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This is on topic because it's about Rarity.


Imagine you were going for a walk, and Rarity asks for something to eat. She has no money or anything. What would you do?


1. Give her food.


2. Give her food and hug her


3. Give her food, hug her, and let her live with you.


4. Give her food, hug her, let her live with you, and fan(boy/girl) a lot.



I would pick the 4th option. 

4th option, definitely :D 


I love her too much to just leave her without anything like that, but it'd be impossible not to fanboy over her :please:


Especially after she sees my room...I up she wouldn't be creeped out by it :please:

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This is on topic because it's about Rarity.


Imagine you were going for a walk, and Rarity asks for something to eat. She has no money or anything. What would you do?


1. Give her food.


2. Give her food and hug her


3. Give her food, hug her, and let her live with you.


4. Give her food, hug her, let her live with you, and fan(boy/girl) a lot.



I would pick the 4th option.


I'd pick the fourth option, sir!


Anyways, G'morning everybody. For my side anyways. :P


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This is on topic because it's about Rarity.


Imagine you were going for a walk, and Rarity asks for something to eat. She has no money or anything. What would you do?


1. Give her food.


2. Give her food and hug her


3. Give her food, hug her, and let her live with you.


4. Give her food, hug her, let her live with you, and fan(boy/girl) a lot.



I would pick the 4th option. 

Isn't it obvious? I'll obviously choose... THE FIRST OPTION.  :lol:


nah jk 4th option is love 4th option is life.

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I know it is very late to ask this, but did anyone else think Rarity did better than Trixie on magic?



I mean I honestly believe that turning a curtain into a fabulous dress is much more impressive than turning one's mane green. 



I really don't like Trixie, not because she is boastful, but because of the way she treats others. She humiliated Applejack (Which is acceptable) hurt Rainbow Dash, and made Rarity look hideous. I'm sorry Trixie fans, but anypony who makes Rarity look hideous, expecially twice, is a pony I do not like. 

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I know it is very late to ask this, but did anyone else think Rarity did better than Trixie on magic?



I mean I honestly believe that turning a curtain into a fabulous dress is much more impressive than turning one's mane green. 



I really don't like Trixie, not because she is boastful, but because of the way she treats others. She humiliated Applejack (Which is acceptable) hurt Rainbow Dash, and made Rarity look hideous. I'm sorry Trixie fans, but anypony who makes Rarity look hideous, expecially twice, is a pony I do not like. 

Trixie is actually my second favorite character in the show, with only Rarity in front of her :please:


This isn't a Trixie thread, so I'll keep my answer to your question short and sweet - in terms of magical prowess, they're likely on equal footing, given Trixie is a magician who relies more on illusions than anything and has displayed nothing special about her magical skill than being able to associate it with her talent - which is the same as Rarity, who's average at magic for a unicorn, being able to cast some magic outside of her talent but uses it mostly for her work in fashion  :D 


Now now, no bashing in here. There's likely a thread where you can go talk all the smack you want - but this is a friendly place.  A sanctuary of fabulosity, if you will :please: We welcome anyone who shows appreciation for Rarity with open arms, and there's more than likely a few Trixie fans in here, not including myself. I know for a fact I don't like it when people hate on Rarity, and I don't want people to come into a place that's more or less about friendliness and Rarity to see us hating on something they like. That alienates people, and this is a friendly place where essentially everyone is welcome :D


So let's keep the heated, non-Rarity related topics to a minimum and focus on the fabulous mare herself, eh? :D




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Trixie is actually my second favorite character in the show, with only Rarity in front of her :please:


This isn't a Trixie thread, so I'll keep my answer to your question short and sweet - in terms of magical prowess, they're likely on equal footing, given Trixie is a magician who relies more on illusions than anything and has displayed nothing special about her magical skill than being able to associate it with her talent - which is the same as Rarity, who's average at magic for a unicorn, being able to cast some magic outside of her talent but uses it mostly for her work in fashion  :D 


Now now, no bashing in here. There's likely a thread where you can go talk all the smack you want - but this is a friendly place.  A sanctuary of fabulosity, if you will :please: We welcome anyone who shows appreciation for Rarity with open arms, and there's more than likely a few Trixie fans in here, not including myself. I know for a fact I don't like it when people hate on Rarity, and I don't want people to come into a place that's more or less about friendliness and Rarity to see us hating on something they like. That alienates people, and this is a friendly place where essentially everyone is welcome :D


So let's keep the heated, non-Rarity related topics to a minimum and focus on the fabulous mare herself, eh? :D






It was Rarity related, though. I was saying I thought Rarity did better than Trixie. 

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Hello Everypony!!
Status update: Unfortunately, I was unable to order a Rarity birthday ice cream cake. :blush: It was $30 and I couldn't afford that, not for a cake anyway...But on the upside, I will get paid again before my family does dinner and cake, so maybe next paycheck!
Also, I had a nice, generous Rarity moment today!!! After work I took a field trip to the party section and met this couple with two girls who are having a Frozen birthday tomorrow! So, I offered my services as Elsa (I'm an Elsa cosplayer) for FREE (I'm off tomorrow)! So, I'm going to go make some kids happy tomorrow (I even got little trinkets to give away), just because! I think Rarity would be proud. :D


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Im just gonna post this again because its gorgeous. And i doubt our newer friends in here have seen it already.







It may not be as sophisticated as other pieces, but for me this piece goes right for the feels, and shouldn't that be something an artwork does?


Rarity is asking a question in it i can only answer in one way.



Rarity combines so many great character traits into one lovely package. Her complexity is stunning, as is her loveliness. For me she is highly desirable, her character is highly desirable.

Someone asked me once what i would do if a women would one day knock on my door, a women exactly like Rarity in her character.


This is a question i can only answer in one way.


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(Honestly I think Trixie is more powerful than Rarity...)





I think that Trixie could learn a lot from Rares! They are both artists. Rarity is a designer of fine art that is to be worn (the fact that clothing is not functional in Equestria makes her more akin to a painter or sculptor than a human world counterpart). Trixie is a performance artist. They both have a need to be recognized for what they do, pride. The difference is that Rarity controls hers successfully, and likely uses it for positive motivation. Trixie has yet to learn how to reign hers in. I feel that this keeps her back from truly capitalizing on her own talent. Also, Rarity has a strong work ethic and dedication that is on par with -- or close to -- that of AJ. If Trixie spent serious time with Rares, maybe some of our Fabulous Pone's aspects would rub off on her. Perhaps Trixie isn't so limited after all and she is being held back by her own personality. Trixie is still pretty high on my list, though a certain flightless filly took her spot as favorite non Mane 6 pony.







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I always wondered how people can hate something lovely as her...



Its almost like they hate passion, complexity, self-expression, emotionality, strength, courage, intelligence, forgiveness, creativity, noblesse, courteousness, selflessness, adorableness, self-assuredness, melodiousness, gloriousness, inspirationality, grace, friendliness, fabulosity, gorgeousness, sensuality, alluringness... divinity.


I can only say one thing to those people that seemingly hate all the good in the world.


Only one response to them is fitting...






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Prolly going start something here by posting this Rarijack Rush



Hey! Luna is like me in that picture! Only that she is more well-behaved in her thoughts!


Did i ever tell you people how precious these two are together?post-25189-0-03103700-1406024191.pngpost-25189-0-36361500-1405868601.png

















Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Im just gonna post this again because its gorgeous. And i doubt our newer friends in here have seen it already.







It may not be as sophisticated as other pieces, but for me this piece goes right for the feels, and shouldn't that be something an artwork does?


Rarity is asking a question in it i can only answer in one way.



Rarity combines so many great character traits into one lovely package. Her complexity is stunning, as is her loveliness. For me she is highly desirable, her character is highly desirable.

Someone asked me once what i would do if a women would one day knock on my door, a women exactly like Rarity in her character.


This is a question i can only answer in one way.


I have often been compared to rarity personality wise when i'm in a good mood and I do also have red glasses lol :P but i'm pretty sure that there are women in the world like that you just have to look for them :)

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Did someone say...Rarijack? :D



I think someone did!



Applejack cannot resist the power of the beatnik Rarity!







Applejack wants some of that marshmellow sweetness!







They find each other so huggable!post-25189-0-81299700-1405956169.png






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So yeah ... THIS HAPPENED!   My oldest daughter -- one of two who converted me -- just made my day.





Note that she was originally not a fan of Rarity. She was a Dash fan. Conversion successful.




And yes that's my real name.

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