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How would you react if Gen 5 changed the show?


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I imagine that any significant changes would be booed, even if the changes were not necessarily bad. I imagine a room full of bronies at SDCC and Hasbro is showing a room full of bronies a sneak peek at the new series, and many of them hate it because they are so caught up with the fact that they miss their old ponies and they just want FiM back.


You are always going to have people like that in any fandom but I don't think every brony is going to react that way though those voices may unfortunately be the loudest ones. There are plenty of hard core Star Wars fans that automatically dismiss the prequel trilogy and the expanded universe simply because it is not old Star Wars they remember but there are also fans that like them too. Yeah there are some face palm worthy things in the prequel trilogy like Jar Jar Binks and Anakin being a whiny emo little brat but overall they are not as bad as people make them out to be and the expanded universe is awesome. If I was given that kind of opportunity I would reserve my judgment until after the screening was over of course I would make sure my voice came through loud and clear whether I liked it, thought it had potential but was missing x or y or it really did suck.

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Really, it all depends on who is in charge of G5 when it's made. If the creators of G4 decide to carry out their work on the next generation of ponies, we are in good hooves. Let's just hope the current creators decide to help with G5.




I've seen the badness happen before, where new owners come in and completely ruin a good T.V. series, causing fans excruciating butthurt. Pokemon for example, was awesome until G4 and G5 came to life. They had very poorly made the new pokemon, and they failed with the development of the story. I can't even BARE watching the new pokemon movies! :wacko:


Shameful pony X pokemon G5 cannon crossover:



Pray to Celestia it won't be like this.

Ah, there's the Pokémon comparison I was looking for!


Seriously, this is what the use of G/Generations + number reminds me of more. Definitely most Bronies never knew enough about My Little Pony to recognize there being "Generations".


I never got my hands on a Nintendo DS, so the last games I played were Sapphire and LeafGreen. But it is not out of jealousy that the DS games look bad to me. From extensively looking at the newer Pokémon themselves, gameplay videos, designs of the human characters and plotlines that try to hard to give Pokémon a "serious dramatic story" actually just jump the Sharpedo.


Yup, genwunner*. When does it ever refer to My Little Pony?


*I am not a Pokémon genwunner. I like the first three gens.



But being on topic, I actually sincerely believe that this show will not last forever. I have trouble believing that a good thing like this can last after witnessing the slow rot of SpongeBob SquarePants.


"When" the My Little Pony franchise renews in the form of  a new series in the fall of 2018, maybe even fall of 2017, feel free for it to be an incarnation of the franchise name that is special in it's own way.

Edited by GuillermoGage
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What about negative changes? The original powerful girls which Lauren worked on was pretty funny despite the bad quality animation but G2 powerpuff girl z is just some generic anime that caters to people with lolicon fetishes.


It might be impossible to prevent change but not every change is good.


Wait...  There was a G2 Powerpuff Girls?  No, seriously, I had absolutely no idea.  That probably speaks volumes for it...


Anyways, on topic, I will judge G5 when I see it.  By no means do I expect it to be good or bad.  In fact, I expect absolutely nothing from it.  If it is good, then huzzah! (MOAR PONIES!)  If it sucks, then meh.  Sure, it will be a little disappointing, but I've dealt with that before.  Just because people hate the new Star Wars trilogy (I actually don't, but that's of no relevance here) doesn't take away from the original being a timeless classic.  In the same way, if they manage to cook up something infinitely worse than G3.5 for G5 doesn't take away from the fact that I cried legitimate tears of D'AWWWW for the last five minutes of Sleepless on Ponyville (it's not like I was sobbing uncontrollably or anything... SHUT UP, I'M STILL A MAN!).

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Unnecessarily long transformations are unnecessary.


Though just because corporations have done this doesn't mean that they all go by the creed of "If it is good, then its children shall suck."  It just means that the potential is there and we shouldn't overhype it to avoid mass disappointment.


Anyways I had meant to respond to those that said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  While this is certainly true, something can look perfectly fine on the outside and be horribly mangled on the inside.  I'm not saying that this is true (from what I've seen from the recorded panels, this is the exact opposite of true) but it has the potential to become true.

  • Brohoof 2

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I would either


1. Stop watching the show

2. Watch gen 5 and tolerate it

or 3. Haters gonna Hate


let's face it, if we were a normal TV fandom we can only go downhill. But we're not normal. It's going uphill right now!

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Powerpuff Girls Z (or "G2", as people call it around here), is based on the first, but it involved an entire different production crew, and was mainly based in Japan. I don't think anyone from the original show was actually involved with the production of G2.


Anyhow, just as I see the different generations of My Little Pony as completely different series (I usually emphasize on the "Friendship is Magic" subtitle...). If G5 ever comes out, and if it does, it's probably a long time away from now. It would either be good, or bad. I wouldn't mind, as it won't be "FiM".


I must say that change is a thing that's good to occur now and then. Sure, there are things which can do without change. But how would you find it if change in Cartoon Shows never occured? Imagine Season 2+3 exactly the same as Season 1. Of course, the quality of Season 1 was good, but I believe it would run stagnant if continued too long. Same with Season 2/3. They all have their separate charms to me.


My two bits. AlsoPlsDontKillMeIfISayIFindKhaineAwfullySuspicious...

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   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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