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What's everybodys problem with season 3?


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Of course not everybody, but at least a lot.

What are people's problem with Season 3? I like it just as much so far. Plus there giving us what we want. Everyone wanted an Applejack song, they did it. Everyone wanted a Scootaloo episode, they did it. Everyone wanted more Spitfire, they did it!


I mean, everyone has their dislikes and likes with episodes, but ive been hearing a lot of "S3 has worse quality!" and "I hated the newest episode!" lately. If you don't like S3 as much, comment here telling us why please.


I personally think S2 is the best yet but I love all the seasons. I think the CMC are actually better characters and have much better episodes now. I loved One Bad Apple! The CMC episodes are much more interesting in my opinion.


Do you like Season 3 or not? Whats your opinion?

  • Brohoof 3


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I like season 3 overall, and I like when there's more action and things happening in the episode - such as the two-part episodes. So, Canterlot Wedding was the best two part for me, then maybe Return of Harmony and or Crystal Empire. But the single episodes are not worse than that of previous Seasons, however, some Season 2 episodes were better, for now. We will see, Season 3 it\s also just as good Season

  • Brohoof 1
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I've disliked it a lot so far. I feel like they're making it more kiddy. Obviously this is a kids show and there's a reason for that, but a lot of the morals and stuff are things that everyone already knows or are now redundant.

The writing is cheesy as hell, the characters are even more one-sided than the first bit of S1, and they've made Pinkie even more irritating somehow. I didn't even think it was possible.

There's also the fact that again, they're overlooking all the characters that I like (namely Rarity and Applejack.) They rarely ever have roles.


In short, S3 has been poorly written and they've made the characters empty shells. I liked the show for its writing and its characters, and now that both have bombed, it's awful.

I've stopped watching now; I'm just in it for the community.

  • Brohoof 1


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Personally I love it. I think the team over at the Hub has found the perfect balance of fan service while remaining the same show we all know and love :)

  • Brohoof 2



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I'm really enjoying season 3, however I do think the Apple Family has been having a lot of attention (Babs Seed, Family Reunion, Spike at your service) in a small amount of time. Also I feel Rarity should at least get some focus. Lastly I think Sombra was a little lame and very under developed.

  • Brohoof 1
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Racist barn, racist barn! 1, 2, 3, 4!



I think S1 was great, I think S2 was great, I think S3 is great so far. It still has the same magic that keeps me watching again and again without even a shred of boredom. Sure there are episodes I like more or less than others but that is perfectly normal, and I would say the number of episodes I like less didn't increase at all.

In fact I think some people just love to complain too much.

  • Brohoof 5


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I think the biggest reason people are turned off by Season 3 is because the show is going through an awkward "in-between" phase. Something is going to happen in the finale dealing with Twilight's studies, and the whole season has been building towards it.The goals and desires of the Mane 6 are shifting and changing, and many recurring characters from the previous seasons are being replaced with new ones. The show's quality hasn't depreciated, it's just moving in a different direction for now. I'd rather have the show writers experiment than stick with what's safe.

  • Brohoof 3

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My only complaint for season 3 is lack of originality in the most recent episode. I have seen that scenario posted out dozens of times and have grown weary of watching it again.Otherwise this is shaping to be a good season.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I'm definitely enjoying season 3, but it might be the underlying thought that there's only 4(?) episodes left after such a long wait which is causing people to scrutinise the episodes more severely. 

We have been given ponies, and we are very reluctant as the episodes progress to give up the animated TV nectar of the gods. 


I could also use MORE LETTERS.

  • Brohoof 3

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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I think season 3 is good so far. I just think that the episodes from season 2 were more creative. 



But overall, I personally think that Season 3 is living up to its expectations.

Edited by ~Vallo~



Your breath stinks.

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I've seen two schools of people in this regard.  First, you've got the people who complain that Season 3 is too kiddie.  Let me get this out of the way right now.  This is My Little Pony.  It is a kid's show.  It is going to have moments that are 'kiddie'.  But honestly, the whole SHOW isn't kiddie. 


Really, if you think someone getting kicked out of an academy and potentially being put on the street for cheating or someone bullying others because she was bullied herself and needs an outlet to let off steam, are subjects that are 'kiddie', then you need to re-evaluate your definition of what is 'kiddie', because these kinds of subjects are used in sitcoms that adults watch all the time.  It's more serious subject matter, but it's not 'kiddie'.  Just because something's not funny, doesn't make it 'kiddie'.



Second, you've got the people that can't stand Pinkie Pie and hate this season because of the fact that she shows up alot.  Then again, Pinkie Pie has always been crazy and unpredictable, and she's always shown up randomly (reference Green Isn't Your Color).  So I'm not really sure what anyone was expecting with her.  And honestly, I really don't think she overshadows the others in this season nearly as much as people seem to think she does.  That's like saying the Thenardiers overshadowed Cosette and Marius in Les Miserables.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 4

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I have no problem with season 3 so far either.  The Crystal Empire was a bit weak but what would you expect after something as epic as The Return of Harmony?  One Bad Apple is probably my favorite so far with it's great song and new character.  Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolt Academy were amazing too while Spike at your Service and Apple Family Reunion were ok.  I don't think the quality is dropping at all.


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Honestly, people will find anything to complain about. Most find the new episodes not as good because they are seriously over-analyzing EVERYTHING and are comparing to old episodes that have a nostalgic factor to their opinions. People would greatly benefit from just sitting back and letting the show they "love" just be itself.


As for me, I'm LOVING season three. Some episodes I like more than others, but I have yet to be disappointed (even if today's episode came really close...) Of course, this is my first season watching the show live. Everything is new and fresh, and I can't get enough!

Edited by Auryn
  • Brohoof 3
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I am loving Season 3, I don't get why people are saying "I hated the new episode" "oh the show is really decreasing in quality" and stuff like that. I do have to admit, I didn't love this weeks episode, but I didn't hate it either.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Lunia :)

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Season 3 probably can be rated as fairly decent season from a neutral perspective. The animation execution has certainly improved dramatically thanks to the studio only focusing on 13 episodes and it should be noted that the storyboard writers have certainly tried to give some additional character depth and story to some of the previously appeared characters like Spitfire and Trixie.


However, it should be noted that from the purely a literature's point of view, it is understandable where the dissatisfied people are coming from.


Quite often the episodes from the season 3 tried to contain too many things within a limited amount of time while incorporating some subplots at the same time as well. The erratic story progression rate per episode has become much more noticeable due to the storytellers' decision to dramatically alter the way each episode enters the closure part (such as Dear Celestia from the previous seasons) and as some people claim, sometimes the conclusion of some of the episodes felt 'forced' due to the combination of an erratic story progression rate and the story writers' ongoing experimentation in the season 3.


It also became fairly noticeable to see the story writers clearly struggling to balance between what I call the 'traditional American cartoon style' (where each episode keeps the character and their personality very consistent, but any kind of progression becomes null as soon as the episode is over) and what I call an influx of outside cartoon style influence such as the Japanese animation where the progression of the overarching storyline and the development of the casting characters are heavily more emphasized.


The difference between two is that the former style almost lacks any kind of storyline and you don't have to watch the entire series to understand what's going on, but it's much easier to execute the story writers' intention within the given amount of time (30minutes) however such style is nearly impossible to deliver any idea that would make an audience think deeply and carefully at all.


For case of the latter style, the audience will have to watch the previous episodes to understand what's going on, and it's nearly impossible to avoid filler episodes because these filler episodes are usually necessary for adding a transition phase to let the overarching storyline progress fluidly but most of the time these episodes are boring because virtually nothing 'exciting' happens.


In my own point of view, I feel it is more reasonable to believe that MLP:FiM exhibits both kind of styles since the each episodes clearly have an independent major storyline that are 'quite' independent to the other episodes yet there's also an overarching storyline that's clearly in a progression as well. The problem is that the balance necessary to skillfully execute incorporating the two vastly different animation style is still not there. Most story writers involved in the MLP:FiM show are well known for their involvement in the short-skit type cartoons such as the Spongebob Squarepants and it seems quite noticeable the amount of trouble these story writers are having of trying properly balancing the two elements because they are simply not used to writing this kind of series.


Bunch of very interesting story elements has been introduced many times in the series such as those horses from Saddle Arabia, griffons, Tartarus, Hearth's Warming Eve etc. yet 80~90% of these things goes immediately into the storyboard bin without tie-ing them up first to the overarching storyline to make a tangible arguments to why these kind of story elements matters. If this cartoon was more like the Looney Tunes show, then expanding interesting story elements over and over again then never to use 99% of those things again is probably acceptable because of the style they are going for. But MLP:FiM has been well known for it's overarching story progression as well. Therefore it's understandable to see a fair amount of dissatisfaction because the whole storyline so far feels like an argument with a bunch of argument shotgun-pelleted everywhere with conclusion failing to tie most of them up properly at all.


PS: I need to write this in the word document first, this small window is nearly impossible to let me proofread properly.

Edited by Phaeston-e12
  • Brohoof 4
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I honestly think it's been very good so far.  Some episodes are off, but as a whole I like this season better then 1.  They are adding depth to the characters.  I like it.

  • Brohoof 1


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What's the genwunners problem with the new gens? What's the problem with fans of something when they reboot/remake that thing?


The generic "They Changed It, Now It Hates". I'm not going to elaborate further, because I'm too lazy, to move the gears of my brain.


As I said, I'm too lazy to think, so I don't tend to compare things. To me, all two-parters, and The Best Night Ever, were awesome, while the rest of the episodes were great. And while some were better than others, I don't see any need to decide which was better, if I like then one way or another.


But one thing that makes me mad is people saying King Sombra is "lame", or some variation. These people don't realize that Sombra is awesome, the thing is he just didn't get any awesome moments onscreen. Before being defeated, he was more powerful than either princess alone as they had to work together. You can't compare him to Discord, because Discord's a reality warper: he's an unfair comparison agains't anyone, and can only be defeated by the Elements of Harmony, which seem to be capable of defeating anything (game breaker. humph). You can't compare him to Chrysalis, as she only defeated Celestia because she just had a feast on The Power of Love (even Chrysalis herself was surprised when she defeated Celestia). Also unlike any other villains, he invented the thing he uses as a weapon, and was powerful enough to make a kingdom disappear in thin air for a thousand years. He made all the Crystal Ponies forget about the crystal faire, as it was the only thing that could defeat him. He found the only book in a library of comparable size to the Library of Babel that contained information about the faire, and ripped the only relevant page. And let's not forget all the barriers he put in the way to the Crystal Heart. First, it was in his castle, where he knew no Crystal Pony would even dare getting close to. Second, the secret passageway was hidden, and the only way to find it other then knowing about it beforehand was genre-savviness, the next barrier is designed specifically agains't genre-savviness, the stairs would take too much time to be crossed by any Crystal Pony (since they're all earth ponies), and reaching the Crystal Heart triggers a spell that allows Sombra to start corrupting the empire from inside without even have to control it, as well as locking whoever got the heart inside it. Literally the only reason he lost was because Spike tagged along with Twilight, something Twilight did not want initially. And the only thing he did was wait. To those complaining he had few lines, he might just be a villain who prefers efficiency to drama, seeing how Dangerously Genre-Savvy he was. Or instead it might have something to do with the "thousand years awake while frozen solid", or the "body turned into a black gaseous matter". I mean, don't you think his sanity would be affected somehow? Destroying him entirely, in my opinion, was the wise thing to do, since he's the only villain so far who's evil without any reason. Nightmare Moon wanted attention, Discord wanted amusement, Chrysalis wanted food. Sombra's just a bastard. A Magnificent Bastard. But villains like him, efficient villains, are no fun, so I think it was wise of the production team to give him so little focus.


EDIT: Sorry for the long rant. I have a tendency to write walls of text. Also, You might be wondering how I figured all that out if I don't like to think. Well, simple, I have others to think for me (I read TV Tropes Fridge pages on My Little Pony). Although I liked him even before reading all that, although that might just be because I didn't bother about thinking on wheter or not he was a good character.

  • Brohoof 1

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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How could anyone not enjoy season three? Honestly it's made me laugh harder and smile wider more so than any other season.

The only one thing I didn't like was within the dialouge I feel like they're fan-servicing really hard, but I guess a lot of fan servicing is better than none. :3

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I think it is in part because people have developed some very high expectations, this show has delivered some pretty awesome moments and sometimes when peoples expectations get a bit high they can be a bit fussier start to over analize things and really miss what is actually good about what they are criticizing.

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I personally have no problems with S3 so far, Infact I've loved it! It feels very nice and it still has some great music aswell as great episodes just like S1 and S2.


There are of course a few minior things in some episodes that I somewhat found that I dislike, but to be honest i'm not that critical on shows normally. I just enjoy them! :D. And it has been enjoyable to me so far.


One thing I have to say though is that the CGI animation they did for the newest episodes tiber wolfs felt very... strange. Sorry it doesn't fit the show at all for me. It reminds me of in cartoons like spongebob where they put humans and real world stuff underwater and it looks strange, its like clipping a human into Equestria or vis versa. I mean its not that bad, but it bothers me.


Also I swear atleast at the begining of the episode something was.. Odd about twilight, maybe new camera angles who knows..


Anyways I could go on picking at little things, but overall the good far outweights the bad.


I think the reason the seasons being critiqued more is because there's only 13 episodes so people are critiquing a bit more since they have less to watch overall this season.


I'll hopefully be fine as long as they'res still a S4.(And they don't take all the episodes off youtube, but thats another story :P.)


Anyways, so far I think Season 3 has been wonderful! Honestly alot of it feels better then S1 and S2.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've disliked it a lot so far. I feel like they're making it more kiddy. Obviously this is a kids show and there's a reason for that, but a lot of the morals and stuff are things that everyone already knows or are now redundant.

The writing is cheesy as hell, the characters are even more one-sided than the first bit of S1, and they've made Pinkie even more irritating somehow. I didn't even think it was possible.

There's also the fact that again, they're overlooking all the characters that I like (namely Rarity and Applejack.) They rarely ever have roles.


Kiddie?  Really?  Dead parents are kiddie?  Bullying is kiddie?  Rarity is getting her own episode as all the characters are.  Meghan McCarthy stated as much.  Applejack getting overlooked?  She just had two freaking episodes dedicated to her!  Don't know what show your watching but it's not this one.

  • Brohoof 4
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