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gaming 9 Questions for the people who play multiplayer games and MMOs


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1. Fun all the way

2. Yes I often decide to support the team

3. BF3 would be 1 year and 2 months for me

4. about 4 and a half years ago

5. When I want to be, yes. All around I would say that I am average (without going tryhard)

6. NO

7. I play my games pretty evenly 

8. Nope :P

9. idk about happy... but it defiantly is a great stress relief


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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?



2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?


4. When did you start with these types of games?


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?





3.5 years but I've already quit


4.probably in the 90s with everquest


5.I consider myself to be the best at everything, not just video games.




7.lack of local servers for good American/South Korea mmo


8.good times spent with online comrades and guildies


9.The community made me happy and the game stopped being fun once the older players left due to drastic changes to the mmorpg genre which attracted lots of immature sociopathic jerks.

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1. CoD: Play to be the best.

 TF2: For fun

PokeMMO: Both


2. CoD: For me to be the best, Other team: No, My team : Maybe

    TF2: Fun

    PokeMMO: I only battle friends, so we usually have fun.


3. That would be CoD, and ever since MW2. (Whenever that came out)


4. Same as above


5. CoD: Yes

    TF2: Decent


6. Yes.


7. Nah, I'm happy with CoD and TF2.


8. Not really.


9. CoD: About 50% of the time, depends on how I do.

    TF2: About 80-90% of the time. TF2 is great.'

    PokeMMO: Always fun.

Edited by Awesome Dashie


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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

fun of course, screw being the best, it aint fun


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

yeah sometimes


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

237 hours


4. When did you start with these types of games?

two years ago when i first got steam


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

I'm pretty good


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?



7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

I play more than just the one game


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

hanging out with all my mates, randomly obliterating eachother, good times


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?


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1.The Best


2.Always, if there's the slightest chance to help someone, do it. Even if it endangers your own life, it's a game, help out your team


3. Imma say 4 years


4.birth :3


5.I don't consider myself to be the "Best Player", just better than everyone else


6.only game I ever felt controlled by was house of the dead on dreamcast. I still haven't beat the final boss. He threw rings of death and there were 2 of him I believe




8.when there's some one 100x better than you at your favorite game and the humiliation that always follows


9.Neh, well kinda, I just can't let myself get too excited

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1. I usually have 1-2 games that I'm competitive in rest are just for fun and even in games where I "tryhard" it's only when it's fun


2. gotta keep it fun so people enjoy and continue to play the games :P


3. I played SWG from beta til it shut down XD I've played wow for a couple years and I've been playing LoL since beta


4. I've been gaming since I was 8 I think


5. Yes, but not good enough


6. No


7. Nope


8. Controlling planets in SWG and everything about that game was amazing. Being known as the best crafter on the server was really cool too.


9. Very

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I used to play some mmo and , first person shooters and other kinds of games, like fighting and strategy.


1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?


Depends, when i am alone, i play to be the best, but when i play with my friends, i play just for fun  :lol:


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)


sometimes, when i see that my team is losing i try to support them


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?


3/4 years, i can't really remember it.


4. When did you start with these types of games?


When i was 7, i started playing Runescape, and i was 10 when started playing CoD, 12 when i started playing strategy games, and i don't remember when i started playing fighting games.


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?


Most of the time, i usually get good scores when playing  :P


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?




7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?


I don't know,


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?


I remember that i started learning my first words in english when playing Runescape, the first word i learned was door  :D


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

I feel very good, specially when playing with my friends   ^_^


Made by the awesome Angels_Gal

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1. i play because it is fun but i do enjoy winning and using tactics with friends


2. well ... i try to make people have fun but some friends are a bit to competitive at times and we have disagreements


3. shooters actually quite late and didn't go online gaming for a longtime after that


4. well i played a lot of games before and i think the game timesplitters 2 actually got me into them


5.  I would say I'm a good player but that dose sound arrogant


6. I got sucked into the read dead universe at one point


7. I'm a console gamer but i would like to more games like arma (the game itself and not dayZ) .. i have played operation flashpoint and loved it but it is not for most people


8. crash and sonic take me back


9. eeyup

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Well To answer these Questions.


1. I play for Fun, but For Competitive reasons, It would be the best. I'm not much of a Competitive Type Player.


2. I'm All-Around player, but It depends on the needed Job Classes for Final Fantasy XI.


3. like around 7-8 years


4. 2005-2006


5. Not Really. It depends on how i do things such as leading and assembling the parties. I'm not really that Famous so I just get fans.


6. No. Not Really.


7. I switch between games depending on the time for server checks and maintenance.


8. If It Wasn't for Final Fantasy XI, I would've Learned a lot from the game and use that experience to Maple Story.


9. For Final Fantasy XI, yes. I'm happy playing that game all the time. Maple Story, not really. it really depends on my mood for this type of game


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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

Fun of course!


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

I enjoy playing support role, they are important and not many people tend to play them. I enjoy to help others and have a fun time doing so!


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

I've been playing Ragnarok Online & the majority of my shooters for a good 8+ years. Ever since I could hold a NES controller when I was 4.


4. When did you start with these types of games?

These genre of games didn't come into my life till I was about 12.


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

I try my best most times, I play games to see if I improve and can have fun! Over-all I can say I'm a decent player. Not the smartest though... xD


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?

Sometimes I can rage over the stupidest of things and later come to regret it. Getting too involved in a game really put some emotional stress on me. I try not to get attached like that anymore!


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?


Never, These games gave me a wonderful personality most people find rare. Ragnarok, Monster Hunter & Halo gave me decent skills I use frequently in everyday life! [believe it or not.]


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

They were some of the best games I've ever played, and I'll always play them.


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

Always, There has been so many good memories in my past with my games I can never let go. Games were the only thing I had as a child, my siblings never wanted to play with me. Instead they teased me by taking away my toys and hiding them from me. I never had any real friends as a kid or teenager. The games gave me all the company I ever needed.

  • Brohoof 1
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The only multiplayer game I love is Gears of War(all 3 and I can't wait for judgement!)

1. Are you playing to have fun or be the best?

F.U.N, It's a video game no need to get angry because you lack skill, everybody improves just need to have a positive mind set.


2. Do you try to make other's have fun?

I always laugh when I get killed, and I just tend to make my friends laugh so they can be happy. I also let anybody "take my kill" so those who care about K/D can get somewhere.


3. How long have you been playing the game the game you play most often?

Gears of War 3, I've been playing since the beta release, around 2 years?


4. When did you start with these games?

Gears of War(original) was my first multiplayer game, my older brother even bought a. xbox 360 after watching the trailer for this game!


5. Do you believe you're a good player?

Depends on what you mean, skill wise I could drop some nasty kills but also completely fail at times. Morally wise, I'm kind always saying GG and just showing good sportminship.


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?

Ummm YEAH! How I played use to define my mood. If I do bad I'm angry if I do good I'm crazy hype, Haha, I laugh at those days but now I can't get mad over games they're too funny!


7. Would you like to switch the game you play most? Why or why not?


Not really, Gears of War is the only competitive multiplayer game I like and I only play it with friends never alone.


8. Is there anything in particular you remember from the history of playing this game?

I can spend hours here sharing all the awesome stories that occured while playing gears of war 3 but I don't want to. I will tell you this, each day was better then the last and I'm glad my friends were there!


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

Duh, it's really fun to me and I wouldn't play it if it made me bored or not happy.


I've been through it all, mmorpgs, achievement/trophy hunter, crying over a game because I died but in the end it's not worth it. Just play a game and forget about being the best, achieving goals or doing good just have fun! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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  1. I don't play to be the best but i do play to win. 

I do enjoy playing as support classes. 

I've been playing Halo for 11 years

Started playing online around when Halo 3 was released. 

I do conciser myself a good player, both in skill and interactions with other players.

I've never felt controlled by a game.

No, i play a lot of different games pretty balanced time wise.

My first 'Perfection' in Halo:Reach. Remember it like it was yesterday.

I'd play it ever minute for the rest of my life if i had the chance.

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1. I have fun being the best I can be.

2. Yes, If need be :) Also chatting with friends helps. 

3. I play the most...bit broad lol...tho theres one game I play every now and again which I've been playing for 8 years now

4. 2004 :P (that's video games in general (well "religiously" at least as I used to play games before then))

5. Depends on team-mates etc, you can only be as good as a good backup

6. Define controlled...If you mean made to purchase stuff that is un-needed then no

7. Nah, seeing as I play every game as much as each other :P

8. The joys of old graphics and gaining my first million gp on Runescape, ah the good ol' days 

9. I enjoy all games equally, If my friends are enjoying their selves then I am too :)


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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

To try to have fun, if I'm playing with friends though, I'll definitely try to 1-up them on there.


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

If I'm playing with my friends, then yes, I will try to get them to have fun. Otherwise no, I play the game to play the game, I don't play games online to make friends, I play games online to play the game. I generally prefer playing video games alone, however it is fun to play with friends every now and then.


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

The online game I have clocked the most hours on would be Monster Hunter Tri. I clocked about 1200+ hours on it, and left in about 2011 when most people stopped playing.


4. When did you start with these types of games?

When I was 15 and discovered MapleStory.


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

Yes, I was regarded as one of the best monster hunters amongst my circle of friends.


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?

Only when the game has micro-transactions, subscription fees, or a currency that requires real money to obtain.

(God, I hate that)


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

I don't generally play online games, but I'm willing to try one if the gameplay is good, and either my friends are playing, or it has an ending, story, or something that gives me a reason to be playing it other than unlocking crap.


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

Grinding. Lots and lots of grinding. (Especially with MMO's)


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

The games I like the most (Besides Monster Hunter Tri) are all offline, but yes, of course I'm happy when I'm playing them. If I wasn't happy when I'm playing them, than they wouldn't be the games I like the most, now would they? :P

Edited by ~Lawful Pinkeh~
  • Brohoof 1
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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

Be the best, in multiplayer games, i am very competitive, i never like not getting the first place in a scoreboard.

2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

In the current multiplayer games i am playing (BF3 and TF2) i play a lot as a support character, in TF2 i play as a Scout and a Sniper, and in BF3 i use the Support and Recon soldiers, i enjoy supporting the team and be the credit of the victory of the match, i don't really care if they have fun or not, i just do it for my joy.

3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

TF2, 1060+ hours played, although that's nothing for a regular TF2 player.

4. When did you start with these types of games?

Since i'm a kid, in a friends house, started with Counter-Strike.

5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

Good, but not the best.

6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?

Why would i?

7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

I do regularly, playing the same all the time is boring.

8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

Asides from taunt kills, and lots of MVP ranks, not really.

9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

Not as i was before when i started playing it, but i still enjoy it and i consider it one of the best online games ever.

Edited by The Milkman

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

I play online to have some fun with other people. Though if the opportunity shows its self, its never bad to try and 1-up some other guy.  ^_^


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

Nope. If I have to describe how I play online, im that one guy who strays off and try's to kill whatever comes my way.


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

The game I play the most out of is a tie between two of them, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Black Ops. UMvC3 I have been playing for two years and Blops for the past three years (I think?). Oh and there's the occasional Darksouls (Two years with that one.)


4. When did you start with these types of games?

I wanna say around 14 or 15 when I first tried a free to play MMO (Forget the name of it). But I mostly started playing online when I was finally able to connect my PS3 to my wifi.


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

No I don't think of myself as a good player, just an average guy just trying to have some fun online.


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?

Can't say I ever have.


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

I tend to do that sometimes. That all depends on if the next things if it is as interesting or even more then what I am playing at the moment. 


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

Besides losses and the moments where I kick ass  :lol: , nothing really sticks to mind.


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

I am content playing what I have the moment.

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1. I'm a competetive person, so I play multiplayer games both for the fun and to be the best.


2. Of course! Sometimes I'll scoop over to the side and play another role in LoL, so whoever wanted my main role can play it as well.


3. Been playing League of Legends for almsot a year now. And I'll keep playing it as long as it entertains me.


4. I started with multiplayer games back in 2008 when I picked up CSS and 1.6.


5. That depends solely on the game. I consider myself a pretty good, if not decent player on LoL.


6. I have yes, back when I was playing WoW a couple years back. Eventually quit due to frustration from Blizzard's poor support.


7. Nah, I'm pretty happy with LoL and TERA at the moment.


8. Besides from learning alot of teamwork and lonewolf style from different games then no.


9. I'm pretty satisfied with LoL to be honest. All though Riot Games needs to get some of their shit right. Also been getting into TERA lately.


And that's my answers ^^

Edited by ~Fruity Ahri~
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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

Both, by myself, I'm out to win! With a friend, I'm out to just goof off.


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

Yes, Best medic around on TF2


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

I don't even know :/


4. When did you start with these types of games?

Around when I was playing the first TF I guess


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

Uh, yeah


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?



7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

I always change it up


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?




9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?



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I used to play World of warcraft a year ago, and i got 1000 hours total played in it, here are my answers:


1. Well, when i played wow, the FUN in the game was to try to be the very best  as in have more DPS (Damage per second) than your guild mates or to have the highest ilvl (item level(how good armor is))


2. My main character used to be a rogue, so i was more of a damage dealer, but i also had 2 priests (healers), but they were only around level 50-60, only my rogue was max lvl.


3. I probably have most hours played on Minecraft (around 1200), then closely followed by Wow (1000), then Gmod, cod, KSP, etc.. And i always play minecraft, it just doesnt get boring for me :D


4. Uh..  I got my first computer when i was 9.Well my whole gaming coureer started when i was about 10, where i found out about online games such as MMOFPS's, or MMORPG's, or just other MMOs. I used to play those free MMOFPS's and i was pretty damn good for my age. But then i was kinda getting bored of FPS games, and moved onto RPG's such as Wow being my first serious MMORPG, but also having played other RPGs like zelda, darksiders before..


5. Well, what do you mean? I might not be the most skillfull player out there, but i think im slightly above average or so. Also i am very loyal player, as in i stay with my guild, and try to form strong friendships when playing, for example, when i start a private MC server with a friend of mine, i make sure that we build a damn city and have acomplished lots of stuff. I like having fun, and being good is part of fun for me. ;)


6. Huh... well, i doint think i can really be controlled by game to a big extend, as i prefer sandbox games where I decide what to do, because i really dont like the idea of a program telling be to do this, then i get into this and have to do this, thats not fun for me at all. I like it random, spontaneous. (even though i grinded and farmed wow for 1000 hours...i probably got abit addiceted thats why..)


7. Currently i mostly play a game called Kerbal Space Program which i really love. It is a sandbox game where you can build your own rockets, fly them into space, get into orbits around planets, explore the made up solar system.. its great. There are no quests yet, as the game is in heavy development, and as i said before, i love sandbox games where i choose to do what i want. And im not willing to switch that wonderful game at the moment, im enjoying it very much. 


Then the second most often current game i play is probably Minecraft, as i currently play in a private server wiht a friend of mine, building a city, and other huge buildings :D


8. KSP taught me alot about rocketscience, thats for sure. KSP isnt just a simple unrealistic game where you kinda build a kinda working rocket then kinda get into orbit, no. It is very realistic, and thats what i love about it because that allready displays a nice challenge to evercome. Building an efficient rocket that actually serves its purpose is not easy at all, and you need a good understanding of what youre actually doing to be able to somewhat succeed in that game. 


Also from Wow i learned alot, but more kind of wise lessons and things and how people socially ineract under certain circumstances. Might not seem very important, but it gave me a much clearer understnading about human behaviour.


9. I certainly am. I absolutely love those epic gaming nights where you spend the whole time working on an epic project in minecraft with your best friend, or those really hard challenges on KSP where you want to build an efficent enough rocket to get into robit aorun a planet that is far far out in the solar system. I wouldnt change any of thsoe eic nights outs for anything, even the grand galopping gala.


Thanks for asking me those questions, it was really fun to answer them :)

>Implying that i have signature

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1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?


little bit of both


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)


I love playing healers and assassins


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?


since 2004 when I was entering Highschool


4. When did you start with these types of games?


Back with Battlefield 1942 on PC, somewhere between finishing elemtary and starting middle school


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?


on healing yes, I've kept friends up in combat when fighting greater numbers.


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?


yes, back before people complained for having to work to reach max level, there was a time when I spent 3 days leveling up with a friend just so we can hit max level. (max was 50 we were 48) Both of us being healers didn't help our speed or dps either.


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?


I tried to switch to a few games over the past. More recently I've tried GW2, and it just doesnt grasp the awesomeness that Dark Age of Camelot did for PvP aspects.


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?


playing late night in alliance raids, and having guild meetings in the guild house.


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?


yes and no.

happy that I'm playing with friends(we all resub at the same time) and sad/mad when we start the PvP aspects.


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Currently, I have been playing Call of Duty (Black Ops II, as of late).

I have been playing WoW on and off again for 8 years (off now), but I'll focus on CoD here.


1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?

I play to have fun, although it can be frustrating at times!


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)

Heavens, no. I'm a camper and everyone hates a camper.


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?

I've been playing the CoD franchise for only a couple of years and have been playing Black Ops II since it came out in November.


4. When did you start with these types of games?

Only a couple of years. I was heavy into MMO's and FPS's just seemed stupid to me.


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

I'm ok, not the greatest, but I have my days where I do really good.


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?

Nah. I usually only play for an hour or so and then go do something else. I don't play for days at a time sometimes.


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

No, I'm good with the game I'm playing. I can go from Multiplayer to Zombies, which is good for me.


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

When I play, I use a mustache as my reticle, and one round I played, I got the final kill in a winning round, meaning that my kill is shown on the final kill cam. I remember one person yelled out "THEY GOT A MUSTACHE!" That was probably one of the funniest things anyone has ever said while I've been playing CoD.

But now that I type it out, not so funny, haha.


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

Most of the time, but sometimes I get really frustrated with the amount of stupidity I have to deal with.
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I have some questions to people who like the following types of games:

-FPS games that have a big focus on multiplayer (a.k.a. every single FPS since 2007)

-MMOs, MMORPGs, MMOTCGs (trading card games), MMORGs (racing games), you know the kind.

And anything with multiplayer really, these are just for reference.

*Say what kind of game you like out of the above or similar that you play and answer:


1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?


2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)


3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?


4. When did you start with these types of games?


5. Do you consider yourself a good player?


6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?


7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

1.) Whilst trying to be the best sure is alluring, I mostly do it for fun.


2.) I like to do that, yes. I also like to be the damage dealer and tank, as long as I'm helping the team out, I'm a-okay!


3.) Wow, this is a toughie. I used to play Runescape back in the day, I'd say for about 3 years. I stopped that around 2 years ago. I picked up League of Legends right before school started for me. (Around August 15th) So I've been playing that for like, 5 months or whatever.


4.) Well, I started off with Runescape. So like, 5 years ago. Yeah, I've had multiple endeavors in this sort of thing.


5.) For the most part, yes. I like to think of myself as someone who is reliable in League of Legends and that you can count on me to get you kills and not let you get killed!


6.) Many a time. I've found myself raging because of stupid mistakes that I made or blaming my teammates for us losing. I'm a very sore loser occasionally, but as long as I'm in a good mood, I'll just try to pick myself back up and dust myself off.


7.) I've tried World of Warcraft once and some other MMORPGs. They weren't terrible, and I don't mind people playing them, I'm just the kind of guy that finds something he likes and sticks with it for awhile.


8.) Aye, this is a painful memory. I was about 8, I just finished a quest in Runescape and I got a reward that of normal items that would take months to achieve. Then I went out and thought I could take on some wolves with crappy armor and low health. I died, and I raged so hard. I remember crying and yelling. My mom had to calm me down. I had some problems regarding other things than just Runescape, so I overreacted IMMENSELY!


9.) As the aforementioned, I'm happy with it as long as I don't lose too much. I'll begin to become angry. I can handle a couple of times in a row, but if I go for several rounds without winning, I'll get pissed. I know that I'm a decent player, and sometimes your team will just screw you over. I try to keep in mind that my biggest enemy is myself though, because if I let my anger consume me, I'll just lose even more.


So yeah, thanks for taking the time to read this. It was fun making a response to this, I've never done this sort of answer thing before! Sadly enough, this is the longest post I've ever made. Meh, I don't post all that much on here, but yeah. Thanks again!



The Universe, a mystery
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I have some questions to people who like the following types of games:

-FPS games that have a big focus on multiplayer (a.k.a. every single FPS since 2007)

-MMOs, MMORPGs, MMOTCGs (trading card games), MMORGs (racing games), you know the kind.

And anything with multiplayer really, these are just for reference.

*Say what kind of game you like out of the above or similar that you play and answer:

I move around from all kinds of games. Though, my very least played is MMORPGs, having only played and liked one for years.


1. Are you playing to have fun or to be the best?


Mostly for fun, but sometimes a little of both.

I'm really not competitive, so it takes a lot to make me want to go tryhard.

2. Do you try to make others have fun too? (I.E. playing as a healer/some type of support character)


So long as trying to make them have fun doesn't get in my way of fun, then sure.

3. How long have you been playing the game you have played the most?


The game I've played most? Ummm.. that would either be Runescape, Gears of War, or Pokemon. I've no idea. :lol:

Pokemon as far as I can remember way back on Blue version. That's literally almost an all life thing.

Gears of War from number one when i first got Xbox. I wanna say about 4 years or so ago.

And I've played Runescape for 5, almost 6 years total.

4. When did you start with these types of games?

I started playing games in general when I was a small kid. No exact date to be known.

Got into shooters sometime around 2009 me thinks. Maybe earlier due to games like James Bond and such.

Didn't start Runescape until after Runescape 2 I wanna say in the year of 2008 or 07.

5. Do you consider yourself a good player?

At my most played shooter (Gears of War) and fighter (SSBB). Exceptionally good. ;)

Those are literally two of the few games that I will talk trash in. Otherwise, I don't feel good enough to do so.


At Pokemon, I'd say Im decent enough to hold my own.

6. Have you ever felt controlled by the game?


Not exactly sure what you mean by this.


So I'll say no.

7. Would you like to switch the game that you play the most to something else? And why haven't you yet if you want to?

Nope. I'm perfectly fine with the ones that I play the most. :3


8. Is there something in particular that you remember from your history of playing these games?

Hmmmm, not really. I remember a few good memories from some of them and a few awkward ones. But nothing that just stands out.


9. Are you happy when you play the game you like the most?

Usually I'm very happy then. It just depends on my mood.


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