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Is season 3 destined to ruin Pinkie Pie's reputation?

Motion Spark

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sorry for reviving this old thread but I'm confused about Pinkie Pie...


have you guys seen the Wonderbolts Academy episode? I felt a good balanced Pinkie at the very first part of the episode, very in character when she was nervous for Rainbow Dash. When she used her ULTRA MEGA HUGE ASS megaphone XD was a very funny.


But her mail scenes were very forced again and creepy, she was ...I don't know how to say it, like too obsessed with Rainbow Dash, I didn't feel like she was being Pinkie, it was too forced. And I repeat again it's very hard to explain :/


I mean, is she just that hard to write?


I think the 3 Ts apply of Timing, Target, and Tact/Technique.  Jokes have their own ebb and flow that come nature while some will always seem forced.  The mail box gag did get overused, and I think the first scene between her and AJ felt like it could have been left out with something being added in towards the end with RD returning to Ponyville. 

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Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I found the mailbox scene (at least the first one) to be a really big characterization moment for Pinkie.  I saw it as Pinkie expressing how much she wants to make her friends happy and help them fulfill their dreams, and if they aren't happy/don't fulfill their dreams she takes it personally as though it is her fault.  She knew how important this was for RD, so she obsessed over it a little in order to make everything absolutely perfect.  In other words, I thought that the first scene was perfectly in character for her.


The second mailbox scene was perhaps not so much.  It was more of a selfish 'What if RD forgot about us and is fulfilling her dreams without us there?'  The care package thing was cute though.

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Pinkie Pie is adorable this season, I have no idea what you bronies are talking about. It seems that Season 3 is "destined to ruin" everything. I swear, some fandoms are just impossible to please.


I actually love her more after Too Many Pinkie Pies because it showed that Pinkie loves to have fun, but she loves her friends more. The fact that she managed through the whole test shows how caring she can be. And in Wonderbolts Academy she proved that as hyperactive as she was, she truly does care for each and every one of her friends.


Pinkie is even cuter in Season 3 than in the past, and that's saying something. It seems as though everypony is just determined to hate and complain for the sake of hating and complaining.

Edited by Bluebell
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I don't think Pinkie has been bad this season at all. She's an overactive ADD pony and acts as such. Her waiting by the mailbox even made sense to me - she's Pinkie, the pony that cares most about her friends, especially a close one like RD. Of course she's going to freak out a bit if there's a possibility of RD leaving Ponyille.

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Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I found the mailbox scene (at least the first one) to be a really big characterization moment for Pinkie.  I saw it as Pinkie expressing how much she wants to make her friends happy and help them fulfill their dreams, and if they aren't happy/don't fulfill their dreams she takes it personally as though it is her fault.  She knew how important this was for RD, so she obsessed over it a little in order to make everything absolutely perfect.  In other words, I thought that the first scene was perfectly in character for her.


The second mailbox scene was perhaps not so much.  It was more of a selfish 'What if RD forgot about us and is fulfilling her dreams without us there?'  The care package thing was cute though.


I agree with this post. There really isn't anything wrong with Pinkie this season- this seems more like a thread made to pick apart what people don't like about certain things that happened with Pinkie in season 3.


Pinkie has had a lot of character development over the series, but at her core she is a happy, fun-loving pony.  She is going to make bad puns and jokes that not everybody likes, because that is what we have come to expect from her.  In episodes where she is not the center, she is going to have one-liners and gags that are used just for comedic effect.  When she is the center, you see other sides of her, for instance Party of One.  It's the same as any other pony- Sleepless in Ponyville was centered around RD and Scoot, but Rarity had Sweetie Belle pulling the carriage for some laughs.  It showed Rartiy's diva side and made her one-dimensional, but we know from episodes centered around Rarity that that isn't the case and isn't her character.  Same with pinkie.  Just because of a bad lettuce joke, it doesn't mean they are ruining her character.

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This post of @Music Chart Fan in the Wonderbolts Academy episode sums up what I mean with Pinkie Pie, read.


I'm with others on this topic in that I don't find Pinkie acting like she has mental problems particularly entertaining. Isn't Pinkie at least smart enough to wait for the mailpony, rather than opening and closing her mailbox every second as if a letter from Rainbow Dash will magically appear inside? Where did Pinkie get the idea that Rainbow Dash will completely forget her friends after spending a few days away from Ponyville? This episode seems to lower Pinkie's intelligence too much in order to get cheap laughs and a plot device to get the others to go to the Academy.



I completely agree by this statement and I feel Pinkie Pie passing the line of being random and eccentric to be an idiot, and I don't mean an idiot that makes jokes, I mean, an idiot that it's dumb.

It's sad, because I liked how Pinkie made sense by not making sense at all, that was her "magic" you would never know with what she could come up with. But are the writers really want to sacrifice Pinkie's character just to add some funny parts and made unecesary fillers in a episode?



Pinkie Pie is adorable this season, I have no idea what you bronies are talking about. It seems that Season 3 is "destined to ruin" everything. I swear, some fandoms are just impossible to please.


I actually love her more after Too Many Pinkie Pies because it showed that Pinkie loves to have fun, but she loves her friends more. The fact that she managed through the whole test shows how caring she can be. And in Wonderbolts Academy she proved that as hyperactive as she was, she truly does care for each and every one of her friends.


Pinkie is even cuter in Season 3 than in the past, and that's saying something. It seems as though everypony is just determined to hate and complain for the sake of hating and complaining.



Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I found the mailbox scene (at least the first one) to be a really big characterization moment for Pinkie.  I saw it as Pinkie expressing how much she wants to make her friends happy and help them fulfill their dreams, and if they aren't happy/don't fulfill their dreams she takes it personally as though it is her fault.  She knew how important this was for RD, so she obsessed over it a little in order to make everything absolutely perfect.  In other words, I thought that the first scene was perfectly in character for her.


The second mailbox scene was perhaps not so much.  It was more of a selfish 'What if RD forgot about us and is fulfilling her dreams without us there?'  The care package thing was cute though.

This caring that you call, seemed forced to me...it's not the caring I saw in Rainbow Dash in "Wonderbolts Academy" episode, it's not the caring I saw in "Party of one" in which Pinkie lost her mind because she though her friends didn't love her anymore. It's not the care we saw in Twilight's in "The mare in the moon" at the end of the second episode, when she saw the elements of harmony in these other 5 ponies that would soon become her best friends. Even at the end of "Too many Pinkie Pies" I can see that care feeling she had for her friends when the clones got out of control.


I have much more of these examples, when you can FEEL like wow! these 6 ponies really care for each other.


I feel like they are using Pinkie's bubbly and jumpy personality to portray her friendship to her friends, which is good, but they are mixing these feeling with comic relief, then after that it's too hard to take seriously Pinkie's feeling because it's often blended with annoying, unintelligent jokes. 




I agree with this post. There really isn't anything wrong with Pinkie this season- this seems more like a thread made to pick apart what people don't like about certain things that happened with Pinkie in season 3.


Pinkie has had a lot of character development over the series, but at her core she is a happy, fun-loving pony.  She is going to make bad puns and jokes that not everybody likes, because that is what we have come to expect from her.  In episodes where she is not the center, she is going to have one-liners and gags that are used just for comedic effect.  When she is the center, you see other sides of her, for instance Party of One.  It's the same as any other pony- Sleepless in Ponyville was centered around RD and Scoot, but Rarity had Sweetie Belle pulling the carriage for some laughs.  It showed Rartiy's diva side and made her one-dimensional, but we know from episodes centered around Rarity that that isn't the case and isn't her character.  Same with pinkie.  Just because of a bad lettuce joke, it doesn't mean they are ruining her character.

Even though "Sleepless in Ponyville" was a Scootacool/Rainbow Dash centered episode, at least I felt Rarity in character, but the diference was that, Rarity had a major role in that episode than Pinkie in "One bad Apple". 

I mean, it was completely random because the episode was foused on the CMC, Bab Seed, Applejack and Diamond Tiare and her bitch XD ...I don't know if Pinkie segment lasted only 2 minutes, but I hated every second of it with passion.

She was driving a lettuce ship or whatever, the CMC asked her to get in, when they get in, she's in a couch reading a magazine...WTF! for real, what the fuck is she doing, the place is filled with ponies and she read a magazine while driving a huge ass lettuce. if that was for comic relief, well I didn't enjoyed it. In fact it was so random that she even had that much time in that episode.

Edited by Motion Spark
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I didn't have huge issues with Pinkie's behavior in this episode either honestly. If anything her actions could be interpreted as an expansion off of her fears of being abandoned by her friends, as we saw in Party of One. The megaphone was hilarious and as for her repeatedly checking the mailbox? It's just her being Pinkie Pie. I kind of hope that she features as a secondary character in Fluttershy or Rarity's episode this season so we can get some more development out of her this season. She's still my second favorite character in the show.

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Well, Fluttershy can't really think bad of ponies. And neither can Pinkie. Or at least, not as an initial thought. What Rainbow (and a bit less Twilight),  are is that they are tactless. In that, they sometimes they fail to treat the emotional situation correctly due to their natures (one being completely aggressive, the other being too by-the-book and objective). Fluttershy and Pinkie know about this, but they sometimes fail to see wrongings in others. Example, Pinkie NEVER thinking Cranky did NOT want to be with her. Aside from obvious facts, she never thought that Cranky did not want to be with her. Just that he needed a little push to like her (which in the end worked out). Fluttershy is not as naive, but the problem is her lack of confidence and not voicing her mind tends to make her look naive for not wanting to see others, when in reality, she just doesn't to make others mad. That's how I look it, at least. (Maybe we have different opinions on the word naive?huh.png )

 yeah we proably do :P Well it did work out pinkie has that effect  on pepole to eventuslly makes freinds with and she knows these  :P :P and well  not lacking confindince to me doesnt make anyone naive ...





sure the new episode making these thread seem more likely but... to me




1. puns might sound stupid to some and funny to others humor is diffrent pinkie is diffrent


2.there might be unicorn mailman that telport mail in the box it proably not just a earth pony job or there might be in pinkies imagination


3. pinkie has a great memory so maybe she doesnt know what a normal memory is like .... explaining why she was scared rainbow dash didnt rember her


4. pinkie needs her friends its apart of the fact that her child hood was a lonely rock farm where they didnt talk much...


5. she likes smiles she wants everpony and especially her freinds to be happy .... sure it was a diffrent type of caring but it was still caring just over caring


so shes still just a silly free spirt hyper pink pony if anything these is just more depth to me

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Not to the fandom. It's clear that the fandom creates their own content and many base their beliefs of the show in fan-made material, like fics, arts, animations or music. For example, characters like Bon Bon or Octavia hasn't even spoken yet and we all have a popular idea of how their personalities may be, because of the fan-made content.


So I asked this question to you, based in the show only... Let me elaborate better...


We all know that Pinkie is the hyper, happy, party monster character of the show, but on season 3 I've seen Pinkie Pie fracturing the thin line of being hyperactive and fun to being idiotic and characterless.


Since season premiere, I noticed Pinkie being like this, and this disconfort me, because she's not like the Pinkie that I used to love. I felt her crazy antics and jokes to being forced, and totally unfunny, It felt nothing like the effortless funny Pinkie that I saw on season 1 and 2. 


Then came out "Too many Pinkies", a Pinkie Pie episode. I felt her being SOOO reckless, she usualy is, but she's wise at the same time even if she doesn't make sense, like in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" or "Green isn't your color", because she knew the consecuences of making copies of herself, did she even thought of what if she was about to do to get rid of these clones? Also, I felt the clones to be really stupid, and since the clones are exactly like her, therefore she's stupid too. Rewatch the clones parts if you don't believe me and see the reactions of Ponyville's villagers, they really hated her XD. The episode was fun though, very WTF for her 4th wall breaking abilities, but she usually do that.


And now, in this episode of the CMC, Pinkie Pie RUINED THE WHOLE EPISODE, even if her lines were very brief and not important in the slightliest, she still had a HUGE impact on me and it impress me how IDIOT she was on that episode, her lines didn't make sense, not in WTF way but in a really STUPID way, her behaviour, her voice, her STUPID puns. 

I don't even want to slap her, I want to slap the person who wrote that episode and did that to Pinkie. Anyways, I'm not confortable of what I'm seeing of Pinkie Pie in this season, and I hope to see things getting in place with her, even if she makes cameos during episodes.


I didn't expected this to feel like rant LOL. But I'm curious, what do you think of this?

The clones in too many pinkie pies are clearly inferior copies and not representative of the actual pinkie pie. They didnt even know the actual pinkie pies name or any of her friends names until taught. I saw no indication for her acting stupidly in too many pinky pies. She had a problem and quickly addressed it in a manner that seemed to solve it. How would she know the consequences? She had never used the mirror pool before. Pinkie isnt stupid, but she is known to act on impulse and dive in before looking.  pinkie is known for random behavior (rarity catch me) and she has been known to make puns(the punch has been spiked). 


Oh and characterless? In too many pinkie pies It is shown that Pinkie actively regrets her actions mainly because of the misery it causes her friends. Her want in life is to bring happiness and in this episode we see her reaction when see inadvertently brings the opposite down upon her friends. We see her whole world fall apart at the prospect of never interacting with her friends again. We see that not only was she willing to accept responsibility for her mistake but she was the one who provided the solution(an example of intelligence).  


In the newest episode Pinkie was suffering from separation anxiety when one suffers from anxiety of any sort you dont tend to think logically(pinkie usually doesn't anyway). You also tend to assume or postulate the worst possible scenario no matter how unlikely it is. It seems as though pinkie had never really been apart from rainbow for that long, in fact the only other time it had happened was with rarity and we were not there to see her reaction. Though I imagine that it was not as bad seeing as Rarity had a definitive return date, sent letters, and was not experiencing her life long dream.

Edited by Anadu Kune
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This post of @Music Chart Fan in the Wonderbolts Academy episode sums up what I mean with Pinkie Pie, read.




I completely agree by this statement and I feel Pinkie Pie passing the line of being random and eccentric to be an idiot, and I don't mean an idiot that makes jokes, I mean, an idiot that it's dumb.

It's sad, because I liked how Pinkie made sense by not making sense at all, that was her "magic" you would never know with what she could come up with. But are the writers really want to sacrifice Pinkie's character just to add some funny parts and made unecesary fillers in a episode?





This caring that you call, seemed forced to me...it's not the caring I saw in Rainbow Dash in "Wonderbolts Academy" episode, it's not the caring I saw in "Party of one" in which Pinkie lost her mind because she though her friends didn't love her anymore. It's not the care we saw in Twilight's in "The mare in the moon" at the end of the second episode, when she saw the elements of harmony in these other 5 ponies that would soon become her best friends. Even at the end of "Too many Pinkie Pies" I can see that care feeling she had for her friends when the clones got out of control.


I have much more of these examples, when you can FEEL like wow! these 6 ponies really care for each other.


I feel like they are using Pinkie's bubbly and jumpy personality to portray her friendship to her friends, which is good, but they are mixing these feeling with comic relief, then after that it's too hard to take seriously Pinkie's feeling because it's often blended with annoying, unintelligent jokes. 




Even though "Sleepless in Ponyville" was a Scootacool/Rainbow Dash centered episode, at least I felt Rarity in character, but the diference was that, Rarity had a major role in that episode than Pinkie in "One bad Apple". 

I mean, it was completely random because the episode was foused on the CMC, Bab Seed, Applejack and Diamond Tiare and her bitch XD ...I don't know if Pinkie segment lasted only 2 minutes, but I hated every second of it with passion.

She was driving a lettuce ship or whatever, the CMC asked her to get in, when they get in, she's in a couch reading a magazine...WTF! for real, what the fuck is she doing, the place is filled with ponies and she read a magazine while driving a huge ass lettuce. if that was for comic relief, well I didn't enjoyed it. In fact it was so random that she even had that much time in that episode.

Oh Sparky...look. Here's what I have to say.


Personally, I enjoyed, a lot, Pinkie's acting in this episode, as I have been wanting to see (even if at least a little bit and one sided) more exploration on Pinkie's and Dash's relationship and I think Pinkie's obssession with the mail was so cute! :wub:


As for another thing, I can understand if you don'y like some of Pinkie's jokes on this season, that's perfectly okay, but when talk about the feels...well...look which episodes you're using. All the episodes you mentioned, and I'm including Wonderbolt Academy as well, were serious in some way, but the difference lies in where is the "seriousness" put in. In WA, it was much more for Rainbow Dash. Why doesn't it feel so much with "feels"? Because the feels were all put with RD. Pinkie also DEFINITELY lacks patience. She IS smart enough, but WHEN have we seen her:


1. Not worried about her friends in some form?

2. Have patience?


Mix that with how much Pinkie tends to overdo things, you get the result of her staying with the mailbox. Plus, you could see the rest of the mane 6 worried about RD, but also about Pinkie because it wasn't healthy for our pink pony to stay so much. I think that alopne represents the feels enough along with the zaniness that PInkie usually has.


And before you mentioned about how hard it is to write Pinkie. Well, you'd be surprised. Every character has a certain trait that is more difficult to write than others. I think that with Pinkie it's much more easy to realize what would make her sad and stuff, and with it, write it without OOCing her. However, the line between "It's Pinkie Pie" humor, and "That's WAY too random" humor is thinner than most would think. If anything it MIGHT have been stretched in "One Bad Apple" but I don't think much more than that (IMO mind you).

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@@Motion Spark and @Arcanel,


The thing that gets to me about the whole mailbox scene is that it could have been done in at least two other ways that would get the point across that Pinkie REALLY wants to get a letter from Rainbow Dash right away without making her appear quite as idiotic. One way could be for her to stand perfectly still with a determined look on her face by the mailbox, and when Applejack comes, Pinkie could say something like "It is vitally important that I read Rainbow Dash's letter right when the mailpony delivers it." Another way could be to show her doing something inside (possibly something that shows how much she misses Rainbow Dash or maybe something that is designed to take her mind off of Rainbow Dash) and then rushing outside every few minutes to check the mailbox. I think either of those portrays Pinkie's obsession without making Pinkie look like she has NO understanding of how the mail system works AFTER it has already been established in the episode that she does.

Edited by Music Chart Fan
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@@Motion Spark and @Arcanel,


The thing that gets to me about the whole mailbox scene is that it could have been done in at least two other ways that would get the point across that Pinkie REALLY wants to get a letter from Rainbow Dash right away without making her appear quite as idiotic. One way could be for her to stand perfectly still with a determined look on her face by the mailbox, and when Applejack comes, Pinkie could say something like "It is vitally important that I read Rainbow Dash's letter right when the mailpony delivers it." Another way could be to show her doing something inside (possibly something that shows how much she misses Rainbow Dash or maybe something that is designed to take her mind off of Rainbow Dash) and then rushing outside every few minutes to check the mailbox. I think either of those portrays Pinkie's obsession without making Pinkie look like she has NO understanding of how the mail system works AFTER it has already been established in the episode that she does.

But then it wouldn't really be Pinkie. She has done quite the different things in other occasions EVEN THOUGH, she knows how stuff works. The first is too formal for Pinkie to do IMO. The second however is a different valid way. But both the one in the show and the second you mentioned could be used and none would break who Pinkie is. Then again, we may have different ways on how to interpret Pinkie's zaniness in this type of occassions.

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I am also worried about Pinkie's wackiness being exploited. I remember Lindsay in the first few episodes of Arrested Development was my favorite, because she was Michael's equal, and was also more intelligent than her family and had the same outlook as our main character. Soon she became crazier and dumber than anyone, which was so sad to me. I worry that this is happening to pinkie pie.


As for her clones, I feel like those are exactly how Pinkie would be if she didn't have friends. The only difference is that they don't have souls and they don't have friends, so love isn't holding them back. I really didn't think they were inferior, just more selfish because they didn't love anyone. 


Because I have some experience with counseling and therapy, her long lists of "What-ifs" (most prominently featured during the mail scene in Wonderbolts Academy episode) turning into a huge emotional worry for her scared me and I was upset it wasn't corrected and addressed. She needs  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to challenge her illogical assumptions - at least the ones that cause her so much distress! These habits are not cute in real life and cause real emotional problems, and I just don't like seeing them made light of.


But Pinkie Pie is my favorite. That's why I'll be paying extra attention to her. I do agree that if we nitpick at every line she gets, we will find inconsistencies so we do need to take a step back and a deep breath and see that she hasn't changed too much. Something does feel off but so far it hasn't ruined her or the show for me. I think there just isn't enough time in each episode to show the "depth" of Pinkie or else it'd become the Pinkie Show (ooo spinoff?!). But I miss most the pinkie from the Parasprite episode, where she was smart but so hyper she couldn't sit still long enough to explain herself. My favorite Pinkie Episode!


Geez, every time I post I swear it'll be nice and short and I end up writing an essay! My bad.

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I saw nothing wrong with any of the episodes so far.  I don't think Pinkie Pie had bad lines or was out of character, I just think that episode with the clones was already so overdone by other cartoons that I knew exactly what to expect so it was kinda boring

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I am also worried about Pinkie's wackiness being exploited. I remember Lindsay in the first few episodes of Arrested Development was my favorite, because she was Michael's equal, and was also more intelligent than her family and had the same outlook as our main character. Soon she became crazier and dumber than anyone, which was so sad to me. I worry that this is happening to pinkie pie.


As for her clones, I feel like those are exactly how Pinkie would be if she didn't have friends. The only difference is that they don't have souls and they don't have friends, so love isn't holding them back. I really didn't think they were inferior, just more selfish because they didn't love anyone. 


Because I have some experience with counseling and therapy, her long lists of "What-ifs" (most prominently featured during the mail scene in Wonderbolts Academy episode) turning into a huge emotional worry for her scared me and I was upset it wasn't corrected and addressed. She needs  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to challenge her illogical assumptions - at least the ones that cause her so much distress! These habits are not cute in real life and cause real emotional problems, and I just don't like seeing them made light of.


But Pinkie Pie is my favorite. That's why I'll be paying extra attention to her. I do agree that if we nitpick at every line she gets, we will find inconsistencies so we do need to take a step back and a deep breath and see that she hasn't changed too much. Something does feel off but so far it hasn't ruined her or the show for me. I think there just isn't enough time in each episode to show the "depth" of Pinkie or else it'd become the Pinkie Show (ooo spinoff?!). But I miss most the pinkie from the Parasprite episode, where she was smart but so hyper she couldn't sit still long enough to explain herself. My favorite Pinkie Episode!


Geez, every time I post I swear it'll be nice and short and I end up writing an essay! My bad.

One thing I want you to understand is, that, like I said in another post, the line separating the "It's Pinkie Pie" humor from the "This is WAY too random" humor can be VERY thin. I don't think think it has been crossed, but that's my own opinion. So writing a character like Pinkie can be much harder than people may think. the only time I see that her zaniness MIGHT have stretched, was in One Bad Apple. But if you look at Wonderbolt Academy, the type of paranoia she shows, is the same type of paranoia that she showed in Party of One. Which is why I think, that her complete worry was a legit thing to see how Pinkie would react if one of her friends left for a certain period of time (and we would not to even THINK if it was for MUCH, MUCH longer). Pinkie isn't the type of character that doesn't stop until the point of interest comes into view, and the rest of her friends know this. How do you calm down someone that won't calm down unless the object of worry comes in view? We saw what happened to her in Party of One, and it required one hell of a punch to the TRUE reality for her to go back to her normal self.


Twilight and co. couldn't really go and show her proof that Rainbow was going to write if the only thing they had was their word which, as much as Pinkie trust them, they can't really stop Pinkie from formulating "What if" after "What if". They couldn't really turn the episode into a half-Pinkie episode when the episode itself is supposed to be centered around Dash. The paranoia of Pinkie about friends, formualted and generated after all that lonely time back in the rock farm isn't something that can treated nor even slowed in just one episode. No that would take WAY more. You should probably know this better than I do. Instead, Pinkie's friends decided to do something that would put Pinkie at ease at the most least, and that was to go visit Rainbow, which is totally plausible.


I personally think that her worry about Rainbow was cute, as I was also wanting to see more that relationship more explored (if little and one-sided), but trust me, nobody wants to see Pinkie back like in Party of One, nor is anyone saying that in real life it's not that bad. And as a last thing, this is still a family show. The writers can't really do something normally to easily go around Pinkie's paranoia, and there's also the fact that I don't think either of our party pony's friends are used to enough to know how to deal with such a thing without the fear of something bad happening. And if continuity is in the show, then they all want to avoid Party of One.



By the way, never listen to what your mind says. Eventually, you'll do the opposite. Trust me, I totally understand how you feel. :lol:

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Though I imagine that it was not as bad seeing as Rarity had a definitive return date, sent letters, and was not experiencing her life long dream.


Quote from Rainbow Dash "See you guys in a week"


She knew when Dash was coming back.  Hell, she seemed to be handling things pretty well in The Last Round Up when they didn't even know where AJ was or if she was coming back


As for the OP concerns, can't say I don't agree that she has been increasingly annoying this season.  But really, your going to let 2 minutes of Pinkie Pie ruin an entire episode for you?  No disrespect but grow the fuck up.   One Bad Apple was about the CMCs and their conflict not Pinkie Pie.  To complain about about that would be like complaining that Luna showed up at all in A Canterlot Wedding.  It's a glorified cameo for God's sake. 

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I think I said this somewhere before, but I didn't like Pinkie when the show was in season 1 because she was nothing but a hyperactive, annoying character to me. But throughout season 2, she's gained alot more character with episodes like "Baby Cakes" and she really is one of my favorite ponies. I for one never felt she was being a complete moron, she just tries to have all the fun she can, and help her friends in any way.


Then came out "Too many Pinkies", a Pinkie Pie episode. I felt her being SOOO reckless, she usualy is, but she's wise at the same time even if she doesn't make sense, like in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" or "Green isn't your color", because she knew the consecuences of making copies of herself, did she even thought of what if she was about to do to get rid of these clones? Also, I felt the clones to be really stupid, and since the clones are exactly like her, therefore she's stupid too. Rewatch the clones parts if you don't believe me and see the reactions of Ponyville's villagers, they really hated her XD. The episode was fun though, very WTF for her 4th wall breaking abilities, but she usually do that.

I see where your getting at there, but I wouldn't expect Pinkie to be the kind of pony to think about "How to fix it if it gets outta hand". What she wanted to do was spend time with all of her friends at the same time, which is impossible to do unless they're all together. She just didn't want to be apart from any of them, and that was her intention of going to the pond, so she wasn't too reckless about that.

As for the clones, yeah they were pretty annoying saying "Fun! Fun! Fun!" the whole time. But the clones didn't have the personality that Pinkie did, and the clones probably just adapted her main attribute, which is having fun. Even Pinkie herself found the clones annoying.




 And now, in this episode of the CMC, Pinkie Pie RUINED THE WHOLE EPISODE, even if her lines were very brief and not important in the slightliest, she still had a HUGE impact on me and it impress me how IDIOT she was on that episode, her lines didn't make sense, not in WTF way but in a really STUPID way, her behaviour, her voice, her STUPID puns. 

Yeah, Pinkie was pretty random in that episode. I do wonder why she sat on the couch to read a magazine while she was supposed to drive the float. Also, the "Veggie Salad!" thing was a bit odd, but I think it was her just being silly as usual. But other than that, she was fine.

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I do not believe she is going the way of Patrick...YET. I found her hilarious in Magic Duel. I don't have any problems with her thus far.


...well, except for one thing. When she appeared from the mailbox, it kind of made me groan. That's just breaking the laws of physics for the sake of breaking the laws of physics. Just a nitpick, though.  ;)

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I think what this boils down to is everyone's individual view of Pinkie.  Everyone feels differently and is affected differently by each of the character's personalities and actions.  It's interpretation - it's going to differ - sometimes drastically.  For example: I thought the mailbox thing was cute.  It was probably really entertaining to the younger audience.


We're not the only fans of the ponies, my friends - there are fans much older and younger than we, and we have to make room to accommodate everyone, as this is a family show, as I had previously stated.


However, I do think that some people get really hung up on how they believe each character should behave, and do not like when the creators of the show make them behave differently.  I think that this is a problem in any fandom, and can skew someone's interpretation of a character and their actions, thus resulting in a dislike for the character/how they behaved at that time.  There's a fine line between understanding and adoring a character, and shaping a character yourself.


I'm speaking generally, here - I'm not claiming that anyone here is doing this exactly (or at all, for that matter), but I do see this sort of thing happen in the Brony Community as a whole.


Sometimes, I think we may need to take a step back from the fanfics, the fanart, and our own opinions of characters, and think about why the creators may have made that particular do that particular thing.  Was it a tip of the hat to Bronies?  Was it something that was specifically intended to entertain the younger audience?  Was this supposed to have a subtle adult joke?


Perhaps bringing ourselves to do so will help us understand why the characters behave as they do at certain times.

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In The Crystal Empire, Pinkie wasn't too bad--it wasn't all great, sometimes seemed like trying too hard, but wasn't all bad either. Too Many Pinkie Pies, she was great--they showed that she's not just a hyperactive ADD pony. I liked OBA, the bad puns and such seemed amusing to me. Magic Duel, she was great--the antagonistic line to Trixie seemed rather OOC but the rest was pretty good.


But, in this season it is seeming to me that they're trying too hard with her, that she's starting to feel forced. And I already felt the same thing in season 2, so it's like things keep getting worse. Wonderbolt Academy... The DON'T FORGET TO WRITE thing is damn hilarious, but almost the entire rest of the episode she just seemed wrong. She wasn't being silly or funny, she was acting dumb and overreacting big time in a way I didn't find to be executed well.


I don't think Pinkie is all bad this season, but even more than last season, I'm becoming worried that they're going to take her too far and just suck out most of the humor and everything that I enjoyed about her in season 1 and a bit leas so in season 2.

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