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Well I am currently single but last Valentine's Day I was not. So this year is definitely going to be a bad one.

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

Go to school, go to musical rehearsals, go to dance class, avoid ex at all costs, eat any/all candy, cookies, brownies etc offered to me, try not to punch couples in the face, try not to get too pissed at "OMG it's VALENTINE'S DAY" statuses, try not to cry too hard at night (lots of fun, yes?)

What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? (Or want to do)

Haha romantic...? I have never done anything too romantic. Not really the romantic type. If I were more comfortable being in a relationship with someone, maybe I'd do something. But since almost all the guys in my life fit wonderfully into the friendzone I would find pretty much anything romantic to be creepy and/or just plain weird.

What is your dream date?

Something insanely casual. Just being able to hold hands with someone, walk on a trail or around town, and TALK. A nonstop conversation ranging from deeply intellectual/philosophical to plain goofy and hilarious. Call me crazy but like I said...I'm not the romantic type.

What is your significant other like? OR What is your dream girl/guy like?

Ah...the ever-elusive dream guy...I don't know. What we all want I guess...attractive, smart, funny... I want someone who accepts me for who I am and what I like to do (including MLP--he doesn't have to be a brony though). Someone who I can talk to and who will listen and want to talk to me. And someone who is honest. For Christ's sake where did all the honest people go?


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Valentine's Day is a week away! If I'm still in one piece by then...I hope everypony's week goes great. :wub: If you don't have a Valentine then will be your Valentine!

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Next week, I will actually ask someone special out on a date.


I had problems with personal stuff in the past. Every time I had problems, she'd instantly come right to me and asked me what was wrong. She gave me the advice I needed and was essentially the reason I started writing stories. She told me to put my feelings down on paper, and then burn the bad feelings and keep the good ones. This soon escalated to me writing stories about everyday life, in another persona. The persona I was looking for to actually get me out of that mess. It really help me get through that mess, and made me an overall more cheerful person (although I'm not that cheerful every day; not like Pinkie or something).


Lately, the same person told to me that she couldn't find anyone to love. Each time she was in love, she found out some dark things about them and didn't really want to fall in love with them. She came to me asking what she should do, and I helped her with that. I told her she should look further then the horizon, and closer to home. This of course meaning she should look for somebody she already knew and were good friends with. At that time, I didn't try to hint her that I was in love with her, and she didn't think that. But lately, her situation has come to a point where she's completely lost in her journey to find the one she loves.


She came to see me in the middle of the night saying that she'd give it up. I told her not to, and re-insured her that she would sometime find her special some-pony. She looked at me, and I think she realized then that she was looking for the wrong people. She was looking at the outside, and not at the inside. That's why she ended up being heartbroken so often. I didn't fall in love with her in the mean time or something, but I think she was in love with me. She then put a letter in my locker saying that she remembered all the help we gave each other and that she would like us to be together.


I was actually mildly depressed by this, because I had relationships with friends before, and that didn't turn out too well. It got to a point where I broke up with somebody in both the relationship and friendship, and I am still very sad about that. While I try to fix the friendship, that doesn't always work out, and every time we're alone, we feel awkward. It just isn't like old times.


I had some time to think about it, but earlier this week I decided I should go for it, seeing we truly like each other and want to be together. After the letter she send me, I fell in love with her after all. I surely hope we will be doing some nice things on Valentine's Day, and I'm planning to ask her is she would be my girlfriend, if I don't chicken out. But I already am certain I will ask her out on a date. Based on that, I answered your questions (or at least tried to answer them).


  • What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
    I plan on going out with my best friend, and find how the relationship between her and me is in a romantic way.
  • What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? (Or want to do)
    I want to present her a book with all memories we had together already. We solved a lot of each other's problems, and I would like to have that written out in a story, and then present it to her.
  • What is your dream date?
    My dream date would be a wonderful fun day doing anything we want, and then closing it with a trip to the beach, to both swim and watch the sun go down together.
  • What is your significant other like? OR What is your dream girl/guy like?
    My 'significant other' is my best friend. She's a writer, she draws and she plays the violin. Like I said, we helped each other out in the past, and I would like us to keep doing just that. Ow! Almost forgot the most important part; she made me watch My Little Pony, and essentially turned me into a brony.
Edited by Sard Shift
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- What are your plans for Valentine's Day?


The same thing I do every Valentine's Day, MissDerpy.

Crawl into bed, snuggle one of my plushies, and cry for three hours straight.




Pinkie & The Brain reference aside, I dunno, maybe I'll order a pizza or something.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 2

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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Ok, plans improved.

So we'll buy a lot of unhealthy food, build up a blanket&pillow fort, eat all that unhealthy food in our fort while watching whole StarWars and then we'll get sick and most likely fall asleep.


Note: I got a "Will you be my special somepony, pretty please?" message followed with a message: "Because I'm counting on you with a fort!"... You can't not love her.

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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After the letter she send me, I fell in love with her after all.


This is just so cute. :') *sniff* I love stories like this. I know it can be hard to date a friend when you're afraid to lose them, but the best friendships can turn into the best relationships. 

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- I wrote my crush a love poem. Squee, can't wait till Thursday!


- Up ther. ^


- I already, sort of, maybe had my dream date. We had a school movie night, and my crush slowly scooted over to me. The only thing that would have made it better is if we were going out.


- He's super funny and smart, calm and crazy, and perfect! He wears a blue Tobuscus hoodie everyday, and plays tons of awesome video games, like Assasian's Creed and Minecraft.


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- I wrote my crush a love poem. Squee, can't wait till Thursday!


- Up ther. ^


- I already, sort of, maybe had my dream date. We had a school movie night, and my crush slowly scooted over to me. The only thing that would have made it better is if we were going out.


- He's super funny and smart, calm and crazy, and perfect! He wears a blue Tobuscus hoodie everyday, and plays tons of awesome video games, like Assasian's Creed and Minecraft.

I used to be really good at writing poems until I went to write one for last valentine's day...and I almost didn't give it to him. XD 

I wish I was still good at poetry. 


And I for one LOVE guys that play video games, the awesome ones, not CoD or Battlefield or that kind. 

  • Brohoof 1

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This is just so cute. :') *sniff* I love stories like this. I know it can be hard to date a friend when you're afraid to lose them, but the best friendships can turn into the best relationships. 


This is exactly why I will ask her out on the 14th. After school, we'll ge do some nice things, and hopefully, again, we'll be a great couple! 

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The four things I will answer will be no one's but my concern.


- I have no plans for Valentines day whatsoever.

In fact, I could say screw that holiday for now since I am forced to be single till im about 20.


- I havent done any romantic thing to anyone on this day, ever.


- I used to have someone who I wanted as a dream date, but I got a friend to snap me out of it.


- All in all, I have no dream girl.


It feels pointless to ask these questions, but since im bored I went ahead and did them anyways.

And since I have nothing, here will probably be my daily scedule for Valentines day:


1) Get up/get dressed

2) Bring breakfast to my room

3) Check for any school

4a) If not, then head straight to video games

4b) If so, then finish school and head straight to video games

5) finish breakfast, mabye eat lunch

6) continue with video games

7) wait for my mom and dad to come home

8) more video games

9) dinner

10) video games till an hour before midnight.


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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I don't have a date, and I have school in the afternoon so I'll be spending my Valentines Day there. :P However, I have plans to go see the movie Safe Haven by myself. So it's like I'm going out with myself. xD /foreveralone


Most romantic thing I've done is taking my then-boyfriend to Disneyland...on Valentines Day. :3


My dream date consists of going to the park at night. If any of us gets scared, we'd hold each other. My dream guy...well, if he has an outstanding personality, glasses and spiky hair, I'll take him. :D 

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WhiIe I do have a special somepony, I'm going to pass on the questions.  Nobody really wants to read boring details about my personal life anyway.  But even if I didn't have her in my life, being alone on Valentine's Day wouldn't bother me.  The worst thing about Valentine's is that it basically tells people if you don’t have an significant other, there’s something wrong with you.  That has always irked me whether I was alone or not on Feb. 14.  And it’s not just VD. Family, peers, almost everything we see on TV, hell, the WORLD tells us that if we’re not in a serious relationship, we’re deficient in some way. 


But guess what?  If you're by yourself on Valentine's you can relax, because you are NOT inadequate. :)  If you’re truly content being single and free, that is a tremendous blessing.  And even if you’re not happy being single, you can learn to be happy about it.  If someone can’t be happy by themselves, they’ll never be happy with someone else.  The world is littered with broken hearts, but that is just the beginning.  There are plenty of things worse than being single.  Being married to the wrong person is one of them.  We have too many broken families and marriages.  Not to mention unplanned pregnancies.  A lot of people are meant to be single.  We all know of somebody among our family and friends who has been married and divorced more than three times. What does that tell you?  But because of the pressure and being constantly told that love is the only key to true happiness, too many people force themselves into bad relationships and all the consequences they can lead to.  A lot of misery, and maybe even global overpopulation, could be abated if the world were to acknowledge the joyfully single life for the good thing it really is.  Valentine’s Day is in dire need of updating. Platonic love is real love too and it is just as much worth celebrating as romance. 

Edited by Wingnut
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Hey everypony! Today's Monday and that means it's Valentine's Day Week! Better get those plans down now  ;)



Yeah, me neither, I'm kind of ready for Valentine's Day to be over.

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In the spirit of (almost) Valentine's Day here is a post dedicated to all things romance (or lack of it)! :3 I guess I'll ask some questions for people to answer to get the discussion going...


<3 <3 <3


- What are your plans for Valentine's Day?


- What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? (Or want to do)


- What is your dream date?


- What is your significant other like? OR What is your dream girl/guy like?




- What are your plans for Valentine's Day?


Well I'm planning on to have a chat/skype with my internet lover.... yeah we haven't met in real life... but it's better than nothing..... and no it's not a chat bot...



- What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? (Or want to do)


Well... the last romantic thing I did was send a customized jeans to her via mail order...I took a premade jeans and started to sew what her pony self's cutie mark on the hip sides.... yeah...



- What is your dream date?


My on dream date is to actually meet her in person..... *sighs*....I can only hope TT .TT



- What is your significant other like? OR What is your dream girl/guy like?


she's great.... she's beautiful, creative, she's a brony and a gamer...yeah that...^^

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-My plans involve sitting around alone, drinking.


-I once wrote a song for a girl, but we broke up before I got to play it.


-A duet. I would love to be able to perform with my lover.


-Alas, I'm a lonely soul.

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- What are your plans for Valentine's Day?   - What's the most romantic thing you've ever done? (Or want to do)   - What is your dream date?   - What is your significant other like? OR What is your dream girl/guy like?


- Just an ordinary day, I guess


- Creepily stare at people? I don't know.  :blink:


- Being taken to a fancy place, but I have no plans for dating just yet  -_-


- Likes video games, isn't overly obsessive, will tolerate the stuff I'm into (Like MLP), tolerates me in general  :P  list could go on, but I'll keep it short

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Valentine's (Hearts and Hooves) Day is TOMORROW! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M DOING STILL. Hopefully a lot of candy will be involved (a giant stuffed animal perhaps?)


Have fun, be safe. 



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Let's hope my Valentine's Day goes well. I wrote a really cheesy (but sweet) Valentine's message to go along with a candy gram for my crush. Apparently a friend of mine chatted with her and my crush said (voluntarily) that I was a really nice guy after seeing a picture of me at the school's bulletin. Considering she's shy, it made me blush so hard at home that my parents were looking at me weird xD

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- I have no plans today. I've got class so that will be all I'm doing. I might go to the mall.

- The most romantic thing I've done was bought my ex a surprise coffee when she was stressed out about school and hadn't slept, oh and a donut. Yeah, not really the romantic type.

- My dream date would be walking at night through the downtown park with all its lights on while both of us have hot chocolates.

- Well, my ex was tall, skinny and blonde (Yeah, it was awsome). She also watched the show which was a bonus; she liked rainbow dash.

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I don't do much for Valentine's day, I'll occasionally buy some candy and give it to my friends, along with the MLP valentine cards I found, see, I stick to the Elementary stuff. I wanted to talk to Jokuc a bit more today, sadly enough, I had tutorials after school today, leaving me with no time to talk to him :L




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  • 11 months later...

My plans:  post-16621-0-11205300-1390540584.jpg


Most romantic thing I did, was for my wife. I got to make her a very wonderful dinner, did some dancing and did some other things too..... 


Dream date: To sit on the grass out side at night and look at the stars and chat with Spitfire... 


Spitfire or Princess Celestia.. blah.

Edited by ~Spitfire~


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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