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Rarity is the type of character who would seem shallow and snobbish, but if you pay attention to her, you'll notice that she's the opposite. (A lot of bronies may refuse to pay attention because they think she's shallow. They would even try to find any proof she's shallow. It's typical for people to hate being wrong. I've noticed that a lot of the fans who analyze the show and the characters would put Rarity at a higher taking than fans who just watch the show without any depth. It's funny. A lot of bronies claim that they don't relate to Rarity when many would if they put her character at a general level: an artist. She is an artist, and I can relate to her. A lot of bronies think they have to be feminine and love fashion to relate to her, but one can relate to her if they are an artist, an entrepreneur, have a little sister, or have been taken advantage of for being generous. I relate to her in all those ways minus the entrepreneur.


My reasons for liking Rarity are mostly because I seem to connect most with her, she's realistic, and she's good even though her type of character is generally the antagonist. When she is the antagonist, she's not even the one who is obsessed with beauty and will make fun of everyone's outfits. She does care about her looks, but it isn't in the evil way. She also wants to make other ponies beautiful.


I am not trying to make you change your favorite pony to Rarity. Pinkie Pie is a great pony, too. I'm just sort of answering your question. I'm just not giving my long list of reasons because I'm on a mobile device.

I can definitely see that she's not shallow or snobbish ;) She was actually my third favorite pony for some time during Season 4 :D Until Simple Ways :sunny:

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I can definitely see that she's not shallow or snobbish ;) She was actually my third favorite pony for some time during Season 4 :D Until Simple Ways :sunny:

Until Simple Ways? A little episode isn't a reason to not like a pony. Maybe Applejack should have understood that this is the moment Rarity has been waiting for for a really long time. But I think Rarity fans know that she went just a tad overboard, we just don't like to admit it. :proud:


But then again, I'm pretty sure Rarity wouldn't have gotten in the way of AJ's crush, now would she? :comeatus:

Edited by QueenRarity
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Hello Rarity fans :D So I'm curious, why's Rarity so awesome? ^_^

Rarity is a character that is beautiful in every way, may it be physically or from a character standpoint.


Rarity cares a lot about her physical appearance and wants to be in the spotlight, but at the same time she also wants the same to be true for every other pony. She creates things of pure beauty with her limitless imagination and creativity, and instead of hoarding what she herself desires, she shares it. She makes other ponies feel special and fabulous, even though she could focus the fruits of her art on only herself, she choses not to, because making others shine in the spotlight is something she loves.

She does want her place at the limelight too, but she wants to share it with everyone. Share it with her friends... With the whole world. Make the whole world more gorgeous.


Its that limitless passion and drive to make others happy, let them shine, that lets her work beyond her physical boundaries. She shares a lot with Pinkie actually, as both make other ponies happy, just in different ways... Pinkie and Rarity have more in common than one can see at first.

And like Pinkie would never throw a inferiour or half hearted party, Rarity would never deliver a hastly sewn together dress made from shoddy material. Its a matter of pride on the one hand, for she is very proud of her handiwork, rightfully so, but also a matter of wanting the best for others. She works herself to be bones... Sheds blood, sweat and tears.


Thats a sign of her generosity. She wants the very best for others... Make them feel like a prince or princess even though it might cause herself discomfort or harm, and it actually did very often in the past, like in Suited for Success for example, or Green isnt your Colours.

Yet Rarity does not hold grudges, even though she had reason to on occasion. She could have been angry at the mane6 in Suited for Success, yet she blamed herself. She was able to forgive Blueblood for his uncouth behavior and even baptised his airship. She was forgiving of Sweetie Belle when she printed her diary in the newspaper, and was the only one to explain to them what they actually did wrong, instead of shunning them.

She is just an incredibly forgiving and sweet pony.


Yet, even thought she is caring and lovely, she is also brave and strong. She, who is a delicate and somewhat sheltered fashion designer, was the first one in line to kick a full grown manticore in the face. She roundhouse kicked Applejack, one of the physically strongest of the mane6 into submission when she was discorded. She kicked flank against the changeling hordes like all of the ponies, not scared to chip her hooves in the slighest.


If something needs to be done, she is not scared to get her hooves dirty, and that weights even more than for example Rainbow or Apples, because Rarity has a really crippling fear of dirt. If some evildoer need a good thrashing, she will not hestitate.

But her physical capabilities are not all weapons she commands over, she is also incredibly cunning and smart. She easily saw the biggest weakness of the diamond dogs and exploited it, and when the rest of the mane6 tore through the ranks of the mutts with force, she already had them feeding out of her hoof the whole time.

She was generous at first to actually search gems for them, but when they made clear that they were to treat her like a slave and not let her go again, she used her wit. And that quite successful! much more than she could have accomplished with punches!


Her intelligence can also be seen in how successful her business is, for she had to build up all she accomplished by now all alone. She did not have help of the rest of her familiy like Applejack, or did not grow up in a advantageous environment in Canterlot like Twilight.

Yet she managed to become one of the most famous designers in all of Equestria despite her youth and inexperience. She just knows how to handle ponies and business!


But even though she had no help from her familiy when building her fashion empire, she dearly loves her parents and her little sister, as difficult as they may be sometimes.

She has nothing but sisterly love for Sweetie Belle, and had so already in the past, like Sweete Belle Toils showed. She threw herself in the mud for her, and even though their relationship is sometimes a bumpy road, they will always travel it together, and will catch each other if one stumbles.

Rarity is very forgiving and generous when it comes to her little Belle, quick to forgive her misdeeds, and its the same the other way around.


Even though she has many virtues, Rarity also has her flaws. And these flaws make her the realistic and rounded character she is, for without flaws a character would be boring.

Some people might see her as selfish, but i disagree strongly. Rarity is not selfish or greedy, but she can be rather self centered, which is not the same at all. She sometimes forgets that the things she enjoys and loves are not automatically the things others might enjoy, and even though she has the best intentions, some might not like the spa as much as she does.

She can also come across as uncaring to some, but she is a very caring pony and shows that she is though her sacrifices and her gifts. Its just that sometimes she flat out fails to notice certain things, like for example that she sometimes fails to notice Spikes struggle to impress her, even though she cares for him greatly, and showed that she does a lot.

That does not happen out of malice, but sometimes she just does not notice because she is busy with other things, is in an creative surge for example. When Rarity is focused like that, i imagine it like a trance, the one thing she has her mind focused on is overwhelming at the moment, and all other things have a hard time of keeping up it.

She is just an artist, and like many of them she has her eccentricities.


All in all, her virtues are much more prelevant than her flaws. She is a sweet and generous, beautiful and caring pony. Full of passion for her art, her friends. Passion for love and life.

She is a great rolemodel, and a pony that everyone would be happy to have as a friend. She is complex and realistic. Flawless in her flawedness. A pony that sometimes errs, but will always go to great lengths to make up for it.

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Rarity is a character that is beautiful in every way, may it be physically or from a character standpoint.


Rarity cares a lot about her physical appearance and wants to be in the spotlight, but at the same time she also wants the same to be true for every other pony. She creates things of pure beauty with her limitless imagination and creativity, and instead of hoarding what she herself desires, she shares it. She makes other ponies feel special and fabulous, even though she could focus the fruits of her art on only herself, she choses not to, because making others shine in the spotlight is something she loves.

She does want her place at the limelight too, but she wants to share it with everyone. Share it with her friends... With the whole world. Make the whole world more gorgeous.


Its that limitless passion and drive to make others happy, let them shine, that lets her work beyond her physical boundaries. She shares a lot with Pinkie actually, as both make other ponies happy, just in different ways... Pinkie and Rarity have more in common than one can see at first.

And like Pinkie would never throw a inferiour or half hearted party, Rarity would never deliver a hastly sewn together dress made from shoddy material. Its a matter of pride on the one hand, for she is very proud of her handiwork, rightfully so, but also a matter of wanting the best for others. She works herself to be bones... Sheds blood, sweat and tears.


Thats a sign of her generosity. She wants the very best for others... Make them feel like a prince or princess even though it might cause herself discomfort or harm, and it actually did very often in the past, like in Suited for Success for example, or Green isnt your Colours.

Yet Rarity does not hold grudges, even though she had reason to on occasion. She could have been angry at the mane6 in Suited for Success, yet she blamed herself. She was able to forgive Blueblood for his uncouth behavior and even baptised his airship. She was forgiving of Sweetie Belle when she printed her diary in the newspaper, and was the only one to explain to them what they actually did wrong, instead of shunning them.

She is just an incredibly forgiving and sweet pony.


Yet, even thought she is caring and lovely, she is also brave and strong. She, who is a delicate and somewhat sheltered fashion designer, was the first one in line to kick a full grown manticore in the face. She roundhouse kicked Applejack, one of the physically strongest of the mane6 into submission when she was discorded. She kicked flank against the changeling hordes like all of the ponies, not scared to chip her hooves in the slighest.


If something needs to be done, she is not scared to get her hooves dirty, and that weights even more than for example Rainbow or Apples, because Rarity has a really crippling fear of dirt. If some evildoer need a good thrashing, she will not hestitate.

But her physical capabilities are not all weapons she commands over, she is also incredibly cunning and smart. She easily saw the biggest weakness of the diamond dogs and exploited it, and when the rest of the mane6 tore through the ranks of the mutts with force, she already had them feeding out of her hoof the whole time.

She was generous at first to actually search gems for them, but when they made clear that they were to treat her like a slave and not let her go again, she used her wit. And that quite successful! much more than she could have accomplished with punches!


Her intelligence can also be seen in how successful her business is, for she had to build up all she accomplished by now all alone. She did not have help of the rest of her familiy like Applejack, or did not grow up in a advantageous environment in Canterlot like Twilight.

Yet she managed to become one of the most famous designers in all of Equestria despite her youth and inexperience. She just knows how to handle ponies and business!


But even though she had no help from her familiy when building her fashion empire, she dearly loves her parents and her little sister, as difficult as they may be sometimes.

She has nothing but sisterly love for Sweetie Belle, and had so already in the past, like Sweete Belle Toils showed. She threw herself in the mud for her, and even though their relationship is sometimes a bumpy road, they will always travel it together, and will catch each other if one stumbles.

Rarity is very forgiving and generous when it comes to her little Belle, quick to forgive her misdeeds, and its the same the other way around.


Even though she has many virtues, Rarity also has her flaws. And these flaws make her the realistic and rounded character she is, for without flaws a character would be boring.

Some people might see her as selfish, but i disagree strongly. Rarity is not selfish or greedy, but she can be rather self centered, which is not the same at all. She sometimes forgets that the things she enjoys and loves are not automatically the things others might enjoy, and even though she has the best intentions, some might not like the spa as much as she does.

She can also come across as uncaring to some, but she is a very caring pony and shows that she is though her sacrifices and her gifts. Its just that sometimes she flat out fails to notice certain things, like for example that she sometimes fails to notice Spikes struggle to impress her, even though she cares for him greatly, and showed that she does a lot.

That does not happen out of malice, but sometimes she just does not notice because she is busy with other things, is in an creative surge for example. When Rarity is focused like that, i imagine it like a trance, the one thing she has her mind focused on is overwhelming at the moment, and all other things have a hard time of keeping up it.

She is just an artist, and like many of them she has her eccentricities.


All in all, her virtues are much more prelevant than her flaws. She is a sweet and generous, beautiful and caring pony. Full of passion for her art, her friends. Passion for love and life.

She is a great rolemodel, and a pony that everyone would be happy to have as a friend. She is complex and realistic. Flawless in her flawedness. A pony that sometimes errs, but will always go to great lengths to make up for it.

Wow :o It's quite impressive to see all you have to say about most fabulous pone :D I'm honestly impressed :comeatus:


I can definitely see your loyalty to her and I'm sure the Queen of Fabulosity would love to see this :D

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Rarity is a character that is beautiful in every way, may it be physically or from a character standpoint.




All in all, her virtues are much more prelevant than her flaws. She is a sweet and generous, beautiful and caring pony. Full of passion for her art, her friends. Passion for love and life.

She is a great rolemodel, and a pony that everyone would be happy to have as a friend. She is complex and realistic. Flawless in her flawedness. A pony that sometimes errs, but will always go to great lengths to make up for it.

Beautifully said, Obsidian.


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I had a dream where EG Rarity was talking to the others about not wanting to go to Japan because their clothes have a habit of exploding into pieces.

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Would you follow rarity into anything?

As long as she wasn't demented.


I had a dream where EG Rarity was talking to the others about not wanting to go to Japan because their clothes have a habit of exploding into pieces.

That sounds like an interesting dream.

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Rarity beauty pony cute happy




Rarity posing pretty, beautiful pose for you.

You can almost hear the sound of harps playing in the backround

Very excellent about it! The harp that she hear was in the background, I hear that too.  ;)

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Ooooooh! Thats a great site! Didnt even know something like this existed!


I made my own one...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png




And now to something completely different!


As strange as it may sound, but even Rarity, whose creativity knows no bounds, sometimes has an artists block.






Luckily for the world and all the ponies in it, such a phase never lasts long, for Raritys brilliant mind will soon find another inspiration to fuel her passionate and generous work.

Seriously, can you imagine how dreary Ponyville would look without her? I am convinced that the biggest reason that little town looks so lovely and appealing is because of her decoration work, It makes sense, seeing how much she tends to bring herself in when it comes to different festivities, like Winter Wrap Up, or when she beautified the townhall in the very first episode.

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Rarity is apparently the best pony of the Mane 6 because of her beauty, passion for fashion, and her fan club has more posts than Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie clubs combined.

Her fan club is has so many posts BECAUSE she's so awesome! :D  And because those who do love her, love her so much. We are not many (actually, there seems a lot more of us around these days) but we are passionate. (except not in the literal sense... except when it is... which is okay too, I guess. :please: )


Distract, distract, distract from the above sentence with a picture!


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Good morning everypony.

As strange as it may sound, but even Rarity, whose creativity knows no bounds, sometimes has an artists block.



Rarity might not agree with me, but I really like her mane :rarity:

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Rarity might not agree with me, but I really like her mane :rarity:

Her mane is just so lovely and pretty! :pout:


Hmmm... :confused:  Correct me if i am wrong, but as far as i know she is the only pony with a gradient in her mane. And she even has it when her hair is wet, or when she is all natural, like in Simple ways. That just shows how unique her magnificent head of hair is, just like Rarity herself... Special in every way... Alluring and luxurious...post-25189-0-56804100-1423576315.png


Her mane is just the most gorgeous aurora borealis of enchanting lavender hues! Oh those silken, perfect curls of the deepest, richest and most precious purple! I want to gently run my fingers thorugh her velvet mane. Pet her sweet, little head, cover it in kisses...


Oh Rarity... So perfect in so many different ways...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png


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I woke up sad because I missed Season 5, but at least Rarity cheered me up. :D Or more specifically, pictures of her. Does anyone know when season 5 episode 1 will be uploaded online? 

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At first, kinda dislike Rarity (hey, I'm not a fashionista or the type of person who likes a character like Rarity (heck, i love other ponies before rarity) however, she kinda grew into me in a magical way and now I'm just like ,"RARITY, BEST PONY"

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At first, kinda dislike Rarity (hey, I'm not a fashionista or the type of person who likes a character like Rarity (heck, i love other ponies before rarity) however, she kinda grew into me in a magical way and now I'm just like ,"RARITY, BEST PONY"

Congratulations on discovering that Rarity is the best pony! :D 

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Good morning everyone.  SEaon five is here but for some reason i don't feel that hyped idk maybe i'm just mehand i'll get hyper while watcing it

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