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What do you think of "Closet Bronies"?

Zach TheDane

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So I hear a lot of people calling themselves "closet bronies".  They like the show and have all the same characteristics of "regular" bronies, but don't like to tell others about it.  What do you think of the whole term "closet brony"?  Should we have a totally seperate term for fans of MLP who don't like to broadcast, or does it even matter?  Is someone only a brony if they openly endorse the show, or should it apply to any brony, regardless of whether they watch it in secret or in public? :huh:


Edited by Zach TheDane
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I don't think it really makes a difference. So a teenage or adult male (massive assumption) doesn't want to publicly admit that they're a legitimate fan of a TV show primarily directed towards young girls. I can understand that, totally, a lot of my friends don't understand it, and I guess I'm somewhat "closeted", in that I don't exactly go out in public wearing pony shirts or anything (although, that's more because I'm broke).

As long as they aren't the type of people who give the brony community grief in public, but secretly enjoy the show, I'm cool with whatever. :)

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Absolutely not. They might have real good reasons for not wanting anyone to find out they're Bronies. You know, people might start making fun of them because in some countries, like mine, one in a thousand people have probably even heard that this show even exists, let alone it's fandom. So if people found out that I was a brony, they'd think I'm the only one in the world and that I'm a pedo.

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Closet brony almost seems to imply that there's some stigma attached to it (well there is, but who the hell cares). But well, closet bronies are still a subset of bronies.They're just bronies who don't make a big deal about it to everyone. Like how your friend might be a great fan of soap operas, and watches them regularly, but doesn't really mention it to anyone. So no, a separate term is not required. They're all the same thing, man.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature to come soon. I think. Yeah. Once I think up a nice one. Or when someone makes one for me. Damn it. I need more time to draw and animate poni. >_<

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I don't see why somepony would even think of something like that. Closet bronies being their own fangroup? Thats stupid. Nopony should feel the need to tell others about their secret or non-secret interests. They're just like normal bronies but more afraid of them being made fun of. Or maybe they think it is very embarrassing. They're just like all other bronies but less open-minded about it.

  • Brohoof 2


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That's what I figured.  I just hear a lot of people bashing closet bronies because they aren't "open" enough to endorse the show.  It doesn't matter to me very much, but I was curious as to what the general consensus was.  Personally, I like people to know that I'm a brony.  If they ask what in the world I'm doing with a My Little Pony shirt on, I can tell them to watch the show! :lol:

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While I don't think being in the closet about anything is healthy because there is such a huge stigma attached to being a brony many bronies especially teenagers have no other choice to but to be in the closet because there is a good chance their parents may not approve. It dosen't mean that you have to shout it to the world to not be in the closet but it is sad that so many have to hide something that is completely harmless because society has attributed sinister motives to teens and adults especially teenage and adult men liking a show about cartoon ponies.

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I'll say this, the show is not for everybody, and some people have a real hard time understanding why we can like a show who's target demographic is young girls. Personally, while I'm not in your face about my involvment with the show I am open about it should it come up. With that said I can see why someone would be a "closet fan" and just avoid the conflict altogether, which doesn't make them any less of a fan. I'm okay with the term "closet brony" as well, I mean, what else would you call them?

Edited by Flying Whales
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Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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I think that being a closet anything is strange. I kind of wish that people would simply be proud of who they are and not hide in shame because they are trying to live up to childish expectations.

Edited by Lord Bababa
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Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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I just read the title and can't help but smile.


Don't be in closet. It's not healthy, it's stressful and there is nothing to be in closed about. If you feel like talking about MLP could mean you harm, then don't, simply treat it as any other show you ever watched. Wearing shirts and having collectibles is not required, no matter how cool it is.

But don't treat MLP as your dirty, dark secret, you'll just get all hyped and stressed about it, about who and when will find out and make the community a bit more stressed too. If you don't want something to be a taboo, don't treat it as one.

Additionally you can read the topic and 20 post I already made about this, I'm not going to write all those pages again. ^_^  

  • Brohoof 5


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A brony's a brony's a brony.




I just read the title and can't help but smile.


Don't be in closet. It's not healthy, it's stressful and there is nothing to be in closed about. If you feel like talking about MLP could mean you harm, then don't, simply treat it as any other show you ever watched. Wearing shirts and having collectibles is not required, no matter how cool it is.

But don't treat MLP as your dirty, dark secret, you'll just get all hyped and stressed about it, about who and when will find out and make the community a bit more stressed too. If you don't want something to be a taboo, don't treat it as one.

Additionally you can read the topic and 20 post I already made about this, I'm not going to write all those pages again. ^_^  


This sums it up the best IMO. Personally, I would consider myself a "Closet Brony" but not in the traditional sense? I don't exactly go about hiding it, but i'm not ashamed about other people knowing either. I've told my best friend (who made fun of me about it, but I expected as much), but he left it alone after that. Otherwise, my ex-room mate knew I watched it but didn't really give a buck and made no comment. Other then that, i've shown my nephew an episode to show him what it was all about because of how awesome it is. In the end, I don't think there is anybody else I would admit it to unless it was brought up.

Ponies make it impossible to sleep.


"My stomach was making the rumblings, that only hands would satisfy."

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I just read the title and can't help but smile.


Don't be in closet. It's not healthy, it's stressful and there is nothing to be in closed about. If you feel like talking about MLP could mean you harm, then don't, simply treat it as any other show you ever watched. Wearing shirts and having collectibles is not required, no matter how cool it is.

But don't treat MLP as your dirty, dark secret, you'll just get all hyped and stressed about it, about who and when will find out and make the community a bit more stressed too. If you don't want something to be a taboo, don't treat it as one.

Additionally you can read the topic and 20 post I already made about this, I'm not going to write all those pages again. ^_^  

Me? A closet brony? Never! I enjoy being known as the resident brony! I have a friend who is a closet brony (won't brohoof me in public) but he's slowly coming around. I agree that trying to hide anything like that is just dumb, though. One of the main reasons people get the wrong idea about bronies is that bronies themselves treat it as if it were a secret they should be ashamed of! I suppose though, people do like to make huge hairy deals out of things that don't matter.


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This sums it up the best IMO. Personally, I would consider myself a "Closet Brony" but not in the traditional sense? I don't exactly go about hiding it, but i'm not ashamed about other people knowing either. I've told my best friend (who made fun of me about it, but I expected as much), but he left it alone after that. Otherwise, my ex-room mate knew I watched it but didn't really give a buck and made no comment. Other then that, i've shown my nephew an episode to show him what it was all about because of how awesome it is. In the end, I don't think there is anybody else I would admit it to unless it was brought up.

And that's fine. It's just that so many people overdo it. I've noted it before, when your thing is "I watch MLP", don't act as if it was "I've killed 30 people and then ate them. Bones are in my cellar.". Seriously, that can't be healthy.  :)




Me? A closet brony? Never! I enjoy being known as the resident brony! I have a friend who is a closet brony (won't brohoof me in public) but he's slowly coming around. I agree that trying to hide anything like that is just dumb, though. One of the main reasons people get the wrong idea about bronies is that bronies themselves treat it as if it were a secret they should be ashamed of! I suppose though, people do like to make huge hairy deals out of things that don't matter.


Oh, I didn't mean you, as in you, I meant "everypony". I don't like advertising something I made normally, but I think you could apperciate the posts here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/44139-fandom-and-pressure/ , after reading what you wrote just now. I think I really summed up my opinions there, so it might be better than just rewriting it.  :P

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And that's fine. It's just that so many people overdo it. I've noted it before, when your thing is "I watch MLP", don't act as if it was "I've killed 30 people and then ate them. Bones are in my cellar.". Seriously, that can't be healthy.  :)

Hahahaha, that post literally made me laugh out loud! That totally sums up how secretive some bronies can be! And I'll definitely read your post when I finish my burger... I mean my sunflower sandwich. Heh heh...


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In my opinion, I feel that the "closet brony" is just the same as the open bronies. I know how it can be hard to first tell people about your liking of the show, simply because of how society just is these days. I don't really blame anyone for being a closet brony as coming clean could cause conflict, and with all the bullying already in today's world, many would not like to add another reason to be made fun of for no good reason. Like all over the internet you can find comments like "PONYFAG! OMG U WATCH PONIES UR GAY." Really, I'm still somewhat a closet brony as I have really only admited to my close circle of friends that I watch MLP, but they actually are the group of people who introduced me to the show. But I own an MLP t-shirt and wear it around frequently, even to school. And I do get comments such as "Wow, MLP? Really?" but a vast majority (At least in my school) don't even know what the shirt is. Well, I'm getting off topic here, so anyways, I feel that a closet brony should be treated just the same as an open brony. Just cause they chose to avoid conflict does not make them any different than others. A brony is a brony.

  • Brohoof 3


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Oops, Look like my post didn't save when I sent it on my mobile.

No matter, typing will make it easier.



So, first of all let me start of by saying that I am what you would perceive to be a closet brony, if by that you mean a person who loves MLP, shares it with other online bronies, but doesn't mention it to IRL friends or family.


Secondly, I believe both closet and open bronies should be treated equally - both do like MLP, but the former is simply not quite as comfortable admitting that fact to their peers.


This does not cause me any stress. In fact, it is a great relief to me that I am able to keep the fact I love such a show out of my friends' knowledge. Why?


Well, it's all to do with my friends. If I tell them, there's a chance, albeit a small one, that they will go, 'Oh, okay.' and move on. More likely what will happen is I will endure around about a weeks worth of flaming and bad treatment to my face, and spend another few months with the same but behind my back. And not just from my friends.

You may say "Well, your friends are no doubt loyal to you! You can trust them :)" Sadly, you are slightly wrong. You underestimate the social web that exists in a large social community. And with each branch, the likelihood of that secret ending there becomes less and less. There will always be loose lips, or a need for an interesting topic to talk about, and the fact that I like a show that most people assume is for little girls would sure as heck be high on that list.


My suspicions on this are strengthened due to the fact that one person I knew admitted he liked watching 'Spongebob Squarepants' (which doesn't even have any gender assumption!) and now has very few friends.


Sadly, where I live it's made even harder to be an open brony, as the ones that HAVE become open as what I believe are defined as 'ponyfags'. I might as well hold up a sign stating that I love bestiality, homosexuality, and paedophilia - it will have the exact same effect.


Sure, I could try and explain. But while I'm describing the rich animation detail and the marvellous character portrayals, they are already pigeonholing me in that dank little head of theirs that I am watching a little girls show, and this equates to me being a bad person. Once someone has set you in that group, you're hard pressed to get out, when you have such a stereotype tagged onto you.


There may also be those of your harbouring the thought that 'Well, if they make fun, they're obviously not your friends.'. To an extent, I disagree with this - a little bit of teasing is fine in my opinion, as long as you don't truly hurt that persons feelings. And, with this in mind, to spare my feelings, they simply wouldn't mention it in front of me after a while, but mutter behind my back at the moron who likes ponies. Again, I know from experience that this will happen.


So, why do I even need to become open? I do not see how this will benefit me, I have little to gain and much to lose. This is no emotional burden that is crushing me daily, it's a little secret that everyday I pop home and watch some ponies. Delightful.


Nor do I appreciate those of you who interpret such reasoning as "dumb", nor would I like to be 'forced' or pressure by open bronies to admit to friends my love, no more than you open bronies would like me to demand you denounce your pony love and hide your merch in a cupboard.


Now, this is of course all my opinion, but I base it on experience, and knowledge of the circumstances.

It is my choice not to tell my friends, an arrangement I am perfectly happy with, and I hope you respect my choice, as opposed to bombard me with reasons as to why being open is wonderful, although I don't mind you actually posting that as long as it isn't directed at me, as you are ultimately free to say whatever you wish :)


And if anyone would like to call me close-minded, you do not know how wrong you are ^_^

Edit: Sorry, just proofread that and ti came across slightly strict, sorry.

It is sadly the case that you simply don't know the circumstances said brony is in - whilst your community may be tolerant and accepting, you could equally likelt to be living in a hellhole wher pony lovers are the spawn of Satan. Again, I apologize for the long and somewhat unnecessary post, but needed to get that off my chest :)

Edited by Darke Pony
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So I hear a lot of people calling themselves "closet bronies".  They like the show and have all the same characteristics of "regular" bronies, but don't like to tell others about it.  What do you think of the whole term "closet brony"?  Should we have a totally seperate term for fans of MLP who don't like to broadcast, or does it even matter?  Is someone only a brony if they openly endorse the show, or should it apply to any brony, regardless of whether they watch it in secret or in public? :huh:

Actually i'm a closet brony, I would NEVER EVER tell anyone.

I think this is for my own good.

if i did that...

everone would make fun of me!


But if someone knew i'm a brony...

i would shout at his face and say...


the fag says: it's for girls...


the fag runs away....

(i think he would do that , if i shouted ANGRILY, not crying "notice the difference")

'ey b0ss

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Actually i'm a closet brony, I would NEVER EVER tell anyone.

I think this is for my own good.

if i did that...

everone would make fun of me!


But if someone knew i'm a brony...

i would shout at his face and say...


the fag says: it's for girls...


the fag runs away....

(i think he would do that , if i shouted ANGRILY, not crying "notice the difference")


But you've got angry then, so they've already won by messing with you :)

Though, to each their own, that method may work well, although it is somewhat lacking in love and tolerance XD

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But you've got angry then, so they've already won by messing with you :)

Though, to each their own, that method may work well, although it is somewhat lacking in love and tolerance XD

but also i want to have a strong personality "not Iron will style" but i mean love and tolerance "to people who respect us, not these fags.

that was my point, that's all.

'ey b0ss

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You'd be surprised how quickly people get fed up when you don't react :)

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it your way - you might even enjoy it :D - but it can be possible to avoid confrontation without appearing Fluttershy-like :)

Props for your determination, though ^_^

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It's a shame that there are brony's who feel that they have to hide their interest in a TV show and I don't really blame them for it. There is an unfortunate amount of people who are very ignorant about this particular fandom and it seems to scare certain people into hiding their own interests.


My personal view is who really cares? The majority of people are either accepting of one's interests or just indifferent. If you get teased by your mates, so what? It's probably just banter and as long as you're not trying to "convert" them over the fandom they'll probably forget about it and possibly poke fun at you now and then. As far as I'm concerned its the same as liking a different football club to other people, there's no need to be shy about it.


The again I also don't feel you have to be open a bout it. I don't count myself as a "closet brony" but I don't really talk about it to other people. I have a few brony friends who are the people I discuss it with. If it crops up in a conversation with somebody new then I'll talk about it and have a proper discussion but the likelihood is that I won't initiate the topic. It's just something I'm really into, it's not lifechanging.

People shouldn't be afraid of what they like or dislike regardless of if it's a popular thing at the time or something very niche.


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  So, why do I even need to become open? I do not see how this will benefit me, I have little to gain and much to lose. This no emotional burden that is crushing me daily, it's a little secret that everyday I pop home and watch some ponies. Delightful.




I agree with you on that!



Well being a closet brony myself (Well sort of) i think we are no different than the more open fans of the show. We all watch and enjoy the same thing the only difference one side doesn't feel like boasting about it outside of their homes and that is completely understandable. Up until now my own parents really hated the fact i watch the show and i expected that so i hid it from them until i decided to tell them that i watch the show.

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Well, it's all to do with my friends. If I tell them, there's a chance, albeit a small one, that they will go, 'Oh, okay.' and move on. More likely what will happen is I will endure around about a weeks worth of flaming and bad treatment to my face, and spend another few months with the same but behind my back. And not just from my friends.

You may say "Well, your friends are no doubt loyal to you! You can trust them :)" Sadly, you are slightly wrong. You underestimate the social web that exists in a large social community. And with each branch, the likelihood of that secret ending there becomes less and less. There will always be loose lips, or a need for an interesting topic to talk about, and the fact that I like a show that most people assume is for little girls would sure as heck be high on that list.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're talking about.  The few people in my school who actually knew what the show was thought it was the most bizarre thing ever that I was a brony.  thankfully, others didn't care at all, but i'm not naive enough to believe that everybody just dropped the subject.  If you've been on the internet enough to know what a brony is, you've seen the hate first hand. I had to laugh a little bit when I heard that the only person in school who was a brony was the brother of one of my teachers...he's a soldier.  So yeah, being a closet brony has its advantages, but I just don't care enough to try to keep it a secret.  I wear my Doctor Whooves T-shirt, I carry my Rainbow Dash wallet, but it's still true that people can be jerks!  Just remember; keep calm, and brony on.  ^_^

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I understand why some people want want to be "Closet" bronies, depending on your living situation expressing a like for the fandom can be particularly harmful. Though I never would, I have a cutey mark tattoo and am a member of this community, so duh :P

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