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Fluttershy Fan Club


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946894__safe_solo_fluttershy_humanized_c947548__safe_solo_fluttershy_cute_lookin947547__safe_solo_fluttershy_smiling_fly947309__safe_solo_fluttershy_smiling_art947452__safe_solo_fluttershy_monochrome_Gosh this one is soo cute! /)^3^(\ 


Guys we have to post more in this fan club, if at least 40 of us would post something everyday we could close the distance gap in posts with the Rarity fan club, which is the first one in terms of posts made, in no time, we all know that the Yellow shy pony is the best one, let's show it!!

Edited by HeartFeltPuma23
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This video game me a good chuckle.


I saw that video not too long a Good! It's so awesome XD Fluttershy is damn adorable, I love story of how she got her cutie mark! She reminds me of an exaggerated version of my former, shy self.
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More pics cause I don't post here often enough:

So cute! 


Guess she overcame her fear of dragons or is willing to put it aside to help one out, either way still great for Fluttershy!


Best Princess!

fluttercorn_by_dilarus-d933cq9.pngLove these two's friendship! 


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Yeah, I call him the "cutsie wootsie author" because of the cutsie wootsie poneh  :wub:





I did see that picture from EQD's drawfriend stuff and it's cute and adorable. It reminds me a lot like EG movie when fluttershy hands out the flyers for animal shelter.

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I would hug her so badly till I heard that *squee* noise when she smiled. (: So effin adorableeeee! ;D img-106149-2-fluttershy__s_happiness_by_

I know right! She's undoubtably the sweetest cutest pony ever! X3 

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