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What's the worst enemy of Bronies?

Rainbow Tech

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So far Hasbro has been a lot more lenient that most companies have been in regard to "intellectual property", there are all sorts of fanmade parodies, stories and art and for the most part Hasbro hasn't really lifted a finger to stop any of it. This approach is smart because it provides tons of free advertising for the show which helps sell the toys. I am not saying every decision Hasbro has made has been good or that they are allowing this out the goodness of their hears but like I said before letting the fans do their thing is good business practice and I think they realize that.


you made a lot of good, if not completely informed points in your post.  It was well written.  As a retail hobby store owner I see a lot of things the general public doesn't see though.  I have huge issues with Hasbro and the complete lack of business ethic they have.  Hasbro has no sense of human rights or fairness.  Everything is about what can make them more money or stop competitors from making money.  I believe the only thing stopping Hasbro from putting a stop to more fan made projects are the huge quantity of them out there.  The fact of the matter is Hasbro has been putting a stop to a lot of things.  They have shut down fan made video games, Youtube videos, plushie makers, and more.  I think also some people that work in hasbro that do love the show and us are putting their jobs at risk in refusing or delaying their actions.  I've been dealing with Hasbro for several years and they are by far the most unethical and greedy company I've worked with.  Let me give you some examples.


I've tried to carry MLP products in the store but Hasbro makes it very hard.  A high up Hasbro executive told me straight up that in Hasbro's eyes my company does not exist.  Hasbro does not sell their products to people, they sell it to corporations.  In that I had to pay standard consumer prices for everything and not the good rates that corporate owned stores get to pay.  Now you might ask how this can make any sense because they are losing sales.  Turns out that the other big corporate stores pay Hasbro bribes in order to stop them from selling the product to small businesses.  


Over the past 2 years I have filed more than 10 Better Business Bureau complaints against Hasbro over their unethical business practices.  Every single on of these have been ignored by them.  Once again this is because they do not recognize me as existing since I am a person that owns a business and not a corporation.  


Some of the distributors I use, being small corporations, can get certain Hasbro products.  They don't get MLP products because of Hasbro's policy of only selling them to the big corporations but they can get the board games.  I've carried a few of them but came to find that the rates I have to pay are still almost as much as the end consumer pays in coroprate retail stores.  In order to make the same percentage off of those products I have to charge far above retail price, this ultimately hurts the consumer that wants to buy the product from me.  Ultimately the end consumer has to suffer for Hasbro's greed and unfairness because I have to base my prices off of what I pay.


Wizards of the Coast was once a good company that cared about gaming.  Now Hasbro owns them and they have become just as unethical or even worse.  I've been fighing with Wizards of the Coast for 2 years and these fights have gotten nowhere.  They screw over customers constantly with how the treat Magic and DnD.  As a game store it is expected that I carry those products.  In order for WotC to give me the same kinds of prices that big stores get though I have to allow them to take over my store and turn it into a WotC store instead of a full service game store.  As it stands since I don't make them the primary company in my store they refuse to give me any customer support at all.  They will not acknowledge my store on their website as one that sells their products or allows people to play games at it.  They will not sell to me directly and instead forces me to pay inflated prices through a third party.  This of course once again means my customers have to pay more for it than they would expect to pay which also means I sell much much less of it.  On top of that WotC has become ridiculous with Intellectual property laws and lawsuits over things they simply cannot legally claim, yet pay judges bribes in order to get rulings in their favor.  Some examples of this is the term Collectable Card Game.  It has been ruled that WotC is the only company that can use that term, other companies have to call it something else.  Also other companies are not allowed to use the word "tap" in any card game even though the concepts for both of these have been around for many decades before WotC existed.  From my understanding they were even able to get it ruled that they have sole rights to the monster named "Beholder" and have forced it out of other games even though that monster has existed in many other books and games long before WotC was created.  This could not have happened in a fair and impartial court.  It happened because of bribing judges to make unfair judgments.  Not only is this unethical, it is illegal.  At least it is illegal for a person to do this but apparently not a coropration.


So why is Hasbro doing what would seem to be bad business choices that costs them money?  Because they are part of an extremely unethical business scheme that many corporations are working together on.  It is their goal to destroy as many small businesses as they can.  Once they do they inflate the prices dramatically since they have nobody competing with them.  It is part of a plot to turn USA into a Corpocracy   They have already pretty much already succeed   The fact that corporations have more rights than people.  They way they can sue for pretty much anything.  The unlimited contributions (bribes) they can give to government officials.  Intellectual property laws that are being abused to claim sole rights on things that they simply don't have the right to.


My Little pony is a great show produced by some great people that world for a horrible company.  In a way it irks me that I do love the show so much knowing that a horrible company is benefiting from it.  I like to support the fan made stuff if I can.  I hope that things change and that Hasbro changes it's ethics in a positive way, but I keep seeing them get worse and worse.   I truly believe that not only are the the biggest threat to our fandom but that they will in fact shut it all down.  It will take time of course and they will spend billions on lawyers.  They will sue the fans for as much as they can, giving bribes to judges to rule in their favor.  Mostly they will go after individuals that produce something that Hasbro also produces.  Toy and plushie makers first, musicians will likely be last or not at all.  Remember though that even 15 years or so ago Mattel, that is now owned by Hasbro, sued a band for producing a song about Barbie.  I hope I am wrong on this but based on what I have experienced as a business owner, I don't think I am.

  • Brohoof 4
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I'd say this clears things up very well and professionally.


Therefore, our enemies are pokemon. Because Tumblr said so. Case closed.




But yeah, you do have a point, since Pokemon is one of the highest grossing kids' franchises ever.

They are competition to Hasbro.

But guess what?





  • Brohoof 1

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I've tried to carry MLP products in the store but Hasbro makes it very hard.  A high up Hasbro executive told me straight up that in Hasbro's eyes my company does not exist.  Hasbro does not sell their products to people, they sell it to corporations.  In that I had to pay standard consumer prices for everything and not the good rates that corporate owned stores get to pay.  Now you might ask how this can make any sense because they are losing sales.  Turns out that the other big corporate stores pay Hasbro bribes in order to stop them from selling the product to small businesses.  


In any other context this would be called racketeering and price fixing, man this is depressing. It just amazes me that such a positive show could come from a company run by such creeps. This is going to seriously come back to bite them in the ass someday.



 On top of that WotC has become ridiculous with Intellectual property laws and lawsuits over things they simply cannot legally claim, yet pay judges bribes in order to get rulings in their favor.  Some examples of this is the term Collectable Card Game.  It has been ruled that WotC is the only company that can use that term, other companies have to call it something else.  Also other companies are not allowed to use the word "tap" in any card game even though the concepts for both of these have been around for many decades before WotC existed.  From my understanding they were even able to get it ruled that they have sole rights to the monster named "Beholder" and have forced it out of other games even though that monster has existed in many other books and games long before WotC was created.  This could not have happened in a fair and impartial court.  It happened because of bribing judges to make unfair judgments.  Not only is this unethical, it is illegal.  At least it is illegal for a person to do this but apparently not a coropration.

Yeah I have heard about some of that, but I didn't know that Wizards of The Coast was owned by Hasbro.


So why is Hasbro doing what would seem to be bad business choices that costs them money?  Because they are part of an extremely unethical business scheme that many corporations are working together on.  It is their goal to destroy as many small businesses as they can.  Once they do they inflate the prices dramatically since they have nobody competing with them.  It is part of a plot to turn USA into a Corpocracy   They have already pretty much already succeed   The fact that corporations have more rights than people.  They way they can sue for pretty much anything.  The unlimited contributions (bribes) they can give to government officials.  Intellectual property laws that are being abused to claim sole rights on things that they simply don't have the right to.


Yes, and the big banks are at the very heart of it. The good news is that but people are waking up to that though not as quickly as I would like and I think this whole scam is eventually going to come crashing down on them.




  • Brohoof 1
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i think i have to agree with whoever said that bronies are our own worst enemy  because when listening to people who havent watch the show or even given it a second thought its more amusing then hurt full. they dont know what they are talking about so how can it hurt us but when other bronies talk bad about other bronies its more meaningful because they know what they are talking about and have seen the show but still insist on being mean. only when a brony is hating is when its meaningful.


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The worst enemy of the bronies is the thing that the bronies choose to perceive as their worst enemy. There are a lot of people out there who disagree with us, who will hate us, harass us and even assault us. But picking something as our "worst enemy" is, in my opinion, a direction we don't want to take this fandom in. It's not what it is about.

You have a good point there.

There's many people to point fingers at, like the greed of Hasbro and the occasional zealous streak from conservatives (no offense to anypony).

However, this makes me remember something JFK said once in his inaugural speech


"The only thing to fear is fear itself"


Edit: Whoops, already said by the pony above me.


Edited by Megablukk
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I'd like to think we don't have enemies per se, but I do think that within the fandom there are ideas floating around that hurt us rather than make us stronger, and the most prominent in my opinion are those who are afraid that the fandom is dying.


In our community, just like with life as a whole, we get out of it exactly what we put in it. If we are afraid or alarmist about the fandom dying, we develop negative connotations that hurt us in the future.


We need to keep a positive outlook about our future, and cherish every moment of the present. If we spend our time fretting about a possible future where the fandom dies, not only do we miss the fun times in the present, but our negative outlook of the future makes it more likely that we will lose the fandom in the future. However, if we keep a hopeful and joyful outlook, we can make a fandom that gets even bigger and stronger with every passing day, and have fun doing it!


Again, I don't consider these people enemies, rather, they are people we should work to prove wrong. :)

Edited by StratoPegasus
  • Brohoof 3


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the worst enemy for a bronie  is Ebay & my wallet.


i personally only have 2 things related to  MLP FiM   that already surpassed 500$+ mark.


Edited by MadDoggyca
  • Brohoof 2

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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I that the biggest enemy to the bronies are the bronies. Just look at all the conflict within the fandom over the stupidest little things.

Also, I don't think conservatives give a shit about bronies. Why would they? We don't affect them in the least bit. 


But if I could think of a few "enemies", here's a few.


/b/ (I don't even have to explain this.)

/mlp/ (3/4 of the anons there just go to troll and post, it's rare to find an actual thread about show discussion. That's why I left.)

/co/ (again, I don't have to explain it)

antibrony.blogspot.com/ (yeah, it's real. Look it up)

Some parts of YouTube (YouTube is full of the dumb kind of bronies anyway)


It's actually pretty safe to say that every board on 4chan hates us, and there's countless videos on YouTube with people that say how much bronies suck. 


So in conclusion, I could care less who hates us and who doesn't. kthnxbai

Edited by Vallo



Your breath stinks.

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/\Video not relevant.


In truth, there is no "worst enemy" to Bronies, unless, like MadDoggyca states, your wallet is a victim, but that's beside the point. Thhaters you see every once and a while, or even the small organized groups, are remotely near even a small threat. This isn't like Israel and Syria, Pakistan and India, or any other countries who have their grudges against one another, this is just a relatively small fanbase that once in a while get a thrashing from individuals.


Also, even though there are good supporting reasons which support it, many of which I believe, I don't think that we are our own worst enemies. Because if that were the case, there would be major conflict in the fanbase, as apposed to the small drama you get once in a while. Sure, we may make ourselves look dumb when we argue between haters and even ourselves, but it's too minor to be anything that could really affect us.


So, I don't believe we have any worst enemies.

Edited by Modphase
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Worst Enemy to bronies huh? If I had to say anything, I'd say greed.

In attempt to improve sales, Most websites, games, and etc will drastically change up something you love in attempt to bring in more money. Take runescape for example, Back in the day when a lot of people used to play. They removed the wild PvP system & so many people quit. They changed so much stuff over the past few years it's almost.... well it IS awful.

Now, if Hasbro turns greedy. [Which they pretty much are] They may drastically change MLP during seasons. I love MLP the way it's been since Season 1, and even first gen. With the few rumors I've heard about season 4. [NOT SAYING ANYTHING] It feels like all they are really caring about at this point, is money...


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The worst enemies are the one's who think there should be no bronies, for they are against us and should be stopped.


Doesn't matter their religion, political views, just what they think about bronies.

Don't Punch!



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I'm a conservative. And I'm a brony. 






Go ahead, yell, scream at me. :P But haters aren't all conservatives. However, if an enemy hates MLP, I will love and tolerate. At least, the haters that make a big deal with bronies. Some people don't really like MLP, but don't act like jerks about it. Just ignore. However, there's nothing wrong with standing up for the brony community if need be. Nothing wrong with fighting back (as long as it's necessary of course)!

  • Brohoof 2
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I that the biggest enemy to the bronies are the bronies. Just look at all the conflict within the fandom over the stupidest little things.

Also, I don't think conservatives give a shit about bronies. Why would they? We don't affect them in the least bit. 


They are hugely against gay marriage and that doesn't have any affect on them.  Abortion also and freedom of (non-christian) religions.  All those things that maybe not all but most conservatives make a big fuss against that has no affect on them.


Again I'm not meaning to bash on conservatives as a whole.  Actually I'm more of a conservative than a democrate type liberal anyway, it is just that I'm a different type of conservative.  the Libertarian type that believes in restoring basic constitutional rights instead of forcing extreme right-wing fundamental Christian views on everyone like the current republican regime is found of doing.


Anyway this has been a pretty good thread over all, so we have as our enemies:






and Pokemon


that pretty much covers everything

  • Brohoof 1
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here's a example of why ebay and money are the biggest enemy of all time




to buy it now is 300$ and that's not including shipping.


that's jsut for a head part, add in the suit (legs/body/arms) + the feet, and other parts that may be required and you can image the price some people pay jsut to have a complete set


also I have to agree with hurbros. Not because they charge a arm and a leg for plastic ponies but because its guarantee they will totally mess up the TV show. Kind of how activation fked up Guitar hero and CoD.  


when the going gets good they end up milk it till the cow gose dry.


btw I personally think pokemon went stale after Pokemon yellow and when they added more the the original 151.. its jsut never been the same


Edited by MadDoggyca

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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They are hugely against gay marriage and that doesn't have any affect on them.  Abortion also and freedom of (non-christian) religions.  All those things that maybe not all but most conservatives make a big fuss against that has no affect on them.



Yeah, and how is this any different than church? I'm not bashing Christianity, but the churches I've been to always whine about how gay marriage is "an abomination", and how other religions "are complicated and full of hate." Seriously? I know this isn't a religious thread, but still.

Edited by ~Vallo~
  • Brohoof 1



Your breath stinks.

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I'd say conservatives. Why? They think friendship is tragic. They think that we are all homosexual and trying to pull kids into satan.

I'm not surprised, anything that can/will change the world, for the worse or for the better,conservatives are against, and bronies are doing a GREAT job changing the world for the better.


Meh, conservatives are everyone's worst enemy; it doesn't really count.


I think that our worst enemy is no other than ourselves. Well not all of us, but rather all of those "super-bronies" who go over the top and embarrass the rest of the community. Mind you, I'm sure I'm not talking about most of you; of us. I'm talking about guys like these.


Seriously, it's that kind of stuff that makes bronies look bad...


The people who obsessively follow south park and take the fads seriously. Most of everything in that show contradicts mlp's moral value.


What?? No. South Park is satire. They make fun of everything and everyone, no matter what. It has nothing to do with MLP's values or whatever you're talking about.  It's not  meant to be taken seriously. They poke fun at everyone, but it's mostly in good spirit.


It's a good show.

  • Brohoof 2
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It's DEFINITELY Fanfics. :ph34r: And haters.But mainly fanfics. like cupaches(see what I did there) I SSSSSSSSOOOOOOO HATE FANFICS!!!!!

What the hay's wrong with fanfics? I fail to see why fanfics are an enemy to bronies. Also, what on God's green earth is "cupaches"?

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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We have no enemies  I mean seriously, the only enemy we have is ourselves.  I don't think we should pick a worst enemy nor do I think we have any true enemies, they are just people that dislike the show.


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Meh, conservatives are everyone's worst enemy; it doesn't really count.


I think that our worst enemy is no other than ourselves. Well not all of us, but rather all of those "super-bronies" who go over the top and embarrass the rest of the community. Mind you, I'm sure I'm not talking about most of you; of us. I'm talking about guys like these.


Seriously, it's that kind of stuff that makes bronies look bad...



What?? No. South Park is satire. They make fun of everything and everyone, no matter what. It has nothing to do with MLP's values or whatever you're talking about.  It's not  meant to be taken seriously. They poke fun at everyone, but it's mostly in good spirit.


It's a good show.

I know, and it may be a good show, but some fans take the things from the show seriously and "poke" at people as well. That's what really contradicts mlp's moral values.

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

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Ah now this is a trick question for bronies have no enemy's if anyone wants to be our enemy we either love and tolerate or we ignore them, but if I had to say I would go for haters.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.





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Yeah, and how is this any different than church? I'm not bashing Christianity, but the churches I've been to always whine about how gay marriage is "an abomination", and how other religions "are complicated and full of hate." Seriously? This isn't a religious thread.


Also, why the hell did you mention gay marriage anyway? All I said was that I'm pretty sure that conservatives don't care about bronies. This fandom is completely irrelevant to politics. 


Not all churches are against gay marriage.  It was said that conservatives won't care about what doesn't affect them and I was pointing out that this was untrue.  I also am not saying it is any different than churches but this isn't a religious discusion.  Churches get involved in all kinds of moral issues and some are ok with gay marriage and anti-abortion while others are the opposite and some even say that MLP is satanic.  None of this is the point, the point is that people all the time get worked up over things that don't harm them or anyone else.  It is a common thing for people to force their personal views on others, liberal or conservative.

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