myself and all the other participants of this thing would love to see it continued. I know you're probably busy with life, but just wondering what's up and poking out your attention to this thing whenever you do find yourself free :3


First of all, my apologies for the late update, recent family issues that needed to be taken care of took up way to much time. Rest assured, I do plan to see this to the end, which is rapidly approaching!


And now, the results for this round of votes, Shining Armor got 2.9 for Personality, and 3.6 for design, totaling to 3.3! Soarin' got 2.8 in Personality and 3.6 in design, giving him a rating of 3.2! And our good Spike got 3.4 in Personality, and 3.1 in design, giving him a 3.3!

Our current standings are now;



1. Rainbow Dash: 4.6

2. Rarity: 4.3
3. Fluttershy: 4.2
4. Scootaloo: 4.1
4. Applejack: 4.1
4. Princess Luna: 4.1
5. Princess Celestia: 4.0
6. Queen Chrysalis: 3.5
7. Applebloom: 3.4
8. Shining Armor
8. Spike
8. Daring Doo: 3.3
9. Princess Cadance: 3.2
9. Soarin'
10. Granny Smith: 3
11. Octavia: 3
12. Cheerilee: 2.9
13. Rarity's Sofa

So.. Roughly the same as the last results. Will this round be able to mix up the batch though? Let's see, as our final contenders for this round enter! Enter Sweetie Belle, Twilight Sparkle, and Vinyl Scratch!
  • Brohoof 2


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Sweetie Belle:

P: 3. I like it, she's pretty unique in how she is.

D: 3. Very cute :3 Just not maximum cute according to my personal preferences on what is or isn't cute.


Twilight Sparkle:

P: 5. A brainy character that fully manages to still be identifiable, fun and full of surprises.

D: 4. Lurv.


Vinyl Scratch:

P: 2. Obviously it's hard to judge, but the rockin' out DJ pony sounds pretty cool.

D: 4. Love the electric blue mane and tail.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweetie Belle P: 3 I don't really like her personalty it's sort of annoying to me at times. But it's not over the top annoying.

Sweetie Belle D: 3 It's cute but sort of bland at the same time.                      



Twilight Sparkle P:4 She's very kind and caring.

Twilight Sparkle D:3 It's very fitting for her personality and design.


Vinyl Scratch P: 2 She never really does anything at all and she never speaks so there's not much personality there.

Vinyl Scratch D: 3 I love her design but I can't tell if it fits her "personality".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweetie Belle (is it just me that's seeing a personality rating for both questions?  I mean, it doesn't really make a difference to me, because I was going to rate them the same anyways...): P3/D3: I'm not really a huge CMC fan, but Sweetie has her moments where I really enjoy her.  I don't really see anything special about her design.


Twilight Sparkle: P5/D4: I find Twilight's personality to be really enjoyable and amusing, partially because it's very similar to my own and I can relate to the OCD jokes well.  I also find her design to be one of the best; it's simple, and it fits her personality well.


Vinyl Scratch: P3/D5: I'd love to rate her personality higher, but that would be based entirely on fanon...  I really like her design though; the completely original mane and the sunglasses add a lot to it.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Well... Looks like I'm late again. Ah well, got here in time for Twilight.


Sweetie Belle: Personality: 3. She's pretty cute at times, and I like her singing, but there's nothing I find terribly interesting to her.

                          Design: 4. The mane is pretty nice, and the colors suit her well.


Twilight: (Not biased at all.) Personality: 5. Twilight is the smart character of the group, but I like how she gradually learned from being anti-social, to meeting new friends all the time. Plus she can be pretty adorable when she is clueless. I like her split personality too when she snaps. Her OCD moments are pretty funny too.

                                      Design: 4. Her name fits well with her design, purple is a good color for her. Her mane suits her as well.


Vinyl: Personality: 3. If I went just off the show, I would give her a 2, but since I like how people have portrayed her to be a party rocking type on pony, she gets an extra point.

          Design: 4. The Blue mane with the white coat really appeals to me, but I just can't explain why. I always found her to have one of the best designs. Not to mention her shades.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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  • 3 weeks later...

Meanwhile, twenty days later :c


@@Tom The Diamond, you're obviously way too busy to be running this thing alone. If you truly cannot finish this up, I know myself or maybe DashForever can assist you in getting it done, if you just give us a one-over of how to do so.


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  • 3 weeks later...

@@~Chaotic Discord~,


Tom hasn't been on since the 11th of July, so well over a month.


Is Tom OK, anyways?


Anyways, you or DM taking up the mantel this time around would be great. This has pulled on for too long as it is. mlp-oglare.png

I know i'm a little late posting this...but I don't want this to die X.X


If you need help with the rules and such, I think I could help 'ya there. I have a grasp on how this works due to the rules just don't give me the responsibility of keeping this running.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@@~Chaotic Discord~,


Tom hasn't been on since the 11th of July, so well over a month.


Is Tom OK, anyways?


Anyways, you or DM taking up the mantel this time around would be great. This has pulled on for too long as it is. img-1757948-1-mlp-oglare.png

I know i'm a little late posting this...but I don't want this to die X.X


If you need help with the rules and such, I think I could help 'ya there. I have a grasp on how this works due to the rules just don't give me the responsibility of keeping this running.


No idea. And, to be honest, I'm rather busy myself xD; I'm not sure if running this thing till completion is something I can jump on board with right now.


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@@~Chaotic Discord~,


I volunteer to hijack this thing, if nobody objects. I don't really have anything better to do. I know how to tally up the scores and all that, so I can start that now. Shift, just one question, how long is voting supposed to last for the top 2?


This round, Sweetie Belle averaged a 3.8 in personality, and a 3.8 in design, giving her a score of 3.8 overall.


Twilight Sparkle averaged a 4.1 in personality and a 4.2 in design, which rounds to 4.2 overall.


Vinyl averaged a 3.3 in personality, and a 3.8 in design, giving her a score of 3.5 overall.


Final Standings appear to be




1. Rainbow Dash: 4.6

2. Rarity: 4.3
3. Fluttershy: 4.2
3: Twilight Sparkle 4.2
4. Scootaloo: 4.1
4. Applejack: 4.1
4. Princess Luna: 4.1
5. Princess Celestia: 4.0
6: Sweetie Belle: 3.8
7: Vinyl Scratch: 3.5
7. Queen Chrysalis: 3.5
8. Applebloom: 3.4
8. Shining Armor 3.3
8. Spike 3.3
8. Daring Doo: 3.3
9. Princess Cadance: 3.2
9. Soarin': 3.2
10. Granny Smith: 3
11. Octavia: 3
12. Cheerilee: 2.9
12. Rarity's Sofa: 2.9



Edited by DashForever
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@@~Chaotic Discord~,


I volunteer to hijack this thing, if nobody objects. I don't really have anything better to do. I know how to tally up the scores and all that, so I can start that now. Shift, just one question, how long is voting supposed to last for the top 2?


I'll just quote the OP.


Stage Five; Victory Stage

The final stage, where everything is on the line; honor, dignity, self-respect, all of that. In this stage, the voting process will be exactly the same as stage two. Simply vote for your favorite pony. The tension will be high, as you watch the two ponies that you nominated fight each other for the title, and you are torn on which to choose. When two weeks have passed, the pony with the most votes will be crowned the coveted title of best pony.


If 'ya need any help with this, like at all, ask me, okay?

Edited by Shifting Gears

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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If 'ya need any help with this, like at all, ask me, okay?


Gotcha. Looks like I thought we were a step ahead of where we were.


Final Standings appear to be


1. Rainbow Dash: 4.6

2. Rarity: 4.3
3. Fluttershy: 4.2
3: Twilight Sparkle 4.2
4. Scootaloo: 4.1
4. Applejack: 4.1
4. Princess Luna: 4.1
5. Princess Celestia: 4.0
6: Sweetie Belle: 3.8
7: Vinyl Scratch: 3.5
7. Queen Chrysalis: 3.5
8. Applebloom: 3.4
8. Shining Armor 3.3
8. Spike 3.3
8. Daring Doo: 3.3
9. Princess Cadance: 3.2
9. Soarin': 3.2
10. Granny Smith: 3
11. Octavia: 3
12. Cheerilee: 2.9
12. Rarity's Sofa: 2.9




According to the rules, the top five are supposed to move on. Due to ties, we can either have eight ponies in this stage, or we can do another round of voting to cut out one of the ponies tied for 4th. Which sounds better to you?


Edited by DashForever
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I'd suggest voting for your favorite pony to cut it off. That was it goes faster and you have less work to deal with later on, because, I know you have a life n' STUFFFFF.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Very good. I've gone with that.


Attention all, due to Tom's inactivity and this tournament dragging on far longer than it was intended to, I am conveniently staging a coup stepping in for the greater good ;).


Now then, according to the rules the ponies with the five highest averages in Round 3 were supposed to move on to Round 4. However there were several ties. Because of this, there will now be a tiebreaker round to see who the fifth pony will be. Vote for your favorite, and a week from today, about 7ish Pacific Time, the vote will be closed and we can come a step closer to finishing this thing.


The candidates to move on are Applejack, Princess Luna, and Scootaloo. You can pick one of them. Have at it!

  • Brohoof 4
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I know, I thought Applejack would have more votes. I voted for Luna because, hey, she's best pony and all. She deserves to win, not a chicken and a farmer!

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Applejack, along with being the best pony to ever exist, is a member of the Mane 6 and is not dependent on fanon for her likeability. Look beyond the fanfics, my friends, and you will know who to vote for. 


If you don't vote for Applejack, I... I....


Edited by Stellafera
  • Brohoof 3

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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