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Welcome to the Applejack fan club!






Applejack is the hard working sister of the Apple family. She works with her big brother Big Macintosh on the farm Sweet Apple Achres. She loves helping other ponies and will often work to the bone to please a friend. She like physical activity and has won countless times at rodeos. She is the element of Honesty.



Kyronea's analysis on Applejack




Applejack is by far the most down-to-Earth soul amongst the Mane Six, even more so than Fluttershy, because unlike Fluttershy, Applejack doesn't concern herself with being idealistic. She's no-nonsense, a hard worker with a strong belief in function over form and living life simply, making her in many ways the opposite of Rarity. She's dependable too: if Applejack says she'll do something, she'll get it done. While I was predisposed towards disliking her initially, because of her accent(something that has to do with how I relate to my own extensive number of Southern relatives) she did NOT take long to win me over, because she and I share a LOT in common.

As the Element of Honesty, Applejack has a lot to live up to. Honesty as a virtue, like the rest of the Elements, isn't just about the obvious. It's also about being true to yourself, true to your heart's desires, true to what makes you the person you are. It sounds like a simple virtue to live up to, but it really isn't, because so much of what a person is can be looked down upon or outright hated by others. While the G-Rated nature of the show prevents the show from exploring too deeply into issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, and so on, it did explore this issue of being true to yourself in a general sense nevertheless in how Applejack confronted her decision to leave the farm.

Despite the way Applejack told her story in Cutie Mark Chronicles, making it sound like the decision to leave the farm was a short-sighted silly filly's dream, a snap decision she made and then regretted soon afterwards, I refuse to buy that. There's a lot more to it than what we saw in the episode, and it starts with her family.

When we watch that episode, we don't see Applejack's parents. We don't even see little Apple Bloom. Instead we just see a younger Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. Why? Where are her parents? Apple Bloom is her kid sister...while it's hard to get a real feel for how old Applejack is relative to Apple Bloom, or how old Applejack is during Cutie Mark Chronicles, if my guesstimations are right Apple Bloom should either have just been born, or should be a very little foal. So, one possible interpretation is that her parents are in the hospital with little Apple Bloom having just been born, but...I don't think so, because that would be an extremely bizarre time for Applejack to suddenly decide "Hey I'm gonna go move to Manehatten and live with my Aunt and Uncle now!" even when you factor in teenage lack of logic. While I'm hesitant to speculate too much more beyond pointing out this oddity, especially since we have a few Applejack centered episodes coming up that will probably answer some of these questions, I will say that I believe Applejack's decision to leave the farm had something to do with a falling out between her and her parent, or at least with one parent. The fact that she ends up moving in with her Aunt and Uncle is especially telling, and makes me wonder if there wasn't some internal Apple Family Politics going on behind the scenes, with whichever of the two Oranges is her blood relative getting back at one of Applejack's parents over some slight(either getting back at their sibling, or getting back at their sibling's spouse for the sake of their sibling), and using Applejack to do it, seducing Applejack with dreams of being more than what she was on the farm. After all, given that they're members of the elite in Manehatten, it seems strange to me they'd be willing to take in a little farm filly, even if she's a relative, because Applejack wouldn't be up to their standards.

How long Applejack actually lived in Manehatten is uncertain, but I suspect it was at least several weeks, if not more--enough time for her to train away her old accent and adopt a new one. It didn't take too long for her to start feeling some regret over her decision, though unlike how the episode might have tried to portray it, I don't think her regret was nearly as deep-seated as it might have seemed. On the morning of the Sonic Rainboom, she might have felt deeply homesick, but not necessarily to the point where she would have just up and left right that second, at least not without some sort of prompt. Yet, as with the rest of the Mane Six, her connection to the Elements could not be denied. The magic of the Sonic Rainboom was enough to work on her heart and show her the truth of what she really desired from life, and it was all she needed to decide to go back to Ponyville. How long that took and how many arguments she got into with her Aunt and Uncle over it are questions I don't think we'll ever have a real answer to, but like with the decision to leave I don't think it was as simple as the episode suggests.

The question now becomes: would Applejack have left had it not been for the Sonic Rainboom? Honestly, I don't know. My initial belief when I saw the episode was that Applejack would have left anyway over time without the Sonic Rainboom, that she didn't need that Rainboom to decide to head for home, and that her connection to the Elements of Harmony was far more tenuous than the rest of the Mane Six as a result of that. However, upon a second viewing of the episode, this time paying far closer attention, I'm no longer certain about that. She might very well have stayed and become a Manehattenite for life. What that life would be like, whether she'd still be Applejack at heart in the sense of being the kind and warm person she is, or whether she'd turn into a cold businessmare, like a ponified Ebeneezer Scrooge is all outside the scope of this piece. What's important to note is that the Sonic Rainboom WAS crucial to her decision, because like with the rest of the Mane Six it unlocked something in her heart, her real connection to the Element of Honesty.

When Applejack returned home, we again only see Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, with no sign of her parents or little Apple Bloom. I hope that we eventually get an explanation for this at some point soon, because I really want to know where her parents are and why we haven't seen them. After all, in the first episode we saw Apple Bloom at Sweet Apple Acres when the rest of Applejack's extended family was in town for the Summer Sun Celebration, because Apple Bloom, unlike Sweetie Belle, actually lives with her sister, but even then we didn't see her parents. You would think that they'd have been there if they were around. Does it mean that her parents are dead, and that she's an orphan? Well, no, I don't think so. I think it's far more likely that her parents are somewhere, out there, estranged from their daughters and their son and possibly even each other, and that the future Applejack centered episodes will involve her finally seeking out her parents and making things up with them.

Applejack spent the rest of her foalhood on the farm and most likely runs it nowadays. Her experiences in Manehatten were not wasted on her--I imagine she's quite adept at handling the number-crunching side of running a farm, from the various expenses Sweet Apple Acres incurs, to the selling of her goods, whether at the Farmer's Market in downtown Ponyville to individuals, or in bulk to restaurants around Ponyville. (I imagine Sugar Cube Corner does quite a lot of business with Sweet Apple Acres...I do not envy the Cakes their position in trying to negotiate prices with Applejack, because she's probably one of the hardest people to haggle with in existence.) Most of the time Applejack is on the farm, doing her job...probably why she's seen less often than any other member of the Mane Six, because unlike the rest of them she rarely has free time. Sweet Apple Acres may be primarily an apple orchard, but they grow plenty of other crops, and of course she has to deal with farm animals as well.

Her experiences in Manehatten have left a lasting impression on Applejack, making her view certain things with an eye I don't think she would view them with otherwise. Her position on froo-froo activities for example. She despises that sort of thing, not just because it can get in the way of practicality, but also because it reminds her too much of her life in Manehatten. It may be that a part of her regrets leaving that life, and so she reacts with large amounts of hostility towards any reminders. This extends to lying as well...Applejack is so honest at least in part because she's seen how complicated and how problematic lies can really be, what with how the political situation in a place like Manehatten works, as well as possibly through her own family's actions. In fact, I would go so far as to speculate that this was also the reason she wanted to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, and why she, an otherwise intelligent and sensible mare, would have decided to try and sell "common carnival fare" (to quote Blueblood) to the nobility and other elites in Canterlot when she knows very well they wouldn't have appreciated it, because she was, on a subconscious level, trying to prove to herself and to those fancy-pants elite snobs that she made the right decision, that her life in Ponyville is just fine and dandy. Applejack may have said it was to try to earn money for the Apple Family, but if she was going to do that, there were plenty of other, better ways to go about it, such as mixing and mingling with the crowds to try and find someone such as a high class restaurant owner who might be interested in finding a new source for their food. But she didn't. Instead, she acted like a complete idiot and cost herself a huge and lucrative opportunity, because she was NOT about to start acting like a Manehattenite again.

This ties into her stubbornness. While a lot of it was a part of her personality all along, I don't think she really developed that ridiculous level of stubbornness until after her return from Manehatten, because she didn't want to let herself make another life changing decision so readily. As a result, however, she can come across as close-minded and conservative, which can sometimes cause her to make bad character judgements, especially when it comes to people she doesn't know, such as how she reacted to Zecora, or how her early relationship with Rarity worked. (Or rather, didn't work.) Her competitive spirit is also a part of this. It's no wonder she fought as hard as she did with Rainbow Dash over the Iron Pony title, because she was, again, trying to prove she didn't make the wrong decision. I suspect this desire to prove herself plays a big role in why she's so brave when she fights off monsters--we've seen her try to wrangle fully grown adult DRAGONS, after all.

Her relationship with her siblings is interesting. Even though Big Macintosh is clearly the older sibling of the two, he's not in charge of the farm. She is. Big Mac is content to work the fields without having to worry about actually running the farm, because his little sister can handle it all by herself. Her relationship with Apple Bloom is so strong to the point that at first I thought she was Apple Bloom's MOM, not her sister, because she acts so much like it. Applejack dearly loves both of them and would do anything and everything to protect them, including laying down her life if she had to. Apple Bloom especially has been key to Applejack making better friends with Rarity--you'll note that even after Look Before You Sleep where she and Rarity got to know each other better, that they didn't become close friends until after Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle became two thirds of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, forcing Applejack and Rarity to interact on a level beyond that which they would have chosen to interact on otherwise, because Rarity and Applejack are polar opposites. Without the Elements of Harmony, Applejack and Rarity would never have been friends at all. Even with them, their friendship was strained until other factors brought them closer together.

Applejack may not get as much screentime as the rest of the Mane Six, but she's a well rounded, very interesting character, one whom I dearly hope we get to learn more about as Season Two continues in 2012, because if any of the Mane Six deserves more character development and screentime, it's Applejack.



Rules of this thread

-No spamming post to become biggest fans
-This is a children’s show, and believe it or not there are younger people who go on these forums, please limit content to suggestive only. For example you may post a picture of two ponies kissing, but they cannot be doing anything inappropriate, or showing things inappropriate.
-Do not post a picture of Applejack in the Rainbow Dash forum, because Applejack belongs in the Applejack forum.
-Do not hate on another fan club, for example posting in the Fluttershy forum "Twilight is better!"
-I have the ability to decide whether you are doing something inappropriate or not, if I deem you are doing something unnecessary and I ask you to stop, please stop. Common Sense my little ponies.
-All of MLP Forums rules still apply.

This is the Applejack thread, please only post her. If you have recomendations for another pony club, go to the hub (linked at the top of the screen).

Trophy Case





Edited by Twilight Sparkle ✨
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  • Brohoof 32


Hows it goin' my little ponies?

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The funny thing is, I used to hate Applejack.


After I became her VA for an abridged series, I began to watch her closely so I could learn more about her.


After a while, I realized something.


I do not hate her at all, rather, she is a lot like me (Not just because we are both southern)


We hate saying lies, and we are both hard workers (When we feel like it.)


She may have her weak moments, but I do as well.


So AJ, I love you girl.

  • Brohoof 18


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AJ is so unloved. >: But I really enjoy her design. It's subtle, earthy, and not so girly. I love her hat and her mane and just the way her colours mesh together. Also, apples? A great theme! Apples are my favourite fruit. I love apple juice... apple pie... me and Applejack would get along so well. She's so calm. Her personality is fantastic and I love her accent. I usually hate Southern accents. So major props to the voice actress.

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Like most of the other analyses, this was written during the break between Hearth's Warming Eve and Family Appreciation Day, and was originally written on another forum. It contains a lot of speculation.


For my fifth piece in my continuing series, the subject is Applejack.


Applejack is by far the most down-to-Earth soul amongst the Mane Six, even more so than Fluttershy, because unlike Fluttershy, Applejack doesn't concern herself with being idealistic. She's no-nonsense, a hard worker with a strong belief in function over form and living life simply, making her in many ways the opposite of Rarity. She's dependable too: if Applejack says she'll do something, she'll get it done. While I was predisposed towards disliking her initially, because of her accent(something that has to do with how I relate to my own extensive number of Southern relatives) she did NOT take long to win me over, because she and I share a LOT in common.


As the Element of Honesty, Applejack has a lot to live up to. Honesty as a virtue, like the rest of the Elements, isn't just about the obvious. It's also about being true to yourself, true to your heart's desires, true to what makes you the person you are. It sounds like a simple virtue to live up to, but it really isn't, because so much of what a person is can be looked down upon or outright hated by others. While the G-Rated nature of the show prevents the show from exploring too deeply into issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, and so on, it did explore this issue of being true to yourself in a general sense nevertheless in how Applejack confronted her decision to leave the farm.


Despite the way Applejack told her story in Cutie Mark Chronicles, making it sound like the decision to leave the farm was a short-sighted silly filly's dream, a snap decision she made and then regretted soon afterwards, I refuse to buy that. There's a lot more to it than what we saw in the episode, and it starts with her family.


When we watch that episode, we don't see Applejack's parents. We don't even see little Apple Bloom. Instead we just see a younger Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. Why? Where are her parents? Apple Bloom is her kid sister...while it's hard to get a real feel for how old Applejack is relative to Apple Bloom, or how old Applejack is during Cutie Mark Chronicles, if my guesstimations are right Apple Bloom should either have just been born, or should be a very little foal. So, one possible interpretation is that her parents are in the hospital with little Apple Bloom having just been born, but...I don't think so, because that would be an extremely bizarre time for Applejack to suddenly decide "Hey I'm gonna go move to Manehatten and live with my Aunt and Uncle now!" even when you factor in teenage lack of logic. While I'm hesitant to speculate too much more beyond pointing out this oddity, especially since we have a few Applejack centered episodes coming up that will probably answer some of these questions, I will say that I believe Applejack's decision to leave the farm had something to do with a falling out between her and her parent, or at least with one parent. The fact that she ends up moving in with her Aunt and Uncle is especially telling, and makes me wonder if there wasn't some internal Apple Family Politics going on behind the scenes, with whichever of the two Oranges is her blood relative getting back at one of Applejack's parents over some slight(either getting back at their sibling, or getting back at their sibling's spouse for the sake of their sibling), and using Applejack to do it, seducing Applejack with dreams of being more than what she was on the farm. After all, given that they're members of the elite in Manehatten, it seems strange to me they'd be willing to take in a little farm filly, even if she's a relative, because Applejack wouldn't be up to their standards.


How long Applejack actually lived in Manehatten is uncertain, but I suspect it was at least several weeks, if not more--enough time for her to train away her old accent and adopt a new one. It didn't take too long for her to start feeling some regret over her decision, though unlike how the episode might have tried to portray it, I don't think her regret was nearly as deep-seated as it might have seemed. On the morning of the Sonic Rainboom, she might have felt deeply homesick, but not necessarily to the point where she would have just up and left right that second, at least not without some sort of prompt. Yet, as with the rest of the Mane Six, her connection to the Elements could not be denied. The magic of the Sonic Rainboom was enough to work on her heart and show her the truth of what she really desired from life, and it was all she needed to decide to go back to Ponyville. How long that took and how many arguments she got into with her Aunt and Uncle over it are questions I don't think we'll ever have a real answer to, but like with the decision to leave I don't think it was as simple as the episode suggests.


The question now becomes: would Applejack have left had it not been for the Sonic Rainboom? Honestly, I don't know. My initial belief when I saw the episode was that Applejack would have left anyway over time without the Sonic Rainboom, that she didn't need that Rainboom to decide to head for home, and that her connection to the Elements of Harmony was far more tenuous than the rest of the Mane Six as a result of that. However, upon a second viewing of the episode, this time paying far closer attention, I'm no longer certain about that. She might very well have stayed and become a Manehattenite for life. What that life would be like, whether she'd still be Applejack at heart in the sense of being the kind and warm person she is, or whether she'd turn into a cold businessmare, like a ponified Ebeneezer Scrooge is all outside the scope of this piece. What's important to note is that the Sonic Rainboom WAS crucial to her decision, because like with the rest of the Mane Six it unlocked something in her heart, her real connection to the Element of Honesty.


When Applejack returned home, we again only see Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, with no sign of her parents or little Apple Bloom. I hope that we eventually get an explanation for this at some point soon, because I really want to know where her parents are and why we haven't seen them. After all, in the first episode we saw Apple Bloom at Sweet Apple Acres when the rest of Applejack's extended family was in town for the Summer Sun Celebration, because Apple Bloom, unlike Sweetie Belle, actually lives with her sister, but even then we didn't see her parents. You would think that they'd have been there if they were around. Does it mean that her parents are dead, and that she's an orphan? Well, no, I don't think so. I think it's far more likely that her parents are somewhere, out there, estranged from their daughters and their son and possibly even each other, and that the future Applejack centered episodes will involve her finally seeking out her parents and making things up with them.


Applejack spent the rest of her foalhood on the farm and most likely runs it nowadays. Her experiences in Manehatten were not wasted on her--I imagine she's quite adept at handling the number-crunching side of running a farm, from the various expenses Sweet Apple Acres incurs, to the selling of her goods, whether at the Farmer's Market in downtown Ponyville to individuals, or in bulk to restaurants around Ponyville. (I imagine Sugar Cube Corner does quite a lot of business with Sweet Apple Acres...I do not envy the Cakes their position in trying to negotiate prices with Applejack, because she's probably one of the hardest people to haggle with in existence.) Most of the time Applejack is on the farm, doing her job...probably why she's seen less often than any other member of the Mane Six, because unlike the rest of them she rarely has free time. Sweet Apple Acres may be primarily an apple orchard, but they grow plenty of other crops, and of course she has to deal with farm animals as well.


Her experiences in Manehatten have left a lasting impression on Applejack, making her view certain things with an eye I don't think she would view them with otherwise. Her position on froo-froo activities for example. She despises that sort of thing, not just because it can get in the way of practicality, but also because it reminds her too much of her life in Manehatten. It may be that a part of her regrets leaving that life, and so she reacts with large amounts of hostility towards any reminders. This extends to lying as well...Applejack is so honest at least in part because she's seen how complicated and how problematic lies can really be, what with how the political situation in a place like Manehatten works, as well as possibly through her own family's actions. In fact, I would go so far as to speculate that this was also the reason she wanted to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, and why she, an otherwise intelligent and sensible mare, would have decided to try and sell "common carnival fare" (to quote Blueblood) to the nobility and other elites in Canterlot when she knows very well they wouldn't have appreciated it, because she was, on a subconscious level, trying to prove to herself and to those fancy-pants elite snobs that she made the right decision, that her life in Ponyville is just fine and dandy. Applejack may have said it was to try to earn money for the Apple Family, but if she was going to do that, there were plenty of other, better ways to go about it, such as mixing and mingling with the crowds to try and find someone such as a high class restaurant owner who might be interested in finding a new source for their food. But she didn't. Instead, she acted like a complete idiot and cost herself a huge and lucrative opportunity, because she was NOT about to start acting like a Manehattenite again.


This ties into her stubbornness. While a lot of it was a part of her personality all along, I don't think she really developed that ridiculous level of stubbornness until after her return from Manehatten, because she didn't want to let herself make another life changing decision so readily. As a result, however, she can come across as close-minded and conservative, which can sometimes cause her to make bad character judgements, especially when it comes to people she doesn't know, such as how she reacted to Zecora, or how her early relationship with Rarity worked. (Or rather, didn't work.) Her competitive spirit is also a part of this. It's no wonder she fought as hard as she did with Rainbow Dash over the Iron Pony title, because she was, again, trying to prove she didn't make the wrong decision. I suspect this desire to prove herself plays a big role in why she's so brave when she fights off monsters--we've seen her try to wrangle fully grown adult DRAGONS, after all.


Her relationship with her siblings is interesting. Even though Big Macintosh is clearly the older sibling of the two, he's not in charge of the farm. She is. Big Mac is content to work the fields without having to worry about actually running the farm, because his little sister can handle it all by herself. Her relationship with Apple Bloom is so strong to the point that at first I thought she was Apple Bloom's MOM, not her sister, because she acts so much like it. Applejack dearly loves both of them and would do anything and everything to protect them, including laying down her life if she had to. Apple Bloom especially has been key to Applejack making better friends with Rarity--you'll note that even after Look Before You Sleep where she and Rarity got to know each other better, that they didn't become close friends until after Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle became two thirds of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, forcing Applejack and Rarity to interact on a level beyond that which they would have chosen to interact on otherwise, because Rarity and Applejack are polar opposites. Without the Elements of Harmony, Applejack and Rarity would never have been friends at all. Even with them, their friendship was strained until other factors brought them closer together.


Applejack may not get as much screentime as the rest of the Mane Six, but she's a well rounded, very interesting character, one whom I dearly hope we get to learn more about as Season Two continues in 2012, because if any of the Mane Six deserves more character development and screentime, it's Applejack.

  • Brohoof 5

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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I've done an analysis of all the Mane Six. At some point I intend to analyses of other characters as well, such as Spike, the CMCs, the Princesses...probably Discord too.


And yes, Applejack is a wonderful pony. At some point I'll probably add to that analysis her actions in The Last Roundup, since it's valuable insight into what makes Applejack tick.

  • Brohoof 1

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Like most of the other analyses, this was written during the break between Hearth's Warming Eve and Family Appreciation Day, and was originally written on another forum. It contains a lot of speculation.


You're obviously getting poster of the week in every fanclub thread ;)


Wow this one is much more popular than I origionally expected! Personally, I thought Applejack was the most unapreciated character (I love her, but she's my least favorite out of the mane six. That opinion is shared with pretty much everybrony I know...)

  • Brohoof 1


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finally apple jack im kinda sad that people dont care for her that much to me she is the glue that holds the team together she is a strong willed character but yet caring she is a good sister and a good friend she deserves some love she is an amazing well done character in fact they all are but i believe apple jack will have her time to shine sometime soon.

  • Brohoof 4

Credit goes to the Awesome Vex3d


Twilight Sparkle FTW

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finally apple jack im kinda sad that people dont care for her that much to me she is the glue that holds the team together she is a strong willed character but yet caring she is a good sister and a good friend she deserves some love she is an amazing well done character in fact they all are but i believe apple jack will have her time to shine sometime soon.


It is because she recieves little air time.


I wish they would give AJ more love.

  • Brohoof 3


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i think there building her up for something to make sure her character gets more growth then when we least expect it boom she has her finest moment which out of everyone she hasn't had one but i doubt she wont get it because friendship is magic after all.

  • Brohoof 1

Credit goes to the Awesome Vex3d


Twilight Sparkle FTW

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i think there building her up for something to make sure her character gets more growth then when we least expect it boom she has her finest moment which out of everyone she hasn't had one but i doubt she wont get it because friendship is magic after all.


I doubt it.


They have not given her love for 2 and a half seasons.


What would make them change it?

  • Brohoof 2


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Because believe it or not, AB has recieved more airtime than her sister.


:blink: wow that's kinda sad since apple jack is a main character i guess people dont realize AJ has so much she could do if given the time and effort to wright something for her.
  • Brohoof 1

Credit goes to the Awesome Vex3d


Twilight Sparkle FTW

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:blink: wow that's kinda sad since apple jack is a main character i guess people dont realize AJ has so much she could do if given the time and effort to wright something for her.


Well, enough of AB.


Back to the amazing Applejack!



Makes me proud to be a southerner.

  • Brohoof 4


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That Applejack is a favorite of mine is no secret at all. Her character is just apealing to me in any way there is. She's a hardworking girl that does her part for the family. Her love for her family is endless and she apreciates all her friends in the end, no matter how big the differences.


Applejack is the Element of Honesty and that is one of the major reasons why I actually love her personality. One of the things I value the most about other people is honesty. Applejack, the Element of Honesty, manages to symbolise almost everything that I appreciate in another person. Her personality is just amazing.


The analyzing that was done on her person was a fantastic thing to read, it only gave me even greater respect for this lovely, hardworking earth pony.


Applejack is without any doubt, my favorite pony on the show.

  • Brohoof 3

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The analyzing that was done on her person was a fantastic thing to read, it only gave me even greater respect for this lovely, hardworking earth pony.



Thanks! I'm glad I could help your respect for Applejack.


Speaking Applejack: MOAR FANART!


Posted Image

I keep posting these Gala dress pictures, because they're just too good not to post.

  • Brohoof 10

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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AJ is one of my favorite ponys. The more I watched the show the more I liked her character. She is reliable, honest, down to earth and a very caring sister for Applebloom. I also like her "farm-girl" attitude and her accent is hilarious(and I practise to learn to speak like her which is kinda hard :P ). I like the whole apple-family, and I think AJ has some of the greatest/funniest moments in the show so I don't get why she hasn't such a big fanbase amongst bronies.

Y'a ahmazing AJ! :)

  • Brohoof 1


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Applejack is one of my 1 of my 3 favorites. I think she is a bit underrated, and I kinda said that on a thread I made in Show Discussion. I also like the fact she is a nice and hard worker, yet competitive. But I feel sometimes she is is TOO attached to the farm rather than her friends...

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