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Six questions for people to answer. (updated from 4)


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My first question is: if you had a pony that was NOT your oc, and it was the same gender as you,and maybe... the same age as you, and it lived with you. Would you do things like: Hug it, let it sleep on your lap while you watch TV or read a book, hold it in your arms like its a baby or a cat (that is if it would let you).


The second question is: If ponies from MLPFIM existed in real life would they be considered "human" and be given human rights?

They can talk. They can think for themselves. They have feelings. What do you think?


The third question is: Do you think MLPFIM ponies would like humans? Would we get along?


The fourth is: What if your pony was the only MLPFIM type of pony on earth? How would it affect your life?

Would you tell your family and/or friends about it? If a scientist said he would give you 10,000,000,$ for it would you sell it to the government?


 5: The government finds out you have the only mlp type of pony in the world and plans to confiscate  it and then conduct a series of experiments that include: needles, scalpels, and bone saws but they give you one more day with it. You will probably never be able to see the pony ever again. What do you with the pony in it's final hours with you?


6: Do you think magic from the unicorns would work in our world? 


That is pretty much it. I know my grammar sucks but hopefully you can decipher what I'm saying.

I also hope this is in the right section.

No hate please.

Edited by snizox15
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My first question is: if you had a pony that was NOT your oc, and it was the same gender as you,and maybe... the same age as you, and it lived with you. Would you do things like: Hug it, let it sleep on your lap while you watch TV or read a book, hold it in your arms like its a baby or a cat (that is if it would let you). 


The second question is: If ponies from MLPFIM existed in real life would they be considered "human" and be given human rights?

They can talk. They can think for themselves. They have feelings. What do you think?


The third question is: Do you think MLPFIM ponies would like humans? Would we get along?


That is pretty much it. I know my grammar sucks but hopefully you can decipher what I'm saying.

I also hope this is in the right section.

No hate please.

1.) Yes, but only if they were willing to do that. Except I probably wouldn't be able to hold one considering an adult pony is widely believed to be four feet tall. Even considering leeway that's a lot to carry.


2.) Yes I believe other sentient species would be given the same rights as us (at least in some places, probably not all)


3.) No, humans are corrupt greedy creatures the vast majority of the time. There are several hundred million exceptions but there are still more that are greedy and corrupted than those that aren't.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 1


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1) Basically, a dog/cat that looked like a pony? Hell yeah!


2)Yeah, I'd treat them as humans. Some wouldn't, considering how they treat other humans.


3)Yeah, they would. I think that we'd be considered second rate them as they have wings/magic, but screw that, we have thumbs.


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Yes, yes, and yes. But that's thinking optimistically.


The first one is a definite yes.


The second one is much more complicated. I think that if ponies from the show existed in our world from the beginning, they would probably be the dominant ones, not us. Prehistoric man would probably be awestruck from magical unicorns and they'd end up being worshiped as gods. So in the end, we'd really just have Equestria with man living alongside the ponies, not ponies living alongside man on Earth.


Of course the ponies would love us! :D Especially if mankind grew up with the ponies like I described earlier. We wouldn't have any war or disputes and we'd all get along perfectly. Now, I think the ponies would be a little more repulsed by mankind as it is today...

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1. Yes, if they are willing.

2. Yes, they can think for themselves, they basically are humans in pony form.  They should be given the same rights.

3. I wish, We are greedy creatures that think only for ourselves, they wouldn't like it here.  Not only that, the scientists would treat it like it was ET, and probably kill off some for science.  (unicorns would get mad, end of the world.)


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1: Having a mlp pony, as a real life pet would be cool however what exactly would they eat hay? If we are going by our world logic.


2: If a scientist saw a talking pony, that could do magic and fly they would be all over that. So to avoid experiements, and being hurt with society as it is today. They would have it pretty rough, an be outcasted deemed weird etc. They would just be consdierd unique pets if that.


3. Would they get a long with us yes, but most likly they would end up in zoos or farms, going by a realistic stand point. But not to many people do to peer pressure, would  want to be seen with a talking cute pony. It sucks but that's how the world somewhat, is key word "Biased".

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1. Oh hell yeah, it'd be like having a pet, best friend and roommate all at the same time. 


2. Considering human history, they may be considered "human" because they can speak and have an equal level of intelligence, but I doubt they'd have anywhere near the same rights and freedoms as humans and in most cases would more often than not be treated as work "horses".


3. Yes and no, though the same could be said for humans in general. They'll like nice people like most of the people on this forum, but hate humans whose only life goal would be to make others miserable and be horrible. It all depends on the individuals is all. 

Edited by PoisonClaw

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The pony vs human thing is interesting, something that I have considered about once.


Like, so many in the show are adroable and cute, and fans express that, but if someone in the show treated someone in the show that way, it would be seen maybe as strange. Like if you did that to another person.


Also works in a bad way with colts/fillies. Hugging/adoring Apple Bloom a lot? Adorable. Cute.

Hugging/adoring a 3rd grader girl? Call the cops.

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1. yeah of course :D, who would turn down a pony? I'm gonna love and hug any and everypony, no exceptions :).


2. I think that theres a chance, however it may take a while and the population of pony's would have to be pretty decently sized, at the very least they'd be considered somewhat like Dogs. However its possible that atleast some places would accept them as having most to all rights as humans.


3. I think ponies would like humans, I mean they're normally accepting, so I'd only assume they'd like humans! Especially with humans liking them. Plus they don't really have any reasons to hate us. Unless the haters started something with them.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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1) I would love to have a pony as a friend. I would probably treat it like a little brother and eventually it would just be another part of my life.

2) I think it would take time. It would be along of the debates and protest for equal voting for all races during the mid 1900s. They would be treated equal eventually.

3) I not sure. Ponies on the show seem to be very friendly yet there are the few (Trixie) that seem to have to bother someone. Remember, the show has only really shown ponyville which is like a small town where everyone knows each other. In Mane-Hatten, ponies there were a little rude.  So I don't think there isn't much of a difference between humans and ponies. Referring to my answer to number 2, there would be a settling in period where there would be distrust between species.

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1. Maybe...it'd be kind of weird holding another male pony, but...I don't know.


2. NO. They wouldn't be considered human. They would be captured and experimented on, and those left would go into hiding. Even if there was peace between our race and theirs, there would always be discrimination towards the ponies.


3. Considering we kill animals for food, are greedy for the most part, and have turned agriculture into...well, you get the idea. I'm sure they'd be frightened by us, as would some of us towards them. But we know that some of us (bronies and pegasisters) would get along with them fine, but not everyone would (haters mostly).

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1: While I wouldn't object to the occasional hug, the fact that the pony is every bit as sentient as myself would make snuggling... awkward. I'd view him more as a roommate than anything else, and since I didn't cuddle with my college roommates, I don't think I'd treat the pony any differently.


2: Human? No. A race more or less our equal? Hopefully. After we figure out that the candy colored ponies can talk, I'm fairly certain we'd treat them well enough. And if not, we could always have Celestia or Luna mess with our sun/moon just to make a point. I know I'd get a laugh out of that  :lol:


3 I don't see why not. Ponies are very much like us humans. Sure, there'd be friction over our different cultures, but given enough time I'm sure our races would get along just fine. 

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#1:  Hmmmmmmmmmm...  This is a hard one. I probably wouldn't keep it do to its an animal and it take a lot of care and s**t so no.  Off the the animal house, farm, or glue factory.


#2:  I wouldn't care and just be like. "ok...?"


#3:  Again wouldn't care and just live my life











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yes! i would let him ride shotgun in my mustang......a pony in a mustang........0_o


yes i would see to that myself


kinda, there would be a adjustment period where that would be introduced to the real world but as they see we are not all bad it would all be good!

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Hmmm.... Interesting answers.... i was actually expecting completely different ideas So lets make another question. What if your pony was the only mlpfim like pony on earth? Would you hide it? would you let your family or friends know you had it?

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My first question is: if you had a pony that was NOT your oc, and it was the same gender as you,and maybe... the same age as you, and it lived with you. Would you do things like: Hug it, let it sleep on your lap while you watch TV or read a book, hold it in your arms like its a baby or a cat (that is if it would let you). 


The second question is: If ponies from MLPFIM existed in real life would they be considered "human" and be given human rights?

They can talk. They can think for themselves. They have feelings. What do you think?


The third question is: Do you think MLPFIM ponies would like humans? Would we get along?


That is pretty much it. I know my grammar sucks but hopefully you can decipher what I'm saying.

I also hope this is in the right section.

No hate please.


1: Yes I absolutely would

2. Yes they would be treated equal with humans, because they are demonstrably sentient  Humans are not treated the way they do because they are are because we a humans, it is because we have sentience, any creatures with the same trait will be treated the same way

3: Lyra /end thread 

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1) AWW HELL YEAH! To be honest, in a situation like that, we'd probably end up developing a relationship a lot like between Mark Wahlberg and Ted the Teddy Bear in Ted. Albeit it would probably...hopefully...be a lot more tame (as in, no wild parties while doing shots and lines of cocaine alongside Sam J. Jones). But yeah, we'd probably be "bros" and best friends for life.


2) Yes and no. They are sentience and sapient, so I think they deserve the same rights that we humans are entitled to. The only reason they are called "human rights" is because we are the only known creatures on Earth (debatably) that possess such high levels of self awareness as to warrant such protections by law. However, I would hope that society would grant such rights to other sapeint and sentient species, as well. In other words, they might not be humans, but they are people.


3) That's a complicated one. I think ponies would probably have a two-fold judgement of us. On one level they would probably hold disdain for society as a whole and the values and ideas that make up our zeitgeist. On the other hand, when it comes to judging individuals, I think they would withhold judgement until we demonstrate to them what is in our hearts. At least I would hope.


4) Friends and family, yes. Would I go out of my way to tell the world, running in the streets screaming "ZOMG PONY!!"? No. However, I'd try to find a way to ease the world into understanding their existence. Because, realistically, hiding a pony for it's entire life isn't very feasible, and even if it were, they probably wouldn't live a happy life having to constantly live in the shadows. Would there be a media circus in the mean time? Probably. But it would get better over time. I wouldn't sell my pony for all the riches in the world, either. If the scientific community wanted to study them, I would only allow it if my full consent and the full consent of my pony were given, and I would demand to be present at any tests conducted. I would also forbid any invasive tests.


Ideally I'd hope that eventually we could find a place out in the country where we could live in peace and they'd have plenty of space to run or fly free.

Edited by StratoPegasus


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They just wouldn't be adorable in a real life 3D form. I can't see how. I'm going to pretend it'd a three dimensional pony but is presented in the shows 2D style. 




No, they wouldn't be considered humans.


Probably not, we humans are pretty awful.


I don't think i'd tell anyone about it. Government would be all over my ass if it got out that i had a talking, possibly magical or flying, pony. Wouldn't be anything I could do to stop them either.

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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1) To the best of my ability, though I'm not great at being a caretaker, and I'm fairly intolerant once it gets to the point of having the same person always with me at all times. Twilight or Fluttershy sure, but Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie would get on my nerves QUICK (just examples, I'm male so the possibilities are limited and mostly without real personality). I also live in a dorm so space is tight and there are a lot of other people to consider.


2) First of all, I don't consider "human" as a word that covers non-human creatures like Ponies. I use "person" as the general term for sentient, individually-rational beings capable of meaningful inter-personal communication and relationships. I know it's a very detailed definition but still manages to be highly non-specific, but that covers everything I need to say "that is a person and deserves fully equal rights to humans." Fortunately, Ponies qualify. Not that my opinion matters, humanity as a whole has a terrible track record for dealing with "different" in a way that doesn't involve a lot of sharp objects. Luck, careful diplomacy, and motivated brony support could pull through without any wars though, in theory. Being brightly colored and fuzzy might help some.


3) Well I don't know of the specifics of scale, but if you suddenly appeared in a strange land without anything you know and love, which is filled with billions of strange aliens and stranger technology, then I'm pretty sure a normal reasponse is (pardon my language) "Fuck, I'm gonna die." It might be different if ponies were, say 100 meters tall for some reason, but if humans are twice your height and you've never seen them before things could get very frightening very fast. Humans are mostly not brightly colored or fuzzy, so unless all the ponies appear together at a single apple orchard owned and operated by nobody but bronies, there's likely to be some "fear" period.


4) Screw science, I have pony (hypothetically speaking at least). If I had a real pony then its existance would be shared with other bronies pretty quickly, though I trust nobody more than myself so I won't be parading him/her around. If he (going by your "same gender" from the very beginning) were willing to talk calmly to me then most of it would become his decision, though I'd push in the NOT trying to hide a pony-sized creature in a college dormitory for an indeterminate time direction. Probably try to find him a way home, not only is that the nice thing to do it could also lead to finding a way to Equestria accessible in reasonable simplicity to others who might want to visit (though who knows about returning).

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1. yes! that would be amazing!

2. I don't think that pony's would be considered human, not at first at leased. i do think that they would be defended by many people until they got the same rights as humans

3. every person and pony is different, so on a personal level we could get along, but looking over the fact that we are human and they are pony's would be a challenge as a society.

4. i don't think i would have the heart to sell somepony who is a friend.

anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind

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My first question is: if you had a pony that was NOT your oc, and it was the same gender as you,and maybe... the same age as you, and it lived with you. Would you do things like: Hug it, let it sleep on your lap while you watch TV or read a book, hold it in your arms like its a baby or a cat (that is if it would let you). 


The second question is: If ponies from MLPFIM existed in real life would they be considered "human" and be given human rights?

They can talk. They can think for themselves. They have feelings. What do you think?


The third question is: Do you think MLPFIM ponies would like humans? Would we get along?


The fourth is: What if your pony was the only MLPFIM type of pony on earth? How would it affect your life? 

Would you tell your family and/or friends about it? If a scientist said he would give you 10,000,000,$ for it would you sell it to the government?



That is pretty much it. I know my grammar sucks but hopefully you can decipher what I'm saying.

I also hope this is in the right section.

No hate please.


1.) Eeeeyup. I would prefer to have a female pony, but a male pony would get just as many hugs.


2.) They would have rights comparable to humans, not the same rights, but comparable rights. They probably wouldn't be considered citizens with the right to vote, but killing or hurting a pony would be the same as killing or hurting a human.


3.) Ponies would try to like and get along with humans, but I think they would be afraid of us, and a few of them might even grow to dislike us. They would probably latch on to individual humans that they know and trust, and avoid others like the plague. They would see our society as nauseatingly disharmonious at best and flat out evil at worst. 


4.) You know, I think I wouldn't tell anybody, and if I did they would have to Pinkie swear not to tell anyone else. I'd do this for the ponies protection. Its actually not scientists and the government I'd be concerned about, believe it or not its the bronies that I think would present the biggest problem, at best they would never leave the pony alone and always be pestering it, and at worst I'd be worried about some clopper kidnapping him and... well lets not go there. No I would never sell a pony, and honestly I don't think scientists or the government would actually offer money for one. Yes a scientist would at least want to take a look at this pony and do some unharmful experiments, but no good scientist would want to hurt a sentient creature.

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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1. THAT WOULD BE SO BUCKING COOL!! and yes I would try to do many things with my Pony

2. I would treat them equally. But I can't speak for others 

3. I'd say they'd get along with SOME people but not all

4. I would protect it with my life. No one shall have my pony, but everyone shall know I have one.

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1 It would Probably be like me and my bro's the occasional hug and random outbursts of asinine behavior 


2 In the developed world yes in places like afghanistan or bad parts of africa I would regrettably say that they would probably be used as a food source. :(


3 Again, Yes. In the developed world.


4 that pony aint goin anywhere its stayin with me! fuck your research.

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

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1) no but he would be like a brother to me. being 22 myself it would be hard to hold and kinda awkward to hug but i would love to be around him and maybe play video games with him if that was possible. so ya he would be like my brother or a best friend to me.


2)  i don't know about if they would or not. i have seen movies where they have given aliens human rights but i have also seen how easily  humans can convince themselves that they are not human and don't need to be given any rights. personally i would treat them as human but i don't think that the general populace will.


3) i think that we would be able to get along for the most part but humans long for war and it will we will eventually turn our eyes to the ponies. i don't enjoy the thought of it myself but its what i believe would happen.


4) if my pony was the only one i would only let a vary few close friends that i trust completely know about him and for more reference read the story ( my little dashie ) i had just read it myself and i love it. as for if some one wanted to buy him from me i would just have one thing to say. would you sell your brother? no it doesn't matter how much money they offer me i would never sell him


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