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I'm writing an article about Bronies VS. Haters...

Minath Khalsi

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I'm writing an article in my school newspaper about why Bronies love MLP and Haters hate on bronies and the show. I was wondering iff the community could help in giving me reasons to put into the paper. The reasons I have already about why bronies love the show...

1. Good animation

2. Good character development

3.  Good plotlines

4. Good message


Reasons I've found that haters say they hate the show....

1. Childish

2. No plot

3. too perdictable

4. terrible animation


Can anypony help me figure out more reasons? Thank you!


NOTE: these are opinions, I will not declare them as true or false!

Edited by Minath Watcher
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I think you're also forgetting that this is the internet and even though I personally don't believe that people are mean when they are anonymous there are a lot of people out there on the internet that kind of disprove my whole theory. It's called the internet hate machine for a reason.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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I'm not exactly sure what you could ADD, but, in cases like these, it's better to have a stronger and more powerful argument rather than having more than the other guy. 

1. Childish

I can almost guarantee that any one of us can spot adult references in the show like *that*.  One very powerful example is the Big Lebowski ponies at the bowling alley.  Childish to outsiders who don't know the whole story (and, unfortunately, is the reason many don't want to watch it.)  Also, if any of them watched Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends or The Powerpuff Girls, then dropping in the fact that Lauren Faust directed the first two seasons would probably shed some light on the overall quality.  You could even throw in that Walt Disney quote in there too.

2.  No Plot

To be frank, most cartoons don't have a plot that extends throughout the show.  A lot of 'adult' shows feature the exact same thing there.  No complaints with those shows.  Besides, the pilots and finales have very intricate and dark plots for a show that is directed for 'children only' (this point could also be used for argument 1.)

3.  Too Predictable

There is a thread here on MLPforums that was recently posted regarding this very subject.  I don't really remember much of it, but you can definitely take some counter-arguments from there.  Also, see Keep Calm and Flutter On.

4.  Terrible Animation

Generation 3.5

Nuff said.


"Dumping someone is like throwing a kitten into a pool of lava." - Day[9]

'I see!' said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

My signature broke


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The reason why there are haters is because MLP has traditionally been a show for little girls made to sell the toys.


When someone says, "I like My Little Pony," they assume that the person is gay and deserves to be bullied and hated upon for not being masculine enough.


It is as simple as that for most people. I would take out reasons 2 through 4 simply because that is not what haters usually rip upon. They don't care about the animation and they don't care whether or not it has a plot. The bottom line is that MLP is for little girls, and older boys who watch the show are freak homosexual creeps. That is pretty much all there is to it. Most haters don't hate for logical reasons.

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Reasons we love the show? Everything you said, the message it gives, the mentality of the community, ect. Reasons haters hate on the show and Bronies? Insecure in their masculinity/sexuality, ignorance, homophobia, need for attention ect, or a simple lack of interest on their part. 

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People hate because the world hates minorities. Nobody wants to hang out with those three weird kids in the back of the classroom. They want to hang out with the "normal" kids. They're like Daleks, anything that isn't the same as them must be EXTERMINATED.


"If nobody challenged the status quo, the world would still be flat."

  • Brohoof 3

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You know what this looks like to me?

It looks like a fourteen-year-old kid (wow, your fourteenth birthday was just yesterday, so just barely fourteen) who wants to use the school paper to gloat about her "Brony-ness" under the guise of being academical or extracurricular.


A girl getting into something like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or just My Little Pony in general at the age of thirteen is perfectly common. It's not even ironic. So... when speaking of Bronies, that means you'll sort of be identifying by being a fan of the show, but not personally identifying with being a dude, well into or more likely, well past adolescent years, who likes this show.

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Bronies: Good music, good art, can be funny, etc.

Haters: Just to have something to hate on, for little girls, etc. The haters don't really have good reasons. :P


Also, I think you could kind of 'interview' a brony from the forums or IRL, and maybe a hater if you could get one to cooperate. That might go good with your article. :wub:

Edited by Swick

Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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The haters are just wanting attention but, they don't know that we don't care about their opinion at all.

We have the skills to pay the bills.

Art,Music, and other talents.

Bronies: What do you think of us now, haters?

Haters: Well We...


Pretty much we don't care about them, ignore them and done.

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Reasons for watching MLP

-Teaches good values

-Involves relatable problems and issues

-MLP makes multiple references to Pop Culture (Picture Perfect Pony, CMC Bowling mishaps, and more)

-MLP is proven to help minor depression

-MLP does have some *provacitive* content (Fluttershy kills bear, Pinkie puts her face in a mare's butt at the Gala, Fluttershy blushes when RD pulls her covers off, and LOTS MORE)

-MLP is just a happy show that makes you feel good

-You can say that your a brony, and you are helping change the ideas of gender stereotypes


Reasons for hating on MLP

-MLP was originally meant for little girls

-Some teens are worried too about thier self-image

-MLP challenges people's ideas of gender stereotypes (some people don't like that)

-MLP is considered as im-masculine

-Some teens are worried about what thier family will think

-Some teens are worried about what thier friends will think (falls under self-image)

-Perhaps some teens just truely don't like cartoons


These reasons would probably be different if you were out of school, rather than in it. I think self-image is the main reason for haters.

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Reasons I've found that haters say they hate the show....


Because their interactions with bronies have either been seeing everything on the internet get ponified but never interacting with the bronies themselves or with those people who wish to impose MLP on every living creature on the face of the planet whether or not they care for the show.  This irritates them, and they begin to dislike the fandom.  Their hatred for the fandom stems into a hatred of the show itself, so they will undoubtedly find some excuse to say that the show itself is bad.


Not saying that either of these is bad (especially not the ponification of the internet, because I find that hilarious), but I do know of people who dislike the show for these reasons.


The reasons I have already about why bronies love the show...


We find a certain innocence in the show that is hard to find anywhere else.  What makes this innocence more powerful than it is in other children's shows is that it is imbedded within characters that we can relate to as opposed to... well... G3.5 ponies.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I think most of the good reasons have been listed but yeah, it teaches lessons that are relatable for people of all ages, not only little girls, with well-developed characters that are not cliché fashion addicts for example (yes there's Rarity but her character is handled with a lot of humor) or anything like that, which they were in previous gens. But one of the biggest reason is also the fandom. You come for the show, you stay for the fandom. Thousands of drawings, lots of talented musicians and most of all millions of friendly people with similar interests.

What's not to like about that ?



Thanks a lot to ShyForever for the great signature!

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The Haters don't really hate the show, you know?


They HATE Bronies, not the show.



And I understand why they hate us, and I don't see it as something worth discussing really. What's really pointless of what they do is being vocal about it, I could care less if they hated me for watching a show of magical talking horses. :v




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I guess we kinda need Haters though. Just... hear me out.

I mean, some people need to oppose us, otherwise there would be no balance. Not that I'm with the Haters, I'm a Brony. But since something most of us (or a few of us, i dunno) believe in harmony, we could never achieve it without Haters creating the balance.

What I'm saying is a little far-fetched, so think of the whole Yin-Yang thing. Harmony requires balance. Just something to think about.

(pretend this is an awesome image saying "Subscribe to PinkieLore at http://www.youtube.com/user/PinkieLore")

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I guess we kinda need Haters though. Just... hear me out.


I mean, some people need to oppose us, otherwise there would be no balance. Not that I'm with the Haters, I'm a Brony. But since something most of us (or a few of us, i dunno) believe in harmony, we could never achieve it without Haters creating the balance.


What I'm saying is a little far-fetched, so think of the whole Yin-Yang thing. Harmony requires balance. Just something to think about.

I actually see what you mean. You raise an interesting point.


If we never had haters in the first place, then we would believe that shoving the show in people's faces and posting ponies everywhere actually works... and we would all continue to be obnoxious even to this day.


So I think that a part of us does care what a hater says. But we only care to a point where we don't want to give them any fuel to hate in the first place. It doesn't necessarily stop them from hating, but it makes us feel better to know that it is not our fault.

  • Brohoof 1
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I actually see what you mean. You raise an interesting point.


If we never had haters in the first place, then we would believe that shoving the show in people's faces and posting ponies everywhere actually works... and we would all continue to be obnoxious even to this day.


So I think that a part of us does care what a hater says. But we only care to a point where we don't want to give them any fuel to hate in the first place. It doesn't necessarily stop them from hating, but it makes us feel better to know that it is not our fault.


Also, the show was brought to public attention by a cartoon blogger bashing it before it even aired, and calling Lauren a sellout for working on it, so in way, a hater helped sew the seeds, just like the Shredder dumped he mutagen that created the Ninja Turtles down the sewer in the first place. 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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The main reason IMHO that haters hate is because people over the age of... say 7 is different or unusual in short: something that they don't understand. this difference scares them and they react by hating, saying we are gay, childish, retarded, it's all just sheilding their fear of change and anything different.


EDIT: yay just made it to parasprite :D just felt like saying that

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have finished the article!



Bronies VS. Haters, Why The Conflict?


BY: ******* ******

“We tend to accept whatever is usual as natural.” John Stuart Mill said that, but there is an upcoming and very unusual trend. Bronyism. A Brony is a person who is viewed to have outgrown the show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and yet watches the show anyway. One of the main conflicts on the internet is “Bronies VS. Haters.” So why the fighting?


“Haters” tend to say the show is ‘unnatural’. But as John Stuart Mill said, and adults and teens liking the show is unusual, so therefore ‘unnatural.’ Haters also say the show is ‘childish.’ In a way, the haters are right here. But the show can get dark at times, in multiple episodes the main characters face what could only face the destruction of their homeland and everything they hold dear, such as the episodes “A Canterlot Wedding” parts one and two, and “Friendship is Magic” parts one and two. Some Haters also say the show has no plot, meaning it just repeats the same things over and over. But doesn’t every show do this? Only some shows ever really have dramatic episodes that change the series forever, ‘adult’ shows included. Another thing Haters say is the show is too predictable. Conflict, rising action, climax, falling action. But every show has this also!  If a show didn’t have this vital parts, it wouldn’t be a show at all! Lastly, some Haters say the show has terrible animation. The show uses a ‘flash animation style’ that some people just plain don’t like.


So why do Bronies say they like the show? Bronies like the animation style, proving some people like ‘flash’ animation and some people don’t. Another thing Bronies say they like about the show is the character development. In the episodes “Sleepless in Ponyville” and “Wonderbolt Academy” the character Rainbow Dash, usually self-centered, takes interest in her friends and comforts them, and even saved their lives. Bronies also say the show has a good plot. In some episodes, the show leaves off in a two-parter unsure about how the next part will continue. Lastly, Bronies say the show has a good message. No one, or nopony, can disagree with this! The show’s main concepts are acceptance, friendship, and tolerance.


Keep in mind too, that at one time it was unheard of for women to wear pants, or little girls to wear the color pink. Society can change at the flip of a coin, so does this mean one day Bronyism could one day be accepted as ‘normal’?

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