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Alicorn Twilight, Removed Derpy & More Hasbro Control Rumors

Mister Jack

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Yes, mothers are take to

the mad mob reasonings to

get their own way in things. 


Ali Twilight.....

Yes its just for toys

and money.  Hasbro is moving

in more and more into MLP sadly



I have come in on a few

threads and others who

do think Hasbro is trying to

move MLP away from the Bronies

and the fandom due to some parents

thinking it could used by the "kiddie lovers.....the bad and

wrong kind"  to get kids..




I mean the idea of adults like cartoons sould like

a hell is coming to earth.....(cough cough "Anime Fan""

goes agasint the idea of what a "adult"  should be watching by

those of the main stream type.

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I'm going to get ripped into pieces for saying this, but...


Whatever. I never got the hype about her in the first choice. She's only a pegasus pony, whose eyes were "derped" in a flash bug.

She's just... an enormously boba-fetted character. My guess is that there is more fan made content made about this one minor background character than there is of all the other ponies combined. It's just gotten to be... too much. So much, in fact, that her wall eyes aren't even special anymore.


And don't even get me started on the reactions when she was "fixed" in The Last Roundup. Such fuss over one character with one small part in one episode.


And lastly, she's been bastardized beyond belief. Her relationship with the doctor, her daughter Dinky, her being a mailmare, and he obsession with muffins, all of which none are cannon, has really made her seem like a graffiti covered wall. There's not even much to like about her, except her wall eyes. But now you can hardly focus on that at all, because of all the "graffiti" covering her.



So all I need to say, is meh. Hopefully with her removal the amount of attention she's getting will simmer down. Is it really that fun to see an over-saturated amount of Derpy?

Edited by Modphase
  • Brohoof 2
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I think there was a thread about what if Derpy ever left the show, or something along those lines. Then I thought I really wouldn't care too much, as she is only a background pony, but now that it appears Derpy is gone for good I am a little sad about it, she was always a fun easter egg to look out for each and every episode. I kind of miss that. :(


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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Oh come on! Get a grip! Okay, look just at the animation on season 3, compared to 2, even 1! They have been experimenting, and not using cookie cutter ponies. Its not a surprise. All the background ponies were basically nonexistant this Season, until we saw carrot top, and cheers lie and big Mac walking together in the last episode, the pet one. They made leaps and bounds with movement, etc. And they had to update our favorite background ponies. No time turner yet either, or DJ pOn3.

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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The stunning derpy hooves or ditzy doo.


i see what you did there. That ia a line from Jackleapp's song Autumn leaves. Great song about Ditzy.


Anyway, even if she is, she will always live on in the fandom.


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This doesn't change much, as fond of her as I am, she was pretty much a background easter egg as far as the show goes, she pretty much exists completely as fannon, and besides, other official media still uses her, they only took her of the show if self. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Not to be a downer, but I feel like they wouldn't be making a whole new bunch of alicorn toys if it only lasts for one episode.  I could be wrong on this but I dunno.

Im pretty certain winged Rarity was a result of toy promotion as well. As are the trains and the balloon and they dont appear all that often in the show. They only appear as convenient methods to get from one place to another. Obviously the same cant be done with an empire or whole characters, and it should be. However it sounds from the synopsis as though this will be temporary. The title of the episode, and the synopsis make no mention a princess coronation. It would seem to me Hasbro is over blowing Alicorn Twilight to sell the toys. Little girls will love them(bronies might aswell.) It doesn't matter how long they are in the show one big appearance is enough. Heck sometimes it doesnt matter if it is in the show at all(princess skyla). 


Ive mentioned this before and will continue to mention it until the panic stops. This shouldn't be thought of in the context of a dubious rumor posted on reddit. Alicorn Twilight images were available well before the rumor. in fact the only real unknown info contained in the rumor was an ambiguous bad thing happening in season four. Why wouldn't the reddit poster elaborate on this? He/she already broke the NDA, if found out your going to lose your job. It seems likely that the reddit poster took previously established/discussed info and weaved them together in a negative light. Professionals dont act in this way. As Sibsy put in it in her deviant art post, its not worth losing your job over a stupid post. Not to mention they are not the types to intentionally inspire panic. 



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There is still no actual confirmed proof when it comes to Derpy (asides from the fact she has been appearing less in the episodes). Personally, I'm still under belief that Season 3 was under production during the Derpy 'controversy' panic, which is why she lacks appearances in those episodes. I think that she'll probably start popping up again in Season 4, but what do I know, I'm just speculating like everyone else on here. I am getting tired of this whole 'MLP IS DEEEEEAD!' thing though, it's major conclusion jumping considering the episode hasn't' even been released yet!

Mind you, when I first read the synopsis for A Canterlot Wedding, I thought 'this sounds highly girly for FIM :\', and then I clicked on a random point in the episode and saw the ponies in a epic battle against changelings and was all 'MLP, you never disappoint :lol:'

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Ugh...well at least we got a few seasons that weren't controlled directly by Hasbro. Alicorn Twilight? It's kind of seemed like it was going there inevitably no matter what I just didn't expect it so soon, thought it would be an end of the series kind of thing. Removed Derpy? That upsets me more but you know what? She's still going to live on in the fandom since we've claimed her as our own. 


All in all I kind of wondered how long it would take Hasbro to revert to the giant corporation mentality on the series and I guess it only took 2 seasons until they finally did. 

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I'm just going to say ths right off the bat. I will still loyally watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, regardless of Alicorn Twilight. She is still the same egghead we all love and unless they fundamentally change her personality then it doesn't matter if she has wings and a title. I would, however disapprove of Hasbro's decision to get rid of Derpy.

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Was on facebook today and saw this https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=463203013728786&set=a.155347071181050.33326.119249468124144&type=1&theater


Looks like twilight the alicorn Is legit. I don't really have a problem with this cause I don't think it will change her or make her into this unstoppable brute. im gonna miss derpy though. :(


SIgnature by Reverie


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Alicorn Twilight... It just seems too wrong to push it that far.

But at least this cheers me up a little bit..


I love this picture.


As for Derpy, ive never really cared about her too much but for some reason, her dissapearence is gonna be saddening to me. I really dont know why either, considering the fact that I never really liked her much from the start.


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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I am sick of people telling us not to start a shit storm about Derpy, when clearly the worst we feared is actually happening. I say we wait till season 5 and start the biggest Derpy petition ever.

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As much as I understand everyone's reasons for being slightly sceptical of this potential turn the show might take, I think we should all still do our best to remain calm in this situation and at least wait until the end of season 3 for the confirmed facts to be shown. For all we know, yes, maybe Twilight does become an Alicorn, but she might end up turning down the offer at the end and revert back to normal (for reasons that could be explained in future). Perhaps it won't be permanent and instead Twilight may be able to become an Alicorn in desperate needs when the whole of Equestria is at stake. I have faith in the writers, and I doubt Celestia would intoroduce Twilight to her friends just to make her a princess and drag her away from them later. No-one can say much for certain at this moment in time, but at least for now we can keep our heads up and wait patiently. I have faith that whatever change the writers make to the show, it'll be for the best. Things are never what they seem. No need to jump to conclusions......yet :)

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Ugh...well at least we got a few seasons that weren't controlled directly by Hasbro. Alicorn Twilight? It's kind of seemed like it was going there inevitably no matter what I just didn't expect it so soon, thought it would be an end of the series kind of thing. Removed Derpy? That upsets me more but you know what? She's still going to live on in the fandom since we've claimed her as our own. 


All in all I kind of wondered how long it would take Hasbro to revert to the giant corporation mentality on the series and I guess it only took 2 seasons until they finally did. 

Hasbro has been "interfering" with the show since day one. Cheeilie was included because hasbro wanted her in the show, Celestia being a princess, The air balloon and train, Butterfly Rarity(pretty certain), Princess Cadence and the crystal empire. Despite these "interferences" the crew still has a great amount of freedom as seen by the episodes this season with the exploration of characters. 


As for Derpy they seem to have switched marketing for her to outside of the show, comics and figures. Her lack in the show should come as little surprise after that whole debacle. 


I will mention yet again that this rumor shouldn't be taken seriously as all of the info it contains was being discussed well before the rumor had surfaced. 

Edited by Anadu Kune
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I don't think Alicorn Twilight will be so bad, as long as she still gets airtime. Princess Celestia is an alicorn, and we do see her quite a bit (although mostly just at the start and end of certain episodes). Although would another pony take her place in the mane 6? Or would they become the mane 5? Or would they be replaced entirely by a new generation? I would love to see the CMC get their cutie marks and become the new main ponies in the next gen, with the mane 6 still in the show.

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No more Derpy... I think I'm going to cry. I don't care about the twilight crap. But; Derpy? This show only got as popular as it did because the makers had creative freedom. Hasbro, you dun goofed.


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Hasbro has been "interfering" with the show since day one. Cheeilie was included because hasbro wanted her in the show, Celestia being a princess, The air balloon and train, Butterfly Rarity(pretty certain), Princess Cadence and the crystal empire. Despite these "interferences" the crew still has a great amount of freedom as seen by the episodes this season with the exploration of characters. 


As for Derpy they seem to have switched marketing for her to outside of the show, comics and figures. Her lack in the show should come as little surprise after that whole debacle. 


I will mention yet again that this rumor shouldn't be taken seriously as all of the info it contains was being discussed well before the rumor had surfaced. 

I agree with pretty much everything you said

and by the way Butterfly Rarity appears to me as a justification for these toys : img-1130974-9-GlimmerWings.png



So yes a pretty big part of Sonic Rainboom or A Canterlot Wedding were linked to Hasbro wanting to sell more of their toys and yet these episodes are considered very highly by the fandom, often ranking among people's top 5. So honestly, I wouldn't be too worried about the whole Alicorn Twilight thing, it is just a publicity stunt to sell some new MLP toys but the storyline in which the authors incorporated it, I have no doubt, will be fantastic nevertheless.

Edited by Malakili



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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couldnt twilight become a alicorn momentarilly like the mane six became cyrstal...maybe kinda or the mane six could all be alicorns i wish that would be it

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account

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Another thing about the way this rumor was written. One line in particular seems causes me to raise an eyebrow. "short of  an overwelming reaction from the fanbase, I fear nothing can be done." Who would write this? If this person did indeed work on the show he/she would know full well that nothing could be done. The episode is completed, production is over you cant "fix" this. This is trying to cause a riot(it succeeded). 

"this pales into something that came down from above regarding season 4"

Yeah care to fill us in. What afraid of losing your job mister reddit poster? Well you already broke your NDA in short your done if people find out who you are(if you indeed work on the show). Not just your job either your whole career may well suffer. After all how many companies will be quick to hire someone who cant be trusted to keep to their NDAs. You put everything you had on the table when you decided to write this. So why not tell us? Could it be you want an ambiguos future threat loomin over us to instill panic. A something that literally be anything.

Edited by Anadu Kune
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Considering Hasbro seems to have gone hypocritical backstabber on MLP:FiM. I wouldn't be surprised if something worse where to come for S4. But alas, all we have to do now is wait and see. 

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Considering Hasbro seems to have gone hypocritical backstabber on MLP:FiM. I wouldn't be surprised if something worse where to come for S4. But alas, all we have to do now is wait and see. 

Your missing the point entirely. For someone who supposedly works on the show this person does not seem to know all too much. Why call for fan outcry to change something that can not be changed? Someone who worked on the show would know the episode couldn't be changed at that point. What kinda of professional calls for fans to come to arms? Esspecially in the knowledge that it wouldn't change what can not be changed. If this person is willing to break NDA to this point why not specify the incoming horrors of season 4? At this point it really isnt going to matter, if this guy gets caught he/she will lose their job. 


Lets compare this to the behavior of the actual show producers. A glance through their twitter history and their recent posts paints a great picture. Not inciting panic, but trying to calm it. Playfully joking around with the fanbase, teasing us with info but never truly revealing anything. Almost always positive and excited to see our reaction to their work, even in the face of such doubt. Does that sound anything like the writer of this post? I dont think so. So why are we taking this rumor seriously? Because the info seems correct? Well considering all of it was being discussed well before the rumor it shouldn't be all that impressive. 


It only seems Hasbro has gone backstabber if you consider Alicorn Twilight in the negative context of this rumor. I am very tempted to ask wether the production stafft think it was really someone who worked on the show. They however would still probably not answer as they know how to handle themselves while under NDA.

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Your missing the point entirely. For someone who supposedly works on the show this person does not seem to know all too much. Why call for fan outcry to change something that can not be changed? Someone who worked on the show would know the episode couldn't be changed at that point. What kinda of professional calls for fans to come to arms? Esspecially in the knowledge that it wouldn't change what can not be changed. If this person is willing to break NDA to this point why not specify the incoming horrors of season 4? At this point it really isnt going to matter, if this guy gets caught he/she will lose their job. 


Lets compare this to the behavior of the actual show producers. A glance through their twitter history and their recent posts paints a great picture. Not inciting panic, but trying to calm it. Playfully joking around with the fanbase, teasing us with info but never truly revealing anything. Almost always positive and excited to see our reaction to their work, even in the face of such doubt. Does that sound anything like the writer of this post? I dont think so. So why are we taking this rumor seriously? Because the info seems correct? Well considering all of it was being discussed well before the rumor it shouldn't be all that impressive. 


It only seems Hasbro has gone backstabber if you consider Alicorn Twilight in the negative context of this rumor. I am very tempted to ask wether the production stafft think it was really someone who worked on the show. They however would still probably not answer as they know how to handle themselves while under NDA.


I'm flattered you took my comment so seriously as to write a small wall of text in response.Mind you, I did read and basically agree with it. And I appreciate people who like a good debate and are thorough in their responses and opinions. But thing is, I never once commented on believing the Reddit post as fact.  All I'm seeing is a big fat coincidence and are basically mentioning that I wouldn't be surprised based on the recent occurence if this coincedence stretched to S4.


As to my opinion on seeing Hasbro as a backstabber, it all stems from how I've seen their francise managment work during G3 and G4. G3 was an abysmal shallow era with no effort put into it, but it still somehow brought them money. I wouldn't be surprised considering how succesful G4 has been if they decided to stop putting anymore effort and continue working with it in a rather halfassed manner by simple leaning on the popularity G4 has build up to now.

Edited by himanuts
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