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MLP References in Other Media


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Borderlands 2 The DLC Character "The Mechromancer" has  I think 11 in total MLP references in her skill tree








Airport hanger





I know there's more out there, I just can't think of them at the moment.

Agh, you beat me to it xD


Does Kristian Nairn being a brony count?

Edit:His shirt has RD's symbol xD


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Jakie Chan Adventure season 2 episode 3


Jade says something about ponies... cant remember.. too drunk


Sadly.. to old me thinks to be for G4.. but good enough!


Mechromancer is now 20% even cooler I knew I liked that class for some reason.. Now I know why....



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There's one in Dungeons of Dredmor. it's called the "My Little Anvil Junior Smithing Kit", with the description being: "What all the Young Dwarves want this summer. Comes with anvil, forge, bucket of water, and tiny hammer and clamps. Smithing IS Magic!"


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At the top of my mind, in brickleberry, there is a scene in which ethel has a flashback of how her sister gets better than her, and when she remembers about the gifts they have, you can see her get a rarity pony doll, while her sister gets the actual rarity horse.  



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Theres the pony level in Diablo 3 and to of its mobs "Midnight Sparkle: Evil is Magic" and "Nightmarity: Generosity in Death". theres the D.E.R.P.3 mail system in Crysis3 and theres a coded message in that from 'M6' that decodes into 'M@ximum Friendship'

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In the movie Hall Pass (2011)...MV5BMTc4MzIxNTYwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzE4


Jason Sudeikis says


"Ha, ha. Thanks for the tip, Twilight."


when some punk bouncer was giving them crap about being too old. I laughed for days.

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In bobs burgers they had an episode dedicated to bronys


Yep... and the Bronies are called Equesticals! Just watched this not too long ago:




A list of a lot of references in media to My Little Pony can be found here:




That's right, I just took all the fun out of this with that link. Though they might have missed some.

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@@@skylights, I have merged your threads with a few older threads so that discussions concerning 'MLP references in other media' can be contained to one thread. Please search before posting to check if a thread for your discussion topic is already in place, this will limit the possibility of you posting duplicate content. Whilst the search function is experiencing difficulties at the moment, you can alternatively google keywords + 'site:mlpforums.com' in the meanwhile. :)

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