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rank the Four Villains so far:Discord, Nightmare Moon (Not Luna), Queen Chrysalis, And King Sombra. In terms of who do you like. And Please explain why.

In my Humble Opinion:

1. Discord.

2. King Sombra/Nightmare Moon.

3. Queen Chrysalis

Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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1. Discord: he came closer than any other villain to actually defeating the Mane 6 once and for all, if he fought them seriously instead of toying with them they would either be dead or his permanent slaves. He is not only sadistic and evil but also has an epicly warped and random sense of humor that works on so many levels.


2. Queen Chysalis: she deceived everyone even Celestia by infiltrating Canterlot castle by impersonating Cadence and weakening Shining Armor to the point where he was completely defenseless and could no longer protect Canterlot with his magic barrier. 


3. Nightmare Moon: I have a feeling there is more to this story than Luna simply being jelous of Celestia, Nightmare Moon is a decent villain but I can't help but feel there is something missing.


4. King Sombra: he had so much potential but they just didn't do him justice in the Crystal Empire two parter, he seriously needs to return.

  • Brohoof 4
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I find it rather difficult....but...


1. King Sombra- Let's face it, having the intentions of enslaving all ponykind among any other species inside of equestria? Blackest-hearted of em all.

2. Discord- Life would be liveable with Discord ruling, however, he can turn your entire world, everything you once knew and loved, upsidedown, and make it a living hell.

3. Queen Crhysalis- She and her changelings feed off of the love of everypony. That in itself is a very dark deed, and the fact that she was willing to take away anything from anyone to do.

4. Nightmare Moon- Well, eternal night? I can say that's bearable for some time, until everything stops growing from lack of sunlight, and everyone she dreams of ruling over dies from lack of food and whatnot.

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In terms of my preference as a character:

1) Discord - the guy oozes charisma and style, and he's *funny*.  He's like the Joker- you know he's evil, but he's just so entertaining when he's onscreen.


2) Chrysalis- again, oozes charisma, but it's very different- more like a classic Disney villain rather than a trickster type like Discord.  Plus her part of the "This Day Aria" makes for an *awesome* villain song.  And she's my favorite character design in the series- it's very stylized yet somehow really creepy and decrepit.  It's like someone decided to cross an insect, a cadaver, and dead tree bark and put it into a vaguely equine form.  She has some of the creepiest moments in the series.


3) Nightmare Moon.  Also rather Disney villain-like, reminiscent of characters like the queen from Snow White or Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.  She has a very over the top presentation, but she executes herself much more subtly as well, setting up all the little tricks and traps in the everfree forest and whatnot.


4) Sombra.  Great design (I love how he manifests himself as a giant cloud of dark smoke) and a clearly very evil character what with him enslaving the Crystal Ponies, but I don't think that they really established much *character* for him.  We pretty much know that he's just evil, and a great villain has to have more going for him than that.

Edited by hawkflame


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4) Nightmare Moon- all she wanted to do was make the night last forever out of petty jealousy... not very threatening if you ask me.

3) King Sombra- not much personality. At all. But you know, he was basically an essence of pure evil, which was pretty cool albeit generic.

2) Queen Chrysalis- made everyone think she was Cadance(save Twilight), plus changelings in general are pretty awesome villains. She's great in the MLP comic too.

1) Discord- can't be anyone else but, he was MLP's coolest villain, simply put. Can't wait to see him come back!


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4) Sombra - He is evil of the purest form, but he was also very dull and uninteresting that it's hard to care

3) The embodyment of Luna's negativity(like jealously and such), her appearence makes the two sister's history more anteresting and I hope to see it more. Bonus points for having an awesome design and voice

2) Chrysalis - Interesting concept background and execution.She's one of those villains you have more respect for, she wants to take over the entirety of Equestria while having the best interests of her subjects at heart

1) Discord - 'nuff said

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1: discord, because im discorded! and chaos is the best thing!

2: chrysalis, because changeling are awesome!

3: nightmare moon, now not a villain, but still.. id like to live in eternal night

4: sombra, a unicorn of the shadows, he was badass! but not much was said about him. and he didnt do alot


5: me! because im villan97! the best kind of villain!



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1) Discord - They put so much effort into his character, and now he's returning we're bound to have even more delicious character development. Rather than just rampaging without a tactic he chose what would be the most effective ploy against each of the mane six and manipulated them individually.


2) Nightmare Moon - A very traditional villain, and a great way to start the series. We also got some nice mythology and history surrounding her too which I just loved. She can change into smoke and shapeshift, which combined with her powers over the moon make her formidable.


3) Queen Chrysalis - Her powers of disguise alone make her very interesting, and her huge army of changelings make her threatening. I do not think she would usually be powerful enough to beat Celestia, as she herself seemed very surprised, but the fact that she can absorb a seemingly infinite amount of love to power her means her powers are seemingly limitless. Sadly, she got very little character development and we still know barely anything about her.


4) King Sombra - I really like how concerned Celestia was when she found he had returned, it added a lot to the building fear of Sombra's character. Combine that to the reluctance of the Crystal Ponies to even think about him, and it gave him a lot of terror before he even appeared. Unfortunately, between this and the efforts of the mane six, we didn't see much character development beyond "evil."


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This is why I think Sombra should return this Finale. All what we know about him is how powerful and evil he is. He dint even talk more than ten words. Sure he made Celestia shit her pants but He stills needs to appear more, I hope he dint die because so far hes the only PURE evil character, Chrysalis and NM had their reasons and Discord wasnt that harmful while Sombra has no Mercy or reasons.


Blueblood's only fan in the whole wide Fandom

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3: nightmare moon, now not a villain, but still.. id like to live in eternal night

You really wouldn't.  Anyone who thinks eternal night wouldn't be that bad- keep in mind that vegetation would die out, the surface temperature of the planet would drop precipitously, the ecosystem would be thrown into chaos, and in a few short years everything on the surface of the planet would be dead. 


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1. Discord -- There is no doubt about it, greatest villain of all time, he was able to bring down the Elements of Harmony.


2. Queen Chrysalis - She was able to disguise herself as Princess Cadance and use love as an advantage to control Shining Armor.


3. Nightmare Moon - Though very popular, she has the profound ability with the night. Might as well have her own night guards. :P


4. King Sombra - Though a small amount of backstory, all he did was leave a curse on the Crystal Empire after he was banished.

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You didn't even tell us which order to rank them in. Which way do we do it? I'll just have number 1 be my favorite and number 4 be my least.


4.) Nightmare Moon- Cool name but horrible character development, plus the pilot episodes weren't that great.


3.) King Sombra - Slavery isn't fun kids. Also...CRRYYYSSSSTTTTTAALLLLS


2.) Queen Chrysa-something-or-other, Seriously, I can't spell her name. - Changelings are a cool twist on the classical changelings from mythos


1.) Discord-Most entertaining to watch. Great personality and seems like a really great villain in general.


Just my opinion.


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1: Discord.

He was the one that most certainly stole any scene he appeared in. His captivating personality and antics made him an engaging character. The interactions with each of the Mane Six were well done, and he seems to have the most potential as a character (with the possible exception of Nightmare Moon).


2: Nightmare Moon

She wasn't anything I hadn't seen before as a villain but I did find her backstory to be very interesting, which makes her stand out from the rest of the villains whose motivations were generally less flushed out.


3: Queen Chrysalis

I wasn't expecting her at all. As probably the least powerful villain she had to put together a much more intricate plan than the others did, which made the build up to the invasion more interesting. She's also the only villain who got to sing, and what a song it was :).


4: King Sombra

I don't dislike him like some others seem to, although he was relatively underdeveloped as a character. He served his purpose within the episode well, and certainly felt imposing and ominous. Plus, he reminded me or Sauron from Lord of the Rings, so bonus points.

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1. Discord. Definitely the best villain hands down. I think we can all agree that he is pretty clever, and evil at the same time

2. Queen Chrysalis. She looks pretty scary and intimidating

3. Nightmare Moon. The show really builds you up for her in the 2 part pilot

4. King Sombra. Mostly because we see him for all of 5 minutes.



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"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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1) Discord. I mean, its discord. Must I say more? Whats the fun in making sense?


2) Queen Chrysalis. She took out Celestia with a single blast of magic. And she feeds on love. That's pretty scary when you think about it.


3) King Sombra. Although he isn't on screen much, he must have some incredible powers. Making an entire empire disappear. Door of fears.


4) Nightmare moon. I really felt like she wasn't so threatening. Eternal night wouldn't be so bad in a world where magic is real. Just saying.

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Going against the grain here, but...


4. King Sombra. No character development, no personality. He possessed great powers that were poorly used. He had a physical form for maybe 30 seconds. He was great as an ominous, looming presence, but even in that respect he's no Sauron.


3. Nightmare Moon. She had my favorite design and voice (Tabitha FTW) of all the villains. She could physically overpower enemies as well as manipulating them behind the scenes. But when it came down to it she had no strategy (eternal night?) and was too easily defeated. She also suffers most from her character not being revisited. I think there was much more to her than what we saw.


2. Discord. Yep. Why isn't he number one? He was the most intelligent villain by far and a master manipulator. But he displayed very little physical strength to back it up. Besides subverting the laws of physics and generally making a mess, he seemed incapable of actually destroying anything. He was counting on the system collapsing on itself if he just caused enough trouble, but he underestimated the team Celestia had brought together. Let's face it, he was overconfident to a fault. "Okay ladies, I'm ready to be defeated now." At least King Sombra went out with style!


1. Chrysalis. This...thing, whatever she really was, had a master plan that very nearly succeeded. If you're trying to take over Equestria (granted King Sombra wasn't), hatch a plot that nopony (except Twilight) could foresee: do it from the inside out. Even when Twilight returned and exposed her, Chrysalis recovered quickly. She defeated Celestia one-on-one, still the most shocking moment of the series for me, then unleashed a dark army of Changelings to swarm Canterlot. Chrysalis' massive ego, which allowed her to advance this far, also led to her downfall in the end, but she had a spectacular defeat. Her only weakness--lack of character development, background and aftermath--was a serious one, but she's still objectively my favorite villain in MLP.

Edited by TailsAlone

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I would rank it this way:

1. Chrysalis

2. Discord

3. Nightmare Moon

4. Sombra



Because Chrysalis had everything and unlike the others she isn't really evil "for the sake of it". Discord has fun causing chaos, that's okay, not great but okay, it worked for Q too.

Nightmare Moon - what would she gain from an eternal night? I do not really understand her. Her wish for revenge might be there, but then again it seems a bit off for the pony world which is so forgiving.

Sombra - aside from the lack of anything - a villain in the style of Sauron needs more background and more development to be effective. Also it's too complicated for a show like MLP.


Chrysalis wanted to feed her subjects, what makes her not directly evil. Her design is great too.


But all villains had one big problem:

The way they were defeated. Sombra was okay, but the others were only defeated because they acted stupidly and I really don't like that.


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Before we get into this, I'd like to mention something I've seen elsewhere numerous times. The villains of this show all represent specific strengths in writing a good villain, and everyone should take that into account when thinking about them as a whole and then ranking them, I think. It's interesting to think about.


Nightmare Moon: Background-focused villain. Makes her more sympathetic and her actions more understandable.


Discord: Personality-focused villain. He's entertaining to watch, and some may even hope he isn't defeated so quickly due to that.


Chrysalis: Motive-focused villain. Her actions and scheme blend well with the plot, which makes her a 'classic' villain.


Sombra: Presence-focused villain. Without even being on screen very much, he's caused so much sadness and problems for an entire kingdom; makes the threat of him actually being on screen a more notable threat.




Discord: Charismatic, unique design, fantastic voice actor, peculiar powers and character status (being a spirit of a fundamental law of nature). Discord's the most interesting of the villains, he's the funniest of the villains and he's easily the most powerful of the villains. One does not simply not love Discord. Some may not find they adore him at this moment in the passage of time, but they will soon enough come to realize the divine truth before them.


Sombra: Sombra gets so much shit. Yes, he could have used more lines but he was never supposed to be in an in-depth character. Unlike the other three main villains, The Crystal Empire wasn't focused around stopping a villain and their scheme, it was about Twilight facing the task of solving an empire's problems and bringing them back to their prime. Sombra was a looming threat villain, a Sauron-esque villain, who represented the dismal tyranny that would happen should Twilight fail. Thus, I thought he was pretty cool. Loved his powers, and I for one enjoyed his design.


Nightmare Moon: Nightmare Moon had a good design, a terrific back story, and fairly decent powers. Her plan wasn't all too amazing but it wasn't that bad. She'd probably beat out Sombra for me if her lines weren't the cheesiest thing I've ever heard. Most of her dialogue was cliche, and it just turned me off -slightly- to her. This was alleviated due to some epic fan fiction I've read about her, but canon is canon, and fanon is fanon.


Chrysalis: She's a parasite. She has little power, herself. If it weren't for Shining Armor's love fueling her, she wouldn't have beaten Celestia. Almost reminds me of Trixie, who also has no real power herself, but bragged, then used artificial means to become powerful. This isn't something that makes someone a bad villain, but to me, it puts them below villains who have their own powers and their own ability to seize what they want without needing outside resources to do so.

  • Brohoof 1


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DISCORD FO THE WIN!!!!!!, Because well, well. The Guy is Funny, Evil and just plain Wickedly Cool to look at. Plus when watching the episodes I had no idea how the Mane 6 would beat him. He's the Most Epic and he reminds me of a EVIL Bugs Bunny ;)

-The others can go in whateva order but Discord is NUMBA 1

Edited by Soarin The Dark

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1) Discord, because chaos and awesome and stuff


2) Chrysalis, because bug pony is adorablest villain


3) Nightmare moon


4) King Bad OC with no personality

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1.) Nightmare Moon, for most backstory and some character development with her transforming back into Luna (granted she had to be shot with a huge rainbow to develop).


*2.) Discord, because he's a "chill" villain that was a big threat.


*3.) Queen Chrysalis, she posed a big threat and earned her very brief reign over Canterlot through cleverness and trickery.


4) King Bad OC with no personality





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1. Discord- His powers are great. He was unpredictable at times. Broke up the mine 6 and was able to corrupt them. 


2. Chrysalis- She may have been the weakest of the villains with out the power of Shining's love, but she is smart. She was able to get into Canterlot and fool everyone besides Twilight. Also was able to make Twilight seem crazy and make everyone not trust her judgment. Also was able to capture Cadence and came close to winning.


3. Nightmare Moon- Had a good back story that made her evil, besides just being born evil. Took notice of 6 who were going to get the elements and did her best to stop them.


4. Sombra- One thing I liked about him was the fact that he was the only villain the 6 faced who was a unicorn. He did not do much, but he was pretty evil looking.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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As long as we are going down the route of who we liked the most and not who is more powerful/had a better chance of winning or whatnot:


1. Chrysalis - I just loved everything about her from her looks to her voice. Shape shifting is a cool ability and she has a whole Kingdom or some such place which she rules. Being in the episodes around the top of my favourite list helps.


2. Nightmare Moon - I suspect this is mainly due to the connection with Luna and all the possible back stories that could go with it. Also, being in the first episodes I ever watched means she'll hold a special place in my heart. Plus, evil Alicorn. If she'd actually used her obviously insane powers to do more than she actually did to stop the Mane 6 or the show explained why she didn't I'd have felt better about her (even though at the time it was still meant only for the little ones to enjoy).


3. Discord - Voiced amazingly well, how could he not be. I'm not too fond on the whole chaotic business. Not my cup of tea. Has amazing powers and is rather amusing. He looks awkward.


4. Sombra - Nice that he's just a Unicorn and not some random mythical being but all the hints at his power unfortunately does nothing when the show gives him so little screen time. Has potential to move up to 3 (or higher) if he ever does make a return.

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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1. Discord: Now this guy was really well made. Instead of just purely wiping out the mane 6, he "plays" with them, which eventually leads to their corruption. He's deceiving and he has a sense of humor. We also see that he "won", for a while.

2. Queen Chrysalis: She worked really well in the plot. First she disguises herself as Cadence, gets Twilight abandoned by her friends and imprisoned and uses Shining Armor until his power is completely drained. At one point, she "won" as well

3. Nightmare Moon: Eternal night, that seems like an old villan plan. But again, well developed and she "won" .

4. King Sombra: This was a huge disappointment for me. He wasn't well developed and he didn't "win" like the others did.  

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