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Seems like it is Apples turn now... And again im jelly...


Rarity seems disappoined that she only seems to have interest in her lovely, silken tail for now... But im sure her focus will soon shift...

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I'm feeling so christmas now img-3283741-3-tqt4juD.png


One thing I love about christmas are the beautiful carols that are played everywhere. They just remind me of previous years and those are good memories!



Raritu singing lovely carols with her wonderful voice! ?




I don't know where her butt diamonds are but that isn't the focus on this picture. Or is it ?post-28950-0-46282100-1413056515.png 

I love her voice and every voice in the show the voice actors really done great job! <3

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Rarity shows you can be beautiful both inside and out. A lot of people may hate her because of almost every other character who loves fashion or that she is girly which teaches girls they should be feminine. 


Let's focus on the latter. Rarity doesn't teach girls they should be feminine. She teaches them that being feminine doesn't mean being weak. She also taught me to embrace my feminine side. Before I watched MLP, I tried to be as manly as I can without playing sports. In reality, I'm an effeminate guy. Girls can be masculine, feminine, neither, or both, so men should too.  I lhave androgyny features. Maybe that's why I don't get shunned for showing my emotions or being very feminine. 


Required Rarity picture: (This one made no sense whatsoever.)





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Rarity is excellent at conveying emotions of not only herself, but the audience as well. Focus your gaze here as she conveys the feeling when there's a huge Steam sale but you're flat broke:




She looks pretty though :wub: LOOK AT HER CRINKLY NOSE :o

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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I agree, Rarity. I don't know what we're talking about, but yes.





I'm going to start saying that in normal conversation in an altered way:


> Jeric walks into room with conversation in mid stream


"I don't know what we're talking about, but I agree .... yes .... Rarity."


Don't mind me ... Soooo tired


Love the activity here today! I'm busy planning .... things so excuse the low post count .... but I love you guys :D

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Rarity, in an act of true generosity, has decided to share some of her pretties with Twilight :o




She usually has all the pretties ALL OF THEM but her generous nature allowed her to spare a few for her friend :wub: She is so generous and such best pony :D



Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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Oh goddamnit rarity don't take that I swear to god m'lady I'm trying to get you home safe and sound and your friends are worried to. No m'lady don't touch that chaos emerald please for the love of Christ m lady DONT TOUCH THAT FCKING CHAOS EMEALD!!!!!

Thank you m'lady.

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Oh goddamnit rarity don't take that I swear to god m'lady I'm trying to get you home safe and sound and your friends are worried to. No m'lady don't touch that chaos emerald please for the love of Christ m lady DONT TOUCH THAT FCKING CHAOS EMEALD!!!!!

Thank you m'lady.


I think I posted this before, but if I did, it's probably buried now.




"Now Rarity, you know I need that to get home. I KNOW It's pretty, but I need... No, you cannot put that on a dress!"

What's a chaos emerald and why don't we want Rarity to have it? :confused:


I think it looks pretty and would go great with one of her ensembles :wub:

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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Wow ghost face she looks gorgeous with twilight they really do go together and raritys generosity has spared a few of beautifulness for twilight :)

Well a chaos emerald is a very powerful a dangerous gem, it gives you a super version of yourself and remember what happened last time rarity had a lot of power for herself..... Yeah..... Nevermind

Edited by NeutralNoob
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What's a chaos emerald and why don't we want Rarity to have it? :confused:

1. A gem of potentially unlimited power(Insert Emperor Sidious Meme Here) that can help me get back home (Ask any Sonic Fan they'll know.)

2. Chaos Emerald + Potentially unlimited power = Must not let Discord know.

3. I've already promised Rarity that she can design whatever she'd like after I get back home and come back.

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