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S03:E08 - Apple Family Reunion



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I think there were some real hints to who Applejack's parents were (note the were) one is the stallion who talks to her under the table. That same Stallion is seen on a picture on the wall of the barn in that episode. Did you see that picture i can't find a photo of it but it is just so weird. Is MLP getting darker?

To make it seem even darker, there's a theory going around that the two shooting stars at the end were supposed to be her deceased parents. Pretty damn sad when you think of it. 

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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I liked this episode, don't get me wrong. I just think that this season is lacking some Pinkie Pie. But with another Applejack episode on the way, I can't really complain.

  • Brohoof 2



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Well......to quote my check in post on GetGlue earlier this morning:

"For a pony who has been part of the franchise for 30 years, in many forms, styles, coat colours and personality traits, Applejack hasn't been getting the attention that she deserves in this series."

The new episode really brought out Applejack in a new way, and changed my perceptions about her in a space of 30 minutes from being a bottom of the list character, to a mid-card and in most cases, even higher. There were a few notable moments in the episode that really got me a little weepy, mainly Applejack being literally in tears after the barn was ripped to shreds.

But if there was one thing that I can say about the episode in terms of a favourite moment, it has to be Applejack finally singing a song of her very own. I can't get that song that out of my head! Especially when I was trying to get some sleep after the episode at 3:00 in the morning!


There was also a Mondegreen (misheard lyrics) moment during the song which saw the HaxMega stream chat room explode.

Overall, this episode was great and finally showcased Applejack in her true form.

  • Brohoof 2
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This episode was exactly what the doctor ordered for Applejack I think. It showed what I've felt all along, that Applejack is a workaholic and while being the sensible, grounded one, can over do things. :)


Plus... she got a song, this is a very good thing.


As for the whole 'racist' thing. If you have a family reunion and everyone that turns up (or nearly everyone) is white that doesn't mean your families racist, it means your families predominantly white... So obviously in Applejacks family the earth pony genes are stronger, thats all.

Edited by Fridge
  • Brohoof 2

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Episode sixteens are always amazing Rainbow Dash episodes. Too bad this season won't get up to that number. I wonder if there are any more patterns?


We won't be able to find more 3-in-a-row patterns until later in the season, but there were a lot of much closer patterns that had the problem of one rule breaking episode:


Episode 3s have a character cause a disaster that affects all of Ponyville, contain high amounts of wackiness, and are instigated by scheduling issues 

Odd One Out: Ticket Master


Episode 3s involve indecision and not being able to choose between friends. In the end, the character chooses no one. At one point the character feels frustrated while sitting at an outside dining table. 

Odd One Out: Lesson Zero


Episode 4s are centered around members of the Apple Family and have a problem that would be solved if the characters asked others for help.

Odd One Out: Luna Eclipsed


Episode 4s have a character who is new to town, has issues with acceptance, strikes terror in other ponies, and is revealed to be much nicer than everypony else thought by the end and is accepted by the people who hated them.

Odd One Out: Applebuck Season


Episode 5s involve grudges, bitterness, and use of trickery to solve the problem. The person who learns the lesson has a bit of a lapse in the end.

Odd One Out: Griffon The Brush Off


Episode 6s are focused on a cutie mark crusader. The Cutie Mark crusader ends up being tired.  When they admit the truth, the central problem of the episode is solved.

Odd One Out: Boast Busters


Episode 7s are Rainbow Dash episodes focused on loyalty. One of the characters beats the others at something, but only because they didn't care about anyone else. The "loser" wins on moral grounds and saves someone else because of this. One of the lessons is that it's not about winning and doing something faster than someone else.

Odd One Out: Dragonshy

Edited by Stellafera
  • Brohoof 1

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This was a pretty good episode, of course an AJ episode is always a good thing :)


Nice to see Babs again.


I wasn't real crazy about "Raise The Barn", although I did like seeing Big Mac singing along with everypony else at the end.


I liked seeing a letter to the Princess again, they're an important part of the show IMO. At least AJ couldn't say I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG this time :lol:


Oh, and echoing what others have said, Spike is best lighter. :)

Edited by PonyHag1
  • Brohoof 2

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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My dear...


All the bats died in the barn collapse (none of them came out as it fell down and they were never seen again).  Kid's show?


Also, anyone notice the two shooting stars at the very end?  That's one of many times that an episode has ended with them.  Wonder what they mean...

I am assuming you have never seen the kids show Ruby Gloom. They mention death a lot it's actually a little shocking at first.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok, now that I've watched the episode again, I can say that this was a decent episode. Not gonna top my favorite list, but as far Applejack episodes go, this was probably the best. Again, it follows the same formula almost all of AJ's episodes follow: Applejack ends up biting off more than she can chew and hilarity ensues. This minor predictability kind of brings the episode down for me.  


Not to say that there weren't any enjoyable moments in this episode. I smiled a little when Applebloom brought up that they got an RSVP from Hollow Shade, a place I have been wanting them to at least mention ever since Hasbro released that map. The sequence of Granny Smith looking through the old photo album was rather sweet, especially the adorable baby Applejack. The brief scenes of Rarity, Pinkie and Dash helping AJ set up were hilarious, especially when the cloud Dash brought shocks AJ and Dash just turns around and whistles like she didn't see anything. While I should have expected this actually in hindsight, I got a chuckle at the "Fruit Bats" that resembled actual fruit 


A lot of new faces to the Apple family since we last saw them too. Babs Seed was surprisingly improved from One Bad Apple, as she doesn't seem to be shifting accents every few minutes. Then to the ending, were we are once more shown that Applejack's strength lies in her connection to family, as mentioned in her letter to the Princess (I think that makes this one the...second letter of Season three after the Pinkie one?)


Lastly, we have what just about every Brony has been waiting ages for: Applejack gets a song (I now have yet another square to mark off my S3 bingo card) which was long overdue when you consider that the VA for Applejack (and Dash) Ashleigh Ball is actually the lead singer of her own band. I figured getting AJ a song would have been an easy task!


All and all, I'd give this episode about a 6.5/10, a good episode but could have been better. 

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Truth be told, this episode felt to me like an older season one episode. Applejack went too hog wild trying to overplan things--channeling Twilight Sparkle while she was at it (and don't think I didn't notice that Twilight was the only one missing from the lineup of Mane Six and Spike in this episode)--and overall ended with a letter to Celestia too.

That's not to say the episode was bad. It had a lot of nice little moments. For instance, Babs Seed got to return after just four episodes...whereas it took Trixie two whole seasons to show up again. We saw Braeburn too--though sadly he didn't speak. A pity because I love his voice. Plus, it's always nice giving Granny Smith a chance to be fun--she's really grown on me since her original debut, when she seemed like naught but a stereotype.

However...that's about all the episode was: a few nice moments. Even the song felt like it was barely trying. Sure, it was a nice line dance, but the constant repetition of the same line over and over and over again was a little...honestly, it was lackluster. If Oink Oink Oink didn't exist, it'd probably be my least favorite song.

Which is a shame because it at least had some nice instrumentals, and it's good for Applejack to finally get a song. Still...

I wouldn't say this is an episode I'd watch over and over again, because there's really very little to it beyond what we got to see. Plus we didn't get a chance to answer the most important question I kept wanting answered: WHERE ARE APPLEJACK'S PARENTS?

They didn't show up, but we didn't get any angsting either, so in the end we're left with the same mystery we had before. Hell, my post here is so short because there just wasn't much of anything to analyze. It had a problem, the problem was solved, some things were cutesy...it was really quite a boring episode unfortunately.

Applejack needs more episodes, yeah, but come on, writers...you can do more. I know you're hamstrung. I know there's only so much you can do. But honestly? I felt like this one was phoned in. Thus it receives a three out of ten.


I must make a correction as to her parents. There is one possible hint to them here:

This happens just as Granny Smith is talking about getting the whole family together. Two stars in the sky...symbolism?

Edited by Kyronea
  • Brohoof 2

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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My dear...


All the bats died in the barn collapse (none of them came out as it fell down and they were never seen again).  Kid's show?


Also, anyone notice the two shooting stars at the very end?  That's one of many times that an episode has ended with them.  Wonder what they mean...

They are hinting at Rarity's quasi-belief system. Possibly being true,  or maybe not.


Edit: the person just above me said something better, the stars representing Applejack's parents.


This could still fit in with Rarity, she could be into ancestor worship with the stars, but I'd  rather not; that would be a superstition, the stars and ponies spirits might not be literally connected. The stars themselves can still be themselves and be praised.

Edited by GuillermoGage
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as much as applejack is cool I thought the ep. was soo soo.
to be honest they should for the most part not base a entire 23min block to a single pony .. it makes for a long sitting

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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Well, seeing as it's about her entire family, I'm sure somepony will steal it from her. Braeburn perhaps? I'm so excited; Applejack is my favourite pony!

I like Trains... Fluttershy is best PONY!!!


Hey has anyone heard from <Luna's Chosen>?

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I think there were some real hints to who Applejack's parents were (note the were) one is the stallion who talks to her under the table. That same Stallion is seen on a picture on the wall of the barn in that episode. Did you see that picture i can't find a photo of it but it is just so weird. Is MLP getting darker?


That wouldn't make any sense. The stallion who talks to her under the table asks who she is. I think her father would know his own daughter's name.


Is this the picture you're referring to?




If so, then first off, the stallion who talks to her under the table has a red mane, not green like in the picture. Also, this picture is a reference to the painting American Gothic by Grant Wood.



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I liked this episode, don't get me wrong. I just think that this season is lacking some Pinkie Pie. But with another Applejack episode on the way, I can't really complain.

yes I agree Pinkie is a much needed stress reliever for those times when you just need to smile :lol:





Edited by HaloBrony117
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Gonna spit some honesty up in 'ere. Coming from a person who best pony'd Applejack, I think this episode did her justice. This episode had it's moments and to be perfectly honest I didn't enjoy the song (although the last 7 seconds of the song where all of harmonized kinda saved it) Wish she did a sad song or atleast branched out of the ultimately country genre. It did show her hardworking traits and we got to see more history on the apple family so I was happy with that. Yeah, wish some of the mane 6 played apart of it but nevermind. Overall I liked the episode but it was the small moments that really out shined the main stuff.




<3 Applejack

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I liked this episode, don't get me wrong. I just think that this season is lacking some Pinkie Pie. But with another Applejack episode on the way, I can't really complain.

yes I agree Pinkie is a much needed stress reliever for those times when you just need to smile :lol:

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Im going to go ahead and take back what I said about Wonderbolt academy being bad, I watched it again and liked it, perhaps because seeing Williams as the writer made me cynical, but it was probably the best she's written.


Also that said, this episode was pretty bland but not terribly so, it was nice to see Applejack get an episode where the focus is entirely on her. I put this on par with Family appreciation day, it was more or less just there to establish a conflict and character development rather than be funny, there really wasn't a lot here and the 20 minutes went by pretty fast. I'm hearing a of complaining about the song, not sure why, yeah the lyrics were simple, but at least Applejack got to sing for once.

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"yes I agree Pinkie is a much needed stress reliever for those times when you just need to smile"


Agreed. Any will do away with it.

Edited by ~Vallo~



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I thought the episode was okay, but It felt rushed. I enjoyed the return of all the Apple family members and seeing baby AJ. Also were those two stars supposed to allude to her parents? If so then that is one hell of a subtle and interesting way of doing it.

A lot of the episodes feel rushed this season, like they should all have been an hour long. It would be so easy to make these episodes an hour long because of the great story telling.

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*sigh* I think this was my least favorite episode of season 3 so far... The song wasn't much better than horrible, the lyrics being nearly as bad as Friday... The tune was good, sure, but the lyrics just... Ugh. Still an enjoyable episode, of course, pony always is, but it's just the little things (how coincidental).


There were a few things that I found quite nice about it, too... Such as yet another Willhelm scream! Always nice to hear one of those... Also, reused animation from episode 1, yay! Then there's little funny things like Big Mac's apple fritter and other short gags that put a smile on my face.


Overall, I have to give the episode a 7/10. :(


On a higher note, this is the first episode of season 3 with a letter to the princess!

Really? It may be because I'm an AJ fan here, but I found this episode far from the weakest. Of all of them, Wonderbolts Academy was by far the worst out of all 3 seasons. Weak ending, predictable plot twists, it just seemed half assed compared to the rest of the episodes. Certainly, the song wasn't the best, but it definitely is far from the weakest episode. ;)

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Well, I like this episode better than "Wonderbolt Academy", that's for sure. AJ is my second favorite pony, so I like it when she gets a highlight episode like this. Even though it doesn't just focus on her, but on her whole family. And finally, everyone can stop complaining about a lack of letters to Celestia. Honestly. Maybe you should marry the letters, since you love them so much. Do you want to marry them? WELL, I WON'T LET YOU! How does that feel? Jokes aside, the show is not justified by how many letters it has. "Lesson Zero" was clearly used to send the message that we should not expect the moral to be all nicely wrapped up and given to us in a parcel.


PS Did anyone else notice Hayseed Turnip Truck? Yeah, apparently he's a member of the Apple family. Could explain why he met Rarity at a hoe-down, as stated in "Sweet and Elite". Even the Oranges came to the reunion, they're on the left hand side of the photograph.


PPS - Is Applejack gonna have to choke a dragon? Nope, she'll just use him as a lighter.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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Was I the only one who didn't enjoy today's episode? Yes, there were good parts; AJ's first solo song, and Babs Seed. But the whole episode was all blegh to me. Nothing really stood out. It seemed similiar to It's About Time. The mane character pony tries to make everything perfect, but ends up ruining what she was trying to prevent.

In fact, I'd say this was the worst episode since It's About Time.


  • Brohoof 1

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Hooray, an Applejack episode! Not my favorite pony, but I'm glad she's finally got some spotlight again. I thought the episode was pretty awesome. It was neat seeing a lot of the Apple family together, the song at the end was catchy, and... HOLY CRAP, THEY FINALLY WROTE TO CELESTIA AGAIN. Great episode overall.


Also... Wilhelm scream. That is all.

  • Brohoof 2
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Was I the only one who didn't enjoy today's episode? Yes, there were good parts; AJ's first solo song, and Babs Seed. But the whole episode was all blegh to me. Nothing really stood out. It seemed similiar to It's About Time. The mane character pony tries to make everything perfect, but ends up ruining what she was trying to prevent.


In fact, I'd say this was the worst episode since It's About Time.




It's About Time? A bad episode? Son, you and I are going to have words.


Kidding aside, the drive for perfectionism in the face of common sense is a recurring tale in MLP; more broadly applied, it's easy to have one of the Mane Six lose their cool and become overzealous when tackling a project. As Kyronea mentioned, this episode felt more like a Season One episode which snuck into the Season Three pack. The basic thrust of the lesson is very familiar. It may be a product of AJ being difficult to cast as the central character in a "cartoony" episode. Twilight has her magic and OCD tendencies; Rarity is given to melodrama; Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie; and Rainbow Dash is all about high-flying adventures. AJ mostly keeps her nose clean and deals with more day-to-day problems. This tends to make her "boring" in the eyes of some Bronies.


Kyronea basically said what I would have said: the episode was nice, but it was not a standout. I suspect "Apple Family Reunion" is going to be overshadowed by the rest of its kin (no pun intended) when Season Three wraps up in January. With the lack of a major revelation about AJ (i.e., her parentage), we are not left with more speculation material outside of the shooting stars. In fact, I would describe "Apple Family Reunion" as 1/3 a Granny Smith episode; she arguably had more development than Applejack! So we were able to get some background pony development on the sly, even if AJ's personal story isn't widely expanded.


Speaking of Granny Smith, the development she received was strong. Ever since "Family Appreciation Day" she has been treated less as a stereotype gag and more like a person with a unique history.


Moving forward, is anyone going to attempt to gauge how old Granny Smith really is? The implication seems to be that she is quite old, i.e., north of 100 years. If such is the case, there may be an argument for Earth Ponies having extended longevity.


The song at the end, while cute, was unfortunately forgettable when compared to prior songs. It struck me as rushed and lacking the imagination of MLP's standard numbers. Unlike "Smile Song" or "B.B.B.F.F.," "Raise This Barn" did not help shed more light onto its singer. I'm not certain why it was featured as the climax of the episode.


The return of Babs is great. Finally some continuity within the span of a few episodes!


Overall, "Apple Family Reunion" was nice if a bit misplaced within the context of Season Three. I am pleased the letter to Celestia was featured, however.

  • Brohoof 3


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Wow, lots of things happened in this one:


-We got to see Babs again! That was pretty cool. :3

-Celestia finally received a letter

-We have an AJ song


I like the episode, but I kinda wanted some of the other mane six to appear in this one (well, they did, but only for a few seconds). But anywho, this was a great episode all in all, but to be honest, it wasn't really as good as I thought. But we got to learn a lot more about Applejack's family, and I think we all saw lot of more development on AJ's part. So that's good! Also, fillie AJ ftw. 

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